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Topic: Farming

Featured Articles:

‘The land is becoming desert’: drought pushes Sicily’s farming heritage to the brink

  2024-08-19 in The Guardian

While tourists flock to the Italian island in greater numbers, a water crisis is intensifying for its rural population

  Tagged under: Italy | Water Resources | Farming | Drought

Climate change having huge impact on farmers

  2023-9-21 in Fruit Net

More than 70 per cent of farmers have already seen large impacts of climate change on their farm, new global research from Farmer Voice survey reveals

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change | Climate Change Impacts | Agriculture

Related Articles (297)

‘The land is becoming desert’: drought pushes Sicily’s farming heritage to the brink

  2024-08-19 in The Guardian

While tourists flock to the Italian island in greater numbers, a water crisis is intensifying for its rural population

  Tagged under: Italy | Water Resources | Farming | Drought

Deficient monsoon rainfall hits paddy farmers in parts of north India

  2024-08-16 by in

Sherpuri Goswami owns slightly more than a hectare of land and is a ‘small’ farmer. The landholding is not enough to meet the needs of his family of eighteen, and the 53-year-old farmer from Nadiyali village in Haryana has taken eight hectares on lease on which he has planted paddy, the most important kharif (monsoon) […]

  Tagged under: Drought | India | Farming

Japan’s rice stocks drop to lowest level in decades amid tourist boom and poor crop yields

  2024-07-31 in The Guardian

Japan’s agriculture ministry blames shortage on tourists’ vast demand for rice and low crop yields last year

  Tagged under: Japan | Food Production and Consumption | Farming | Agriculture

Vegetable shortages are increasingly likely, warns canned food CEO

  2024-07-14 (or before) by in Brussels Times

So far, the spinach harvest has been poor, while the yield of rhubarb and kale has also been disappointing.

  Tagged under: Famine and Food Insecurity | Farming | Agriculture

Congress should follow science and reject Bayer push to block lawsuits

  2024-07-11 by in

By Nathan Donley Millions of American users of glyphosate-based Roundup have likely assumed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would never have approved the pesticide unless it was safe. But the science-based truth has never been as cut and dried as the EPA and Bayer, which bought Roundup maker Monsanto in 2018, have made it sound. In a series of trials across the country, juries – and the public – have learned that despite the safety claims by Bayer and the EPA, hundreds of studies by independent scientists link glyphosate herbicides to serious health harms, including cancer. Even though Bayer maintains th...

  Tagged under: Health | Pesticides | Litigation | Legislation | Farming | US Politics | Science

Climate and agriculture scientists set the record straight – emissions from the livestock sector must decline by 50% this decade, and some countries should do more than others.

  2024-03-13 (or before) in Animal Law & Policy Program | Harvard Law School

  Tagged under: Methane | Farming

Fish To Frolic Among Floating Offshore Wind Turbines - CleanTechnica

  2024-03-08 by in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

A new offshore wind farm will host an aquaculture pilot project, featuring Hexicon's unique two-headed floating turbines.

  Tagged under: Farming | Wind Power | Fish

‘Our yields are going to be appalling’: one of wettest winters in decades hits England’s farms

  2024-02-23 in The Guardian

Flooding top of agenda at NFU conference after extreme weather ruins thousands of acres of crops

  Tagged under: Farming

What will Spain look like when it runs out of water? Barcelona is giving us a glimpse | María Ramírez

  2024-02-15 in The Guardian

Angry farmers, worried tourism workers and unprepared politicians – Catalonia is on the frontline of a drought-stricken future, says Spanish journalist María Ramírez

  Tagged under: Spain | Drought | Farming

The Guardian view on Europe’s rural revolt: sustainability is in farmers’ interests too | Editorial

  2024-02-14 in The Guardian

Editorial: The current wave of protests endangers environmental progress. But imaginative politics can get the green deal back on track

  Tagged under: Activism | Farming | Sustainability

Worst fall armyworm incursion on record costing farmers millions - ABC News

  2024-02-14 in ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

The invasive insect causes millions of dollars in losses across Australia's summer crop-growing regions.

  Tagged under: Farming | Insects

‘The world is changing too fast for us’: organic farmers on urgency of French protests

  2024-01-26 in The Guardian

France taken by surprise by scale and fury of grassroots demonstrations amid crisis in organic sector

  Tagged under: Farming | France | Activism

Councillors block plans to build 65,000 solar panels on farmland at Haddon

  2024-01-26 in Peterborough Today

More than 100 objections to plans were submitted by residents

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Farming

Concerned dairy farmers host meeting to unite agenda of IFA and ICMSA

  2024-01-23 in Irish Independent

A group of 15 dairy farmers near the Wicklow-Wexford border will host a public meeting in effort to begin shaping and uniting the agendas of Ireland’s farming organisations, with focus on key issues such as climate policy, the nitrates derogation and live exports.

  Tagged under: Farming | Cattle and Dairy Farming

Aquifer depletion threatens crop

  2024-01-20 (or before) by in The New Indian Express

Three decades of data have informed a new Nebraska-led study that shows how the depletion of groundwater — the same that many farmers rely on for irrigation — c

  Tagged under: Farming

Brexit divergence from EU destroying UK’s vital environmental protections

  2024-01-19 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Britain is falling behind the bloc on almost every area of green regulation, analysis reveals

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Health | Trees

Global food production at risk as rising temperatures threaten farmers' physical ability to work, new study finds

  2024-01-19 in - News and Articles on Science and Technology

The future of global food production is under threat as temperature rises will impact farmers' physical capacity to work, a new study has revealed.

  Tagged under: Farming | Food Production and Consumption

What do angry farmers in Nevada and Germany have in common? They’re being exploited by the far right | George Monbiot

  2024-01-19 in The Guardian

Populists are taking advantage of agrarian protests sparked by genuine crises – and it all feels horribly familiar, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot

  Tagged under: Farming | Activism

Report: Warmer planet will trigger increased farm losses

  2024-01-18 in - News and Articles on Science and Technology

Extreme heat is already harming crop yields, but a new report quantifies just how much that warming is cutting into farmers' financial security. For every 1 degree Celsius of warming, yields of major crops like corn, soybeans and wheat fall by 16% to 20%, gross farm income falls by 7% and net farm income plummets 66%.

  Tagged under: Global Warming | Farming

Storm Henk-hit farmers call for stronger river defences

  2024-01-04 (or before) in The BBC

Thousands of acres of crops and productive farmland are under water thanks to Storm Henk's flooding.

  Tagged under: UK | Flooding | Storms. Hurricanes and Tornados | Extreme Rainfall | Farming | Adaptation | Rivers

Fears for river pollution as UK ditches EU farming rules after Brexit | The Independent

  2023-12-23 in The Independent

Farmers will no longer have to follow EU regulations in areas such as reducing agricultural runoff into rivers

  Tagged under: Farming | Rivers

Drought leaves Karnataka farmers in distress; 456 end lives this year

  2023-12-18 by in Latest News from Hyderabad, Telangana, Bollywood, India |

Bengaluru: Karnataka is grappling with an acute drought this year, leaving crops unviable, existing yields destroyed, and farmers in severe distress.

  Tagged under: Drought | Farming

Farmers says climate change is biggest threat, renewables the best solution

  2023-12-12 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Seven out of 10 farmers interviewed had already invested in emissions reduction efforts, by installing solar panels and batteries, electrifying farm equipment or planting trees.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Farming | Trees

'We Need Information' Plead Peru Farmers Battling Drought, Climate Change

  2023-12-07 by in Barrons

A light rain barely moistens the soil in the drought-stricken region of Junin in central Peru. It does nothing to bring relief to farmers in Latin America's biggest potato producer.

  Tagged under: Drought | Farming

‘Nothing’s Predictable’: Extreme Weather is Ruining Farmers’ Crops and Finances | The Daily Yonder

  2023-11-27 by in The Daily Yonder | Your Top Source for Rural News and Storytelling

This story was originally published by Grist in partnership with the Economic Hardship Reporting Project. When David Marchant looked at the weather

  Tagged under: Farming | Finance

US Corn Farmers Defy Summer Drought, Extreme Heat for a Record Crop - Bloomberg

  2023-11-10 in Bloomberg

The bumper harvest is fallout from the war in the Black Sea region and should keep a lid on costs for poultry and biofuel producers, as well as shoppers.

  Tagged under: Drought | Farming | Russia

20 Calif. farm families use more Colorado River water than some states

  2023-11-10 (or before) in Desert Sun

Tens of millions of people rely on Colorado River water. But as its supply shrinks, these farmers get more water from the river than entire states.

  Tagged under: Farming | Colorado River | California | Rivers | Colorado State

Food, soil, water: how the extinction of insects would transform our planet

  2023-11-10 in The Guardian

A new study doubles the number of species at risk of extinction to 2m, driven by the latest data on insects. Losing these tiny creatures would have huge implications for life on Earth

  Tagged under: Drought | Farming | Rivers | Wildlife | Insects | Extinction

Ex-officials at UN farming body say work on methane emissions was censored

  2023-10-20 in The Guardian

Pressure from agriculture lobbies led to role of cattle in rising global temperatures being underplayed by FAO, claim sources

  Tagged under: Farming | Methane | Cattle and Dairy Farming

Storm Babet wreaks flooding havoc on Scottish farms - Farmers Weekly

  2023-10-20 in Farmers Weekly

Farms and crofts across Scotland have been battered by 70mph winds, heavy rain and major flooding, with farmers describing the impact as “really awful”.

  Tagged under: Farming

UN Report: Global hunger numbers rose to as many as 828 million in 2021

  2023-10-10 (or before) in World Health Organisation

The number of people affected by hunger globally rose to as many as 828 million in 2021, an increase of about 46 million since 2020 and 150 million since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic (1), according to a United Nations report that provides fresh evidence that the world is moving further away from its goal of ending hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms by 2030. The 2022 edition of The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report presents updates on the food security and nutrition situation around the world, including the latest estimates of the cost and affordability of a healt...

  Tagged under: Farming | Famine and Food Insecurity | Meat Production | Economic Growth | Health | Women and Children | Food Production and Consumption

Companies can keep scale of food waste secret after lobbying

  2023-10-03 (or before) in openDemocracy

NFU told Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs that revealing scale of waste could threaten contracts

  Tagged under: Farming

Water Wise Farming – Welsh Dee Trust River Dee

  2023-09-27 (or before) in Welsh Dee Trust River Dee – Protect, conserve, promote and enhance the River Dee

  Tagged under: Farming | Rivers

Climate change having huge impact on farmers

  2023-9-21 in Fruit Net

More than 70 per cent of farmers have already seen large impacts of climate change on their farm, new global research from Farmer Voice survey reveals

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change | Climate Change Impacts | Agriculture

Red fire ant colonies found in Italy and could spread across Europe, says study

  2023-09-11 in The Guardian

Researchers identify 88 nests of destructive invasive non-native species near Syracuse in Sicily

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Insects

As Climate-Fueled Weather Disasters Hit More U.S. Farms, the Costs of Insuring Agriculture Have Skyrocketed - Inside Climate News

  2023-09-07 by in Inside Climate News

The country’s farmers took in a record $19 billion in insurance payments in 2022, many because of weather-related disasters, according to a new analysis that suggests climate change could stoke the cost of insuring the nation’s farmers and ranchers to unsustainable levels. The Environmental Working Group, which has for decades critically scrutinized the Federal Crop […]

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change | Insurance

Farms with natural landscape features provide sanctuary for some Costa Rica rainforest birds

  2023-09-04 (or before) in The Independent

A study conducted over 18 years in Costa Rica shows that small farms with natural landscape features such as shade trees, hedgerows and tracts of intact forest can provide a refuge for some tropical bird populations

  Tagged under: Farming | Trees

In the 'Garden of England', loss-making orchards are cut down | Reuters

  2023-09-03 (or before) in Reuters

The stumps of dozens of apple trees lie discarded along the side of a field. The fruit that helped give the "Garden of England" its name hundreds of years ago no longer makes money so farmer James Smith is tearing down his orchards.

  Tagged under: Farming | Trees

Plan for 55,000-acre utopia dreamed by Silicon Valley elites unveiled

  2023-09-02 in The Guardian

Flannery Associates, the California group behind the $800m effort, launched a website showcasing renderings

  Tagged under: Farming | California

The summer food went weird: searing heat reshapes US food production

  2023-09-02 in The Guardian

From wilting wheat to stressed pollinators, US farmers and fishermen see unexpected climate effects

  Tagged under: Drought | Farming | Climate Change | Fish | Food Production and Consumption

Editor's view: Learnings from nutrient neutrality debacle - Farmers Weekly

  2023-08-31 in Farmers Weekly

Frontrunners to be the next NFU president will have had their notepads out this week to analyse what is shaping up to be a contender for the most

  Tagged under: Farming

After two climate-decimated harvests, southern peach farmers wonder how to regroup

  2023-08-29 in The Guardian

Warmer winters, late freezes and wildly variable rainfall have formed a perfect storm to wreck the one of the region’s favorite fruits

  Tagged under: Farming

Misreading the Bengal Delta | University of Washington

  2023-08-18 (or before) in University of Washington

Perilously close to sea level and vulnerable to floods, erosion, and cyclones, Bangladesh is one of the top recipients of development aid earmarked for climate change adaptation. Yet, to what extent do adaptation projects address local needs and concerns? Combining environmental history and ethnographic fieldwork with development professionals, rural farmers, and landless women, *Misreading the Bengal Delta* critiques development narratives of Bangladesh as a “climate change victim.” It examines how development actors repackage colonial-era modernizing projects, which have caused severe environmental effects, as clim...

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change | Flooding | Sea Level | Health | Women and Children | Finance

‘Gigantic’ power of meat industry blocking green alternatives, study finds

  2023-08-18 in The Guardian

Analysis of EU and US shows livestock farmers receive about 1,000 times more public funding than plant-based and cultivated meat

  Tagged under: Farming

River Wye: Pollution not caused by farming, says NFU - BBC News

  2023-08-15 (or before) in The BBC

The river's status is downgraded to "unfavourable" due to poultry farming concerns.

  Tagged under: Farming | Rivers

Global heating likely to hit world food supply before 1.5C, says UN expert

  2023-08-12 in The Guardian

Water scarcity threatening agriculture faster than expected, warns Cop15 desertification president

  Tagged under: Farming | Africa

Deadly floods hit China's major grain-producing region, fueling food security concerns | CNN

  2023-08-07 by in CNN International

Days of heavy rain have caused severe flooding in China’s leading grain-producing region in the northeast, killing 14 people and raising concerns about food security as floodwater inundated farmlands.

  Tagged under: Farming | Fish | Flooding | Health | Trees | Finance

Fears of food inflation rise as UK harvests hit by cool, wet summer

  2023-08-04 in The Guardian

Farmers warn wheat, oilseed rape, potatoes and other crops have been affected after wettest July on record

  Tagged under: Farming

Wet weather hitting critical harvest time, say farmers - BBC News

  2023-08-02 (or before) in The BBC

The BBC meets young farmers who say conditions have been a huge source of worry at a make-or-break time.

  Tagged under: Farming

Farmland practices are driving bird population decline across Europe | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

  2023-07-26 (or before) in PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Science

Declines in European bird populations are reported for decades but the direct effect of major anthropogenic pressures on such declines remains unqu...

  Tagged under: Farming

No, Vertical Farms Won’t Feed the World | by Dr. Jonathan Foley |

  2023-07-20 (or before) in

While they are well-intentioned, new indoor “farms” won’t help feed the world or reduce the environmental impacts of agriculture. We would…

  Tagged under: Farming

Olive oil industry in crisis as Europe’s heatwave threatens another harvest

  2023-07-17 in The Guardian

World’s biggest olive producer, Spain, on course for second bad harvest in a row, raising fears of gaps on shelves and even higher prices

  Tagged under: Spain | Farming

Nigeria's President Bola Tinubu declares state of emergency over food - BBC News

  2023-07-14 (or before) in The BBC

The president plans to provide protection to farmers targeted by notorious kidnapping gangs.

  Tagged under: Farming | Nigeria | Africa

Nigerian kidnap gangs drive big-time Nigerian farmers away - BBC News

  2023-07-14 (or before) in The BBC

Some of those key to boosting agricultural output in Africa's most-populous nation have given up.

  Tagged under: Farming | Nigeria | Africa

River ‘dying’ after farmers lobbied to weaken protections

  2023-07-13 (or before) in openDemocracy

Exclusive: National Farmers’ Union boasted about months of lobbying to weaken enforcement of environmental regulation

  Tagged under: Farming | Rivers

Loophole lets farmers pollute England’s rivers with excess manure – report

  2023-07-13 in The Guardian

Investigation finds polluting farmers may not face action after breaking the rules

  Tagged under: Farming | Rivers

UN warns climate change is pushing millions of people into hunger

  2023-07-12 in Business Green

New research from UN shows around 735 million people are currently facing hunger, compared to 613 million in 2019

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change | Famine and Food Insecurity

Tomato crisis hits India as rain ravages crops and prices rise 400%

  2023-07-10 in The Guardian

Consumers, farmers and even McDonald’s struggle in shortage blamed on irregular weather

  Tagged under: Farming | India

'An Insane Amount of Water': What Climate Change Means For California's Biggest Dairy District - Modern Farmer

  2023-07-10 by in Homepage - Modern Farmer

For Joseph Goni, a fourth-generation dairy farmer in Tulare County, California, the region’s historic floods were part of family lore. As such, his

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change | California

Improving soil could keep world within 1.5C heating target, research suggests

  2023-07-04 in The Guardian

Better farming techniques across the world could lead to storage of 31 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide a year, data shows

  Tagged under: Farming | Carbon Offsetting

Why Ecosystem Collapse May Happen Much Sooner Than Expected. A new research – Against

  2023-06-23 in

By John Dearing, Gregory Cooper, Simon Willcock All over the world, tropical rainforests are turning into savanna or farmland; the savanna dries up and turns into desert; and the freezing tundra thaws. Indeed, scientific studies have now recorded such “regime shifts” in more than 20 different types of ecosystems, where tipping points have been crossed.… Continue reading Why Ecosystem Collapse...

  Tagged under: Farming | Russia | Collapse | Tipping Points

Dry conditions prompt Alberta county to declare agricultural disaster |

  2023-06-17 (or before) in Global News Canada

Stettler County council hopes a disaster declaration prompts governments 'to advocate for assistance and support for an agriculture industry battling drought in Alberta.'

  Tagged under: Drought | Farming

Vast fossil fuel and farming subsidies causing ‘environmental havoc’

  2023-06-15 in The Guardian

World Bank says subsidies costing as much as $23m a minute must be repurposed to fight climate crisis

  Tagged under: Farming | Fish | Wildlife | Fossil Fuels

Insect decline a threat to fruit crops and food security, scientists warn MPs

  2023-06-07 in The Guardian

Poor pollination caused by destructive farming methods leads to loss of biodiversity and is a threat to food production, inquiry told

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Insects | Food Production and Consumption | Biodiversity Loss

Industrial farming has killed billions of birds | Climate & Capitalism

  2023-06-06 in Climate & Capitalism | An ecosocialist journal edited by Ian Angus

Scientists: Saving birds requires rapid transformative change…

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change | Capitalism

Climate risks have made California uninsurable. When will we wake up? | Kate Aronoff

  2023-06-06 in The Guardian

State Farm will almost entirely stop issuing new policies in California – with climate-exacerbated wildfires and bad public policy a large reason why

  Tagged under: Farming | Insurance | California | Wildfires | Finance

More than 800m Amazon trees felled in six years to meet beef demand

  2023-06-03 (or before) in Inkl

Investigation involving Guardian shows systematic and vast forest loss linked to cattle farming in Brazil

  Tagged under: Amazon Rainforest | Farming | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Brazil | Trees

Pigs, rabbits and fish are dying from searing temperatures in China | CNN Business

  2023-06-02 by in CNN

With parts of China experiencing record high temperatures and heavy rains, reports of farm animals and crops suffering from extreme weather patterns are dominating headlines in the country, raising concerns about food security in the world’s second largest economy.

  Tagged under: Drought | Farming | Fish | Flooding | Rivers | Health | Food Production and Consumption | El Niño | Trees | Finance

The multinational companies that industrialised the Amazon rainforest

  2023-06-02 in The Guardian

Analysis shows handful of corporations extract tens of billions of dollars of raw materials a year – and their commitments to restoration vary greatly

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Amazon Rainforest | Farming | Wildlife | Brazil | Trees | Activism

Plastic credits scheme targets banana industry waste but recycling industry calls for greater rigour

  2023-05-30 (or before) in Inkl

The banana industry has welcomed a scheme that sees farmers earn credits for responsible waste disposal.

  Tagged under: Farming

Considerations for Regenerative Farming on a Small Scale

  2023-05-26 (or before) in Treehugger | Sustainability for All

Smallholders, homesteaders, hobby farmers, and other small-scale growers can use regenerative farming techniques to ensure growing sustainably for years to come.

  Tagged under: Farming

Why Rewilding This Kind of Farmland Is a Win for the Planet

  2023-05-22 in Sentient Media - Reporting on the Impact of Animal Agriculture

New research suggests rewilding is more effective than tree-planting, and when it comes to which land to rewild, the answer is also clear: farms. 

  Tagged under: Farming | Rewilding

Devon and Cornwall farmers to be paid to store water on their land - BBC News

  2023-05-21 (or before) in The BBC

A South West Water project aims to reduce demand on the mains supply during droughts.

  Tagged under: Drought | Farming

Flagship EU law to restore nature must not be derailed, warns environment chief

  2023-05-16 in The Guardian

Rejection of key legislation on pesticides and restoration of wildlife ‘would send a dangerous, negative signal to the world’

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Legislation

Britain has lost 73 million birds over the last 50 years

  2023-05-14 (or before) in The Natural History Museum, London

Most of the declining species are farmland birds.

  Tagged under: Farming

'Without water, we are nothing!': Spain's crippling drought reignites tensions over Tagus river

  2023-05-13 (or before) in Inkl

An early scorching heatwave across Spain has worsened the impact of the country's long-term drought, causing unprecedented damage to the country's crops. As farmers grow desperate for irrigation, the government's plan to limit the rerouting of water from the nation's longest river – the Tagus – for agricultural purposes lies…

  Tagged under: Spain | Drought | Farming | Rivers

Sunak food summit promises star guest and lots of rhubarb

  2023-05-13 in The Guardian

It’s hard to see the PM’s talks with farmers, store chiefs and the (rumoured) odd TV star producing concrete proposals

  Tagged under: Farming | Rishi Sunak

Retained EU Law Bill: Government places hundreds of UK green laws on the chopping board

  2023-05-11 in Business Green

Laws, regulations, treaties and decisions related to habitats, air quality, climate change, renewable energy, farming and fishing proposed for scrapheap under government plans

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Farming | Climate Change | Fish

Europe’s funding of EU-banned pesticides

  2023-05-11 (or before) in Lighthouse Reports - Pioneering Collaborative Journalism

Farmers in the Global South bear the brunt of European public investments on dangerous pesticides outlawed by the EU

  Tagged under: Farming

Horticulture sector dismayed at government u-turn

  2023-5-10 in Fruit Net

Food and farming groups baffled and angered by Defra decision to ditch plans to publish a horticulture strategy

  Tagged under: Farming

'Regenerative agriculture' is all the rage – but it's not going to fix our food system

  2023-05-09 by in The Conversation

We know industrial farming needs to change. But regenerative agriculture may not be the transformation our global food system needs.

  Tagged under: Farming

Spain records hottest and driest April on record

  2023-05-08 in Associated Press News

Drought-stricken Spain says last month was the hottest and driest April since records began in 1961. The State Meteorological Agency says the average daily temperature was 14.9 degrees Celsius (58.8 Fahrenheit) — that is 3 degrees Celsius above the average. AEMET said average maximum temperatures during the month were up by 4.7 C. Rainfall was a fifth of what would normally be expected in the month, making it the driest April on record in Spain. Last year was Spain’s hottest since record-keeping started in 1961, and also the country’s sixth driest. Three years of scant rainfall and high temperatures put the cou...

  Tagged under: Spain | Drought | Farming

U.S. Plains farmers brace for historically poor winter wheat harvest | The Western Producer

  2023-05-08 by in The Western Producer

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Production prospects for the U.S. winter wheat crop are the worst in recent memory in core areas of the Great Plains following a

  Tagged under: Farming

Climate change: Vietnam records highest-ever temperature of 44.1C - BBC News

  2023-05-08 (or before) in The BBC

One farmer said the fierce heat meant people had to finish work by 10 o'clock in the morning.

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change

Drought parches America's breadbasket

  2023-05-04 by in E&E News | Essential Energy and Environment News

Farmers in northern Oklahoma and western Kansas are struggling in a long-lasting dry spell that may be a harbinger for severe climate troubles ahead.

  Tagged under: Drought | Farming

Fungal attacks threaten global food supply, say experts

  2023-05-03 in The Guardian

Climate crisis is exacerbating damage caused by crop-destroying fungi, risking ‘global health catastrophe’

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Health

Suffering of gassed pigs laid bare in undercover footage from UK abattoir

  2023-05-02 in The Guardian

Hidden camera at slaughterhouse appears to show ‘utterly inhumane’ use of CO2 to stun pigs before slaughter

  Tagged under: Farming

Catalonia’s farmers face threat of drought … and a plague of hungry rabbits

  2023-04-24 in The Guardian

With water reserves running low, Spanish farmers are also struggling to protect crops from thousands of rabbits starved of fresh grass

  Tagged under: Spain | Drought | Farming

Fears Natural England may lose powers amid row with Dartmoor farmers

  2023-04-24 in The Guardian

Tory MPs call for ministers, not watchdog, to make decisions on sites of special scientific interest

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife

Drought will cause crop failures in Spain, farmers warn

  2023-04-13 in Associated Press News

The main Spanish farmers' association says drought now affects 60% of the Spanish countryside and is causing “irreversible losses” to more than 3.5 million hectares of crops. the Coordinator of Farmers' and Ranchers' Organizations said in a report issued on Thursday that wheat and barley are expected to fail or be badly affected in major growing regions. Olives and nuts also are suffering due to Spain’s long-term drought, which is affecting farmers' ability to irrigate corn, sunflowers, rice and cotton, too. Reservoirs in Andalusia, Spain’s most important food-exporting region, have water levels at 30% of...

  Tagged under: Spain | Drought | Farming | Climate Change

Farmer to be sentenced for causing huge damage to river Lugg in Herefordshire

  2023-04-09 (or before) in Hereford Times

A COURT has been told it could cost nearly £700,000 to restore the river Lugg and its banks in Kingsland after a farmer bulldozed and reprofiled it.

  Tagged under: Farming | Rivers

Chinese rice farming trials cut methane emissions

  2023-03-10 (or before) in China Dialogue | China environment and climate news

Techniques that use less water, produce more rice and emit less methane are gaining traction in China

  Tagged under: Farming | China | Methane

Global greenhouse gas emissions from animal-based foods are twice those of plant-based foods - Nature Food

  2023-03-07 (or before) in Nature

The quantification of greenhouse gas emissions related to food production and consumption is still largely hindered by the availability of spatial data consistent across sectors. This study provides a detailed account of emissions from land-use change, farmland, livestock and activities beyond the farm gate associated with plant- and animal-based foods/diets—culminating in local-, country- and global-level emissions from each major agricultural commodity.

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Food Production and Consumption

Meat, dairy and rice production will bust 1.5C climate target, shows study

  2023-03-06 in The Guardian

Emissions from food system alone will drive the world past target, unless high-methane foods are tackled

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Methane | Meat Production | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Food Production and Consumption

Driest February in England since 1993 signals drought ahead, say experts

  2023-03-01 in The Guardian

With little rain forecast for spring and reservoirs still not refilled, drought could be worse than last year

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought

LEAK: EU emission cutting plan hits three times more pig, poultry farms than thought

  2023-02-17 (or before) in EURACTIV

The EU’s plans to slash industrial emissions could hit over three times as many pig farms and almost four times as many poultry farms as previously suggested due to the use of outdated 2016 data sets, according to a leaked Commission's document seen by EURACTIV.

  Tagged under: Farming

Antibiotic use in farming set to soar despite drug-resistance fears

  2023-02-12 (or before) in Nature

Analysis finds antimicrobial drug use in agriculture is much higher than reported. Analysis finds antimicrobial drug use in agriculture is much higher than reported.

  Tagged under: Farming

Climate breakdown could cause British apples to die out, warn experts

  2023-02-11 in The Guardian

Pippin and russet among varieties at threat from rising temperatures

  Tagged under: Farming

Decision on new Herefordshire farm sheds that would house 120,000 more chickens

  2023-02-10 (or before) in Hereford Times

A long-awaited decision on a plan to expand a Herefordshire chicken farm has finally gone against it.

  Tagged under: Farming

Be warned: the next deadly pandemic is not inevitable, but all the elements are in place | George Monbiot

  2023-02-08 in The Guardian

Bird flu is a mass killer, and mink farms are perfect for infection and transmission. They are a grave threat and must be banned, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot

  Tagged under: Farming | Health

Twice as Much Land in Developing Nations Will be Swamped by Rising Seas than Previously Projected, New Research Shows - Inside Climate News

  2023-02-07 by in Inside Climate News

Rising seas will swamp farmlands, pollute water supplies and displace millions of people much sooner than expected, scientists said last week, as they released new research that accurately calculates the vulnerability of coastal areas, especially in developing countries that have not had access to expensive coastal mapping technologies. Sea level rise keeps speeding up, and […]

  Tagged under: Farming | Sea Level

Exporting the Colorado River to Asia, Through Hay

  2023-02-06 (or before) in National Geographic

As the West suffers long-term drought, experts look for ways to save water while still supporting local farmers.

  Tagged under: Farming | Colorado River | Drought | Rivers

Report: Paying farmers to sequester CO2 far cheaper than carbon capture tech

  2023-01-20 in Business Green

Supporting farmers to manage land to expand carbon sinks offers a far cheaper route to net zero than scaling up bioenergy with carbon capture technologies, Green Alliance study argues

  Tagged under: Farming | Land Use | Net Zero | Carbon Capture and Storage

Landmark decision on mega poultry farm could mean ‘life or death’ of River Wye

  2023-01-10 in The Guardian

Welsh government considers whether to block plan after experts say manure from intensive units is turning Wye into ‘pea soup’

  Tagged under: Farming | Rivers

Opinion | Arizona Is in a Race to the Bottom of Its Water Wells, With Saudi Arabia’s Help

  2022-12-26 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Farming | Colorado River | Rivers | Saudi Arabia | Water Resources

3 smart ways the US can grow more food while emitting less carbon

  2022-12-22 (or before) in Canary Media

A climate-friendly national food strategy would start with accelerating alternative proteins, reducing food waste and investing in agricultural innovation.

  Tagged under: Farming | Innovation

US Vegetable Prices Soar Nearly 40% as Water Cuts Crush Supply

  2022-12-14 (or before) in Bloomberg

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change | Florida

Jabal: the new drought-tolerant wheat scientists say can withstand extreme heat

  2022-12-04 in The Guardian

The variety is a cross between commercial and wild wheats – bred in a bid to develop crops that are more resilient to the climate crisis

  Tagged under: Farming | Extreme Weather | Drought

Can pasture‐fed livestock farming practices improve the ecological condition of grassland in Great Britain?

  2022-12-02 (or before) in British Ecological Society Journals

Abstract Livestock farming in Great Britain (GB) faces multiple pressures. Yet, grassland managed for livestock is the most extensive habitat in GB and is key to cultural landscapes and their biodi...

  Tagged under: Farming

B.C. grain farmers struggling as historic drought continues in province's northeast | CBC News

  2022-11-16 (or before) in - Canada's Public Broadcaster

Early this month, B.C.'s Ministry of Forests made an announcement encouraging all water users across northeastern B.C. to take voluntary water conservation measures and monitor their water supply in light of a Level 5 drought.

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought | Trees

Dying lands: Farmers fight to save the 'skin of the Earth'

  2022-11-14 in Reuters

In America's dusty Corn Belt this spring, the land was drowning. In China's Yangtze river basin, it's bone dry. Farmers in both are fighting a losing battle to save the soil that produces our food.

  Tagged under: Farming | Rivers

Replace animal farms with micro-organism tanks, say campaigners

  2022-11-12 in The Guardian

Advocates of plant-based protein say 75% of world’s farmland should be rewilded to reduce emissions

  Tagged under: COP27 | Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Rewilding

Two-thirds of cattle farms in north Devon cause river pollution

  2022-10-25 in The Guardian

Nearly nine in 10 farms inspected failed to comply with regulations, according to a report from the Environment Agency

  Tagged under: Farming | Rivers | Cattle and Dairy Farming

Pesticide use around world almost doubles since 1990, report finds

  2022-10-18 in The Guardian

Agricultural chemicals drive falls of 30% in populations of field birds and butterflies, says Pesticide Atlas

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Butterflies and Moths | Insects | Insect Populations

Is the government about to 'blow a hole' in the UK's net zero strategy?

  2022-10-11 in Business Green

The government's 'attack on nature' and its opposition to new solar farms could have serious consequences for the UK's long-term net zero strategy

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Farming | Net Zero

RSPB ‘not ruling out’ direct action to defend nature from government policy

  2022-10-10 in The Guardian

Beccy Speight says charity coalition plans to step up campaign against changes posing threat to wildlife

  Tagged under: Farming | Coal | Wildlife | Fracking | Fossil Fuels

Europe's farmers bring in drought-scarred maize crop

  2022-10-07 in Reuters

The European Union's maize harvest is in full swing and field work is confirming widespread drought damage that analysts expect to push the feed grain crop to a 15-year low.

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought

Chaos and incompetence; we deserve better

  2022-09-28 in

If ELMs are lost, the future of our food and farming will be shaped by the commercial interests of a rich landowning elite and the agrochemical industry, and subsidised by your taxes.

  Tagged under: Farming | Rivers

It’s the thirstiest crop in the US south-west. Will the drought put alfalfa farmers out of business?

  2022-09-12 in The Guardian

Agriculture – mainly alfalfa – consumes 80% of the Colorado River’s dwindling water supply, prompting calls for conservation efforts. Read the other stories in our megadrought series

  Tagged under: Farming | Colorado River | Drought | Rivers | California

France bracing for ‘catastrophic’ food shortages following drought, farmers and unions warn

  2022-09-09 in Morning Star

by Roger Mckenzie at the Fete de l'Humanité

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought | France

‘Cucumber capital’ growers selling up as Brexit and energy crisis hits Britain’s vegetable industry

  2022-09-06 in The Guardian

A flawed government plan for workers adds to problems as growers apply to pull down 60 hectares of greenhouses

  Tagged under: Farming | Capitalism

U.S. Needs A Lot More Land to Go Green by 2050

  2022-08-31 (or before) in Bloomberg

We may need 250 million acres for wind farms alone.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Land Use | Wind Power | Electricity Grid

Liz Truss allowed farmers to pollute England’s rivers after ‘slashing red tape’, say campaigners

  2022-08-27 in The Guardian

Agricultural waste outstrips sewage as the main danger – and activists blame the ex-environment secretary’s cuts to farm inspections

  Tagged under: Farming | Activism | Fish | Rivers | Wildlife

Ants can be better than pesticides for growing healthy crops, study finds

  2022-08-17 in The Guardian

Harnessing natural insect power can. with proper management, have higher efficacy than resorting to harmful chemicals

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Insects | Health

Loire Valley: Intense European heatwave parches France's 'garden' - BBC News

  2022-08-14 (or before) in The BBC

The Loire Valley is key to French farming, but it is being devastated by a fourth heatwave this year.

  Tagged under: Farming | Heatwaves | France

Drought in England could carry on into new year, experts warn

  2022-08-14 in The Guardian

Without lots of heavy rain in autumn and winter, water restrictions could be tightened even further

  Tagged under: Farming | Extreme Weather | Drought

'Very scary': European agriculture hit hard by climate change and drought

  2022-08-13 (or before) in Yahoo is part of the Yahoo family of brands

With Europe suffering through an extreme drought worsened by climate change that has dried up rivers and left millions sweltering in triple-digit heat this summer, farmers across the continent are sounding warnings about crop losses.

  Tagged under: Farming | Extreme Weather | Drought | Climate Change | Rivers

Europe’s Parched Earth Hits Corn as Climate Crisis Resounds

  2022-08-07 (or before) in Bloomberg

Searing temperatures are shriveling corn crops across Europe, in the latest sign of a deepening crisis that spans everything from Rhine River transport to Spanish olive growers.

  Tagged under: Spain | Farming | France | Rivers

UK farmers count cost as heatwave kills fruit and vegetable crops

  2022-08-01 in The Guardian

Fears of future threats to food security if more extreme heat caused by climate crisis hits production

  Tagged under: Farming | Extreme Weather | Heatwaves | Food Production and Consumption

Stalled by Rain, Some Farmers Switch Away From Corn in the Northern Midwest

  2022-07-28 (or before) in

Some farmers in the northern U.S. will pivot away from corn after a wet, cold May, but prevent plant remains a rarer resort, thanks to strong commodity prices for other row crops.

  Tagged under: Farming

Exclusive: Thousands of U.S. cattle buried, dumped at Kansas landfill

  2022-07-26 in Reuters

Top U.S. cattle feeding companies sent 1,000-pound carcasses to a Kansas landfill, where they were flattened by loader machines and mixed with trash, after a June heatwave killed thousands of cows, documents seen by Reuters show.

  Tagged under: Farming | Heatwaves | Climate Change | Cattle and Dairy Farming

Several arrests at protest over dying Iranian lake - BBC News

  2022-07-17 (or before) in The BBC

Once the world's second largest salt lake, farming and drought have reduced Lake Urmia to a trickle.

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought | Middle East | Iran | Activism

In Sri Lanka, Organic Farming Went Catastrophically Wrong

  2022-07-11 (or before) by in Foreign Policy - the Global Magazine of News and Ideas

A nationwide experiment is abandoned after producing only misery.

  Tagged under: Farming

Italians wait for rain where longest river runs dry - BBC News

  2022-07-10 (or before) in The BBC

Farmers in the north fear for the future as the River Po runs dry in the worst drought in 70 years.

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought | Rivers

Plant-based meat by far the best climate investment, report finds

  2022-07-07 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Non-animal proteins can play critical role tackling climate crisis, says Boston Consulting Group

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases

Drought emergency declared in northern Italy - BBC News

  2022-07-05 (or before) in The BBC

The drought is threatening more than 30% of Italy's farm produce, an agricultural union warns.

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought

Spain and Portugal suffering driest climate for 1,200 years, research shows

  2022-07-04 in The Guardian

Effects of human-caused global heating are blocking vital winter rains, with severe implications for farming and tourism

  Tagged under: Spain | Farming | Extreme Weather | Drought

Meat, monopolies, mega farms: how the US food system fuels climate crisis

  2022-06-30 in The Guardian

From a beef-heavy diet to growing crops that don’t feed people – the biggest challenges facing the agriculture industry

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Meat Production | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Food Production and Consumption

Environment Agency faces legal battle over water removal in Norfolk Broads

  2022-06-27 in The Guardian

Tim and Geli Harris to take agency to high court over groundwater removal for farming near protected wetlands

  Tagged under: Farming | Wetlands

Government retracts ‘unlawful’ pollution guidance for England’s farms

  2022-06-20 in The Guardian

Advice that allowed farmers to spread manures in a way that risked polluting waters has been changed by Defra

  Tagged under: Farming

As Po dries up, Italy's food and energy supplies are at risk

  2022-06-17 in Associated Press News

BORETTO, Italy (AP) — Water is so low in large stretches of Italy's largest river that local residents are walking through the middle of the expanse of sand and shipwrecks are resurfacing. Authorities fear that if it doesn't rain soon, there'll be a serious shortage of water for drinking and irrigation for farmers and local populations across the whole of northern Italy.

  Tagged under: Farming | Rivers

Pollen and Heat: A Looming Challenge for Global Agriculture

  2022-06-14 in Yale E360

Farmers and scientists are increasingly observing that unusually high springtime temperatures can kill pollen and interfere with the fertilization of crops. Researchers are now searching for ways to help pollen beat the heat, including developing more heat-tolerant varieties.

  Tagged under: Farming

In South Asia, record heat threatens future of farming

  2022-06-13 (or before) in UN Environment Programme

UNEP projects are helping countries in Asia adapt and mitigate the impact of deadly heatwaves brought on by climate change. 

  Tagged under: Farming | Heatwaves | Climate Change

Western Kansas wheat crops are failing just when the world needs them most

  2022-06-09 in KCUR - NPR in Kansas City

Russia's war in Ukraine has disrupted global food supplies, driving up demand and prices for wheat. But after months of drought, many western Kansas farmers won’t have a crop to sell.

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought | Russia

Drought-stricken US warned of looming 'dead pool' - BBC News

  2022-06-05 (or before) in The BBC

Tens of thousands of acres of farmland lie idle because farmers can't get enough water to grow crops.

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought

Glyphosate weedkiller damages wild bee colonies, study reveals

  2022-06-02 in The Guardian

Most widely used pesticide in history harms critical ability of bumblebee to regulate nest temperature

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Bees | Insects

Microplastics in sewage: a toxic combination that is poisoning our land | George Monbiot

  2022-05-26 in The Guardian

Policy failure and a lack of enforcement have left our waterways and farmland vulnerable to ‘forever chemicals’, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot

  Tagged under: Microplastics and Nanoplastics | Farming | PFAS aka Forever Chemicals

India bans all wheat exports over food security risk

  2022-05-14 in The Guardian

Move imposed with immediate effect in attempt to control prices after heatwave damages crops

  Tagged under: Farming | Heatwaves | India

Belly Of The Beast: How Climate Change Is Affecting India’s Farmers

  2022-05-13 in

Farmers are waking up to the threat of extreme heatwaves across India. Are our policymakers listening?

  Tagged under: Farming | Extreme Weather | Heatwaves | Climate Change | India

France’s unprecedented drought shows climate change is ‘spiralling out of control’

  2022-05-11 in France 24

As global warming accelerates, the spectre of drought haunts France’s once verdant farmland. Even now, before the start of summer, 15 administrative départements have had to restrict water use while…

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought | France | Climate Change

The secret world beneath our feet is mind-blowing – and the key to our planet’s future

  2022-05-07 in The Guardian

Don’t dismiss soil: its unknowable wonders could ensure the survival of our species

  Tagged under: Farming

Food, farming and forestry must be transformed to curb global warming, U.N. says

  2022-04-05 in Reuters

Protecting forests, changing diets, and altering farming methods could contribute around a quarter of the greenhouse gas cuts needed to avert the worst impacts of climate change, according to the United Nations' climate panel.

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Climate Change Impacts | Trees

‘I don’t know how we’ll survive’: the farmers facing ruin in America’s ‘forever chemicals’ crisis

  2022-03-22 in The Guardian

Maine’s disaster from PFAS-contaminated produce is causing farms to close and farmers to face the loss of their livelihoods

  Tagged under: Farming | PFAS aka Forever Chemicals

Plains drought to curb U.S. wheat harvest, adding to global supply worries

  2022-03-15 (or before) in Yahoo

A worsening drought in the southern U.S. Plains is threatening the region's winter wheat crop just as the Ukraine crisis dents global supplies. Some farmers in southwestern Kansas, the top U.S. wheat producing state, have not received much measurable rain or snow since October. Winter wheat is planted in autumn, lays dormant in winter and begins sending up green shoots in spring.

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought

‘They’re cooking them alive’: calls to ban ‘cruel’ killing methods on US farms

  2022-03-08 in The Guardian

Use of heat, steam and suffocating foam to slaughter sick animals is condemned as bird flu epidemic threatens poultry stocks

  Tagged under: Farming

Hidden Video Reveals Gruesome Mass-Extermination Method for Iowa Pigs Amid Pandemic

  2022-03-08 (or before) in YouTube

IOWA’S LARGEST PORK PRODUCER, Iowa Select Farms, has been using a cruel and excruciating method to kill thousands of pigs that have become commercially worth...

  Tagged under: Farming

UK overrules scientific advice by lifting ban on bee-harming pesticide

  2022-03-01 in The Guardian

Campaigners aghast as emergency exemption on use of thiamethoxam granted due to risk to sugar beet crop

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Bees | Insects

Harmful subsidies: why is the world still funding the destruction of nature?

  2022-02-17 in The Guardian

Government-financed support in sectors including agriculture, fossil fuels and water is incentivising the annihilation of the natural world. But reforming the system is politically fraught

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Wildlife | Fossil Fuels | Trees | Finance

Corn-Based Ethanol May Be Worse For the Climate Than Gasoline, a New Study Finds - Inside Climate News

  2022-02-16 in Inside Climate News

Ethanol made from corn grown across millions of acres of American farmland has become the country’s premier renewable fuel, touted as a low-carbon alternative to traditional gasoline and a key component of the country’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But a new study, published this week, finds that corn-based ethanol may actually be worse […]

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change

Illegal strawberry farms threaten future of Spanish wetlands

  2022-02-08 in The Guardian

Opponents say proposed amnesty for illegal water tapping in Doñana national park threatens disaster for one of Europe’s green lungs

  Tagged under: Spain | Farming | Wetlands

Opinion | Meet the People Getting Paid to Kill Our Planet

  2022-02-01 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Farming | Sustainability

Expanding national parks not enough to protect nature, say scientists

  2022-01-19 in The Guardian

‘Urgent’ coordinated action to tackle overconsumption, farming subsidies and the climate crisis also needed to halt biodiversity loss

  Tagged under: Oceans | Farming | Fish | Wildlife | Biodiversity Loss

'Chemical cocktail’ polluting English rivers - MPs warn - BBC News

  2022-01-19 (or before) in The BBC

Tyres and wet wipes are soiling rivers but the biggest polluters are farms and water companies.

  Tagged under: Farming | Rivers

Chemical pollution has passed safe limit for humanity, say scientists

  2022-01-18 in The Guardian

Study calls for cap on production and release as pollution threatens global ecosystems upon which life depends

  Tagged under: Farming

Meat and dairy gobble up farming subsidies worldwide, which is bad for your health and the planet

  2022-01-12 (or before) by in The Conversation

Vegetables, fruits and legumes are nutritious and sustainable – but subsidies overwhelmingly neglect them.

  Tagged under: Farming | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Health

Project Findings

  2021-12-30 (or before) in Microfiber Pollution & the apparel industry

Our research found that microfibers are prevalent in both aquatic and terrestrial habitats, from the bottom of the Indian Ocean to farmland in the United States. Our experimental results found that...

  Tagged under: Oceans | Farming | India

Fringe Farming as part of an integrated green economic recovery | Sustain

  2021-12-28 (or before) in Find out about sustainable food and farming in the UK | Sustain

A green economic recovery must include increasing access to land for agroecological farming at the edge of UK cities; to kick-start a new wave of community enterprises that connect urban and rural economies with multiple benefits.

  Tagged under: Economics | Farming

Farmers fined after 'catastrophic failure' of slurry store polluted river

  2021-12-19 (or before) in FarmingUK

Two farmers have pleaded guilty to polluting a river following the collapse of a slurry store releasing approximately 75,000 gallons of slurry into the water.

  Tagged under: Farming | Rivers | Collapse

Opinion | Postcards From a World on Fire

  2021-12-13 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change

Mapped: The Network of Powerful Agribusiness Groups Lobbying to Water Down the EU’s Sustainable Farming Targets

  2021-12-09 by in DeSmog

In February 2021, German agribusiness giant BASF hosted a virtual wine tasting, a seemingly cozy affair swirling glasses of Portugal’s finest in front of a webcam debating the future of EU agricultural policies. Invited to the event was a small group of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs).  The MEPs invited were spoiled for choice, […]

  Tagged under: Farming | European Union

‘Disastrous’ plastic use in farming threatens food safety – UN

  2021-12-07 in The Guardian

Food and Agriculture Organization says most plastics are burned, buried or lost after use

  Tagged under: Farming

The £3 chicken: how much should we actually be paying for the nation’s favourite meat?

  2021-11-24 in The Guardian

Fifty years ago, a medium broiler cost the equivalent of £11 today. Now it is less than a latte or a pint of beer, raising serious ethical and environmental questions

  Tagged under: Farming

Bees may take generations to recover from one exposure to insecticides

  2021-11-22 in The Guardian

Study shows reduced reproduction and other negative impacts on performance of species

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Bees | Insects

Explainer: What's the difference between 1.5°C and 2°C of global warming?

  2021-11-09 in Reuters

Over and over at the U.N. climate summit in Glasgow, world leaders have stressed the need to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

  Tagged under: Farming

Ammonia from farms behind 60% of UK particulate air pollution – study

  2021-11-04 in The Guardian

Problem is causing £8bn a year in health damage but can be tackled cost-effectively, say scientists

  Tagged under: Farming | Fossil Fuels | Health

There Is No Such Thing as Sustainable Beef

  2021-10-27 in Sentient Media - Reporting on the Impact of Animal Agriculture

The beef industry is trying to clean up its image by promising that it's doing more to help the climate crisis than hurt it. Science says otherwise.

  Tagged under: Farming | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Sustainability

New trade deals ‘are unfair on farmers and won’t help emissions’

  2021-10-23 in The Guardian

Chair of the UK’s Climate Change Committee condemns New Zealand and Australia agreements as unworkable

  Tagged under: Farming | COP26 | Climate Change | Committee on Climate Change UK

‘Toilet of Europe’: Spain’s pig farms blamed for mass fish die-offs

  2021-10-13 in The Guardian

Exclusive: pork industry’s role in pollution of one of Europe’s largest saltwater lagoons may be greater than publicly acknowledged, investigation reveals

  Tagged under: Spain | Farming | Fish | Wildlife

Nearly all global farm subsidies harm people and planet – UN

  2021-09-14 in The Guardian

Almost 90% of the $540bn of support a year harms people’s health, the climate and drives inequality

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Health | Sustainability

‘There’s nothing you can do about it’: Drought threatens crops across Canada |

  2021-09-06 (or before) in Global News Canada

"You are seeing drought a lot more widespread and a lot earlier than on record and I've been farming for 15 years now and this is the driest I've ever seen it this early."

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought | Water Resources

Drought Pushes U.S. Oat Crop to Lowest in Records Back to 1866

  2021-09-06 (or before) in Bloomberg

As drought conditions bake the upper reaches of the U.S. Plains, American farmers are now expected to harvest their smallest oats crop in records that go back to 1866.

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought

Tunisia plants seeds of hope against climate change

  2021-09-02 (or before) in - News and Articles on Science and Technology

Tunisian farmers are turning to the past to ensure a future by planting indigenous seeds as the North African country suffers at a time of drought, disease and climate change.

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought | Climate Change | Africa

Up to half of world’s wild tree species could be at risk of extinction

  2021-08-31 in The Guardian

Global study calls for urgent action to prevent ecosystem collapse, with farming the biggest cause of die-off

  Tagged under: Farming | Collapse | Trees | Extinction

Farmer's Reserve | Sylvanaqua Farms

  2021-08-25 (or before) in Sylvanaqua Farms

  Tagged under: Farming

Extreme heat and drought are crushing key crops and punishing U.S. farmers

  2021-08-25 (or before) in Yahoo

Extreme heat and drought are crushing key crops and punishing U.S. farmers

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought

Nature-based solutions in action: Lessons from the frontline

  2021-08-25 (or before) in Bond

From a farmers’ seed network in China that supports agroecology by conserving traditional seeds, to large-scale watershed management in glacial mountain ecosystems in Peru, this report highlights successful nature-based solutions.

  Tagged under: Farming | China | Water Resources

‘How is it sustainable if only 1% can afford your food?’: the man on a quest to change farming

  2021-08-25 in The Guardian

Chris Newman, founder of Virginia-based Sylvanaqua Farms, on why feeding people needs to be at the heart of sustainable farming

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change

It's not just the crops. Drought puts stress on farmers, too | MPR News

  2021-08-25 (or before) in Minnesota Public Radio

As the drought lingers in much of the state, there is growing concern about mental health challenges faced by farmers and other people in rural Minnesota.

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought | Health

Economic Growth - Facing Future

  2021-08-21 (or before) in Facing Future

Infinite Growth on a Finite Planet “Global civilization has an operating system. It is disastrously flawed. It is killing us. It is known by two common names: money and growth economics. Money is a virus of the mind which uses humanity [and nature] for its own reproduction.” – Stuart Scott, Director of the Facing Future … Continue reading "Economic Growth"

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Oceans | Farming | Wildfires | Drought | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Methane | Economics | Wildlife | Fossil Fuels | Economic Growth | Sea Level | Trees | Sustainability

Groundswell - Regenerative Agriculture Show & Conference

  2021-08-11 (or before) in Groundswell - Regenerative Agriculture Festival Groundswell

Welcome to Groundswell. The Regenerative Agriculture Show and Conference at Lannock Manor Farm on 22nd and 23rd June 2022.

  Tagged under: Farming

Farm pesticides killing more bees - study - BBC News

  2021-08-08 (or before) in The BBC

Commercial formulas containing multiple chemicals should require their own licences, researchers say.

  Tagged under: Farming | Bees

The Climate Crisis Is Coming for Undocumented Farmworkers First

  2021-08-07 (or before) in In These Times

Facing deadly heat waves and few protections, undocumented agricultural workers are being pushed to their limit.

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change

Reduce methane or face climate catastrophe, scientists warn

  2021-08-06 in The Guardian

Exclusive: IPCC says gas, produced by farming, shale gas and oil extraction, playing ever-greater role in overheating planet

  Tagged under: Farming | COP26 | Greenhouse Gases | Methane | IPCC | Climate Change

The illusion of choice: five stats that expose America’s food monopoly crisis

  2021-07-18 in The Guardian

Here are some key findings of the investigation the Guardian published this week into America’s monopolized food system

  Tagged under: Farming

UK food supply chain vulnerable to cyber-attack, expert warns

  2021-07-11 in The Guardian

‘Complacent reliance’ on overseas produce and computer ordering has put supply at risk

  Tagged under: Farming | Fish

Spring Wheat Crop Quality Tumbles, Some Farmers Abandon Fields

  2021-07-09 by in

​Hard Red Spring wheat ratings in the good to excellent categories dropped from 20% to 16% this week, compared to a five-year average of 66%. ​

  Tagged under: Farming

Scorching temperatures cripple crops in B.C.'s Fraser Valley

  2021-06-30 in Vancouver News | Local Breaking | CTV News Vancouver

Dozens of farms in B.C.'s Fraser Valley have been hard-hit by the heat wave that's been suffocating the province since last week.

  Tagged under: Farming

What a Water Shortage Is Doing to Some of America’s Best Farmland

  2021-06-30 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought | Greenhouse Gases | California

Brazil, Besieged by Covid, Now Faces a Severe Drought

  2021-06-19 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Farming | Bolsonaro | Drought | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil

Climate and nature crises: solve both or solve neither, say experts

  2021-06-10 in The Guardian

Restoring nature boosts biodiversity and ecosystems that can rapidly and cheaply absorb carbon emissions

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Wildlife

Whitehaven pleads guilty to stealing one billion litres of water during drought

  2021-06-07 (or before) in Lock The Gate - Working together to stop coal and gas

Farmers are relieved after Whitehaven pleaded guilty to stealing one billion litres of water at its Maules Creek coal mine, vindicating community complaints of water theft first lodged in 2018.

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought | Coal

World’s soils ‘under great pressure’, says UN pollution report

  2021-06-04 in The Guardian

Soils provide 95% of all food but are damaged by industrial, farming, mining and urban pollution

  Tagged under: Farming

Banned pesticide blamed for killing bees may be approved for fish farms

  2021-05-27 in The Guardian

Government agency appears to support introduction of system which uses insecticide US termed an ‘environmental hazard’

  Tagged under: Farming | Fish | Wildlife | Bees | Insects

Third of global food production at risk from climate crisis

  2021-05-14 in The Guardian

Food-growing areas will see drastic changes to rainfall and temperatures if global heating continues at current rate

  Tagged under: Farming | Extreme Rainfall | Drought | COP26 | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Africa | Food Production and Consumption

Vital soil organisms being harmed by pesticides, study shows

  2021-05-04 in The Guardian

The tiny creatures are the ‘unsung heroes’ that keep soils healthy and underpin all life on land

  Tagged under: Farming | Health

Mark Bittman’s warning: the true costs of our cheap food and the American diet

  2021-04-25 in The Guardian

From Mesopotamian irrigation to McDonalds, the bestselling food writer tells Oliver Milman that his new history of food is his most important work

  Tagged under: Farming

Food, Farming, and the Fate of Planet Earth |

  2021-04-18 (or before) in

Agriculture is changing this planet more than anything else we do, even burning fossil fuels. A sustainable future depends on recognizing…

  Tagged under: Farming | Fossil Fuels

Higher yields and more biodiversity on smaller farms - Nature Sustainability

  2021-03-26 (or before) in Nature

Most of the world’s farms are small. This study finds that smaller farms have higher yields and biodiversity than larger ones but little difference in greenhouse gas emissions and profits.

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Sustainability

'Kern runs on oil': as California confronts climate crisis, one county is ready to drill

  2021-03-12 in The Guardian

Kern county has approved the drilling of thousands of new wells despite opposition from farmers and activists

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought | Fossil Fuels | California | Activism

'Bee-killing' pesticide now will not be used on UK sugar beet fields

  2021-03-03 in The Guardian

Government gave emergency authorisation to a neonicotinoid earlier this year - but says chemical was not needed

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Bees | Insects

Welsh farming regulations to cut river pollution could be scrapped

  2021-02-26 (or before) in walks, wildlife, foraging and traditional recipes -

The Welsh Government's attempts to introduce plans to reduce agricultural pollution, especially slurry, face intense political opposition, says Andrew Griffiths

  Tagged under: Farming | Rivers

Walmart selling beef from firm linked to Amazon deforestation

  2021-02-13 in The Guardian

Exclusive: US chains Walmart, Costco and Kroger selling Brazilian beef produced by JBS linked to destruction of Brazilian rainforest

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Trees

Revealed: no penalties issued under 'useless' English farm pollution laws

  2021-02-12 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Environment Agency has failed to prosecute or fine any of 243 documented violations since 2018

  Tagged under: Farming | Rivers

California's rainfall is at historic lows. That spells trouble for wildfires and farms

  2021-02-11 in The Guardian

Precipitation fills reservoirs, limits fire danger and feeds important crops. But the state has seen only 30% to 70% of what it would expect

  Tagged under: Farming | Extreme Rainfall | Wildfires | Drought | California

‘Incredibly destructive’: Canada’s Prairies to see devastating impact of climate change |

  2021-02-07 (or before) in Global News Canada

According to Environment and Climate Change Canada, the country is warming, on average, about double the global rate.

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change

UN global climate poll: ‘The people’s voice is clear – they want action’

  2021-01-27 in The Guardian

Biggest ever climate change survey finds two-thirds of people think climate change is a global emergency

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Farming | Brazil | Climate Change | Fossil Fuels | Indonesia

There is an Alarming Amount of Microplastics in Farm Soil—and Our Food Supply

  2021-01-27 (or before) in Civil Eats - Promoting Critical Thought About Sustainable Agriculture And Food Systems

More microplastics are contaminating agricultural lands than oceans, impacting plant development and ending up in produce and people.

  Tagged under: Microplastics and Nanoplastics | Oceans | Farming

China's new animal health rules alone won't stop zoonotic outbreaks, experts warn

  2021-01-26 in The Guardian

Enforcement of rules and boosting numbers of vets to help with inspections, quarantines and general animal health seen as critical

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Health

Could a deadly pig virus transform Germany’s fixation on 'cheap meat'?

  2021-01-07 in The Guardian

African swine fever and Covid outbreaks among workers have raised questions over mega farms for pork

  Tagged under: Farming | Germany | Africa

Organic meat production just as bad for climate, study finds

  2020-12-23 in The Guardian

Analysis also found the lowest impact meat was still far more damaging than the worst plant foods

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Meat Production | Food Production and Consumption

All hens and other farm birds to be kept inside in GB avian flu crackdown

  2020-12-04 in The Guardian

Eggs can continue to be labelled ‘free-range’ for 16 weeks and poultry meat for 12 weeks, says Defra

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife

Global soils underpin life but future looks ‘bleak’, warns UN report

  2020-12-04 in The Guardian

It takes thousands of years for soils to form, meaning protection is needed urgently, say scientists

  Tagged under: Farming

Undercover footage at French farm shows ‘deplorable’ conditions for pigs

  2020-12-03 in The Guardian

The animals are supplied to frankfurter brand Herta and sold in supermarkets including Waitrose, which has pulled the products pending investigation

  Tagged under: Farming | France

UK imported 1m tonnes of soya with deforestation risk in 2019

  2020-12-01 in The Guardian

New analysis finds 40% was brought in without sourcing checks from Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay

  Tagged under: Argentina | Deforestation | Farming | Brazil | Trees

Dispossession and Imperialism Repackaged as "Feeding the World"

  2020-12-01 in Counter Punch

The world is fast losing farms and farmers through the concentration of land into the hands of rich and powerful land speculators and agribusiness

  Tagged under: Farming

Escaped infected Danish mink could spread Covid in wild

  2020-11-27 in The Guardian

Scientists fear fur farm animals in wild could create ‘lasting’ Covid reservoir that could then spread back to humans

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Health

Bird flu fears grow after spate of mysterious UK swan deaths

  2020-11-27 in The Guardian

Virus causing ‘high levels of mortality’ in birds, with risk to chickens and other poultry

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife

Revealed: UK supermarket and fast-food chicken linked to deforestation in Brazil

  2020-11-25 in The Guardian

Tesco, Lidl, Asda, McDonald’s and Nando’s all source chicken fed on soya from Cerrado tropical biome region

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Brazil | Trees

1% of farms operate 70% of world's farmland

  2020-11-24 in The Guardian

Researchers warn land inequality is rising with farmland increasingly dominated by a few major companies

  Tagged under: Farming

Global food production emissions 'would put Paris agreement out of reach'

  2020-11-05 in The Guardian

Study calls for more focus on farming and food waste, behind a third of greenhouse gas production

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Meat Production | Food Production and Consumption

Farms, cities eat up 148 million hectares of biodiversity hotspots in 24 years: Study

  2020-10-31 (or before) in Down To Earth | Environment & science issues | India, South Asia

The largest losses, mostly in forests, occurred in the Sundaland, Indo-Burma and Mesoamerica hotspots, all in developing countries

  Tagged under: Farming | Rainforests | Trees | Biodiversity Loss

UK sees significant drop in yield across all major crops

  2020-10-31 (or before) in FarmingUK

The NFU’s harvest survey has revealed a significant drop in yield across all major crops, leading the union to call for increased government action.

  Tagged under: Farming

EU Parliament signs death sentence for small farms and nature, Greenpeace - Greenpeace European Unit

  2020-10-23 (or before) in Greenpeace

Brussels, 20 October 2020 – A vote on the EU’s common agricultural policy by the European Parliament plenary session is a signature on the death sentence of European farming, said…

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenpeace

Greta Thunberg accuses MEPs of 'surrender on climate and environment'

  2020-10-21 in The Guardian

European parliament votes to continue payments to farmers with no green conditions attached

  Tagged under: Farming | Greta Thunberg | European Union

Vast majority of Europe's key habitats in poor or bad condition – report

  2020-10-19 in The Guardian

State of Nature in the EU survey finds only a quarter of species have good conservation status

  Tagged under: Farming | Birds | Fish | Wildlife | Trees

Behind China’s ‘pork miracle’: how technology is transforming rural hog farming

  2020-10-08 in The Guardian

The long read: As Chinese demand for pork grows and grows, traditional small-scale farms are being replaced by vast, AI-assisted operations that feel more like smartphone factories than bucolic countryside havens

  Tagged under: Farming

40% of world’s plant species at risk of extinction

  2020-09-29 in The Guardian

Race against time to save plants and fungi that underpin life on Earth, global study shows

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Extinction

Floods Washed Away More Than 25% of Nigeria’s Rice Harvest

  2020-09-05 (or before) in Bloomberg

Floods washed away at least two million tons of rice in Nigeria, the second-largest importer of the grain. That is more than 25% of the previously projected national output of 8 million tons, according to estimates by a farmers’ organization.

  Tagged under: Farming | Nigeria | Africa

Why soil is disappearing from farms

  2020-09-01 (or before) in BBC

The soil beneath our feet is something we take for granted – but we are running out.

  Tagged under: Farming

Rampant destruction of forests ‘will unleash more pandemics’

  2020-08-30 in The Guardian

Researchers to tell UN that loss of biodiversity enables rapid spread of new diseases from animals to humans

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Wildlife | Trees | Biodiversity Loss

Unless we change course, the US agricultural system could collapse | Tom Philpott

  2020-08-26 in The Guardian

Our food supply comes from an environmentally unsustainable system that is going to unravel

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change | Collapse

Revealed: new evidence links Brazil meat giant JBS to Amazon deforestation

  2020-07-27 in The Guardian

Photographs by employee appear to show company trucks being used to transport cattle from allegedly prohibited cattle farm

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Trees

Methane rises to highest level on record

  2020-07-14 in The Guardian

Livestock farming and fossil fuels are main causes of rise in gas, which is 28 times more powerful than CO2 at trapping heat

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Methane | Fracking | Fossil Fuels

Farmers hatch plan to return area the size of Dorset to wild nature

  2020-07-14 in The Guardian

WildEast aims to convince farmers, councils and others across East Anglia to pledge land to wildlife

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife

Halve UK pesticide use to save insects, say conservationists

  2020-07-08 in The Guardian

Wildlife Trusts report also calls for expansion of projects such as flower-rich road verges and butterfly reintroductions

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Butterflies and Moths | Bees | Insects

Why you should go animal-free: 18 arguments for eating meat debunked

  2020-06-19 in The Guardian

Unpalatable as it may be for those wedded to producing and eating meat, the environmental and health evidence for a plant-based diet is clear

  Tagged under: Farming | Health

Pandemics result from destruction of nature, say UN and WHO

  2020-06-17 in The Guardian

Experts call for legislation and trade deals worldwide to encourage green recovery

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Wildlife | Legislation | Health | Trees

Emissions from 13 dairy firms match those of entire UK, says report

  2020-06-15 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Milk giants’ climate impact rising and production caps needed, say researchers

  Tagged under: Farming | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Food Production and Consumption

Jane Goodall: humanity is finished if it fails to adapt after Covid-19

  2020-06-03 in The Guardian

Primatologist calls for overhaul of food habits to prevent a future pandemic

  Tagged under: Farming

'We did it to ourselves': scientist says intrusion into nature led to pandemic

  2020-04-25 in The Guardian

Leading US biologist Thomas Lovejoy says to stop future outbreaks we need more respect for natural world

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife

Is factory farming to blame for coronavirus?

  2020-03-28 in The Guardian

Scientists are tracing the path of Sars-CoV-2 from a wild animal host – but we also need to look at the part played in the outbreak by industrial food production

  Tagged under: Farming | Food Production and Consumption

Chronicle of a Grassland Saved

  2020-02-21 in A new nature blog

For those of us of a certain age, The Milky Bar Kid was part of our childhood. A boy, dressed as a cowboy, implored us to eat white chocolate  – which was not particularly popular back then. …

  Tagged under: Farming | Cattle and Dairy Farming | UK | Grasslands | Conservation

These three post-Brexit bills bulldoze a hole through environmental protections | Fiona Harvey

  2020-02-12 in The Guardian

Wildlife, air quality and fish stocks are all at risk, says Guardian journalist Fiona Harvey

  Tagged under: Farming | Fish | Wildlife

Almonds are out. Dairy is a disaster. So what milk should we drink?

  2020-01-29 in The Guardian

A glass of dairy milk produces almost three times more greenhouse gas than any plant-based milk. But vegan options have drawbacks of their own

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Bees | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Health

Regenerative Farming And The Green New Deal

  2020-01-26 (or before) in Data For Progress

The Green New Deal is a broad and ambitious agenda that includes a commitment by the federal government to invest in communities, infrastructure, technology, and good jobs to help the United States meet the challenges of climate change and achieve economic and environmental justice.

  Tagged under: Economics | Farming | Climate Change | Climate Justice

Farmers face 'catastrophic' costs in coming years, despite all sectors performing well |

  2020-01-25 by in Stuff New Zealand

Farmer morale is low, despite earning record prices last year.

  Tagged under: Farming

'They're Trying to Wipe Us Off the Map.' Why Independent Farming in America Is Close to Extinction

  2020-01-24 (or before) in TIME Magazine

A perfect storm of factors has lead to the biggest crisis for American farmers in decades.

  Tagged under: Farming | Finance

Immediate, science-based community action can stop insect decline

  2020-01-06 (or before) in - News and Articles on Science and Technology

This year, German environmentalists collected 1.75 million signatures for a 'save the bees' law requiring an immediate transition toward organic farming. But to create healthy ecosystems worldwide, people in communities across the globe will need to take similar action based on empathy for insects—and not only for bees and butterflies—according to entomologists Yves Basset from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute and Greg Lamarre from the University of South Bohemia, writing in Science. The authors present immediate, science-based actions to mitigate insect decline.

  Tagged under: Farming | Butterflies and Moths | Bees | Insects | Health

Reach ‘peak meat’ by 2030 to tackle climate crisis, say scientists

  2019-12-12 in The Guardian

Reducing meat and dairy consumption will cut methane and allow forests to thrive

  Tagged under: Farming | Methane | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Trees

Meat: A Threat to Our Planet? review – guaranteed to put you off your chicken nuggets

  2019-11-25 in The Guardian

Liz Bonnin’s investigation of the environmental mayhem caused by mass carnivory was meaty, disquieting viewing

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Texas | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Trees | Activism

On Your Farm - Carbon Counting - BBC Sounds

  2019-11-24 (or before) in The BBC

How much does the carbon footprint of a Cumbrian family farm contribute to climate change?

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change

Canada's farmers pushed to the brink by politics, weather and banks

  2019-11-18 in The Guardian

Poor conditions coupled with dismal harvests are taking a severe toll on workers’ mental health

  Tagged under: Economics | Farming | Health | Finance

Food prices set to rise in UK as floods ruin crops

  2019-11-15 in The Guardian

Soaring prices likely as potatoes rot in sodden fields and farmers struggle to sow wheat

  Tagged under: Farming | Extreme Weather

‘Insect apocalypse’ poses risk to all life on Earth, conservationists warn

  2019-11-13 in The Guardian

Report claims 400,000 insect species face extinction amid heavy use of pesticides

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Insects | Extinction

Testing begins for first offshore wind farm in Australia

  2019-11-11 (or before) by in The Age Melbourne

  Tagged under: Farming | Wind Power | Australia

Fishery collapse ‘confirms Silent Spring pesticide prophecy'

  2019-10-31 in The Guardian

Common pesticides found to starve fish ‘astoundingly fast’ by killing aquatic insects

  Tagged under: Farming | Insect Populations | Fish | Pesticides | Wildlife | Insects | Collapse

BVA blog - Ruminant agriculture can help us deliver net zero emissions

  2019-10-24 (or before) by in BVA - British Veterinary Association

Chief Executive at Farmwel, ffinlo Costain argues that grass-based cattle and sheep systems can be climate neutral by 2030, and they can help to restore biodiversity and soil health.

  Tagged under: Farming | Net Zero | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Health

Populations of UK’s most important wildlife have plummeted since 1970

  2019-10-03 by Damian Carrington in The Guardian

Quarter of mammals and nearly half of birds assessed are at risk of extinction, says State of Nature report

  Tagged under: Oceans | Farming | Agriculture | Extinction | Biodiversity Loss | Wildlife | Birds

Brazil worker who protected indigenous tribes killed in Amazon - BBC News

  2019-09-11 (or before) in BBC

Reports say an official who protected land from farmers and loggers was shot twice in the head.

  Tagged under: Farming | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil

Hog Farm - Wikipedia

  2019-08-27 (or before) in Wikipedia

  Tagged under: Farming

Revealed: rampant deforestation of Amazon driven by global greed for meat

  2019-07-02 in The Guardian

Investigation exposes how Brazil’s huge beef sector continues to threaten health of world’s largest rainforest

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Health | Trees

Ammonia pollution damaging more than 60% of UK land – report

  2019-06-18 in The Guardian

Study finds most sensitive plant and wildlife habitats are worst affected, yet government has no clear plans to monitor impact

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife

France to declare natural disaster after storms rip through crops

  2019-06-16 in The Guardian

‘Orchard of France’ is badly hit by extreme weather that has killed two people

  Tagged under: Farming | Extreme Weather | France

What will it take for the UK to reach net zero emissions?

  2019-06-12 in The Guardian

We will have to change almost everything, from our homes to our meals

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Net Zero

India heatwave kills ‘dozens’ of people as temperatures hit 50C

  2019-06-08 (or before) in The Independent

Water poured on roads to stop them melting and farmers struggle to care for animals

  Tagged under: Farming | Heatwaves | India

From Top Gear to the top field: how Jeremy Clarkson became an eco-friendly farmer

  2019-05-27 in The Guardian

The former Top Gear presenter has cultivated his petrolhead image for years, but a recent interview lifts the lid on his Earth-loving side

  Tagged under: Farming | Agriculture | Conservation | UK

Loss of biodiversity is just as catastrophic as climate change | Robert Watson

  2019-05-06 in The Guardian

Nature is being eroded at rates unprecedented in human history, says scientist Robert Watson

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change | Wildlife | Extinction | Biodiversity Loss

Human society under urgent threat from loss of Earth's natural life

  2019-05-06 in The Guardian

Scientists reveal one million species at risk of extinction in damning UN report

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Extinction | Biodiversity Loss

We are full of bright ideas to solve ecological problems. So let’s act on them | Chris Packham

  2019-05-06 in The Guardian

There is hope in the face of environmental crises. But we must all embrace change, says naturalist Chris Packham

  Tagged under: Farming | Activism | Climate Change | Wildlife

US farmers count cost of catastrophic 'bomb cyclone' in midwest

  2019-04-27 in The Guardian

With grain stores ruined and many fields still under water from last month’s extreme weather, producers are facing devastating losses

  Tagged under: Farming

'It's a groundswell': the farmers fighting to save the Earth's soil

  2019-04-24 in The Guardian

Farmers across the world are ditching their ploughs to protect ecosystems – and it’s working

  Tagged under: Farming

Pesticides and antibiotics polluting streams across Europe

  2019-04-08 in The Guardian

Wildlife and human health are threatened say scientists as Syngenta accepts ‘undeniable demand’ for change

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Health

Butterfly numbers fall by 84% in Netherlands over 130 years – study

  2019-04-01 by Patrick Barkham in The Guardian

European insect populations shrink as farming leaves ‘hardly any room for nature’

  Tagged under: Farming | Agriculture | Biodiversity Loss | Insect Populations | Butterflies and Moths | Wildlife | Insects

Widespread losses of pollinating insects revealed across Britain

  2019-03-26 in The Guardian

Wild bees and hoverflies lost from a quarter of the places they were found in 1980, study shows

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Bees | Insects

How America’s food giants swallowed the family farms

  2019-03-09 in The Guardian

Across the midwest, the rise of factory farming is destroying rural communities. And the massive corporations behind this devastation are now eyeing a post-Brexit UK market

  Tagged under: Farming

European farms could grow green and still be able to feed population

  2019-02-20 in The Guardian

Research shows loss in yields could be offset by reorienting diets away from grain-fed meat

  Tagged under: Farming

Buy organic food to help curb global insect collapse, say scientists

  2019-02-13 in The Guardian

Urging political action on pesticide use is another way to help stem ‘collapse of nature’

  Tagged under: Farming | Wildlife | Insects | Collapse

The miracle method for sustainable rice – and bigger harvests | John Vidal

  2019-01-30 in The Guardian

A technique developed by a Jesuit priest is producing bumper crops – and reducing emissions of a grain responsible for 1.5% of greenhouse gases

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases

The year of the bird: Industrial farming causing bird populations to plummet

  2018-09-24 in New Hope Network

2018 has been dubbed the Year of the Bird by National Geographic. Here's what's happening to our avian friends.

  Tagged under: Farming

RSPB boss: Britain has one last chance to save endangered species

  2018-08-18 in The Guardian

RSPB boss warns of a devastating loss of wildlife if three new parliamentary bills do not rein in UK farming practices

  Tagged under: Farming | Birds | Wildlife

Third of Earth's soil is acutely degraded due to agriculture

  2017-09-12 in The Guardian

Fertile soil is being lost at rate of 24bn tonnes a year through intensive farming as demand for food increases, says UN-backed study

  Tagged under: Farming | Africa | Middle East

Coffee faces dual threat of farmland loss and bee decline in a warmer climate - Carbon Brief

  2017-09-11 by in Carbon Brief

Trouble could be brewing for the Latin American coffee industry, as it faces declines in suitable farmland and bee species as a result of climate change.

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change

UK poorly prepared for climate change impacts, government advisers warn

  2016-07-12 in The Guardian

A 2,000 page report by Committee on Climate Change predicts global warming will hit UK with deadly heatwaves, more flooding and water shortages

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change Impacts | Heatwaves | Committee on Climate Change UK

Peruvian farmer demands climate compensation from German company

  2015-03-16 in The Guardian

RWE asked to pay for costs of protecting home lying in the floodpath of a glacial lake as its historical emissions caused glacial retreat in the Andes

  Tagged under: Farming

Are solar farms really hitting British food production?

  2014-10-21 in The Guardian

Environment secretary Liz Truss has cut solar farm’s subsidies saying they harm food production, but most UK solar farms successfully produce food as well. Karl Mathiesen investigates

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Farming | Solar Energy | Food Production and Consumption

Activist groups take aim at World Bank for assisting corporate land takeovers in Africa

  2012-04-23 by in Deep Green Resistance News Service

By John Vidal & Claire Provost / The Guardian The World Bank is helping corporations and international investors snap up cheap land in Africa and developing countries worldwide at the expense of local communities, environment and farm groups said in a statement released on Monday to coincide with the bank’s annual land and poverty conference […]

  Tagged under: Farming | Africa | Activism | Colonialism

Bird indicators

  2010-11-24 by in British Trust for Ornithology

The bird indicators are part of the government’s suite of biodiversity indicators and show how the fortunes of birds associated with different landscapes have fared. Bird indicators are calculated annually, with the UK and England indicators produced jointly by the BTO and RSPB for Defra, and the Scottish indicators are produced by the BTO for Scottish Natural Heritage. The indicators are based largely on data collected by volunteers contributing to national bird monitoring schemes such as the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) and the Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS).

  Tagged under: Farming | Wetlands

Related Topics

Agriculture | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Food Production and Consumption

Sources (96)

A new nature blog
ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Animal Law & Policy Program | Harvard Law School
Associated Press News
British Ecological Society Journals
British Trust for Ornithology
Brussels Times
Business Green
BVA - British Veterinary Association
Canary Media
Carbon Brief - Canada's Public Broadcaster
China Dialogue | China environment and climate news
Civil Eats - Promoting Critical Thought About Sustainable Agriculture And Food Systems
Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News
Climate & Capitalism | An ecosocialist journal edited by Ian Angus
CNN International
Counter Punch walks, wildlife, foraging and traditional recipes -
Data For Progress
Deep Green Resistance News Service
Desert Sun
Down To Earth | Environment & science issues | India, South Asia
E&E News | Essential Energy and Environment News
Facing Future
Farmers Weekly
Find out about sustainable food and farming in the UK | Sustain
Foreign Policy - the Global Magazine of News and Ideas
France 24
Fruit Net
Global News Canada
Groundswell - Regenerative Agriculture Festival Groundswell
Hereford Times
Homepage - Modern Farmer
In These Times
Inside Climate News
Irish Independent
KCUR - NPR in Kansas City
Latest News from Hyderabad, Telangana, Bollywood, India |
Lighthouse Reports - Pioneering Collaborative Journalism
Lock The Gate - Working together to stop coal and gas
Microfiber Pollution & the apparel industry
Minnesota Public Radio
Morning Star
National Geographic
New Hope Network
Peterborough Today - News and Articles on Science and Technology
PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Science
Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy
Sentient Media - Reporting on the Impact of Animal Agriculture
Stuff New Zealand
Sylvanaqua Farms
The Age Melbourne
The Conversation
The Daily Yonder | Your Top Source for Rural News and Storytelling
The Guardian
The Independent
The Natural History Museum, London
The New Indian Express
The New York Times
The Western Producer
TIME Magazine
Treehugger | Sustainability for All
UN Environment Programme
University of Washington
Vancouver News | Local Breaking | CTV News Vancouver
Welsh Dee Trust River Dee – Protect, conserve, promote and enhance the River Dee
World Health Organisation
Yahoo is part of the Yahoo family of brands
Yale E360

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