The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Topic: Health

Featured Articles:

Microplastics are infiltrating brain tissue, studies show: ‘There’s nowhere left untouched’

  2024-08-21 in The Guardian

Twenty-four brain samples collected in early 2024 measured on average about 0.5% plastic by weight

  Tagged under: Health | Microplastics and Nanoplastics | Plastic

Related Articles (359)

Microplastics are infiltrating brain tissue, studies show: ‘There’s nowhere left untouched’

  2024-08-21 in The Guardian

Twenty-four brain samples collected in early 2024 measured on average about 0.5% plastic by weight

  Tagged under: Health | Microplastics and Nanoplastics | Plastic

WHO to scrap weak PFAS drinking water guidelines after alleged corruption

  2024-08-13 in The Guardian

Regulations ignored credible research and didn’t fully protect human health, independent scientists say

  Tagged under: Water Resources | Health | Regulation | PFAS aka Forever Chemicals

Forever Pesticides: A Growing Source of PFAS Contamination in the Environment | Environmental Health Perspectives | Vol. 132, No. 7

  2024-07-24 (or before) in

Background: Environmental contamination by fluorinated chemicals, in particular chemicals from the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) class, has raised concerns around the globe because of documented adverse impacts on human health, wildlife, and ecosystem quality. Recent studies have indicated that pesticide products may contain a variety of chemicals that meet the PFAS definition, including the active pesticide ingredients themselves. Given that pesticides are some of the most widely distributed pollutants across the world, the legacy impacts of PFAS addition into pesticide products could be widespread and have wide-ra...

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Water Resources | Health | Plastic | Food Production and Consumption | PFAS aka Forever Chemicals | Agriculture | Risks | Pesticides

Congress should follow science and reject Bayer push to block lawsuits

  2024-07-11 by in

By Nathan Donley Millions of American users of glyphosate-based Roundup have likely assumed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would never have approved the pesticide unless it was safe. But the science-based truth has never been as cut and dried as the EPA and Bayer, which bought Roundup maker Monsanto in 2018, have made it sound. In a series of trials across the country, juries – and the public – have learned that despite the safety claims by Bayer and the EPA, hundreds of studies by independent scientists link glyphosate herbicides to serious health harms, including cancer. Even though Bayer maintains th...

  Tagged under: Health | Pesticides | Litigation | Legislation | Farming | US Politics | Science

North Yorkshire town has UK’s highest concentration of ‘forever chemicals’

  2024-05-24 in The Guardian

PFAS contamination recorded in groundwater on Angus Fire site in Bentham, and includes chemicals with known health impacts

  Tagged under: UK | Health | PFAS aka Forever Chemicals

Neurological conditions now leading cause of ill-health worldwide, finds study

  2024-03-14 in The Guardian

Numbers living with or dying from disorders such as stroke rises dramatically to 3.4bn people – 43% of global population

  Tagged under: Health

Landmark study links microplastics to serious health problems

  2024-03-06 in Nature

People who had tiny plastic particles lodged in a key blood vessel were more likely to experience heart attack, stroke or death during a three-year study. People who had tiny plastic particles lodged in a key blood vessel were more likely to experience heart attack, stroke or death during a three-year study.

  Tagged under: Health | Microplastics and Nanoplastics

‘Explosive growth’ in petrochemical production poses risks to human health

  2024-03-06 in The Guardian

New report warns of deadly health risks from fossil fuel pollution, including alarming rise in neurodevelopmental issues

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | Oil Industry | Pollution | Health

Impact of extreme weather events on healthcare utilization and mortality in the United States - Nature Medicine

  2024-02-29 in Nature

Analysis of 42 severe weather disasters (floods, storms and cyclones) in the United States between 2011 and 2016 reported associations with increased emergency department utilization and mortality in affected counties for up to 6 weeks.

  Tagged under: Health

Ultra-processed food linked to 32 harmful effects to health, review finds

  2024-02-28 in The Guardian

World’s largest review finds direct associations with higher risks of cancer, heart disease and early death

  Tagged under: Health

How Scotland is working with African countries on a massive renewable energy boom – Dr Richard Dixon

  2024-02-28 in The Scotsman

Renewable energy projects have benefits for rural electrification, energy security, job creation and even health – as well as the fight against climate change

  Tagged under: Health | Renewable Energy | Africa

Producers of "forever chemicals" knew they were toxic, say UN experts

  2024-02-28 (or before) in Mother Jones - Smart, fearless journalism

‚ÄúDuPont and Chemours appear to have impermissibly captured” the EPA.

  Tagged under: PFAS aka Forever Chemicals | Health

World must act to stem surge of polluting trash, UN warns

  2024-02-28 in France 24

The world generated 2.3 billion tonnes of municipal waste last year and the pile of trash is set to grow another two-thirds by 2050, the UN said Wednesday, warning of devastating costs for health, economies…

  Tagged under: Health

Microplastics found in every human placenta tested in study

  2024-02-27 in The Guardian

Scientists express concern over health impacts, with another study finding particles in arteries

  Tagged under: Health

‘Safe’ air-quality levels in US, UK and EU still harmful for health, study says

  2024-02-21 in The Guardian

Even smallest amount of exposure to minute soot particles – known as PM2.5 – raises the risk of cardiovascular disease

  Tagged under: Health

How Therapists Treat Anxiety, Stress Over Climate Change - Bloomberg

  2024-02-16 in Bloomberg

Mental health experts are reporting a rising number of patients experiencing high levels of stress over global warming and its impacts. How are they treating it?

  Tagged under: Health | Climate Anxiety and Grief | Climate Change Impacts

Children’s emergency mental health referrals in England soar by 53%

  2024-02-07 in The Guardian

NHS data exposing a ‘devastating explosion’ of mental illness should be a ‘wake-up call’ for the government, MPs and health leaders say

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children | Children

Experts lament ‘appalling decline’ in health of under-fives in UK

  2024-02-05 in The Guardian

Academy for Medical Sciences report highlights rising infant mortality, obesity and tooth decay

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children | Children

Should I worry about microplastics?

  2024-02-04 in The Guardian

These tiny particles are polluting the planet, including our bodies. How bad for us are they really?

  Tagged under: Microplastics and Nanoplastics | Health

Exmouth sea swimmer sues water firm over sewage spills

  2024-01-31 in The BBC

Jo Bateman says she is being denied swimming which benefits her physical and mental health.

  Tagged under: Health

UK heatwave plan urgently needed to save lives, say MPs

  2024-01-31 in The Guardian

Nature-based solutions such as parks and ponds are recommended – as is giving heatwaves names

  Tagged under: Health | Heatwaves

Climate change has killed 4 million people since 2000 — and that’s an underestimate

  2024-01-30 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

“Nobody is counting it, and nobody is moving in the direction of counting it."

  Tagged under: Health

First penguins die in Antarctic of deadly H5N1 bird flu strain

  2024-01-29 in The Guardian

With confirmed or suspected cases in two Antarctic penguin species, researchers fear highly contagious virus could rip through colonies

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Health | Antarctic

Plymouth: Medics lead die-in protest over fossil fuels

  2024-01-27 in The BBC

Medics demonstrate "to highlight the terrible impact of the climate emergency on people's health".

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | Health | Activism


  2024-01-24 (or before) in YouTube

Join us and stand up for reality. - This film exposes the parallels between Big Tobacco's denial of smoking's cancer-causing...

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | US Politics | Health

The Guardian view on inequality and the super-rich: the status quo is unsustainable | Editorial

  2024-01-23 in The Guardian

Editorial: Growing private wealth, combined with public austerity, is undermining the health of western democracies

  Tagged under: Health

Women, girls suffer the most from climate displacement

  2024-01-21 in Nation Africa

Forced to leave their homes behind, this vulnerable population is bearing the biggest brunt of global warming

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children | Africa

Arctic zombie viruses in Siberia could spark terrifying new pandemic, scientists warn

  2024-01-21 in The Guardian

Threat of outbreak from microbes trapped in permafrost for millennia raised by increased Siberian shipping activity

  Tagged under: Health | Russia | Arctic

Brexit divergence from EU destroying UK’s vital environmental protections

  2024-01-19 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Britain is falling behind the bloc on almost every area of green regulation, analysis reveals

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Health | Trees

Climate and vaccine misinformation seemed worlds apart – but it turned out the Cranky Uncle was a universal figure

  2024-01-06 in The Guardian

A game that teaches people how to spot climate misinformation is now being rolled out – with the same cantankerous central character – to combat vaccine hesitancy in the developing world

  Tagged under: Climate Change Denial and Disinformation | Disinformation and Misinformation | Health | Africa

The race to destroy the toxic ‘forever chemicals’ polluting our world

  2024-01-04 in The Guardian

As countries work to ban more and more PFAS, focus is shifting to how to remove the ones already out there

  Tagged under: PFAS aka Forever Chemicals | Health

December 25, 1988 Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands says “the earth is slowly dying” - All Our Yesterdays

  2023-12-24 by in All Our Yesterdays

Thirty five years ago, on this day, December 25, 1988 Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands came out swinging, contradicting what she had had to say three months earlier… “Together with the publication of the report ‘Concern for Tomorrow’ (Netherlands Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection), the Queen’s 1988 Christmas speech represents a watershed moment […]

  Tagged under: Health

The link between climate change and a spate of rare disease outbreaks in 2023

  2023-12-22 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

The temperature-sensitive pathogens that caught U.S. communities off guard are a grim preview of the future.

  Tagged under: Health

‘Zombie deer disease’ epidemic spreads in Yellowstone as scientists raise fears it may jump to humans

  2023-12-22 in The Guardian

Warnings that ‘slow-moving disaster’ in North America raises chances of fatal mad cow-type disease jumping species barrier

  Tagged under: Wildlife | USA | Health

The climate disaster strikes: what the data say

  2023-12-13 in Nature

A series of impact assessments highlight India’s vulnerability to extreme weather events and the risks they pose to human health. A series of impact assessments highlight India’s vulnerability to extreme weather events and the risks they pose to human health.

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Climate Change Impacts | India | Health

Whatever the Weather - Fabian Society

  2023-12-12 in The Fabian Society

Climate change is already a major risk to our health, homes and infrastructure. Flooding, heatwaves and drought are more common than in the past, and they are projected to continue to become more frequent and severe. As a result, argues Fabian Society researcher Eloise Sacares, reducing emissions is not enough; it is too late to

  Tagged under: Drought | Health | Heatwaves

Fish Health Inspectorate: mortality information

  2023-12-11 (or before) in Scottish Government

Under a voluntary agreement with Scottish Government, Aquaculture Production Businesses (APB) report instance of mortality above specified thresholds. Reports are used as part of the wider aquatic animal health surveillance programme to direct further investigations as required.

  Tagged under: Fish | Health

The nature cure: how time outdoors transforms our memory, imagination and logic

  2023-11-27 in The Guardian

Without engaging with natural environments, our brains cease to work well. As the new field of environmental neuroscience proves, exposure to nature isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity

  Tagged under: Health | Trees

UK spends more financing inequality in favour of rich than rest of Europe, report finds

  2023-11-27 in The Guardian

Inequalities of income, wealth and power cost UK £106.2bn a year compared with average developed OECD country

  Tagged under: Health | Economics

Lancet Countdown: Tracking progress on health and climate change & companion U.S. brief

  2023-11-20 (or before) in Stockholm Environment Institute

The U.S. brief of the Lancet Countdown report gives recommendations on how the country can support public health through climate action.

  Tagged under: Health

Work has conquered every day of the week. How do we remain human in a world that worships toil? | Justine Toh

  2023-11-19 in The Guardian

Left unchecked, work will rule your life. If we can’t entirely exorcise the work demon, we should, frankly, make it harder for it to do its thing

  Tagged under: Health

The zero-hours life: Rose Atkinson on hunger, hell and hope in 20 years of precarious work

  2023-11-15 in The Guardian

She is an artist, well educated and determined to earn a good living. But at times Atkinson has had just £17 a month for food and bills. She lays bare the reality of low-paid Britain

  Tagged under: Health

Brazil: Health warnings as country gripped by 'unbearable' heatwave

  2023-11-15 in The BBC

More than a hundred million people are thought to have been affected by the extreme weather.

  Tagged under: Health

Swimmers made ill from UK waters has doubled since 2021

  2023-11-14 (or before) in Welcome to CIEH

SAS says government must curb behaviour of water companies responsible for “literal shit storm”

  Tagged under: Health

Humans are disrupting natural 'salt cycle' on a global scale, new study shows

  2023-10-31 in - News and Articles on Science and Technology

The planet's demand for salt comes at a cost to the environment and human health, according to a new scientific review led by University of Maryland Geology Professor Sujay Kaushal. Published in the journal Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, the paper revealed that human activities are making Earth's air, soil and freshwater saltier, which could pose an "existential threat" if current trends continue.

  Tagged under: Health

How to Prepare for Water Shortages While There's Still Time

  2023-10-28 in OK Doomer

Let's face it, we're going to run out of water. Scientists from practically every field have been predicting it for years. Global demand for water will outgrow our supply by 40 percent before the end of the decade. By 2050 or sooner, 5 billion people will face water shortages. That's

  Tagged under: Drought | Health

Chemical crisis: The unseen toxic threat contaminating wildlife worldwide 

  2023-10-28 in The Hill

PFAS are incredibly persistent, never breaking down in the environment and remaining in the body for years. They’re known for causing significant health problems in humans, and the adverse impacts …

  Tagged under: PFAS aka Forever Chemicals | Wildlife | Health

Revealed: the industry figures behind ‘declaration of scientists’ backing meat eating

  2023-10-27 in The Guardian

Document used to target top EU officials over environmental and health policies but climate experts view it as propaganda

  Tagged under: Health | Climate Change Denial and Disinformation | Disinformation and Misinformation

American Horror Story: Where Your Chocolate Comes From

  2023-10-25 in OK Doomer

The truth is dark and bitter.

  Tagged under: Health

As US wildfires pollute the skies, a loophole is obscuring the impact. Can it be fixed?

  2023-10-18 in The Guardian

Experts agree it’s time to change the Clean Air Act’s exceptional events rule – but offer different solutions.

  Tagged under: Health | Wildfires

10 Reasons Our Civilization Will Soon Collapse

  2023-10-15 in OK Doomer

A deep dive into the problems world leaders have let spiral out of control.

  Tagged under: Health | Collapse

How Americans Respond to Information About Global Warming's Health Impacts: Evidence From a National Survey Experiment

  2023-10-14 (or before) in Advancing Earth and Space Sciences Journal

Abstract Americans tend to see global warming as a distant threat, but a small body of previous research suggests that information about the health implications of global warming may enhance public...

  Tagged under: Health

UN Report: Global hunger numbers rose to as many as 828 million in 2021

  2023-10-10 (or before) in World Health Organisation

The number of people affected by hunger globally rose to as many as 828 million in 2021, an increase of about 46 million since 2020 and 150 million since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic (1), according to a United Nations report that provides fresh evidence that the world is moving further away from its goal of ending hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms by 2030. The 2022 edition of The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report presents updates on the food security and nutrition situation around the world, including the latest estimates of the cost and affordability of a healt...

  Tagged under: Farming | Famine and Food Insecurity | Meat Production | Economic Growth | Health | Women and Children | Food Production and Consumption

Interactive effects of changes in UV radiation and climate on terrestrial ecosystems, biogeochemical cycles, and feedbacks to the climate system - Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences

  2023-10-07 (or before) in Springer Verlag

Terrestrial organisms and ecosystems are being exposed to new and rapidly changing combinations of solar UV radiation and other environmental factors because of ongoing changes in stratospheric ozone and climate. In this Quadrennial Assessment, we examine the interactive effects of changes in stratospheric ozone, UV radiation and climate on terrestrial ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles in the context of the Montreal Protocol. We specifically assess effects on terrestrial organisms, agriculture and food supply, biodiversity, ecosystem services and feedbacks to the climate system. Emphasis is placed on the role of extreme clima...

  Tagged under: Drought | Health

Measures to reduce air pollution could make heatwaves worse, study suggests - The Aerosol Society

  2023-10-07 (or before) in The Aerosol Society - Extending knowledge of airborne particles

An unintended negative consequence of cleaning up our air could be to increase the severity of heatwaves in some places, according to a recent modelling study conducted by researchers at the University of Edinburgh. Whilst most observers recognise the pressing need to reduce ambient air pollution for health reasons, the reduction in production of aerosol at ground level, which can act as cloud condensation nuclei when transported into the atmosphere, mean that average daytime maximum temperatures would be increased.

  Tagged under: Heatwaves | Health

Housing and climate: UK homes need urgent adaptation to protect our health

  2023-10-05 (or before) in The BMJ: British Medical Journal

We must ensure that health is once again central to all housing policy, say Isobel Braithwaite and colleagues The climate emergency is already affecting our homes,1 and it will drive a range of key health risks in the coming decades.2 Many of these are closely connected to our housing system, including overheating and increased flood risks. This situation is further exacerbated in the UK by its wider housing crisis, with high levels of unaffordability—particularly in the private rental sector—as well as low tenure security, rising rates of homelessness and use of temporary accommodation, and an ageing and poor qua...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Housing | Health | Committee on Climate Change UK

Hundreds of potentially toxic road runoff outfalls polluting England’s rivers

  2023-10-05 in The Guardian

Exclusive: No regulator is monitoring scale of impact of dangerous chemicals on wildlife or public health

  Tagged under: Fish | Rivers | Wildlife | Health

Health system crumbling under unprecedented rise in climate-related illnesses, warn officials

  2023-10-03 in

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s fragile health system is at the verge of collapse as an alarming surge is being witnessed in waterborne ailments, including diarrhoea, extensively-drug resistant typhoid...

  Tagged under: Health | Collapse

More than 100 dolphins dead in Amazon as water hits 102 degrees Fahrenheit | CNN

  2023-10-01 by in CNN

More than a hundred dolphins have been found dead in the Brazilian Amazon amid an historic drought and record-high water temperatures that in places have exceeded 102 degrees Fahrenheit.

  Tagged under: Amazon Rainforest | Drought | Rivers | Whales and Dolphins | South America | Brazil | Health

Scientists on panel defending ultra-processed foods linked to food firms

  2023-09-28 in The Guardian

Exclusive: three out of five at briefing playing down concerns over UPFs have ties to makers of such foods

  Tagged under: Health

The Norwegian secret: how friluftsliv boosts health and happiness

  2023-09-27 in The Guardian

The idea of communing with nature is instilled from birth in Norway. I hiked through a rain-drenched forest to try it myself

  Tagged under: Health | Trees

Greece Warns of Infectious Diseases After Floods Leave Livestock Dead

  2023-09-25 (or before) by in VOA - Voice of America English News

Prime minister to promise aid to flood-hit locals, and rebuilding of Greece's heartland

  Tagged under: Health | Greece

UN: 700 Million People Don't Know When — Or If — They Will Eat Again

  2023-09-25 (or before) by in VOA - Voice of America English News

Need is rising as humanitarian funding is drying up, UN food chief says

  Tagged under: Africa | Famine and Food Insecurity | Health

Summer '23 Was Northern Hemisphere’s Hottest Ever, Agencies Say

  2023-09-25 (or before) by in VOA - Voice of America English News

July 2023 was the hottest month ever measured; August was the second-hottest

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health

The Batagaika Crater : A warning sign for the Earth

  2023-09-23 (or before) in YouTube

The Batagaika crater, the world's largest 1-km long permafrost crater, is expanding at a baffling rate due to the thawing of the permafrost. This has been ex...

  Tagged under: Global Warming | Climate Change | Russia | Health

Revealed: almost everyone in Europe is breathing toxic air

  2023-09-20 in The Guardian

Guardian investigation finds 98% of Europeans breathing highly damaging polluted air linked to 400,000 deaths a year

  Tagged under: Health | France

Climate action must respond to extreme weather driving health crisis, says WHO

  2023-09-19 in The Guardian

Melting ice caps and rising sea levels are urgent but people care more about the floods, wildfires and droughts that are here now, New York summit hears

  Tagged under: COP28 | Libya | Drought | Africa | Ice Melting | Sea Level | Health | Middle East | Wildfires

In our blood: how the US allowed toxic chemicals to seep into our lives

  2023-09-13 in The Guardian

Many people don’t know the health risks from chemicals in common household products

  Tagged under: PFAS aka Forever Chemicals | Health | Women and Children | Children

Earth ‘well outside safe operating space for humanity’, scientists find

  2023-09-13 in The Guardian

First complete ‘scientific health check’ shows most global systems beyond stable range in which modern civilisation emerged

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Health

Environmental Protection Agency delays new ozone pollution standards until after the 2024 election

  2023-09-06 in Associated Press News

The Environmental Protection Agency is delaying plans to tighten air quality standards for smog despite a recommendation by a scientific advisory panel to lower air pollution limits to protect public health.

  Tagged under: Health

Biden administration cancels years-long attempt to drill in Alaska National Wildlife Refuge | CNN Politics

  2023-09-06 by in CNN

The Biden administration announced Wednesday it will cancel seven Trump-era oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and protect more than 13 million acres in the federal National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, stymieing a years-long attempt to drill in the protected region.

  Tagged under: Arctic | Wildlife | Joe Biden | US Politics | Health | Alaska | Finance

‘Adapt or die’: Hellscape coming for Australia

  2023-09-05 (or before) in Ñ AustraliaÕs leading news site

We can’t avoid natural disasters. And they’re happening more often and with greater intensity. Now Australia is being warned it can only keep its people safe by preparing for the worst – and not just patching things up afterwards.

  Tagged under: Oceans | Nuclear Power | Climate Change | Extreme Weather | Forest Fires | Sea Level | Health | Trees

Woman left fighting for life after swimming in sewage-filled sea | ITV News

  2023-09-02 in ITV

Caitlin Edwards, 22, suffered from kidney damage after swimming near the popular Amroth Beach in Pembrokeshire. | ITV News Wales

  Tagged under: Health

Michael Gove’s U-turn on water is a weaselly move

  2023-09-02 (or before) by in The Times & The Sunday Times

Early this year The Times dedicated itself to a Clean It Up campaign to restore Britain’s rivers and waterways to ecological health. How are ministers doing in

  Tagged under: Rivers | Health

‘A first in Paris’: city fumigates for tiger mosquitoes as tropical pests spread, bringing disease

  2023-09-01 in The Guardian

Parisian health authorities treat French capital for the first time as Zika and dengue-carrying tiger mosquitoes advance through northeastern Europe

  Tagged under: France | Health

River Mole August Health Report!

  2023-08-31 in River Mole River Watch, campaigning to end water pollution, river Mole United Kingdom

Our August River Mole River Watch test result are in! Our fantastic citizen scientists were out collecting data across the entire catchment last weekend. Sadly the results show some of the worst phosphate pollution levels so far with the highest catchment average phosphate level yet recorded. More tributaries than ever also scored off-scale 2.50ppm which indicates a BAD water quality status, the lowest status possible indicating a major impact on ecological health. The average phosphate level fo

  Tagged under: Rivers | Health

Income-based U.S. household carbon footprints (1990–2019) offer new insights on emissions inequality and climate finance

  2023-08-30 (or before) in PLOS - Open Science

Current policies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increase adaptation and mitigation funding are insufficient to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. It is clear that further action is needed to avoid the worst impacts of climate change and achieve a just climate future. Here, we offer a new perspective on emissions responsibility and climate finance by conducting an environmentally extended input output analysis that links 30 years (1990–2019) of United States (U.S.) household-level income data to the emissions generated in creating that income. To do this we draw on over 2.8 billion inter-sectoral tran...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics | Health | Climate Change Impacts | Climate Change Mitigation | Finance

WE ACT for Environmental Justice: Empowering Communities to Power Change

  2023-08-30 (or before) in WE ACT for Environmental Justice: Empowering Communities to Power Change

We build healthy communities and environmental justice by ensuring that people of color participate in the creation of environmental policies and practices.

  Tagged under: Health

The Climate Crisis Means Longer, Hotter Summers. What Does That Mean For Human Health?

  2023-08-29 in

An interview with Jeff Goodell, author of "The Heat Will Kill You First."

  Tagged under: Health

Air pollution greatest global threat to human health, says benchmark study

  2023-08-29 (or before) in - News and Articles on Science and Technology

Air pollution is more dangerous to the health of the average person on planet Earth than smoking or alcohol, with the threat worsening in its global epicenter South Asia even as China fast improves, a study showed Tuesday.

  Tagged under: Health

Microplastics are hidden in your home. Here’s how to avoid them.

  2023-08-27 (or before) in National Geographic

The air, water, and food in your home is full of tiny, microscopic plastic particles. Here’s where you can find the most common sources—and eliminate them.

  Tagged under: Microplastics and Nanoplastics | Health

The Opposite of Decline Isn’t Greatness. It’s a Healthy, Working Society. | by umair haque | Aug, 2023 | Eudaimonia and Co

  2023-08-25 (or before) in Eudaimonia and Co

The Anxieties of a Society in Decline

  Tagged under: Health

"We are killing this ecosystem": the scientists tracking the Amazon's fading health

  2023-08-25 (or before) in Nature

Climate change, deforestation and other human threats are driving the rainforest towards a tipping point of sustainability. Researchers are racing to chart the Amazon’s future.

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Amazon Rainforest | Climate Change | Health | Tipping Points | Sustainability

Widespread Gold and Mineral Mining Causes Negative Impact on Tropical Rivers, Satellites Images Reveal

  2023-08-24 by in Science Times | Daily Top Science News and Features

Analysis of satellite images has revealed that the increased mining activity in rivers across the tropics has degraded the ecosystems and threatens human health. Find out more about it in this article.

  Tagged under: Minerals | Rivers | Health

'Catastrophic' loss: Huge colonies of emperor penguins saw no chicks survive last year as sea ice disappears | CNN

  2023-08-24 by in CNN

As rapidly warming global temperatures help push Antarctica’s sea ice to unprecedented lows, it’s threatening the very existence of one of the continent’s most iconic species: emperor penguins.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Antarctic | Insurance | Health | Finance

Why We Need an Earth System Treaty-A MAHB Dialogue with Julian Cribb, Council for the Human Future - MAHB

  2023-08-24 by in Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere - Stanford University

  “Humanity created its current dire trajectory. It is now time to change course with a binding global treaty designed to empower individuals, institutions, and policymakers, and through this shared effort, reduce the existential threats to civilization. The Earth Systems Treaty is potentially a major step forward, a step towards a healthy future for all.”–Paul […]

  Tagged under: Health

Fury as national health check of England’s waters faces six-year wait

  2023-08-19 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Assessment that used to happen annually will now take six years despite rising concerns

  Tagged under: Rivers | Health

Misreading the Bengal Delta | University of Washington

  2023-08-18 (or before) in University of Washington

Perilously close to sea level and vulnerable to floods, erosion, and cyclones, Bangladesh is one of the top recipients of development aid earmarked for climate change adaptation. Yet, to what extent do adaptation projects address local needs and concerns? Combining environmental history and ethnographic fieldwork with development professionals, rural farmers, and landless women, *Misreading the Bengal Delta* critiques development narratives of Bangladesh as a “climate change victim.” It examines how development actors repackage colonial-era modernizing projects, which have caused severe environmental effects, as clim...

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change | Flooding | Sea Level | Health | Women and Children | Finance

‘Forever Chemicals’ Are Everywhere. What Are They Doing to Us?

  2023-08-16 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: PFAS aka Forever Chemicals | Health

Montana Youth Sued Their Government Over Climate Change and Won. Here’s Why That’s a Big Deal - Inside Climate News

  2023-08-15 by in Inside Climate News

A Montana judge issued a landmark ruling this week, siding with a group of young plaintiffs who accused their state government of violating their constitutional right to “a clean and healthful environment” by promoting fossil fuel development without considering how those projects contribute to climate change.  In 2020, 16 young Montanans, whose ages today range […]

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health

‘Gamechanger’: judge rules in favor of young activists in US climate trial

  2023-08-14 in The Guardian

Sixteen young plaintiffs had alleged the Montana state government had violated their right to a healthy environment

  Tagged under: Activism | Health

Surprising Study: Seemingly Healthy Ecosystems May Already Be on the Path To Decline

  2023-08-12 in SciTechDaily - Science, Space and Technology News 2023

A recent study on biodiversity suggests that using species richness alone may not be a reliable metric for monitoring ecosystems. Ecosystems that appear healthy, with stable or even rising species counts may already be on the path to decline and loss of species. Negative trends in such ecosystems c

  Tagged under: Health | Biodiversity Loss

Why did the Maui fire spread so fast? Drought, nonnative species and climate change among possible reasons | CNN

  2023-08-09 by in CNN

Drought conditions are becoming more extreme and common in Hawaii and other Pacific islands.

  Tagged under: Drought | Climate Change | Health | Wildfires | Finance

Deadly floods hit China's major grain-producing region, fueling food security concerns | CNN

  2023-08-07 by in CNN International

Days of heavy rain have caused severe flooding in China’s leading grain-producing region in the northeast, killing 14 people and raising concerns about food security as floodwater inundated farmlands.

  Tagged under: Farming | Fish | Flooding | Health | Trees | Finance

Iran shuts down for two days because of 'unprecedented heat' | Reuters

  2023-08-04 (or before) in Reuters

Iran has announced Wednesday and Thursday this week will be public holidays because of "unprecedented heat" and told the elderly and people with health conditions to stay indoors, Iranian state media reported.

  Tagged under: Health | Middle East | Iran

‘It was hell but the owner said, you have to work’: dying from heat in Greece

  2023-08-04 in The Guardian

Greece relies on its tourism industry. But intense heatwaves, which have led to wildfires across the country, are making life a misery for thousands of staff who have to work outside – and killing some of them

  Tagged under: Health | Heatwaves | Wildfires | Greece

Attack on energy network a major risk, UK register says for first time

  2023-08-02 in The Guardian

Cabinet Office assessment also upgrades likelihood of ‘catastrophic’ pandemic hitting the country

  Tagged under: Health

Heatwave: How hot is too hot for the human body? - BBC News

  2023-07-30 (or before) in The BBC

James Gallagher spends the day in the heat lab to see what summer heatwaves do to the body.

  Tagged under: Health | Heatwaves

Sixfold Increase in Historical Northern Hemisphere Concurrent Large Heatwaves Driven by Warming and Changing Atmospheric Circulations

  2023-07-16 (or before) in American Meteorological Society Journals

Abstract Simultaneous heatwaves affecting multiple regions (referred to as concurrent heatwaves) pose compounding threats to various natural and societal systems, including global food chains, emergency response systems, and reinsurance industries. While anthropogenic climate change is increasing heatwave risks across most regions, the interactions between warming and circulation changes that yield concurrent heatwaves remain understudied. Here, we quantify historical (1979–2019) trends in concurrent heatwaves during the warm season [May–September (MJJAS)] across the Northern Hemisphere mid- to high latitudes. We fin...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health | Climate Change Impacts | Heatwaves

Pollinators: decline in numbers / RHS Gardening

  2023-07-14 (or before) in RHS - Inspiring everyone to grow / RHS Gardening

There is evidence that populations of bees and other pollinators are less healthy and abundant than they have been. If action is not taken, pollinator declines will have serious implications for biodiversity, food production and the ornamental garden.

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Bees | Health | Food Production and Consumption

At least two dead in oil platform fire in Gulf of Mexico | CNN

  2023-07-07 by in CNN

At least two people were killed after a fire broke out Friday at the Nohoch Alfa oil platform at the Bay of Campeche, in the Gulf of Mexico, the state-owned Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) said in a statement.

  Tagged under: Oceans | Mexico | Health | Finance

Climate grief is real – and I cannot keep watching images of our dying planet | David Shearman

  2023-07-04 in The Guardian

Our leaders’ addiction to economic growth and its consumption of environmental resources has me paralysed with fear and solastalgia

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth | Health | Climate Anxiety and Grief

US weather agency warns of deadly heat in the US

  2023-07-02 (or before) in

Nate Bear published a post on Ko-fi

  Tagged under: Wet Bulb Temperature | Extreme Heat | Health

Opinion | Our Childrens’ Lungs Are Uniquely Vulnerable to All This Wildfire Smoke

  2023-07-02 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children | Children

Rainforest destruction soared in 2022 despite global pledges to halt deforestation, new report finds | CNN

  2023-06-27 by in CNN

The destruction of the world’s rainforests ramped up last year, despite global pledges to end deforestation by 2030, according to a new report.

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Climate Change | Brazil | Health | Trees | Finance

Boston's summer heat is an issue of racial equity. 'Greening' our city is one solution

  2023-06-26 (or before) in WBUR

We will need to do far more than plant trees and increase green space to fully address climate change and gun violence, write Gaurab Basu and Jonathan Jay. But nature-based solutions have significant community-level health benefits and should play an important role in our public policy.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health | Trees

We don’t have to be overwhelmed by climate anxiety. Feel the pain, then act | Susie Orbach

  2023-06-25 in The Guardian

We might be scared and not know what to do. But as a new film reveals, that can help

  Tagged under: Health | Climate Anxiety and Grief

Safeguarding human health in the Anthropocene epoch: report of The Rockefeller Foundation–Lancet Commission on planetary health

  2023-06-22 (or before) in The Lancet

Far-reaching changes to the structure and function of the Earth's natural systems represent a growing threat to human health. And yet, global health has mainly improved as these changes have gathered pace. What is the explanation? As a Commission, we are deeply concerned that the explanation is straightforward and sobering: we have been mortgaging the health of future generations to realise economic and development gains in the present. By unsustainably exploiting nature's resources, human civilisation has flourished but now risks substantial health effects from the degradation of nature's life support systems in the future.

  Tagged under: Health

Can the mode, time, and expense of commuting to work affect our mental health?

  2023-06-21 (or before) in

Commuting to work is an important part of many people's daily life, with travel times increasing constantly and becoming a growing problem. The aim of…

  Tagged under: Health

Sheffield council issues apology over tree-felling scandal

  2023-06-20 in The Guardian

The city’s new Labour leader has accepted that some of the 17,500 trees cut down were healthy

  Tagged under: Health | Trees

EPA sued over reapproval of toxic herbicides using Agent Orange chemical

  2023-06-19 in The Guardian

Federal suit brought by public health groups alleges agency’s science shows human risks and harm to endangered species

  Tagged under: Health

How bad is wildfire smoke for your health? Here’s my view as a toxicologist | Christopher T Migliaccio

  2023-06-19 in The Guardian

Last week New York and Detroit were listed among the five most polluted cities in the world because of smoke from Canada. What does that mean?

  Tagged under: Health | Wildfires

Dramatic week in Montana climate trial as youngsters tell of toll on lives

  2023-06-17 in The Guardian

Youth plaintiffs accuse state officials of violating their right to a healthy environment in landmark case in Helena

  Tagged under: Health

Triple-digit heat across Texas is forecast to break energy records | CNN

  2023-06-15 by in CNN

Summer is still a week away and the Lone Star State is already sweltering, as triple-digit heat could lead to more than 75 heat records being broken across Texas this week.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Texas | Health | Finance

‘My life and my home’: young people start to testify at historic US climate trial

  2023-06-13 in The Guardian

The plaintiffs note that Montana’s constitution pledges a healthy environment ‘for present and future generations’

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Activism | Health

An activist group is spreading misinformation to stop solar projects in rural America

  2023-06-06 (or before) in NPR

An NPR/Floodlight investigation found that a longtime Republican insider is stoking solar opposition by spreading bad information about health and environmental risks. Her influence is growing.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Activism | Disinformation and Misinformation | Health

The Biden administration sees hydrogen as a game-changing climate technology. The reality is far more complicated | CNN Politics

  2023-06-05 by in CNN

The Biden administration on Monday announced a goal to produce 50 million metric tons of clean hydrogen fuel by 2050 – a roadmap that, if successful, would cut around 10% of the country’s planet-warming pollution by the same date.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Climate Change | Hydrogen | Joe Biden | US Politics | Electricity | Health | Finance

Universal basic income of £1,600 a month to be trialled in two places in England

  2023-06-04 in The Guardian

Scheme to run for two years and participants will be monitored to see what effect it has on mental and physical health

  Tagged under: Health

Pigs, rabbits and fish are dying from searing temperatures in China | CNN Business

  2023-06-02 by in CNN

With parts of China experiencing record high temperatures and heavy rains, reports of farm animals and crops suffering from extreme weather patterns are dominating headlines in the country, raising concerns about food security in the world’s second largest economy.

  Tagged under: Drought | Farming | Fish | Flooding | Rivers | Health | Food Production and Consumption | El Niño | Trees | Finance

River Wye ecological status downgraded as sewage turns water into ‘pea soup’

  2023-06-01 (or before) in The Telegraph

Waterway’s health is reclassified to unfavourable by Natural England as it faces a decline in key species

  Tagged under: Rivers | Health

Shanghai records its highest May temperature in more than 100 years | CNN

  2023-05-29 by in CNN

The Chinese city of Shanghai recorded its highest May temperature in more than 100 years on Monday, hitting a record 36.1 degrees Celsius (nearly 97 degrees Fahrenheit).

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health | Finance

'Murderers' and 'criminals': Meteorologists face unprecedented harassment from conspiracy theorists | CNN

  2023-05-27 by in CNN International

National weather services, meteorologists and climate communicators in countries from the US to Australia say they’re experiencing an increase in threats and abuse, often around accusations they are overstating, lying about or even controlling the weather.

  Tagged under: Spain | Climate Change | Health | Finance

Trees Are a ‘Must-Have’ Medicine When Addressing Mental Health

  2023-05-26 (or before) in Treehugger | Sustainability for All

The positive impact of trees is well-documented in a growing body of scientific studies in the U.S. and around the world.

  Tagged under: Health | Trees

Toxins hidden in plastics are the industry’s dirty secret – recycling is not the answer | Charlotte Lloyd

  2023-05-25 in The Guardian

We need to know more about what goes into plastics and better regulation of how recycled products are used, says environmental chemistry lecturer Dr Charlotte Lloyd

  Tagged under: Health

The world's largest lakes are shrinking dramatically, and scientists say they have figured out why | CNN

  2023-05-18 by in CNN

More than half of the world’s largest lakes and reservoirs have lost significant amounts of water over the last three decades.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health | Water Resources | Finance

Air pollution is the largest environmental risk to public health and children are especially vulnerable

  2023-05-17 (or before) in The BMJ: British Medical Journal

I studied medicine at the University of Cape Town, graduating in 1989. Over six years as an undergraduate I was taught the science of medicine by teachers who were superb scientists and clinicians. I graduated with a keen sense of pathology, anatomy, microbiology and all the specialties. Unsurprisingly, I was acutely aware of how the politics of the day impacted on how I practised medicine in South Africa and from a very early undergraduate stage it didn’t take a genius to realise that ethnicity had a direct impact on the pattern of diseases and patient outcomes. Yet we were not taught about the social determinants of heal...

  Tagged under: Africa | Health | Women and Children

Eco anxiety: what it is and how to deal with it

  2023-05-15 (or before) in

  Tagged under: Health

Scientists’ warning on wildfire — a Canadian perspective

  2023-05-14 (or before) in

Recently, the World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: a Second Notice was issued in response to ongoing and largely unabated environmental degradation due to anthropogenic activities. In the warning, humanity is urged to practice more environmentally sustainable alternatives to business as usual to avoid potentially catastrophic outcomes. Following the success of their warning, the Alliance of World Scientists called for discipline-specific follow-up papers. This paper is an answer to that call for the topic of wildland fire. Across much of Canada and the world, wildfires are anticipated to increase in severity and frequenc...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health | Climate Change Impacts | Wildfires | Trees

Gianforte signs bill banning state agencies from analyzing climate impacts 

  2023-05-12 by in Montana's Independent Source for Statewide News - Montana Free Press

House Bill 971 comes as Montana courts are poised to consider how “clean and healthful environment” protections intersect with energy regulations.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health | Climate Change Impacts

U.S. oil and gas health impacts cost $77 billion per year

  2023-05-10 in Axios

  Tagged under: Health

Our Global Voices

  2023-05-08 (or before) in Population Health | GirlPlanet.Earth

Women's global voices on planetary health, culture and personal choices

  Tagged under: Economics | Health | Women and Children

Fungal attacks threaten global food supply, say experts

  2023-05-03 in The Guardian

Climate crisis is exacerbating damage caused by crop-destroying fungi, risking ‘global health catastrophe’

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Health

The Disinformation Playbook

  2023-04-25 (or before) in Union of Concerned Scientists

Five tactics business interests use to sideline science, deceive the public and buy influence at the expense of public health and safety.

  Tagged under: Disinformation and Misinformation | Health

The Mental Toll of Climate Change - Eos

  2023-04-24 by in Eos

Researchers are more quickly acknowledging the many ways in which the global climate crisis is affecting our mental health.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health

Sewage-soaked field stops creation of new woodland in Greater Manchester

  2023-04-21 in The Guardian

Plans to create green space cancelled because soil contamination levels pose risk to human health

  Tagged under: Health

Maharashtra Heat Stroke: 11 deaths, over 600 suffer heatstroke in Bhushan Award Ceremony | Navi Mumbai News - Times of India

  2023-04-20 (or before) by in Times of India

At least 11 people died and over 600 suffered heatstroke at the Kharghar venue for the Maharashtra Bhushan Award ceremony on Sunday afternoon, as lakh

  Tagged under: Health | India

Using solar farms to generate fresh desert soil crust

  2023-04-20 in Home | ASU News

Arizona State University researcher Ferran Garcia-Pichel and his students have proposed an innovative approach to restoring healthy biocrusts using new and existing solar energy farms as nurseries for generating fresh biocrust.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Health | Innovation

They cleaned up BP’s massive oil spill. Now they’re sick – and want justice

  2023-04-20 in The Guardian

Thirteen years after the Deepwater Horizon explosion, documents shed light on the company’s response and ‘scorched earth’ legal tactics

  Tagged under: BP | Health

‘They are despairing’: climate crisis weighs heavy on mental health of young Australians

  2023-04-19 in The Guardian

A survey shows anxiety about the environment is prominent among teenagers, including Ruby Bron who feels ‘helpless’ about the future

  Tagged under: Activism | Health | Climate Anxiety and Grief

Toxic fire from US recycling plant could burn for days

  2023-04-18 (or before) in The BBC

An inferno in Richmond, Indiana, has raised health concerns and sparked evacuation orders.

  Tagged under: Health | India

This “Climate-Friendly” Fuel Comes With an Astronomical Cancer Risk

  2023-04-14 (or before) by in Pro Publica

Almost half of products cleared so far under the new federal biofuels program are not in fact biofuels — and the EPA acknowledges that the plastic-based ones may present an “unreasonable risk” to human health or the environment.

  Tagged under: Chevron | Health

Stop Asking Whether Money Buys Happiness

  2023-04-13 (or before) by in The Atlantic

It may, but only a negligible amount.

  Tagged under: Health

Opinion: Biden betrays our generation by greenlighting the Willow Project | CNN

  2023-04-07 by in CNN

President Joe Biden's recent approval of the Willow Project in Alaska has alarmed many young people. Climate activists Sophia Kianni, Greta Thunberg, and Vanessa Nakate urge Biden to consider our collective future before short-term political gains.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Climate Change | Activism | Joe Biden | Health | Alaska | Finance

Protecting Brazilian Amazon Indigenous territories reduces atmospheric particulates and avoids associated health impacts and costs - Communications Earth & Environment

  2023-04-07 (or before) in Nature

More than 15 million cases of respiratory and cardiovascular infections could be prevented, saving $2 billion USD each year in human health costs by protecting indigenous lands in the Brazilian Amazon, suggest estimates of PM2.5 health impacts between 2010 and 2019.

  Tagged under: Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Health

‘Forever chemicals’ linked to infertility in women, study shows

  2023-04-06 in The Guardian

Those with higher levels of PFAS in their blood had 40% lower chance of conceiving within a year of trying

  Tagged under: PFAS aka Forever Chemicals | Health | Women and Children

Save Bees • Pollinator decline and how to help

  2023-04-03 (or before) in Save Bees • Pollinator decline and how to help

Learn why pollinators are in trouble and how you can help. Healthy, happy bees need good homes with plenty of food and no poisons. Take simple steps today!

  Tagged under: Bees | Health

The oceans just reached their hottest temperature on record as El Niño looms. Here are 6 things to watch for | CNN

  2023-04-01 by in CNN

It's unclear how strong the coming El Niño will be -- some models predict it could reach super-strength, others suggest it will be more moderate.

  Tagged under: Oceans | Drought | Predictions | Climate Change | Antarctic | Flooding | El Niño | Health | Climate Change Impacts | Finance

‘Terrified for my future’: climate crisis takes heavy toll on young people’s mental health

  2023-03-30 in The Guardian

Young people in the UK tell how the emergency is affecting their psychological wellbeing and how they are coping

  Tagged under: Health

Climate justice in higher education: a proposed paradigm shift towards a transformative role for colleges and universities - Climatic Change

  2023-03-29 (or before) in Springer Verlag

Moving beyond technocratic approaches to climate action, climate justice articulates a paradigm shift in how organizations think about their response to the climate crisis. This paper makes a conceptual contribution by exploring the potential of this paradigm shift in higher education. Through a commitment to advancing transformative climate justice, colleges and universities around the world could realign and redefine their priorities in teaching, research, and community engagement to shape a more just, stable, and healthy future. As inequitable climate vulnerabilities increase, higher education has multiple emerging opportunit...

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Climate Change | Health | Climate Justice

Public health and environment

  2023-03-28 (or before) in World Health Organisation

  Tagged under: Health

Somalia drought: 43,000 died in 2022 and this year’s toll will be higher, study finds | The Independent

  2023-03-20 (or before) in The Independent

‘Unrelenting droughts’ have created worst hunger crisis for 70 years says

  Tagged under: Drought | Climate Change | Africa | Famine and Food Insecurity | Health

US allergy season starting earlier due to global temperature rising, scientists say

  2023-03-15 in The Guardian

Trend sees higher pollen levels and worsened allergy and asthma symptoms, though reduction in carbon emissions could reverse it

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Sea Level | Health

Children face acute risk amid Malawi’s deadliest cholera outbreak

  2023-03-10 in The Guardian

The disease, which has killed 1,500 people since last March, has been aggravated by heavy rains and an overburdened health system

  Tagged under: Africa | Health | Women and Children | Children

Symposium: Climate Change and Health Mitigating, Adapting, and Suffering: How Much of Each?

  2023-03-08 (or before) in Annual Reviews

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health


  2023-03-05 (or before) in YouTube

Join us and stand up for reality. - This film exposes the parallels between Big Tobacco's denial of smoking's cancer-causing...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Fossil Fuels | US Politics | Health

Toxic 'forever chemicals’ about to get their first US limits

  2023-03-02 in Associated Press News

The Environmental Protection Agency is expected to propose restrictions on harmful “forever chemicals” in drinking water after finding they are dangerous in amounts so small as to be undetectable. But experts say removing them will cost billions, a burden that will fall hardest on small communities with few resources.

  Tagged under: PFAS aka Forever Chemicals | Health | Water Resources

Does an Implied Right to a Healthy Environment already exist in the Constitution? - Right Now

  2023-02-28 by in Right Now - Human rights in Australia

The Right to a Healthy Environment may be implied in the Australian Constitution. I argue this position based on existing precedent regarding constitutional implications: the High Court recognises that rights may be implied in the Constitution if ‘necessary’ to protect the Constitution itself: Lange (1997)

  Tagged under: Health

India to get heat waves this year after hottest February on record

  2023-02-28 in Reuters

India is likely to experience heat waves between March and May, especially in the key wheat producing central and northern states, the weather office said on Tuesday, as the country recorded its highest ever maximum temperature in February.

  Tagged under: Heatwaves | Health | India

Lateral flow tests being prepared for UK outbreaks of avian flu

  2023-02-26 in The Guardian

After a girl in Cambodia died from H5N1, the UK Health Security Agency is on alert but says human-to-human transmission is rare

  Tagged under: Health

Bird flu may now be spreading between humans, WHO fears

  2023-02-25 (or before) in The Telegraph

Health chiefs commission new vaccine in response to the growth of the dominant form of H5N1 virus worldwide

  Tagged under: Health

Alarming toxic ‘forever chemicals’ found in animals’ blood – study

  2023-02-22 in The Guardian

Analysis says hundreds of animals are contaminated with dangerous compounds linked to cancer and other health problems

  Tagged under: PFAS aka Forever Chemicals | Health

Welcome - FDSD

  2023-02-14 (or before) in

FDSD explores the critical links between democracy and sustainable development. We build evidence and make connections to secure fairness for all and a healthy environment, now and in the future.

  Tagged under: Health

Four dead seals test positive for bird flu in Scotland

  2023-02-10 in The Guardian

Experts warn of ‘step-change’ in avian flu spread as number of cases in mammals continues to grow globally

  Tagged under: Health

Be warned: the next deadly pandemic is not inevitable, but all the elements are in place | George Monbiot

  2023-02-08 in The Guardian

Bird flu is a mass killer, and mink farms are perfect for infection and transmission. They are a grave threat and must be banned, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot

  Tagged under: Farming | Health

Why Britain’s NHS is Dying — And Why It’s a Warning to the World | by umair haque | Jan, 2023 | Eudaimonia and Co

  2023-01-27 (or before) in Eudaimonia and Co

The Willful Destruction of the World’s First Modern Healthcare System Is a Shocking, Historic Tragedy

  Tagged under: Health

Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels this century will alter the protein, micronutrients, and vitamin content of rice grains with potential health consequences for the poorest rice-dependent countries - PubMed

  2023-01-25 (or before) in PubMed National Center for Biotechnology Information

  Tagged under: Health

‘All-natural’ Simply Tropical juice has high toxic PFAS levels, lawsuit alleges

  2023-01-25 in The Guardian

Coca-Cola claimed juice was healthy despite toxic ‘forever chemicals’ levels ‘hundreds of times’ above federal limits, suit says

  Tagged under: PFAS aka Forever Chemicals | Health

Rapid worldwide depletion of predatory fish communities - Nature

  2023-01-22 (or before) in Nature

Serious concerns have been raised about the ecological effects of industrialized fishing1,2,3, spurring a United Nations resolution on restoring fisheries and marine ecosystems to healthy levels4. However, a prerequisite for restoration is a general understanding of the composition and abundance of unexploited fish communities, relative to contemporary ones. We constructed trajectories of community biomass and composition of large predatory fishes in four continental shelf and nine oceanic systems, using all available data from the beginning of exploitation. Industrialized fisheries typically reduced community biomass by 80% wit...

  Tagged under: Oceans | Fish | Health

Activist #MMT - podcast: Ep137: Steve Kelsey: Trans-jurisdictional caring

  2023-01-21 (or before) in

Welcome to episode 137 of activist #MMT. Today I talk with Steve Kelsey, about what money and money issuance, and our entire money system, should and could be, if we could start over and design it from scratch. You'll find two of his papers linked below (in the Resources section). Before that, we discuss , which is one of the most viral MMT tweet threads of all time more than 3000 retweets and nearly 7000 likes. The topic of his thread is the big lies told by former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. The first big lie is "TINA" which stands for "there is no alternative." This is how those already on top tell the rest to sit do...

  Tagged under: Activism | Health | Finance

Spate of natural disasters takes a toll on Australians’ mental health, survey finds

  2023-01-18 in The Guardian

Climate-induced extreme weather has damaged people and communities as much as buildings and land, researchers say

  Tagged under: Health

Does climate change make you anxious? You're not alone (VIDEO)

  2023-01-18 (or before) in

Extreme temperatures can impact physical health, but the changing climate is also taking a toll on mental health, especially for younger generations.

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Climate Change | Health

Wildfire smoke getting into your home? Build a DIY Corsi-Rosenthal air filter. » Yale Climate Connections

  2023-01-16 by in Yale Climate Connections

Designed to combat the spread of COVID-19, this simple air purifier can help keep indoor air clean, protecting your health during wildfires. And you can build one for less than $100.

  Tagged under: Health | Wildfires

Without health there is no wealth. Why do so few governments understand this? | Tim Jackson

  2023-01-16 in The Guardian

Politicians are wrong to believe that we can only afford decent care in good economic times, says Tim Jackson of the University of Surrey

  Tagged under: Economics | Health

‘Last nail in the coffin’: Utah’s Great Salt Lake on verge of collapse

  2023-01-10 in The Guardian

It’s lost 73% of its water and is unable to sustain some wildlife – and could soon negatively affect human health

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Health | Collapse

Ocean acidification: an action plan for a neglected problem - Ocean Acidification

  2023-01-05 by in Ocean Acidification - a news stream provided by the Ocean Acidification International Coordination Center (OA-ICC)

Time is running out to avoid the worst impacts of ocean acidification on marine life, livelihoods and economies. A climate-change impact on the ocean, alongside warming seas and deoxygenation, ocean acidification is belatedly finding its way onto the global climate and ocean agendas, even as the gravity of its impact on ocean health and on […]

  Tagged under: Oceans | Climate Change | Ocean Acidification | Health | Climate Change Impacts

EDM Map | Storm discharge data | River health | Thames Water

  2023-01-05 (or before) in

  Tagged under: Rivers | Health

Death of thousands of wild birds from avian flu is ‘new Silent Spring’

  2022-12-23 in The Guardian

Expert warns impact of H5N1 virus across the world is on a scale akin to the devastation wreaked by the use of DDT pesticides in the 1950s and 1960s

  Tagged under: Health

Prioritization of carceral spending in U.S. cities: Development of the Carceral Resource Index (CRI) and the role of race and income inequality

  2022-12-22 (or before) in PLOS - Open Science

Background Policing, corrections, and other carceral institutions are under scrutiny for driving health harms, while receiving disproportionate resources at the expense of prevention and other services. Amidst renewed interest in structural determinants of health, roles of race and class in shaping government investment priorities are poorly understood. Methods Based on the Social Conflict Model, we assessed relationships between city racial/ economic profiles measured by the Index of Concentration at the Extremes (ICE) and budgetary priorities measured by the novel Carceral Resource Index (CRI), contrasting investments in car...

  Tagged under: Economics | Housing | Health

Fueling Resistance

  2022-12-14 (or before) in MIT

In Fueling Resistance, Kate Neville dissects the processes, and political economy framework, of resistance to two different alternative fuel projects in two distinct and disparate locations. The comparison centers on resistance to a biofuel project in Kenya and a fracking project in the Yukon territory of Canada. The unwritten premise is that these two energy projects, and the subsequent resistance to them, may not have obvious similarities given their distinct characteristics and locations but in fact have several elements in common. Neville outlines how these cases can be viewed as similar and concludes that understanding the ...

  Tagged under: Economics | Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Climate Change | Colonialism | Rivers | Fracking | Fossil Fuels | Wind Power | Health | Climate Justice | Food Production and Consumption | Finance | Biodiversity Loss

Air pollution linked to multiple long-term health conditions

  2022-12-07 by in Nursing News, Articles & Learning | Nursing In Practice

People living in areas with high levels of air pollution from traffic are more likely to have multiple long-term physical and mental health conditions. 

  Tagged under: Health

US justice department sues city of Jackson over water crisis

  2022-11-30 in The Guardian

City and Mississippi health department sign order agreeing to federal oversight of the failing water system

  Tagged under: Health

Bristol GP was 'prepared to risk career' for climate protest - BBC News

  2022-11-24 (or before) in The BBC

Health workers acquitted of breaching public order say they would do it again to avert a crisis.

  Tagged under: Health | Activism

The Astronomical Price of Insulin Hurts American Families

  2022-11-20 (or before) in RAND Corporation Provides Objective Research Services and Public Policy Analysis | RAND

More than 30 million Americans have diabetes, and nearly a quarter of them use insulin to manage their symptoms and prevent life-threatening complications. The price they have to pay for insulin is more than ten times higher than the average prices in 32 other countries combined.

  Tagged under: Health

The Earth is dying

  2022-11-04 (or before) in YouTube

The Earth is dying#earth #climatechange #sketchcomedy #globalwarming If you'd like to support us making these videos we have a Patreon page here: https://www...

  Tagged under: COP27 | Climate Change | Health

Individual responsibility: a red herring that lets the fossil fuel industry off the climate catastrophe hook

  2022-11-01 (or before) in The BMJ: British Medical Journal

On the eve of the United Nations High-Level Political Forum, Kent Buse and colleagues argue that the health of people and planet can only be rescued through government led, structural transformations—but for that to happen we need to re-frame the narrative When delegates meet this week to discuss fragile progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, they do so against a bleak backdrop. The line that “climate change is the biggest health challenge of the 21st century” is an understatement. Climate change is not only a challenge to health, but to human development—and even survival.1 The evidence on...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health

Global health at mercy of fossil fuel addiction, warn scientists

  2022-10-25 in The Guardian

Reliance on oil and gas worsening climate impacts and compounding food, energy and cost of living crises

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | Health

Climate crisis poses ‘growing threat’ to health in UK, says expert

  2022-10-23 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Prof Dame Jenny Harries warns of dangers to food security, flooding and insect-borne diseases

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Climate Change | Insects | Health

Living Planet Report 2022

  2022-10-20 (or before) in

The Living Planet Report 2022 is WWF’s most comprehensive study to date of trends in global biodiversity and the health of our planet. The latest flagship publication reveals global wildlife populations have plummeted by 69% on average since 1970.

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Health

Microplastics found in human breast milk for the first time

  2022-10-07 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Researchers concerned over potential health impacts of chemical contaminants on babies

  Tagged under: Microplastics and Nanoplastics | Health | Women and Children

Climate change threatens health and survival of urban trees - BBC News

  2022-09-20 (or before) in The BBC

Oaks, maples and chestnuts found in cities are among over 1,000 tree species that are flagged at risk.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health | Trees

USDA ERS - Key Statistics & Graphics

  2022-09-17 (or before) in

Current trends, statistics, charts, and maps related to food security--access by all people at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life.

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children

Climate action, pollution control needed to keep sulphur dioxide in check

  2022-09-14 by in

While the concentration of sulphur dioxide (SO2), an atmospheric pollutant with health and climate impacts, shows a decreasing trend in India in the recent decade (2010-2020), compared to previous decades, due to environmental regulations and control technologies in place, its concentration is still high and is of concern, a trend analysis has said. “Even if […]

  Tagged under: Health | India

‘Can’t afford to live’: California heatwave leaves older adults teetering on edge

  2022-09-10 in The Guardian

Extreme temperatures, especially in the state’s interiors, has left the vulnerable population reeling from the heat’s effects

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Heatwaves | California | Health

The super-rich ‘preppers’ planning to save themselves from the apocalypse

  2022-09-04 in The Guardian

Tech billionaires are buying up luxurious bunkers to survive a societal collapse they helped create, but like everything they do, it has unintended consequences

  Tagged under: Prepping | Health | Collapse

Brutal heatwave scorches US west, sparking fires and health warnings

  2022-08-31 in The Guardian

Several California cities broke heat records, rising as high as 112F in the LA suburbs, and blazes erupted as residents were forced to flee

  Tagged under: Oregon | Heatwaves | California | Health

UK science superpower claim is ‘bollocks’, says ex-vaccines chief

  2022-08-27 in The Guardian

Dame Kate Bingham aghast at civil service database changes that ‘will deter’ volunteers from signing up

  Tagged under: Health

Experts Debunk Viral Post Claiming 1,100 Scientists Say ‘There’s No Climate Emergency’ - Inside Climate News

  2022-08-23 by in Inside Climate News

To the average consumer of news, the petition’s message might seem reasonable—a healthy dose of skepticism in a debate that affects everyone. “Computer models are human-made,” the petition begins. “This is precisely the problem of today’s climate discussion to which climate models are central. Climate science has degenerated into a discussion based on beliefs, not […]

  Tagged under: Health

Ants can be better than pesticides for growing healthy crops, study finds

  2022-08-17 in The Guardian

Harnessing natural insect power can. with proper management, have higher efficacy than resorting to harmful chemicals

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Insects | Health

Major cities blighted by nitrogen dioxide pollution, research finds

  2022-08-17 in The Guardian

Shanghai, Moscow and Tehran have the highest levels of NO2 pollution, according to the research

  Tagged under: Russia | Health

Carbon capture: climate change’s “healthy” cigarette

  2022-08-17 by in Harvard Public Health

The tobacco industry made millions selling “healthy cigarettes” even when it knew smoking killed. Decades later, will the fossil fuel industry get away selling us “healthy” carbon using the tobacco industry’s playbook?

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health | Carbon Capture and Storage

Chaos after heat crashes computers at leading London hospitals

  2022-08-07 in The Guardian

Patient safety compromised during IT failure at Guy’s and St Thomas’

  Tagged under: Health

Cumberland Co. residents say EPA's new drinking water advisory not enough

  2022-08-05 (or before) in

In 2017, thousands found out their water was contaminated

  Tagged under: Health

Clearing the Air: The Benefits of the Clean Air Act

  2022-07-11 (or before) in Natural Resources Defense Council

Despite the enormous success of the CAA in protecting public health, the law currently faces attacks on many fronts under the Trump Administration.

  Tagged under: Health

EU regulators ‘dismissed evidence’ linking glyphosate to rodent tumours

  2022-06-09 in The Guardian

European Chemical Agency’s positive assessment for continued sale of substance is flawed, say environmental campaigners

  Tagged under: Health

MPs will be briefed on climate change after health leaders back hunger striker’s demands

  2022-05-22 (or before) in The BMJ: British Medical Journal

A man ended a hunger strike of more than five weeks outside the UK parliament on 19 April after it was confirmed that MPs would be briefed on the climate crisis by the chief scientific officer, Patrick Vallance. The decision was made four days after senior health professionals, including the current and former editors in chief of The BMJ , wrote to the prime minister urging him to commit to holding a briefing. …

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health

Humans can't endure temperatures and humidities as high as previously thought | Penn State University

  2022-05-15 (or before) in Penn State University

Penn State researchers found that the maximum wet-bulb temperature humans can endure is lower than previously thought — about 31°C wet-bulb or 87°F at 100% humidity — even for young, healthy subjects. The temperature for older populations, who are more vulnerable to heat, is likely even lower.

  Tagged under: Wet Bulb Temperature | Health

Amid Persistent Heatwaves, Buzz Picks Up Around Wet-Bulb Temperature! Learn What It Is, and Why Is It Important | The Weather Channel

  2022-05-15 (or before) in The Weather Channel and

  Tagged under: Heatwaves | Wet Bulb Temperature | Health | India

EU citizens may sue countries for health-damaging dirty air, top court adviser says

  2022-05-06 (or before) in EURACTIV

Citizens in European Union countries may be able to sue their governments for financial compensation if illegal levels of air pollution damage their health, an adviser to Europe's top court said on Thursday (5 May).

  Tagged under: Health

EU officials being trained to meditate to help fight climate crisis

  2022-05-04 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Early results from ‘applied mindfulness’ courses suggests they have helped overcome despair that little can be done

  Tagged under: Health

Pesticides and environmental injustice in the USA: root causes, current regulatory reinforcement and a path forward - BMC Public Health

  2022-05-02 (or before) in

Many environmental pollutants are known to have disproportionate effects on Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) as well as communities of low-income and wealth. The reasons for these disproportionate effects are complex and involve hundreds of years of systematic oppression kept in place through structural racism and classism in the USA. Here we analyze the available literature and existing datasets to determine the extent to which disparities in exposure and harm exist for one of the most widespread pollutants in the world – pesticides. Our objective was to identify and discuss not only the historical injustices...

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children

‘A worldwide public health threat’: Rob Bilott on his 20-year fight against forever chemicals

  2022-05-01 in The Guardian

Chemical companies hid their knowledge of the damage caused by PFAS for decades. With a new class-action lawsuit, Bilott intends to hold them accountable

  Tagged under: PFAS aka Forever Chemicals | Health


  2022-04-29 (or before) in World Resources Institute

WRI works with governments and civil society to conserve and restore forests and healthy landscapes to supply humanity with critical goods and services.

  Tagged under: Health | Trees

Moving Beyond GDP: The Case for Wealth as a Core Measure of National Progress

  2022-04-29 (or before) in Earth Negotiations Bulletin - International Institute for Sustainable Development

Despite its frequent use as the main measure of progress, GDP fails to account for health, happiness, inequality, and environmental sustainability. An expert panel explored how a focus on wealth could inform policymaking in Africa—and how to make the shift.

  Tagged under: Africa | GDP | Economic Growth | Health | Sustainability

Study: Climate change is creating disease hotspots

  2022-04-28 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

“The coming decades will not only be hotter, but sicker.”

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health

Global Movement to Save Soil

  2022-04-28 (or before) in Global Movement to #SaveSoil

Save Soil is a global movement launched by Sadhguru, to address the soil crisis by bringing together people from around the world to stand up for Soil Health, and supporting leaders of all nations to institute national policies and actions toward increasing the organic content in cultivable soil.

  Tagged under: Health


  2022-03-17 (or before) in World Health Organisation

WHO fact sheet on water: key facts, access to water, water and health

  Tagged under: Health

'We are our own worst enemy': Could mindfulness and compassion help accelerate climate action?

  2022-03-07 in Business Green

A growing body of evidence argues personal mental health is deeply connected to wider policy failures – could embedding mindfulness teaching into society improve our responses?

  Tagged under: Health

In-depth Q&A: The IPCC's sixth assessment on how climate change impacts the world - Carbon Brief

  2022-02-28 by in Carbon Brief

The sixth report from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says the threat that climate change poses to human well-being and the health of the planet is “unequivocal”.

  Tagged under: IPCC | Health | Climate Change Impacts

Global expansion and redistribution of Aedes-borne virus transmission risk with climate change

  2022-02-28 (or before) in PLOS - Open Science

Author summary The established scientific consensus indicates that climate change will severely exacerbate the risk and burden of Aedes-transmitted viruses, including dengue, chikungunya, Zika, and other significant threats to global health security. Here, we show more subtle impacts of climate change on transmission, caused primarily by differences between the more heat-tolerant Aedes aegypti and the more heat-limited Ae. albopictus. Within the next century, nearly a billion people could face their first exposure to viral transmission from either mosquito in the worst-case scenario, mainly in Europe and high-elevation tropical ...

  Tagged under: Africa | Climate Change | Health | Climate Change Mitigation | Climate Change Impacts

Lake Malawi's Fish Defy Death - While Their World Heritage Home Is Threatened | We Don't Have Time

  2022-02-28 (or before) in

By Jeffrey Barbee January 27, 2022 In the shallow rocky waters below a high granite outcrop a fish lies sideways, fallen onto the sand below. Its skin the hue of a rotting corpse, the fish is unmoving, apparently dead. But looks can be deceiving. As scavenger fish approach, the play-dead fish springs into action, snapping up the would-be eaters in a flurry of motion. One of hundreds of new fish species discovered in the warm waters of Lake Malawi in the last four decades, the play-dead fish’s only home is now in danger of being destroyed. Play dead fish Nimbochromis livingstonii. Picture: Ken McKaye/ Lake...

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Extreme Weather | Africa | Fish | Rivers | Insects | Legislation | Electricity | Health | Trees | Finance


  2022-02-11 (or before) in MIT Press

An optimistic—but realistic and feasible—action plan for fighting climate change while creating new jobs and a healthier environment: electrify everything.Climate change is a planetary emergency. We have to do something now—but what? Saul Griffith has a plan. In Electrify, Griffith lays out a detailed blueprint—optimistic but feasible—for fighting climate change while creating millions of new jobs and a healthier environment. Griffith's plan can be summed up simply: electrify everything. He explains exactly what it would take to transform our infrastructure, update our grid, and adapt our households...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Electric Cars | US Politics | Cars | Health | Electricity Grid | Finance

‘Oil spills of our time’: experts sound alarm about plastic lost in cargo ship disasters

  2022-02-09 in The Guardian

Sri Lankan beaches buried in pellets only ‘tip of the iceberg’ of environmental harm after analysis of nurdles from burning ship

  Tagged under: Oceans | Wildlife | Health

High levels of toxic chemicals found in Cambridgeshire water supply

  2022-02-08 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Cambridge Water admits a supply contained four times the regulatory limit and customers never told

  Tagged under: PFAS aka Forever Chemicals | Health

Monitoring Soil Health in the Middle East from Space | 4 Earth Intelligence

  2022-02-08 (or before) in Applied Earth Intelligence Experts | 4 Earth Intelligence

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health | Middle East

DOUBT - Climate change and manufactured doubt

  2022-02-03 (or before) in YouTube

Join us and stand up for reality. - This film exposes the parallels between Big Tobacco's denial of smoking's cancer-causing...

  Tagged under: US Politics | Climate Change | Fossil Fuels | Health

EA insiders slam agency’s ‘completely useless’ water monitoring regime

  2022-01-20 (or before) in Ends Report

The poor health of England’s rivers is likely to be worse than thought because the Environment Agency’s water quality monitoring programme is “meaningless”, a “ludicrous waste of money” and a “gross misuse of data”, say existing and former agency officers.

  Tagged under: Rivers | Health

Toward a Taxonomy of Climate Emotions

  2022-01-19 (or before) in Frontiers

There is a growing evidence that emotions shape people’s reactions to the climate crisis in profound but complex ways. Climate emotions are related to resilience, climate action, and psychological well-being and health. However, there is currently a lack of research about the array of various climate emotions. There is also a need for more integration with general research about emotions. This article conducts a preliminary exploration of the taxonomy of climate emotions, based on literature reviews and philosophical discussion. The term emotion is used here in a broad sense, as is common in climate emotion research. Becau...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health | Climate Anxiety and Grief

Toxic potency-adjusted control of air pollution for solid fuel combustion - Nature Energy

  2022-01-19 (or before) in Nature

Policy effort has been put into pollution reduction from both coal-fired electricity and domestic solid fuel burning in China; however, the former has attracted greater research and funding. Li and colleagues now show that the more toxic pollution from residential combustion may be responsible for greater health impacts than coal electricity.

  Tagged under: Coal | Electricity | Health

To Save the Rainforests, Provide Healthcare, Education and Services for Those Who Protect Them — THE TROUBLE.

  2022-01-19 (or before) in THE TROUBLE.

The $20 billion dollar Glasgow pledge for tropical forests and Indigenous people falls dangerously short.

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Health | Trees

‘It’s mind-boggling’: the hidden cost of our obsession with fish oil pills

  2022-01-18 in The Guardian

The market in this prized commodity is worth billions – but are the supposed benefits worth the cost to global ecosystems?

  Tagged under: Oceans | Fish | Wildlife | Health

Meat and dairy gobble up farming subsidies worldwide, which is bad for your health and the planet

  2022-01-12 (or before) by in The Conversation

Vegetables, fruits and legumes are nutritious and sustainable – but subsidies overwhelmingly neglect them.

  Tagged under: Farming | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Health

About - Competitive Enterprise Institute

  2021-12-22 (or before) in Competitive Enterprise Institute - Competitive Enterprise Institute

Our MissionCEI’s mission is to reform America’s unaccountable regulatory state. We develop and advocate policies to eliminate harmful bureaucratic controls so people can live in a freer, healthier, and more prosperous nation. Our VisionOur vision is a society thriving without unnecessary government burdens, where property rights are secure and Americans are free to prosper. Who We […]

  Tagged under: Health

Environmental News Network - Climate change outracing EU targets, WWF warns

  2021-12-21 (or before) in

A global perspective on environmental issues. Our mission is to inform, educate, enable and create a platform for global environmental action.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Wildlife | Health | Sustainability

A New Estimate of the ‘Most Effective’ Way to Fight Climate Change

  2021-12-17 (or before) in The Atlantic

Climate-concerned donors should focus on helping to pass climate policy, not offset their emissions, an advisory group says.  

  Tagged under: Joe Biden | Climate Change | Economics | Health

David Wallace-Wells · Ten Million a Year: Dying to Breathe · LRB 2 December 2021

  2021-11-24 (or before) by in London Review of Books

Wherever you look, the earth is in flames. The residue is carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, black carbon,...

  Tagged under: Health

Pesticide and resource stressors additively impair wild bee reproduction | Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

  2021-11-22 (or before) in Royal Society Publishing

Bees and other beneficial insects experience multiple stressors within agricultural landscapes that act together to impact their health and diminish their ability to deliver the ecosystem services on which human food supplies depend. Disentangling the ...

  Tagged under: Bees | Insects | Health

The social shortfall and ecological overshoot of nations

  2021-11-18 (or before) in Nature

Previous research has shown that no country currently meets the basic needs of its residents at a level of resource use that could be sustainably extended to all people globally. Using the doughnut-shaped ‘safe and just space’ framework, we analyse the historical dynamics of 11 social indicators and 6 biophysical indicators across more than 140 countries from 1992 to 2015. We find that countries tend to transgress biophysical boundaries faster than they achieve social thresholds. The number of countries overshooting biophysical boundaries increased over the period from 32–55% to 50–66%, depending on the i...

  Tagged under: Health | Doughnut Economics

Ammonia from farms behind 60% of UK particulate air pollution – study

  2021-11-04 in The Guardian

Problem is causing £8bn a year in health damage but can be tackled cost-effectively, say scientists

  Tagged under: Farming | Fossil Fuels | Health

Climate depression is real. And it is spreading fast among our youth | Peter Kalmus

  2021-11-04 in The Guardian

This is a crisis that cannot be solved by ‘positive messaging’. The only thing that will help is action from world leaders

  Tagged under: COP26 | Health

groundWork Homepage

  2021-10-28 (or before) in Groundwork

groundWork is a non-profit environmental justice service and developmental organization working primarily in Southern Africa in the areas of Climate & Energy Justice, Coal, Environmental Health, Global Green and Healthy Hospitals, and Waste.

  Tagged under: Coal | Africa | Health | Climate Justice

Oil and gas group says African American ‘genetics’ are to blame for health problems, not pollution

  2021-10-19 (or before) in Think Progress

  Tagged under: Africa | Health

The Arctic is on fire: Siberian heat wave alarms scientists | AP News

  2021-10-19 (or before) in Associated Press News

MOSCOW (AP) — The Arctic is feverish and on fire — at least parts of it are. And that’s got scientists worried about what it means for the rest of the world...

  Tagged under: Arctic | Climate Change | Russia | Health

Public health impacts of an imminent Red Sea oil spill - Nature Sustainability

  2021-10-11 (or before) in Nature

The possibility of a huge oil spill off the coast of Yemen, already in crisis, is increasingly likely. This study projects the likely spill extent and impacts to public health, food, water and air.

  Tagged under: Health | Sustainability

Climate action: demanding economic systems that safeguard life - The BMJ

  2021-10-08 in BMJ Blogs

“As health and social inequalities widen, and we learn more about the power held over human lives by an ever-diminishing number of individuals and corporations, I predict that more doctors [...]More...

  Tagged under: Economics | Predictions | Health

Utilities Took Public Money, Turned People’s Lights Off During Pandemic

  2021-09-30 in Gizmodo | The Future Is Here

Some of the country's most powerful utilities took public money and then just kept disconnecting customers in the midst of a public health emergency.

  Tagged under: California | Health | Finance

New Evidence of Corruption at EPA Chemicals Division

  2021-09-20 (or before) in The Intercept

EPA whistleblowers have provided evidence that agency officials avoided calculating the health risks posed by hundreds of new chemicals.

  Tagged under: Health

Toxic-Free Future | Science, Advocacy, Results

  2021-09-16 (or before) in Toxic-Free Future | Science, Advocacy, Results

Toxic-Free Future conducts research and advocacy to win strong health protections for people and the environment. We have a vision for a toxic-free future.

  Tagged under: Health

Nearly all global farm subsidies harm people and planet – UN

  2021-09-14 in The Guardian

Almost 90% of the $540bn of support a year harms people’s health, the climate and drives inequality

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Health | Sustainability

Over 200 health journals unite in calling for urgent action on climate change | Evening Standard

  2021-09-06 (or before) by in London Evening Standard

The BMJ said it is the first time so many journals have come together to make the same statement.

  Tagged under: COP26 | Climate Change | Health

Climate crisis: Over 200 health journals urge world leaders to tackle “catastrophic harm”

  2021-09-06 (or before) in The BMJ: British Medical Journal

More than 200 health journals have called on governments to take emergency action to tackle the “catastrophic harm to health” from climate change. A joint editorial says that while recent targets to reduce emissions and conserve biodiversity are welcome, they are not enough and need to be matched with credible short and longer term plans.1 The editorial was published simultaneously on 6 September in 233 international titles including The BMJ , the Lancet , the New England Journal of Medicine , the East African Medical Journal , the Chinese Science Bulletin , the National Medical Journal of India , and the Medical J...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | Health | India

Call for emergency action to limit global temperature increases, restore biodiversity, and protect health

  2021-09-06 (or before) in The BMJ: British Medical Journal

Wealthy nations must do much more, much faster The UN General Assembly in September 2021 will bring countries together at a critical time for marshalling collective action to tackle the global environmental crisis. They will meet again at the biodiversity summit in Kunming, China, and the climate conference (COP26) in Glasgow, UK. Ahead of these pivotal meetings, we—the editors of health journals worldwide—call for urgent action to keep average global temperature increases below 1.5°C, halt the destruction of nature, and protect health. Health is already being harmed by global temperature increases and the des...

  Tagged under: COP26 | Climate Change | Health | Women and Children | Biodiversity Loss

The health case for urgent action on climate change

  2021-09-06 (or before) in The BMJ: British Medical Journal

Health professionals have a leading role It is about 30 years since warnings first appeared in prominent journals about the potential for large and wide ranging effects on human health from climate and other global environmental changes.123 To date, global action to tackle these burgeoning threats remains inadequate both in scale and in speed. For example, the pledged nationally determined contributions to reducing greenhouse gas emissions—as enshrined in the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change—are a first step, but even if fully implemented (and this is by no means certain), global average temperatures are still...

  Tagged under: Oceans | Extreme Rainfall | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Health

Louisiana Shell refinery left spewing chemicals after Hurricane Ida

  2021-09-04 in The Guardian

Power outages from the storm have left air quality tracking systems out of commission, making public health concern hard to gauge

  Tagged under: Shell | Louisiana | Health

‘Use your £11bn climate fund to pay for family planning,’ UK told

  2021-08-26 in The Guardian

More than 60 NGOs call for spending rule change, saying people on frontline of climate crisis want greater access to reproductive healthcare

  Tagged under: COP26 | Climate Change | Health | Women and Children | Finance

It's not just the crops. Drought puts stress on farmers, too | MPR News

  2021-08-25 (or before) in Minnesota Public Radio

As the drought lingers in much of the state, there is growing concern about mental health challenges faced by farmers and other people in rural Minnesota.

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought | Health

Resources - Multisolving Institute

  2021-07-23 (or before) in Climate Interactive

Data, tools, and stories to support the multisolving movement Explore Atmos: Interconnected Problems Call for Interconnected Solutions TedxSun Valley: The Power of Multisolving for People and Planet Multisolving at the Intersection of Health and Climate Stanford Social Innovation Review: The Magic of Multisolving Non-profit Quarterly: Equity, Health, Resilience, and Jobs: Lessons from the Just Growth […]

  Tagged under: Health

Excerpt | Grieving My Way Into Loving the Planet

  2021-07-22 (or before) in YES! Magazine

Being fully present to what is happening in the world is a radical act that can transform grief into action.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health | Climate Anxiety and Grief

‘Everything is on fire’: Siberia hit by unprecedented burning

  2021-07-20 in The Guardian

Locals fear for their health and property as smoke from raging forest fires shrouds an entire region of eastern Russia

  Tagged under: Forest Fires | Russia | Health | Trees

Excerpt | Grieving My Way Into Loving the Planet

  2021-07-18 (or before) in YES! Magazine

Being fully present to what is happening in the world is a radical act that can transform grief into action.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health | Climate Anxiety and Grief

Maine bans toxic ‘forever chemicals’ under groundbreaking new law

  2021-07-16 in The Guardian

State is the first to enact a broad ban of PFAS compounds, which are found in everything from cosmetics to cookware

  Tagged under: PFAS aka Forever Chemicals | Health

Centre for Environmental Rights – Advancing Environmental Rights in South Africa

  2021-07-11 (or before) in Centre for Environmental Rights, South Africa

We are activist lawyers who defend the right of communities and civil society organisations to an environment not harmful to health or wellbeing for

  Tagged under: Activism | South Africa | Africa | Health

All Plagues Are Political | The Tyee

  2021-07-11 (or before) in The Tyee British Columbia

Alex de Waal’s myth-shattering new book deconstructs COVID-19 and two centuries of epidemics. Five deadly misconceptions.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health

Moist Heat Stress on a Hotter Earth

  2021-07-04 (or before) in Annual Reviews

As the world overheats—potentially to conditions warmer than during the three million years over which modern humans evolved—suffering from heat stress will become widespread. Fundamental questions about humans’ thermal tolerance limits are pressing. Understanding heat stress as a process requires linking a network of disciplines, from human health and evolutionary theory to planetary atmospheres and economic modeling. The practical implications of heat stress are equally transdisciplinary, requiring technological, engineering, social, and political decisions to be made in the coming century. Yet relative to th...

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Predictions | Health

BBC removes Bitesize page on climate change ‘benefits’ after backlash

  2021-07-02 in The Guardian

Study website made claims including warmer temperatures ‘could lead to healthier outdoor lifestyles’

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health

Growth without economic growth

  2021-06-19 (or before) in European Environment Agency

Economic growth is closely linked to increases in production, consumption and resource use and has detrimental effects on the natural environment and human health. It is unlikely that a long-lasting, absolute decoupling of economic growth from environmental pressures and impacts can be achieved at the global scale; therefore, societies need to rethink what is meant by growth and progress and their meaning for global sustainability.

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth | Health | Sustainability

Recognizing the human right to healthy environment

  2021-06-04 (or before) in YouTube

  Tagged under: Health

Global Land Outlook | UNCCD

  2021-06-04 (or before) in UNCCD

Sustainable, healthy land is an integral part of our society, economy and environment, and a fundamental aspect of human well-being. It is important that this message is communicated in a compelling way.

  Tagged under: Economics | Health

Global Land Outlook (GLO) | Knowledge Hub

  2021-06-04 (or before) in Knowledge Hub | Knowledge Hub

The premise of the Global Land Outlook (GLO) is that land, and its associated resources such as soil, water, and biodiversity, comprise a relatively fixed stock of natural capital. The increasing demand for land-based goods and services, and the way they are today produced is adversely impacting human health and the future sustainability of the planet.

  Tagged under: Health | Water Resources | Sustainability | Capitalism

What Matters: Time to end the multigenerational Ponzi scheme

  2021-05-16 (or before) in Wayback Machine

First, we need to trust our science. We do this every time we fly in a jet or rush to the doctor in hope of relief…

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health

Fracking 101: What You Should Know - EcoWatch

  2021-05-11 in EcoWatch - For a Healthier Planet and Life

Fracking involves blasting water, chemicals and frac sand deep into the earth to break up rock formations and extract natural gas and crude oil. It's one of the most important environmental issues today, and a case study in how a new technology that offers immediate economic and political advantages can overpower environmental and health concerns.

  Tagged under: Environmental Protection Agency USA | Water Resources | Fracking | Health | Economics

Vital soil organisms being harmed by pesticides, study shows

  2021-05-04 in The Guardian

The tiny creatures are the ‘unsung heroes’ that keep soils healthy and underpin all life on land

  Tagged under: Farming | Health

Green spaces aren’t just for nature – they boost our mental health too

  2021-03-25 (or before) by in New Scientist

  Tagged under: Health

Biodiversity at risk, threatens human survival, UN forum hears 

  2021-03-24 in UN News | Global perspective Human stories

As the living tissue of the earth, biodiversity is “intimately linked to human health” the head of the UN’s scientific agency told a global forum on Wednesday, noting that “we are part of that living tissue”. 

  Tagged under: Health

Scientists need to face both facts and feelings when dealing with the climate crisis | Kimberly Nicholas

  2021-03-24 in The Guardian

I was taught to use my head, not my heart. But acknowledging sadness at what is lost can help us safeguard the future, says professor of sustainability science Kimberly Nicholas

  Tagged under: Wildfires | Sea Level | Health | Sustainability


  2021-03-09 (or before) in Home

The Passivhaus Trust, UK, adoption of the Passivhaus standard and methodology. leading international low energy, design standard. eco buildings, reducing energy use and carbon emissions. high standards of comfort and building health. Fabric First

  Tagged under: Health

Race to Zero

  2021-03-09 (or before) in Climate Champions

Race To Zero is a global campaign to rally leadership and support from businesses, cities, regions, investors for a healthy, resilient, zero carbon-recovery.

  Tagged under: Health

Cryptodamages: Monetary value estimates of the air pollution and human health impacts of cryptocurrency mining

  2021-03-07 (or before) in

Cryptocurrency mining uses significant amounts of energy as part of the proof-of-work time-stamping scheme to add new blocks to the chain. Expanding u…

  Tagged under: Health

Ten Point Plan For A Green Recovery — The Climate Coalition

  2021-03-07 (or before) in The Climate Coalition

Read our 10 Point Plan for a green, fair and healthy economic recovery

  Tagged under: Economics | Coal | Health

Falling sperm counts 'threaten human survival', expert warns

  2021-02-26 in The Guardian

Epidemiologist Shanna Swan says low counts and changes to sexual development could endanger human species

  Tagged under: Health

Making prices honest and sharing natural wealth will correct societal defects: To build a healthy society, we must respect basic principles

  2021-02-09 (or before) in Making prices honest and sharing natural wealth will correct societal defects

  Tagged under: Health

A 5 Trillion Dollar Subsidy: How We All Pay For Fossil Fuels

  2021-02-06 (or before) by in Forbes

Each year, fossil fuel producers receive trillions of dollars in subsidies. This reflects an epic market failure. Our atmosphere is a vital shared resource, and current policies allow producers to treat it like a garbage dump. Climate action is key to protect our health and the health of the planet.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Climate Change | Economics | Fossil Fuels | Health

Climate change disasters in B.C. likely to increase if industrial logging continues unchecked: report | CBC News

  2021-02-03 (or before) in - Canada's Public Broadcaster

A report commissioned by Sierra Club B.C. says keeping healthy, mature forests safe from industrial logging will help protect the province from catastrophic flooding, wildfires, droughts and heat waves caused by climate change.

  Tagged under: Wildfires | Drought | Climate Change | Flooding | Health | Trees

China's new animal health rules alone won't stop zoonotic outbreaks, experts warn

  2021-01-26 in The Guardian

Enforcement of rules and boosting numbers of vets to help with inspections, quarantines and general animal health seen as critical

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Health

Only a third of UK’s key fish populations are not overfished

  2021-01-22 in The Guardian

First post-Brexit audit finds of the top 10 UK stocks, only three are in ‘a healthy state’

  Tagged under: Fish | Health

Underestimating the Challenges of Avoiding a Ghastly Future

  2021-01-13 (or before) in Frontiers

We report three major and confronting environmental issues that have received little attention and require urgent action. First, we review the evidence that future environmental conditions will be far more dangerous than currently believed. The scale of the threats to the biosphere and all its lifeforms — including humanity — is in fact so great that it is difficult to grasp for even well-informed experts. Second, we ask what political or economic system, or leadership, is prepared to handle the predicted disasters, or even capable of such action. Third, this dire situation places an extraordinary responsibility on s...

  Tagged under: Economics | Predictions | Climate Change | Health | Sustainability | Extinction

Wheeler Announces a New ‘Transparency’ Rule That His Critics Say Is Dangerous to Public Health - Inside Climate News

  2021-01-06 in Inside Climate News

In one of his final, boldest strokes as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, Andrew Wheeler on Tuesday announced a new “transparency” rule that could keep the agency from considering some of the most well-documented health research in the world. The Trump administration argues that because the patient information in these studies remains confidential, they […]

  Tagged under: Health

WHO warns Covid-19 pandemic is 'not necessarily the big one'

  2020-12-29 in The Guardian

Experts tell end of year media briefing that virus is likely to become endemic and the world will have to learn to live with it

  Tagged under: Health

Massachusetts city to post climate change warning stickers at gas stations

  2020-12-25 in The Guardian

Bright yellow stickers warn drivers burning of gasoline has ‘major consequences on human health and the environment’

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health

Escaped infected Danish mink could spread Covid in wild

  2020-11-27 in The Guardian

Scientists fear fur farm animals in wild could create ‘lasting’ Covid reservoir that could then spread back to humans

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Health

Climate ‘apocalypse’ fears stopping people having children – study

  2020-11-27 in The Guardian

Survey of 600 people finds some parents regret having offspring for same reason

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children | Children

Money Rebellion - Extinction Rebellion UK

  2020-11-24 (or before) in Extinction Rebellion UK

Why Money Rebellion? Our economic system determines the course of our lives Its rules govern everything that matters to us – but this system is willing to sacrifice our health, climate and natural world to favour the fortunes of the few. The system is killing us It cannot protect us from the crises to come, […]

  Tagged under: Economics | Extinction Rebellion | Health

Half of child psychiatrists surveyed say patients have environment anxiety

  2020-11-20 in The Guardian

Research finds young people in England feel growing distress about the future of the planet

  Tagged under: Health | Climate Anxiety and Grief | Children

Clouds of Concern Linger as Wildfires Drag into Flu Season and Covid-19 Numbers Swell - Inside Climate News

  2020-10-24 in Inside Climate News

Wildfire smoke had choked the mountain valleys of western Montana for nearly two months when a team of university researchers landed in Seeley Lake in the fall of 2017. Students and faculty left  their labs behind, headed to the small community and launched a study on how the relentless wildfire smoke was affecting the health […]

  Tagged under: Wildfires | Health

China’s historic announcement on net-zero emissions - Grantham Research Institute on climate change and the environment

  2020-09-28 (or before) in London School of Economics

Nicholas Stern explains why President Xi’s historic pledge to cut China's emissions to net-zero by 2060, announced this week, could prove to be a key milestone on the path to a healthier, safer and more prosperous future.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Net Zero | Health

The grass isn't greener - Ramblers

  2020-09-17 (or before) in

The Ramblers - Britain’s walking charity working to protect and expand the places people love to walk and promote walking for health and pleasure. Walking information, advice and campaigns, walking news and events, group led walks and an online library of walking routes.

  Tagged under: Health

'Superbugs' a far greater risk than Covid in Pacific, scientist warns

  2020-09-10 in The Guardian

Antimicrobial resistance ‘biggest human health threat, bar none’, says Australian research director ahead of three-year study in Fiji

  Tagged under: Pacific Ocean | Health

Reuters finds 3,810 U.S. areas with lead poisoning double Flint’s

  2020-09-01 (or before) in Reuters

Since last year, Reuters has obtained neighborhood-level blood lead testing results for 34 states and the District of Columbia. This data allows the public its first hyper-local look at communities where children tested positive for lead exposure in recent years.

  Tagged under: USA | Louisiana | California | Health | Women and Children | Children

Plastic pollution in Atlantic at least 10 times worse than thought

  2020-08-18 in The Guardian

Scientists warn prevalence of plastic pollution may pose risks to human and ocean health

  Tagged under: Oceans | Health

Microplastic particles now discoverable in human organs

  2020-08-17 in The Guardian

New technique expected to enable scientists to find accumulated microplastics in humans

  Tagged under: Microplastics and Nanoplastics | Health

New climate group will offer district-specific policy 'menus' to every congressional candidate | CNN Politics

  2020-07-02 by in CNN International

As concern over climate change grows and high profile progressive political figures embrace ambitious ideas, candidates with limited resources and time are facing a new challenge: how to craft winning political messages tailored to their districts and backed by the most recent science, health and economic data.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Legislation | US Politics | Health

Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked

  2020-06-19 in The Guardian

Unpalatable as it may be for those wedded to producing and eating meat, the environmental and health evidence for a plant-based diet is clear

  Tagged under: Farming | Health

Pandemics result from destruction of nature, say UN and WHO

  2020-06-17 in The Guardian

Experts call for legislation and trade deals worldwide to encourage green recovery

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Wildlife | Legislation | Health | Trees

Coronavirus is an ‘SOS signal for the human enterprise’

  2020-06-05 in The Guardian

UN environment chief and economist warn human wealth depends on nature’s health

  Tagged under: Economics | Wildlife | Health

UK Hydrological Status Update - May 2020 | UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

  2020-05-27 (or before) in UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

For 2020 so far, the hydrological situation has been extremely mixed. In February we saw record-breaking rainfall and river flows, and one of the most significant flood events of recent years. Just a couple of months later, after a prolonged period of dry weather, records were broken at the other end of the hydrological spectrum. In the latest in a briefing note, this caused widespread and sustained flooding in many parts of the country.An exceptionally dry spring so far?March is often a 'transitional' spring month but the contrast between the UK Water Resources Portal. Figure right: April monthly mean river flows for the UK. Fr...

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Extreme Rainfall | Drought | Predictions | Flooding | Rivers | Sea Level | Health | Water Resources

100 Law Professors Urge EPA to Withdraw Revamped “Transparency in Science” Rule

  2020-05-18 by in Legal Planet - Environmental Law and Policy

Legal scholars at 70 universities say EPA’s "science transparency rule" would limit the agency's use of the best science to protect public health

  Tagged under: Health

Humans are not resources. Coronavirus shows why we must democratise work | Thomas Piketty and others

  2020-05-15 in The Guardian

Our health and lives cannot be ruled by market forces alone. Now thousands of scholars are calling for a way out of the crisis, say Chantal Mouffe, Thomas Piketty and many others

  Tagged under: Health

The Altruist Within: In pursuit of sustainability and justice in a broken financial system | By Tim Jackson

  2020-05-14 in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

This blog is an edited version of a keynote CUSP director Tim Jackson gave at the 2013 Sea of Faith Annual Conference in Leicester. In outlining the philosophical foundation of a different approach to economics, this essay speaks as much to the financial crisis from 2008, as it does to the current health and economic predicament from COVID-19.

  Tagged under: Economics | Health | Sustainability

Britons want quality of life indicators to take priority over economy

  2020-05-10 in The Guardian

Polls finds majority would like ministers to prioritise health and wellbeing over GDP during coronavirus crisis

  Tagged under: GDP | Economics | Economic Growth | Health

Broadcast and cable news are ignoring the brazen Big Polluter agenda happening under the cover of the coronavirus

  2020-04-06 (or before) in Media Matters for America

As the nation grapples with the deadly coronavirus pandemic and the economy is brought to a standstill, the Trump administration is moving forward with its deregulatory agenda which severely threatens public and environmental health -- and in some cases, makes us more vulnerable to COVID-19. While polluting industries have long sought sweeping deregulatory changes, the collective national focus on the coronavirus pandemic now gives them the perfect opportunity to accelerate those changes and pursue additional oversight rollbacks only possible during a national crisis. Climate reporters, digital outlets, and some legacy news m...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health

Climate-damaging products should come with smoking-style warnings

  2020-03-30 in The Guardian

Graphic imagery should be used on petrol pumps and air tickets to hammer home message, experts say

  Tagged under: Health

We need health warning labels on points of sale of fossil fuels - The BMJ

  2020-03-30 in BMJ Blogs

Mike Gill and colleagues explain how the implementation of fossil fuel labelling could have a significant impact on the awareness of climate change. This article is part of The BMJ’s Health [...]More...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Fossil Fuels | Health

Diet, health, inequality: why Britain's food supply system doesn't work

  2020-03-22 in The Guardian

Tim Lang, the UK’s leading expert on food policy, says we already faced a challenge unmatched since the war. And things just got worse…

  Tagged under: Health

Revealed: Pesticide giants make billions on toxic, bee-harming chemicals

  2020-02-20 in Greenpeace UK - Unearthed

Global pesticide giants make more than a third of their income from selling highly hazardous pesticides that threaten human health and the environment.

  Tagged under: Bees | Greenpeace | Health

World failing to provide children with a healthy life and a climate fit for their future: WHO-UNICEF-Lancet

  2020-02-19 (or before) in World Health Organisation

No single country is adequately protecting children’s health, their environment and their futures, finds a landmark report released today by a Commission of over 40 child and adolescent health experts from around the world. As climate and commercial threats intensify, WHO-UNICEF-Lancet Commission presses for radical rethink on child health. 

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children | Children

The world is failing to ensure children have a 'liveable planet', report finds

  2020-02-19 in The Guardian

Children with tiny carbon footprint suffer twofold from poor health and effects of the climate crisis

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children | Children

The Great Affordability Crisis Breaking America

  2020-02-09 (or before) by in The Atlantic

In one of the best decades the American economy has ever recorded, families were bled dry.

  Tagged under: Housing | Economic Growth | Health | Economics | Finance

Almonds are out. Dairy is a disaster. So what milk should we drink?

  2020-01-29 in The Guardian

A glass of dairy milk produces almost three times more greenhouse gas than any plant-based milk. But vegan options have drawbacks of their own

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Bees | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Health

Energy - Race to Zero

  2020-01-24 (or before) in Climate Champions

Race To Zero is a global campaign to rally leadership and support from businesses, cities, regions, investors for a healthy, resilient, zero carbon-recovery.

  Tagged under: Health

Australia fires: AAP outline staggering deluge of online misinformation on bushfires

  2020-01-08 (or before) by in Australian Breaking News Headlines & World News Online |

Communications Minister Paul Fletcher has urged Australians to maintain a "healthy scepticism" towards online content.

  Tagged under: Bushfires | Disinformation and Misinformation | Health

Immediate, science-based community action can stop insect decline

  2020-01-06 (or before) in - News and Articles on Science and Technology

This year, German environmentalists collected 1.75 million signatures for a 'save the bees' law requiring an immediate transition toward organic farming. But to create healthy ecosystems worldwide, people in communities across the globe will need to take similar action based on empathy for insects—and not only for bees and butterflies—according to entomologists Yves Basset from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and Greg Lamarre from the University of South Bohemia, writing in Science. The authors present immediate, science-based actions to mitigate insect decline.

  Tagged under: Farming | Butterflies and Moths | Bees | Insects | Health

Too hot for humans? First Nations people fear becoming Australia's first climate refugees

  2019-12-17 in The Guardian

As the big dry bites and temperature records tumble, Aboriginal people in Alice Springs say global heating threatens their culture and very survival

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Drought | Housing | Health

Why hurricanes are getting crappier | Emily Atkin | TEDxShinnecockHills

  2019-12-12 (or before) in YouTube

In this talk we learn about the long overdue for investment in the american sewege system and the importance of not jumping in puddles after a rainstorm. Cu...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health

UK's hottest recorded day 'caused deaths of extra 200 people'

  2019-12-11 in The Guardian

ONS says death rate rose to 1,404 on 25 July, when mercury hit 38.7C during heatwave

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Heatwaves | Health

The Human Rights of Children Depend on Urgent Climate Action - The WorldPost - Berggruen Institute

  2019-12-10 (or before) in Berggruen Institute

Failing to stop fossil fuel production violates children’s rights to life and health.

  Tagged under: Health | Women and Children | Children

We constantly eat microplastics. What does that mean for our health?

  2019-12-05 (or before) by in New Scientist

  Tagged under: Microplastics and Nanoplastics | Oceans | Health

Persistent fossil fuel growth threatens the Paris Agreement and planetary health - IOPscience

  2019-12-05 (or before) in IOPscience

  Tagged under: Health

Child miners aged four at Congo cobalt mine | Daily Mail Online

  2019-12-01 (or before) in Daily Mail Online

Dorsen, just eight, is one of 40,000 children working daily in the mines of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The terrible price they will pay for our clean air is ruined health and a likely early death.

  Tagged under: Congo | Cobalt | Health | Women and Children | Children

The role of innovation in augmenting Healthcare – the ColaLife Story

  2019-11-29 in ColaLife - Making co-packaged ORS and Zinc the go-to treatment for diarrhoea

I have spent the last two days (27 to 28-Nov-19) at the Africa Health Extension Summit (#AHES19) in Nairobi where I told an abbreviated version of the ColaLife story to illustrate the role of innov…

  Tagged under: Africa | Health | Innovation

Why We Strike Again | by Greta Thunberg, Luisa Neubauer and Angela Valenzuela - Project Syndicate

  2019-11-29 by Greta Thunberg, Luisa Neubauer and Angela Valenzuela in Project Syndicate

Greta Thunberg, Luisa Neubauer and Angela Valenzuela vow to do whatever it takes to push world leaders to act, beginning at the UN conference in Madrid.

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Fossil Fuels | Health

A system that steals from our future

  2019-11-26 in Climate & Capitalism | An ecosocialist journal edited by Ian Angus

“We have been mortgaging the health of future generations to realize economic and development gains in the present”

  Tagged under: Economics | Health

Our Burning Planet: Op-Ed: End-of-life anxiety and finding meaning in a collapsing climate

  2019-11-19 by in Daily Maverick - South African news, opinion and investigations

Staring the reality of climate collapse square in the eye means confronting the shattering truth that many of us might not die of old age or natural causes – and will witness untold suffering we feel powerless to stop. Everyday psychotherapy may not be enough to contain the emotional crushing that comes with accepting that we – as individuals and as a species – are in a hospice situation. End-of-life healthcare may gain a new role.

  Tagged under: Health | Collapse | Climate Anxiety and Grief

Canada's farmers pushed to the brink by politics, weather and banks

  2019-11-18 in The Guardian

Poor conditions coupled with dismal harvests are taking a severe toll on workers’ mental health

  Tagged under: Economics | Farming | Health | Finance

Extinction Rebellion: The only true solution to climate anxiety

  2019-11-18 in Christian Climate Action - Direct action, public witness for the climate

Holly-Anna Peterson, CCA member and mental health professional, writes about climate anxiety: In the face of climate emergency, the question has been raised about how best to communicate this threa…

  Tagged under: Extinction Rebellion | Christianity | Climate Anxiety and Grief | Health

Psychologists from 40 countries pledged to use their jobs to address climate change

  2019-11-16 (or before) in Quartz | Make business better

The climate crisis has major mental-health impacts. Psychologists want to do something about it.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health | Climate Change Impacts

The 2019 report of The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: ensuring that the health of a child born today is not defined by a changing climate

  2019-11-14 (or before) in The Lancet

The Lancet Countdown is an international, multidisciplinary collaboration, dedicated to monitoring the evolving health profile of climate change, and providing an independent assessment of the delivery of commitments made by governments worldwide under the Paris Agreement.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health | Children

Climate crisis will affect lifelong health of young, warn doctors

  2019-11-13 in The Guardian

Lancet Countdown tracks impacts of global heating covering disease, wildfires and malnutrition

  Tagged under: Wildfires | Health | Women and Children | Children

The US city preparing itself for the collapse of capitalism

  2019-10-31 in The Guardian

From a festival that helps artists trade work for healthcare to a regional micro-currency, Kingston is trying to build an inclusive and self-sufficient local ecosystem

  Tagged under: Capitalism | Health | Collapse

Quarter of world's pig population 'to die due to African swine fever'

  2019-10-31 in The Guardian

World Organisation for Animal Health warns spread of disease has inflamed worldwide crisis

  Tagged under: Africa | Health

What happens when you can see disaster unfolding, and nobody listens?

  2019-10-25 (or before) in Mother Jones - Smart, fearless journalism

The distinct burden of being a climate scientist

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health | Climate Anxiety and Grief

Climate change: Report warns of growing impact on US life - BBC News

  2019-10-24 (or before) in The BBC

Climate change could cost the US hundreds of billions of dollars and damage health, a major report warns.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health

BVA blog - Ruminant agriculture can help us deliver net zero emissions

  2019-10-24 (or before) by in BVA - British Veterinary Association

Chief Executive at Farmwel, ffinlo Costain argues that grass-based cattle and sheep systems can be climate neutral by 2030, and they can help to restore biodiversity and soil health.

  Tagged under: Farming | Net Zero | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Health

Open Forum: Climate change is already affecting your health

  2019-10-23 (or before) by in San Francisco Chronicle

As physicians, we already see the ways in which climate change is damaging the health of...

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | Climate Change | Health

NASA Studies How Arctic Wildfires Change the World – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

  2019-08-17 (or before) by in Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

NASA is studying why boreal forest and tundra fires have become more frequent and powerful and what that means for climate forecasting, ecosystems and human health.

  Tagged under: Global Warming | Wildfires | Science | Arctic | Climate Change | Forest Fires | Health | Trees

Skipping a flight might not save the Arctic, but it means you care | Oliver Burkeman

  2019-07-19 in The Guardian

There are no strictly rational grounds for making personal sacrifices for the climate

  Tagged under: Arctic | Health

Device could bring both solar power and clean water to millions

  2019-07-09 in The Guardian

Researchers say one invention could solve two problems for people lacking basic resources

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Health | Water Resources

Revealed: rampant deforestation of Amazon driven by global greed for meat

  2019-07-02 in The Guardian

Investigation exposes how Brazil’s huge beef sector continues to threaten health of world’s largest rainforest

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Health | Trees

Doctors call for nonviolent direct action over climate crisis

  2019-06-27 in The Guardian

Governments have abrogated responsibility with woefully inadequate policies, says letter

  Tagged under: Activism | Health

Two-hour ‘dose’ of nature significantly boosts health – study

  2019-06-13 in The Guardian

Researchers say simply sitting and enjoying the peace has mental and physical benefits

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Health

Donald Trump tells Prince Charles US has 'clean climate'

  2019-06-05 in The Guardian

President blames other countries for environmental crisis, in long talk with prince

  Tagged under: Donald Trump | Climate Change | US Politics | Health

How Fossil Fuel Money Made Climate Change Denial the Word of God

  2019-06-03 (or before) in Splinter | The Truth Hurts

In 2005, at its annual meeting in Washington, D.C., the National Association of Evangelicals was on the verge of doing something novel: affirming science. Specifically, the 30-million-member group, which represents 51 Christian denominations, was debating how to advance a new platform called “For the Health of a Nation

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health | Religion

Pesticides and antibiotics polluting streams across Europe

  2019-04-08 in The Guardian

Wildlife and human health are threatened say scientists as Syngenta accepts ‘undeniable demand’ for change

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Health

Dirty lies: how the car industry hid the truth about diesel emissions

  2019-03-22 in The Guardian

The long read: The ‘Dieselgate’ scandal was suppressed for years – while we should have been driving electric cars

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Electric Cars | Cars | Air Travel | Health


  2019-03-10 (or before) in TIME Magazine

Breaking news and analysis from Politics, world news, photos, video, tech reviews, health, science and entertainment news.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health

A Green New Deal can give us the freedoms to allow humanity to flourish

  2019-02-07 in The Guardian

Franklin Delano Roosevelt sought to redefine freedom in the face of war. The Green New Deal imagines goals for a colorful democracy

  Tagged under: Climate Change | US Politics | Health

Save millions of lives by tackling climate change, says WHO

  2018-12-05 in The Guardian

Global warming and fossil fuel pollution is already killing many, with the cost of action far lower than the benefits, UN climate summit told

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Fossil Fuels | Health

Climate change already a health emergency, say experts

  2018-11-28 in The Guardian

Deadly heatwaves and spread of diseases affect people’s health today – report

  Tagged under: Heatwaves | Climate Change | Health

Sustainability is not Enough: We Need Regenerative Cultures

  2018-05-23 in resilience

Aiming to design for systemic health may not save us from unexpected side-effects and uncertainty, but it offers a trial and error path towards a regenerative culture. 

  Tagged under: Health | Sustainability

How much could commuter cycling increase in your part of England?

  2017-04-13 in The Guardian

New tool maps the potential increase in bike journeys under different scenarios – from routes avoiding hills to adopting e-bikes – revealing health benefits and informing future investment

  Tagged under: Health

Ground-level Ozone Basics | US EPA

  2015-05-29 in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Learn the difference between good (stratospheric) and bad (tropospheric) ozone, how bad ozone affects our air quality, health, and environment, and what EPA is doing about it through regulations and standards.

  Tagged under: Health

Sources (159)
Advancing Earth and Space Sciences Journal
All Our Yesterdays
American Meteorological Society Journals
Annual Reviews
Applied Earth Intelligence Experts | 4 Earth Intelligence
Associated Press News
Australian Breaking News Headlines & World News Online |
Berggruen Institute
BMJ Blogs
Business Green
BVA - British Veterinary Association
Carbon Brief - Canada's Public Broadcaster
Centre for Environmental Rights, South Africa
Christian Climate Action - Direct action, public witness for the climate
Climate & Capitalism | An ecosocialist journal edited by Ian Angus
Climate Champions
Climate Champions
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet
Climate Interactive
CNN International
ColaLife - Making co-packaged ORS and Zinc the go-to treatment for diarrhoea
Competitive Enterprise Institute - Competitive Enterprise Institute
CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity
Daily Mail Online
Daily Maverick - South African news, opinion and investigations
Earth Negotiations Bulletin - International Institute for Sustainable Development
EcoWatch - For a Healthier Planet and Life
Ends Report
Eudaimonia and Co
European Environment Agency
Extinction Rebellion UK
France 24
Gizmodo | The Future Is Here
Global Movement to #SaveSoil
Greenpeace UK - Unearthed Climate. Justice. Solutions.
Harvard Public Health
Home | ASU News
Inside Climate News
Knowledge Hub | Knowledge Hub
Legal Planet - Environmental Law and Policy
London Evening Standard
London Review of Books
London School of Economics
Making prices honest and sharing natural wealth will correct societal defects
Media Matters for America
Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere - Stanford University
Minnesota Public Radio
MIT Press
Montana's Independent Source for Statewide News - Montana Free Press
Mother Jones - Smart, fearless journalism
Nation Africa
National Geographic
Natural Resources Defense Council
New Scientist Ñ AustraliaÕs leading news site
Nursing News, Articles & Learning | Nursing In Practice
Ocean Acidification - a news stream provided by the Ocean Acidification International Coordination Center (OA-ICC)
OK Doomer
Penn State University - News and Articles on Science and Technology
PLOS - Open Science
Population Health | GirlPlanet.Earth
Pro Publica
Project Syndicate
PubMed National Center for Biotechnology Information
Quartz | Make business better
RAND Corporation Provides Objective Research Services and Public Policy Analysis | RAND
Right Now - Human rights in Australia
River Mole River Watch, campaigning to end water pollution, river Mole United Kingdom
Royal Society Publishing
San Francisco Chronicle
Save Bees • Pollinator decline and how to help
Science Times | Daily Top Science News and Features
SciTechDaily - Science, Space and Technology News 2023
Scottish Government
Splinter | The Truth Hurts
Springer Verlag
Stockholm Environment Institute
The Aerosol Society - Extending knowledge of airborne particles
The Atlantic
The BMJ: British Medical Journal
The Climate Coalition
The Conversation
The Fabian Society
The Guardian
The Hill
The Independent
The Intercept
The Lancet
The New York Times
The Scotsman
The Telegraph
The Times & The Sunday Times
The Tyee British Columbia
The Weather Channel and
Think Progress
TIME Magazine
Times of India
Toxic-Free Future | Science, Advocacy, Results
Treehugger | Sustainability for All
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
UN News | Global perspective Human stories
Union of Concerned Scientists
University of Washington
VOA - Voice of America English News
Wayback Machine
WE ACT for Environmental Justice: Empowering Communities to Power Change
Welcome to CIEH
World Health Organisation
World Resources Institute
Yale Climate Connections
YES! Magazine

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