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Topic: Cattle and Dairy Farming

Related Articles (46)

Dutch Lidl cuts cost of plant-based foods, makes minced meat partly plant-based 

  2024-08-28 (or before) in

A minced meat mix, which is 60% beef, 40% pea protein, is being introduced Food awareness organisation, ProVeg International, has…

  Tagged under: Cattle and Dairy Farming

US demand for Aussie beef soars 75 per cent, as drought leaves US herd at lowest level since 1950s - ABC News

  2024-07-27 in ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

The United States' cattle herd is at its lowest level since the 1950s. But its "insatiable appetite" for hamburgers hasn't changed, and that's causing ripples through the global beef trade. 

  Tagged under: Cattle and Dairy Farming | Drought

Most UK dairy farms ignoring pollution rules as manure spews into rivers

  2024-04-19 in The Guardian

Exclusive: 80% of Welsh dairy farms inspected, 69% of English ones, 60% in Scotland and 50% in Northern Ireland breaching regulations

  Tagged under: Cattle and Dairy Farming

Bird flu outbreak in US cows: why scientists are concerned

  2024-04-08 in Nature

A virus that has killed hundreds of millions of birds has now infected cattle in six US states, but the threat to humans is currently low. A virus that has killed hundreds of millions of birds has now infected cattle in six US states, but the threat to humans is currently low.

  Tagged under: Cattle and Dairy Farming

New water accounting reveals why the Colorado River no longer reaches the sea - Communications Earth & Environment

  2024-03-28 in Nature

Comprehensive accounting for consumptive water uses in the Colorado River Basin, United States indicates that irrigated agriculture consumes half of all river flows; nearly two-thirds of agricultural water goes to cattle feed crops.

  Tagged under: Cattle and Dairy Farming

Is 'Climate-Friendly Beef' Always Just Greenwashing?

  2024-03-19 in Sentient Media - Reporting on the Impact of Animal Agriculture

From methane masks to lemongrass, how do the many efforts to make sustainable beef compare to just eating a little less?

  Tagged under: Methane | Cattle and Dairy Farming

Somerset Levels farming may become 'unsustainable' due to floods

  2024-03-08 in The BBC

Alan Franks' family has been in dairy farming since the 1950s but he now fears for his business.

  Tagged under: Climate Change Impacts | UK | Agriculture | Flooding | Cattle and Dairy Farming

‘Sad and debilitating’: rural midwesterners contend with well water tainted by livestock waste

  2024-03-06 in The Guardian

Nitrate-fouled water from concentrated animal feed operations causes a host of medical problems for nearby residents

  Tagged under: Cattle and Dairy Farming

Concerned dairy farmers host meeting to unite agenda of IFA and ICMSA

  2024-01-23 in Irish Independent

A group of 15 dairy farmers near the Wicklow-Wexford border will host a public meeting in effort to begin shaping and uniting the agendas of Ireland’s farming organisations, with focus on key issues such as climate policy, the nitrates derogation and live exports.

  Tagged under: Farming | Cattle and Dairy Farming

Carbon opportunity cost increases carbon footprint advantage of grain-finished beef

  2023-12-15 (or before) in PLOS - Open Science

Beef production accounts for the largest share of global livestock greenhouse gas emissions and is an important target for climate mitigation efforts. Most life-cycle assessments comparing the carbon footprint of beef production systems have been limited to production emissions. None also consider potential carbon sequestration due to grazing and alternate uses of land used for production. We assess the carbon footprint of 100 beef production systems in 16 countries, including production emissions, soil carbon sequestration from grazing, and carbon opportunity cost—the potential carbon sequestration that could occur on lan...

  Tagged under: Cattle and Dairy Farming | Climate Change Mitigation | Sustainability

‘Everything is parched’: Amazon struggles with drought amid deforestation

  2023-11-06 in The Guardian

By now, the rivers should be full. But large-scale cattle farming, the climate crisis and weather events like El Niño mean Brazil is near the point of no return

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Amazon Rainforest | Drought | Cattle and Dairy Farming | El Niño | Brazil | Trees | Rivers

Up to 41,000 cows could be culled to meet nitrates derogation levels 

  2023-10-22 by in Irish Examiner

  Tagged under: Ireland | Cattle and Dairy Farming

Ex-officials at UN farming body say work on methane emissions was censored

  2023-10-20 in The Guardian

Pressure from agriculture lobbies led to role of cattle in rising global temperatures being underplayed by FAO, claim sources

  Tagged under: Farming | Methane | Cattle and Dairy Farming

This land isn’t for you or me. It’s for the meat industry.

  2023-10-20 by in Vox

Almost half of the continental US is used for meat production. There’s something better we could do with it.

  Tagged under: Meat Production | Cattle and Dairy Farming

Nestlé Drops Supplier Linked to Indigenous Land Invasions

  2023-09-19 (or before) in

Nestlé, the world’s largest food company, has removed Marfrig from its list of suppliers in Brazil, a year after an investigation by The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ) linked the beef giant...

  Tagged under: Cattle and Dairy Farming | Brazil

Nestlé supplier used Brazilian beef from seized Indigenous land

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Abattoir owned by meatpacking giant Marfrig is at the centre of murky supply chain that also includes McDonald’s and Burger King

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Amazon Rainforest | Land Use | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Brazil

New study shows impacts of cutting meat and dairy consumption in half

  2023-09-16 (or before) in Mother Jones - Smart, fearless journalism

It’d be like not burning 1.8 trillion pounds of coal annually.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Climate Change Impacts

More than 800m Amazon trees felled in six years to meet beef demand

  2023-06-03 (or before) in Inkl

Investigation involving Guardian shows systematic and vast forest loss linked to cattle farming in Brazil

  Tagged under: Amazon Rainforest | Farming | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Brazil | Trees

Lab-grown meat could be 25 times worse for the climate than beef | New Scientist

  2023-05-09 in New Scientist

Analysis finds the carbon footprint of cultivated meat is likely to be higher than beef if current production methods are scaled up because they are still highly energy-intensive

  Tagged under: Meat Production | Cattle and Dairy Farming

Big Chicken is Going After Climavores

  2023-05-09 in Sentient Media - Reporting on the Impact of Animal Agriculture

Is eating chicken more sustainable than beef? The industry is misleading consumers with its "climate-friendly" marketing.

  Tagged under: Cattle and Dairy Farming

Inside big beef’s climate messaging machine: confuse, defend and downplay

  2023-05-03 in The Guardian

A Masters of Beef Advocacy program teaches ‘scientific sounding’ arguments on cattle’s sustainability in an all-out public relations war

  Tagged under: Cattle and Dairy Farming | Sustainability

The meat industry got the IPCC to edit a climate change report

  2023-03-26 (or before) in Quartz | Make business better

A leaked draft revealed how the meat industry is obstructing efforts to curb climate change

  Tagged under: IPCC | Climate Change | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Climate Change Mitigation

Meat, dairy and rice production will bust 1.5C climate target, shows study

  2023-03-06 in The Guardian

Emissions from food system alone will drive the world past target, unless high-methane foods are tackled

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Methane | Meat Production | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Food Production and Consumption

Beefing up Bay du Nord: New estimates push Equinor's project to nearly 1 billion barrels | CBC News

  2023-02-08 (or before) in - Canada's Public Broadcaster

New volume estimates released by the board that regulates the offshore oil industry reveal that the amount of recoverable oil linked to the Bay du Nord project is now close to one billion barrels.

  Tagged under: Cattle and Dairy Farming

Two-thirds of cattle farms in north Devon cause river pollution

  2022-10-25 in The Guardian

Nearly nine in 10 farms inspected failed to comply with regulations, according to a report from the Environment Agency

  Tagged under: Farming | Rivers | Cattle and Dairy Farming

Exclusive: Thousands of U.S. cattle buried, dumped at Kansas landfill

  2022-07-26 in Reuters

Top U.S. cattle feeding companies sent 1,000-pound carcasses to a Kansas landfill, where they were flattened by loader machines and mixed with trash, after a June heatwave killed thousands of cows, documents seen by Reuters show.

  Tagged under: Farming | Heatwaves | Climate Change | Cattle and Dairy Farming

Meat, monopolies, mega farms: how the US food system fuels climate crisis

  2022-06-30 in The Guardian

From a beef-heavy diet to growing crops that don’t feed people – the biggest challenges facing the agriculture industry

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Meat Production | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Food Production and Consumption

Cash Cow | Global Witness

  2022-06-24 (or before) in Global Witness

How beef giant JBS’s links to Amazon deforestation and human rights abuses are aided by UK, US and EU financiers, importers and supermarkets

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Amazon Rainforest | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Trees

‘Relentless’ destruction of rainforest continuing despite Cop26 pledge

  2022-04-28 in The Guardian

Tropics lost 11.1m hectares of tree cover in 2021, including forest critical to limiting global heating and biodiversity loss

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Congo | COP26 | Rainforests | Brazil | Africa | Wildlife | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Trees | Indonesia | Biodiversity Loss

How the beef industry is trying to change the maths of climate change

  2022-03-09 by in Greenpeace UK - Unearthed

A new metric for the greenhouse gas methane could see the beef industry claim to be climate neutral without significantly cutting emissions

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Methane | Climate Change | Net Zero | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Greenpeace

How a humble mushroom could save forests and fight climate change

  2022-02-08 (or before) by in The Conversation

Inoculating trees with an edible fungi can produce more protein per hectare than pasture-raised beef, while reforesting, storing carbon and restoring biodiversity.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Trees

Meat and dairy gobble up farming subsidies worldwide, which is bad for your health and the planet

  2022-01-12 (or before) by in The Conversation

Vegetables, fruits and legumes are nutritious and sustainable – but subsidies overwhelmingly neglect them.

  Tagged under: Farming | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Health

European Retailers Suspend Brazil Beef on Deforestation

  2021-12-16 (or before) in Bloomberg

Six European retail groups, including Sainsbury’s in the United Kingdom and Carrefour in Belgium, are restricting Brazilian beef purchases due to new findings linking cattle production to deforestation in the Amazon, Cerrado and Pantanal.

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Cattle and Dairy Farming

There Is No Such Thing as Sustainable Beef

  2021-10-27 in Sentient Media - Reporting on the Impact of Animal Agriculture

The beef industry is trying to clean up its image by promising that it's doing more to help the climate crisis than hurt it. Science says otherwise.

  Tagged under: Farming | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Sustainability

In drought-plagued northern Mexico, tens of thousands of cows are starving to death

  2021-08-01 in Los Angeles Times

Sonora is the cattle capital of Mexico. But prolonged drought is killing off the herds.

  Tagged under: Drought | Mexico | Cattle and Dairy Farming

Walmart selling beef from firm linked to Amazon deforestation

  2021-02-13 in The Guardian

Exclusive: US chains Walmart, Costco and Kroger selling Brazilian beef produced by JBS linked to destruction of Brazilian rainforest

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Trees

'Total destruction': why fires are tearing across South America

  2020-10-09 in The Guardian

Wildfires, mostly caused by land clearing for cattle grazing and soya production, have set four nations ablaze

  Tagged under: Argentina | Deforestation | Wildfires | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Forest Fires | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Trees

Tesco urged to ditch meat company over alleged links to Amazon deforestation

  2020-08-05 in The Guardian

Responding to Greenpeace campaign to cut links to Brazilian meat giant JBS, supermarket calls on government to ensure all UK food is deforestation-free

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Bolsonaro | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Greenpeace | Activism

Revealed: new evidence links Brazil meat giant JBS to Amazon deforestation

  2020-07-27 in The Guardian

Photographs by employee appear to show company trucks being used to transport cattle from allegedly prohibited cattle farm

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Trees

Emissions from 13 dairy firms match those of entire UK, says report

  2020-06-15 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Milk giants’ climate impact rising and production caps needed, say researchers

  Tagged under: Farming | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Food Production and Consumption

Chronicle of a Grassland Saved

  2020-02-21 in A new nature blog

For those of us of a certain age, The Milky Bar Kid was part of our childhood. A boy, dressed as a cowboy, implored us to eat white chocolate  – which was not particularly popular back then. …

  Tagged under: Farming | Cattle and Dairy Farming | UK | Grasslands | Conservation

Almonds are out. Dairy is a disaster. So what milk should we drink?

  2020-01-29 in The Guardian

A glass of dairy milk produces almost three times more greenhouse gas than any plant-based milk. But vegan options have drawbacks of their own

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Bees | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Health

Reach ‘peak meat’ by 2030 to tackle climate crisis, say scientists

  2019-12-12 in The Guardian

Reducing meat and dairy consumption will cut methane and allow forests to thrive

  Tagged under: Farming | Methane | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Trees

Meat: A Threat to Our Planet? review – guaranteed to put you off your chicken nuggets

  2019-11-25 in The Guardian

Liz Bonnin’s investigation of the environmental mayhem caused by mass carnivory was meaty, disquieting viewing

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Texas | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Trees | Activism

BVA blog - Ruminant agriculture can help us deliver net zero emissions

  2019-10-24 (or before) by in BVA - British Veterinary Association

Chief Executive at Farmwel, ffinlo Costain argues that grass-based cattle and sheep systems can be climate neutral by 2030, and they can help to restore biodiversity and soil health.

  Tagged under: Farming | Net Zero | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Health

Revealed: rampant deforestation of Amazon driven by global greed for meat

  2019-07-02 in The Guardian

Investigation exposes how Brazil’s huge beef sector continues to threaten health of world’s largest rainforest

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Health | Trees

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