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Topic: Fracking

Related Articles (46)

House GOP Would Have Taxpayers Pay for Cleanup When Fracking Boom Goes Bust

  2023-12-06 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Lauren Boebert’s bill could saddle taxpayers with up to $17.7 billion in oil and gas cleanup costs on public lands.

  Tagged under: Fracking

Their names appeared on letters urging fracking Ohio’s state parks. They don’t know how.

  2023-09-12 (or before) in Cleveland OH Local News, Breaking News, Sports & Weather

How did a 9-year-old's name wind up on a pro-fracking letter?

  Tagged under: Fracking

Texas fracking billionaire brothers fuel rightwing media with millions of dollars

  2023-09-05 in The Guardian

Farris and Dan Wilks’ deep pockets fund climate denialism education, conservative politicians and pro-fossil fuel projects

  Tagged under: Texas | Fracking | Climate Change Denial and Disinformation | Religion | Disinformation and Misinformation

Fracking Linked to Increased Cases of Lymphoma in Pennsylvania Children, Study Finds - Inside Climate News

  2023-08-16 by in Inside Climate News

Children living within a mile of a natural gas fracking well were up to seven times more likely to suffer from lymphoma, a rare kind of cancer, than those who had no such wells within five miles of their homes, according to a long-awaited study that adds to a growing number of investigations into possible […]

  Tagged under: Fracking | Women and Children | Children

Why the Senate's loudest climate advocate may vote to approve a fracked gas pipeline

  2023-06-02 (or before) by in HEATED | Emily Atkin | Substack

In an interview on Thursday morning, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse said he doesn't believe the Mountain Valley Pipeline's approval will automatically derail the nation's climate goals.

  Tagged under: Fracking | US Politics

Companies that frack for oil and gas can keep a lot of information secret – but what they disclose shows widespread use of hazardous chemicals

  2023-04-03 by in The Conversation

Fracking for oil and gas uses millions of pounds of chemicals, some of which are toxic or carcinogenic. Two researchers summarize what companies have disclosed and call for more transparency.

  Tagged under: Fracking

Revealed: 1,000 super-emitting methane leaks risk triggering climate tipping points

  2023-03-06 in The Guardian

Vast releases of gas, along with future ‘methane bombs’, represent huge threat – but curbing emissions would rapidly reduce global heating

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Methane | Fracking | Fossil Fuels | Tipping Points

Fueling Resistance

  2022-12-14 (or before) in MIT

In Fueling Resistance, Kate Neville dissects the processes, and political economy framework, of resistance to two different alternative fuel projects in two distinct and disparate locations. The comparison centers on resistance to a biofuel project in Kenya and a fracking project in the Yukon territory of Canada. The unwritten premise is that these two energy projects, and the subsequent resistance to them, may not have obvious similarities given their distinct characteristics and locations but in fact have several elements in common. Neville outlines how these cases can be viewed as similar and concludes that understanding the ...

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Fracking Firm Agrees to Pay a Small Town’s Water Bills for 75 Years

  2022-12-01 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

A fracking company has been convicted 14 years after polluting water wells in Dimock, Pennsylvania.

  Tagged under: Fracking

Environmentalists Fear a Massive New Plastics Plant Near Pittsburgh Will Worsen Pollution and Stimulate Fracking - Inside Climate News

  2022-10-16 by in Inside Climate News

Fifteen years after Pennsylvania’s natural gas industry began to raise worries about air and water pollution, the industry’s critics now fear a new source of harmful emissions from the fledgling petrochemical industry, which is poised to become a major customer for the state’s abundant gas reserves. In a state that has long nurtured the extraction […]

  Tagged under: Fracking

RSPB ‘not ruling out’ direct action to defend nature from government policy

  2022-10-10 in The Guardian

Beccy Speight says charity coalition plans to step up campaign against changes posing threat to wildlife

  Tagged under: Farming | Coal | Wildlife | Fracking | Fossil Fuels

Rees-Mogg seeking to evade scrutiny of new fracking projects, email shows

  2022-10-04 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Note setting out business secretary’s views looks for ways to accelerate schemes, including streamlining HSE requirements

  Tagged under: Fracking | Fossil Fuels

Fracking Minister Funded by Fossil Fuel Investor – Byline Times

  2022-09-22 by in Byline Times

Nafeez Ahmed investigates Jacob Rees-Mogg's relationship with his former hedge-fund mentor and political donor Robin Crispin Odey

  Tagged under: Fracking

Earthquake levels set for review to allow fracking - BBC News

  2022-09-22 (or before) in The BBC

A report on the risk of fracking-linked earthquakes is due as ministers seek to boost energy supplies.

  Tagged under: Fracking

Fracking won’t work in UK says founder of fracking company Cuadrilla

  2022-09-21 in The Guardian

Chris Cornelius says geology is too challenging and government’s support is merely ‘soundbites’

  Tagged under: Fracking | Fossil Fuels

By reversing the fracking ban, Liz Truss turns the clock back on climate policy – Olivia Blake PM

  2022-09-21 in Labour Outlook

"Reversing the fracking ban will not even lower our energy bills or increase our energy security, as Truss and her cheerleaders in the Net Zero Scrutiny group suggest."

  Tagged under: Fracking | Net Zero

Factcheck: Why fracking is not the answer to the UK’s energy crisis - Carbon Brief

  2022-09-09 by in Carbon Brief

The UK’s new prime minister Liz Truss has used her first major policy address to announce an end to the moratorium on fracking in England.

  Tagged under: Fracking

Fracking: Deadlock over plan to seal up wells - BBC News

  2022-03-15 (or before) in The BBC

The UK's only two shale gas wells are set to be put permanently out of use at the end of June.

  Tagged under: Fracking

'We've been dudded': Oil and gas leases granted in Channel Country without consulting traditional owners

  2021-12-16 in ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Traditional owners in Queensland's Channel Country say they feel "dudded" after the government has quietly paved the way for gas fracking on their land, despite promises to consult them. 

  Tagged under: Fracking

Surface Water Vulnerable to Widespread Pollution From Fracking, a New Study Finds - Inside Climate News

  2021-08-20 in Inside Climate News

Fossil fuels don’t just damage the planet by emitting climate-warming greenhouse gases when they are burned. Extracting coal, oil and gas has a huge impact on the surface of the earth, including strip mines the size of cities and offshore oil spills that pollute country-sized swaths of ocean.  Years of research has shown how the […]

  Tagged under: Oceans | Greenhouse Gases | Coal | Fracking | Fossil Fuels

The U.S. Shale Revolution Has Surrendered to Reality

  2021-07-16 by in DeSmog

“Drill, baby, drill is gone forever.”  That was the recent assessment of Saudi Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman of the American oil industry’s future potential. As Saudi Arabia’s energy minister, Prince Abdulaziz is one of the most influential voices in the global oil markets. Fortune termed it a “bold taunt,” and a warning to U.S. frackers […]

  Tagged under: Fracking | Saudi Arabia

Fracking 101: What You Should Know - EcoWatch

  2021-05-11 in EcoWatch - For a Healthier Planet and Life

Fracking involves blasting water, chemicals and frac sand deep into the earth to break up rock formations and extract natural gas and crude oil. It's one of the most important environmental issues today, and a case study in how a new technology that offers immediate economic and political advantages can overpower environmental and health concerns.

  Tagged under: Environmental Protection Agency USA | Water Resources | Fracking | Health | Economics

Evidence of Fracking Chemicals Found in Bodies of Pennsylvania Children

  2021-03-23 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

One 9-year-old had 91 times the average level of biomarkers for toluene, a chemical that can damage livers and kidneys.

  Tagged under: Fracking | Women and Children | Children

Exxon Spends Millions on Facebook To Keep the Fossil Fuel Industry Alive

  2020-10-22 (or before) in In These Times

Aided by a right-wing political consulting firm, the company is rallying supporters to fight for oil and gas interests at every level of government.

  Tagged under: Exxon | Fracking | Fossil Fuels

New Study Casts Doubt On The Climate Benefits Of Natural Gas Power Plants

  2020-10-09 in HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

The emissions and methane leaks from new gas plants zero out the CO2 cuts achieved from closing coal plants, a peer-reviewed analysis found.

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Methane | Coal | Climate Change | Fracking

The Energy 202: The U.S. just hit a major milestone as a petroleum exporter - The Washington Post

  2020-07-17 in The Washington Post

Production from fracking is the major reason why.

  Tagged under: Fracking

Methane rises to highest level on record

  2020-07-14 in The Guardian

Livestock farming and fossil fuels are main causes of rise in gas, which is 28 times more powerful than CO2 at trapping heat

  Tagged under: Farming | Greenhouse Gases | Methane | Fracking | Fossil Fuels

House Democrats’ Climate Plan Embraces Much of Green New Deal, but Not a Ban on Fracking - Inside Climate News

  2020-07-01 in Inside Climate News

House Democrats unveiled a sweeping plan for climate action Tuesday that embraces much of the ambition of the Green New Deal, while avoiding the use of the name and steering clear of calls for abrupt bans on fossil fuel development. Instead, the package of more than 120 pieces of legislation seeks to drive a transition […]

  Tagged under: Fracking | Legislation

US fossil fuel giants set for a coronavirus bailout bonanza

  2020-05-12 in The Guardian

Exclusive: oil, coal and fracking companies in line to benefit from $750bn bond scheme

  Tagged under: Coal | Fracking | Fossil Fuels

Scientific advice recommending ban on fracking in Lake Eyre basin kept secret and ignored

  2020-04-29 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Queensland government blocked report’s public release after granting gas companies new exploration rights

  Tagged under: Rivers | Fracking | Fossil Fuels

'Black wall' of redacted pages as UK fracking report finally released

  2019-12-02 in The Guardian

People will wonder why there is so much the government wants to conceal, says Greenpeace

  Tagged under: Fracking | Fossil Fuels | Greenpeace | Activism

Newsom halts new dangerous steam injection, oil fracking in California

  2019-11-19 (or before) in Desert Sun

Dozens of illegal spills have occurred since new law took effect. Industry study says gas prices could rise sharply with permanent drilling ban.

  Tagged under: Fracking | California

Why the UK government finally gave up on fracking. And why American shale drilling will crash. – Jeremy Leggett

  2019-11-03 (or before) in Jeremy Leggett - Climate, energy, tech, and the future of civilisation

  Tagged under: Fracking

More methane in atmosphere linked to more fracking

  2019-10-29 (or before) in National Geographic

The chemical signature of methane released from fracking is found in the atmosphere, pointing to shale gas operations as the culprit.

  Tagged under: Methane | Fracking

Plan for fracking 'years behind schedule' and has cost taxpayer £32m

  2019-10-23 in The Guardian

Spending watchdog finds that only three wells have been dug, despite aim to have 20 by 2020

  Tagged under: Fracking | Fossil Fuels

UK to use finance meant for green energy to support fracking in Argentina

  2019-10-22 in The Guardian

Documents show government’s £1bn commitment in 2017 later prioritised support of major oil companies

  Tagged under: Argentina | Renewable Energy | BP | Shell | Fracking | Fossil Fuels | Finance

Top investment banks provide billions to expand fossil fuel industry

  2019-10-13 in The Guardian

Exclusive: analysis reveals lenders provided $700bn to expand sector since Paris climate pact

  Tagged under: Fracking | Fossil Fuels

Oil firms to pour extra 7m barrels per day into markets, data shows

  2019-10-10 in The Guardian

Projected production surge in next 12 years to be led by Shell despite climate crisis

  Tagged under: BP | Shell | Chevron | Fracking | Fossil Fuels | Saudi Arabia | Aramco

Government's shift to relax shale gas fracking safeguards condemned

  2019-08-15 in The Guardian

Environment groups fear possibly ‘weakened’ earthquake risk rules after report on Cuadrilla drilling

  Tagged under: Activism | Fracking | Fossil Fuels | Greenpeace

Ex-BP boss John Browne: ‘It’s going to take a long time to take oil and coal out of the energy system’

  2019-06-08 in The Guardian

The energy executive talks about fracking, Huawei and Greta Thunberg

  Tagged under: BP | Greta Thunberg | Coal | Fracking | Fossil Fuels

Fracking tsar quits after six months and blames eco activists

  2019-04-27 in The Guardian

Natascha Engel says developing the industry would be ‘an impossible task’

  Tagged under: Activism | Fracking | Fossil Fuels

NASA just made a stunning discovery about how fracking fuels global warming

  2019-04-21 (or before) in ThinkProgress

  Tagged under: Fracking

Climate activists glue hands to UK government building in new protest

  2018-11-12 in The Guardian

Twenty-two held over protests at Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

  Tagged under: Activism | Fracking

Top climate scientist blasts UK’s fracking plans as 'aping Trump’

  2018-10-13 in The Guardian

James Hansen, ‘father of climate science’, accuses Britain of ignoring evidence

  Tagged under: Fracking | Fossil Fuels

France bans fracking and oil extraction in all of its territories

  2017-12-20 in The Guardian

French parliamentarians have passed a law banning fossil fuel extraction. President Macron says he wants France to lead the world with switch to renewables

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | France | Fracking | Fossil Fuels

Water shortages may make fracking impractical, industry says

  2013-11-27 in The Guardian

Quantities required for the fracking process may make it problematic in areas of the UK where resources are scarce

  Tagged under: Fracking | Fossil Fuels | Water Resources

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