The Elephant

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Source: Los Angeles Times


Articles from this source (34)

Editorial: Delay California's oil drilling protections until 2031? No way

  2024-08-21 in Los Angeles Times

California lawmakers should reject the Newsom administrations proposal for a more than four-year delay to provisions of the states landmark law to protect people from neighborhood oil drilling.

Forest Service orders Arrowhead bottled water company to shut down California pipeline

  2024-08-07 in Los Angeles Times

The Forest Service told bottled water company BlueTriton Brands to stop piping water out of a California national forest. The company is suing to challenge the decision.

  Tagged under: Drought

Column: Activists and celebrities urge Dodgers to dump oil industry advertiser

  2024-08-06 in Los Angeles Times

What do the Rainforest Action Network, The Doors' longtime drummer John Desnmore, acclaimed climate activist Bill McKibben and "Anchorman" director Adam McKay's Yellow Dot Studios have in common?

  Tagged under: Activism

Letters to the Editor: The false promise of carbon capture as a climate solution

  2024-06-27 in Los Angeles Times

Schemes to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere are risky and inefficient, and they serve to extend the lives of fossil fuel companies.

  Tagged under: Carbon Capture and Storage

California wildfires have already burned 90,000 acres, and summer is just beginning

  2024-06-22 in Los Angeles Times

California wildfires burned almost 90,000 acres already this year, an amount more than five times the average of pre-summer blazes from the last few years.

  Tagged under: Wildfires | California

Editorial: California can make climate polluters pay for the mess they have made of Earth

  2024-05-21 in Los Angeles Times

California lawmakers should support the Polluters Pay Climate Cost Recovery Act, a Superfund-style bill that would force big fossil fuel companies to pay for their damage to the climate. Otherwise, taxpayers will ultimately foot the entire bill.

Recent storms pushed California's yearly rainfall, snowpack even higher — and more could be coming

  2024-03-07 in Los Angeles Times

Wednesday's storm dumped even more rainfall across Southern California, pushing up yearly rain totals well above average.

  Tagged under: Extreme Rainfall | California

Water increasingly at the center of conflicts from Ukraine to the Middle East

  2023-12-28 in Los Angeles Times

Scientist Peter Gleick has been studying water-related conflicts for three decades. He and fellow researchers have found a concerning rise in violence.

  Tagged under: Drought

As Colorado River shrinks, California farmers urge 'one-dam solution'

  2023-09-05 in Los Angeles Times

Some California farmers are urging the federal government to consider draining Lake Powell, supporting environmentalists’ push for a ‘one-dam solution.’

  Tagged under: Rivers | Drought | Colorado River | California

ERROR: The request could not be satisfied

  2023-08-24 (or before) in Los Angeles Times

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Fossil Fuels | Wildfires

How climate scientists feel about seeing their dire predictions come true

  2023-08-18 in Los Angeles Times

Wildfires in Canada and Hawaii. Hurricane Hilary set to strike California. Scientists have warned about worse storms and more frequent fires for years.

  Tagged under: Predictions | California | Wildfires

ERROR: The request could not be satisfied

  2023-07-09 (or before) in Los Angeles Times

There's no such thing as a perfect climate change solution

  2023-07-07 in Los Angeles Times

But we still need to confront global warming, fast.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | California

Tribes seek greater involvement in talks on Colorado River water crisis

  2023-06-16 in Los Angeles Times

The federal government is opening negotiations on long-term plans for the Colorado River. Leaders of tribes say they don't want to be left out of key talks.

  Tagged under: Drought | Rivers | Colorado River

Column: Big oil companies are already reneging on their global warming promises

  2023-02-09 in Los Angeles Times

BP and Shell made eye-catching promises to invest in renewable energy. If you're shocked that they're already backing off, you haven't been paying attention.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | BP | Shell

In Arizona, Colorado River crisis stokes worry over growth and groundwater depletion

  2022-12-26 in Los Angeles Times

Even as Arizona grapples with cuts in Colorado River water, Phoenix’s suburbs are expanding. Experts warn that desert growth based on groundwater poses risks.

  Tagged under: Colorado River | Drought | Rivers | California

Column: Can scientists moonlight as activists — or does that violate an important ethical code?

  2022-11-17 in Los Angeles Times

Traditionally, scientists have been discouraged from engaging in advocacy. But with the climate crisis, attitudes are changing.

  Tagged under: Activism | Climate Change

A drought so bad it exposed a long-ago homicide. Getting the water back will be harder than ever

  2022-05-06 in Los Angeles Times

The added heat from global warming has made drought-stricken lands extra-dry. It will take more precipitation than usual to end it.

  Tagged under: Drought | Climate Change | California

With water running out, California faces grim summer of dangerous heat, extreme drought

  2022-05-04 in Los Angeles Times

La Niña was expected to dissipate, but it may linger through the summer. That's bad news for drought and wildfire-prone California.

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Wildfires | Drought | California

Brazil detects record Amazon deforestation in January and February

  2022-03-11 in Los Angeles Times

Satellite alerts of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon in February were the highest for that month in seven years of record-keeping.

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil

Ukraine is a climate story. Because everything is a climate story

  2022-03-03 in Los Angeles Times

Russia's invasion is yet another reason to switch from fossil fuels to clean energy, experts say.

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | Russia

Getting personal about climate change made me a better reporter

  2022-02-03 in Los Angeles Times

Journalists need to start demanding solutions and stop worrying about bad-faith critics.

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Op-Ed: The failure at Glasgow and what needs to happen next

  2021-11-16 in Los Angeles Times

Allowing global leaders to feel that what happened in Glasgow was acceptable would be a disastrous mistake.

  Tagged under: COP26 | Fossil Fuels

Fire creeps closer to ancient sequoias, reaching Trail of 100 Giants

  2021-09-20 in Los Angeles Times

Flames from the Windy fire are chewing the trunks of trees within Long Meadow Grove, home to some 1,500-year-old sequoias along the Trail of 100 Giants.

  Tagged under: California | Trees

In drought-plagued northern Mexico, tens of thousands of cows are starving to death

  2021-08-01 in Los Angeles Times

Sonora is the cattle capital of Mexico. But prolonged drought is killing off the herds.

  Tagged under: Drought | Mexico | Cattle and Dairy Farming

'Unrecognizable.' Lake Mead, a lifeline for water in Los Angeles and the West, tips toward crisis

  2021-07-11 in Los Angeles Times

Lake Mead is at the lowest water levels in its 85-year history. Federal officials who manage the lake expect to soon declare a water shortage.

  Tagged under: Drought | California

Op-Ed: Expect hotter and deadlier heat waves that will make this summer seem cool

  2021-07-02 in Los Angeles Times

To say that 120 degrees in Canada is a 'once in 1,000 years' event is nonsense at this point, because the baseline has shifted so radically.

Op-Ed: Concrete steps California can take to prevent massive fire devastation

  2020-09-16 in Los Angeles Times

Fires are inevitable in the West, but widespread devastation doesn't have to be. Here are concrete steps California can take to mitigate fire damage.

  Tagged under: California | Wildfires

UC becomes nation's largest university to divest fully from fossil fuels

  2020-05-19 in Los Angeles Times

The University of California has fully divested from all fossil fuels, the nation's largest university to do so as pressure grows at Harvard, Stanford and other campuses to join the fight against climate change.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Fossil Fuels | California

California communities suing Big Oil over climate change face a key hearing Wednesday

  2020-02-05 in Los Angeles Times

For nearly three years, a group of California communities have been suing oil companies for damages incurred by climate change.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | California

Getty fire off 405 Freeway in L.A. destroys several homes; thousands flee

  2019-10-28 in Los Angeles Times

A wind-driven brush fire chewed through hillside communities on the west side of Los Angeles on Monday, burning homes and prompting widespread evacuations.

  Tagged under: California

The biggest likely source of microplastics in California coastal waters? Our car tires

  2019-10-02 in Los Angeles Times

Driving is not just an air pollution and climate change problem. Turns out, rubber particles from car tires might be the largest contributor of microplastics in California coastal waters, according to the most comprehensive study to date.

  Tagged under: Microplastics and Nanoplastics | Oceans | California

California was warned about climate change 30 years ago. Now it's feeling the effects

  2019-06-27 in Los Angeles Times

A report issued in 1989 warned that California would see more droughts, floods, and fires under climate change. Those projections are now coming true.

  Tagged under: Drought | Predictions | Climate Change | California

Methane in the atmosphere is surging, and that’s got scientists worried

  2019-03-03 in Los Angeles Times

The concentration of atmospheric methane has been rising, especially in the past 4 years. Scientists don't know why, but it's they say it's a problem.

  Tagged under: Methane

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