The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens
Barclays’ billions of ‘sustainable’ finance for fossil fuel industry…
2024-05-13 (or before) in The Bureau InvestigatesBanks' funding of companies behind aggressive oil expansion flies in face of its climate commitments
Nestlé supplier used Brazilian beef from seized Indigenous land
2023-09-19 (or before) in The Bureau InvestigatesAbattoir owned by meatpacking giant Marfrig is at the centre of murky supply chain that also includes McDonald’s and Burger King
Tagged under: Deforestation | Amazon Rainforest | Land Use | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Brazil
Insurance giant ‘breached international guidelines’ by backing oil pipeline
2023-05-05 (or before) in The Bureau InvestigatesA group of NGOs allege that Marsh is contributing to the serious harm caused by the pipeline by providing the insurance services necessary for the project to progress
Tagged under: Africa | Insurance | Finance
Insurance giant Marsh signs on for environmentally disastrous pipeline project
2023-05-05 (or before) in The Bureau InvestigatesCompany defies its employees to broker project that will generate 33 million tons of carbon emissions each year
Tagged under: Africa | EACOP | Insurance
HSBC’s secretive loan to a coal company bulldozing a village
2023-01-13 (or before) in The Bureau InvestigatesSenior bankers greenlit $340m deal with energy giant RWE but recommended HSBC's involvement was kept quiet
Tagged under: Coal | Germany | Finance
Mines, pipelines and oil rigs: what HSBC’s ‘sustainable finance’ really pays for
2022-11-01 (or before) in The Bureau InvestigatesBank is using ‘green’ initiatives to raise billions for companies that are fuelling the climate crisis
Tagged under: Finance
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