The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Topic: Climate Justice

Related Articles (63)

We Can’t Have Climate Justice Without Ending Computational Colonialism ❧ Current Affairs

  2024-03-12 (or before) by in Current Affairs

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From Publications to Public Actions: The Role of Universities in Facilitating Academic Advocacy and Activism in the Climate and Ecological Emergency

  2024-03-09 (or before) in Frontiers

Thousands of universities have made climate emergency declarations; however the higher education sector is not rising to the collective challenge with the urgency commensurate with scientific warnings. Universities are promoting an increased focus on sustainability through their research, teaching and their own institutional footprints. However, we suggest that such initiatives will be insufficient to catalyse the required transformations in our societies and economies because of i) the time lags inherent in education and research pathways to impact, and ii) their failure to address either real-world political processes or the f...

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Measuring the Doughnut: A good life for all is possible within planetary boundaries

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Humanity is continuing a path towards ecological instability. While resource consumption is unprecedented, significant parts of the human population a…

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Land degradation in South Africa: Justice and climate change in tension

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Abstract Land degradation is a global problem impacting biodiversity and livelihoods, with profound effects on resource-based livelihoods. As such, it impedes progress towards sustainable developme...

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Five examples of the UK’s crackdown on climate protesters

  2024-01-23 in The Guardian

As UN expert says UK’s actions are chilling and regressive, we look at some of the cases

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Stepping-up climate action and climate justice: Chile's path towards a new model of climate governance - IOPscience

  2023-12-19 in IOPscience

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Rich countries are desperate to convince us their hollow Cop28 deal is a triumph. They’re lying | Asad Rehman

  2023-12-13 in The Guardian

The agreement on fossil fuel phase-out is full of loopholes, but those of us fighting for climate justice won’t give up, says Asad Rehman of War on Want

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Shell sues Greenpeace for $2.1mn in one of largest claims against group

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Oil major is ‘seeking to silence legitimate demands for climate justice’, says environmental organisation

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COP28 Action Tracker: Latest Updates on Climate Action and Sustainable Development

  2023-10-27 (or before) by in Edie Awards

Stay up to date with the latest updates on COP28, including headline news, UK preparations, and the global efforts towards climate action and sustainable development. This edition covers news from the UAE organisers, Latin America and Carribean Climate Week, and more.

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Climate justice in more-than-human worlds

  2023-10-23 (or before) in Taylor & Francis Online: Peer-reviewed Journals

Theories of climate justice retain a persistent tension between transcorporeal entanglement and coherent individuality. The ontology of bodily separation required for accountability for polluters a...

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"Laudate Deum": Apostolic Exhortation to all people of good will on the climate crisis (4 October 2023) | Francis

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Laudate Deum: Apostolic Exhortation to all people of good will on the climate crisis, 4 October 2023

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Trudi Warner reveals the dark secret of English courts: juries do have the right to follow their consciences | Richard Vogler

  2023-09-27 in The Guardian

The solicitor general taking action against a climate protester for a sign she held outside a court raises a vital issue for criminal justice, says Richard Vogler, professor of comparative criminal law and justice

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Johan Rockström interview | Planetary boundaries, 'negative emissions', mitigation models & fairness

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Johan Rockström is best known for his work on the Planetary Boundary Framework and as co-director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. In th...

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The 'one shot' campaign to get a strong legal statement on climate change

  2023-09-06 in A newsletter about climate litigation and justice

The campaign to get the International Court of Justice to write an advisory opinion on climate change had a major victory earlier this year, but its work has only just begun Vishal Prasad wasn't one of the initial group of students at the University of the South Pacific whose classroom

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Climate Justice

Climate Science Denial Looms Large in GB News Linked ‘ARC’ Venture

  2023-09-05 by in DeSmog

“The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice”. This Martin Luther King quote was used by Conservative peer Baroness Stroud to introduce the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC), which launched in March.  Set up by the owners of GB News and involving “senior leaders from politics, media, culture, business, and […]

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Climate Change Denial and Disinformation | Disinformation and Misinformation | Climate Justice

The liberal limits to transformation in the Green Climate Fund

  2023-08-20 (or before) in Taylor & Francis Online: Peer-reviewed Journals

International climate finance institutions increasingly articulate their goals as catalyzing transformation, but can these institutions bring about deep structural change when they reflect the same...

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The evolution of climate justice claims in global climate change negotiations under the UNFCCC

  2023-08-14 (or before) in Taylor & Francis Online: Peer-reviewed Journals

A growing body of research suggests that the global conception of climate change is increasingly taking a justice-focus. However, the justice-framings of different actors in the UNFCCC process and ...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Climate Justice

Climate Justice: Following Jesus in a World of Climate Breakdown

  2023-07-22 (or before) in YouTube

  Tagged under: Religion | Climate Justice

What a world 1.5 degrees hotter would look like

  2023-06-30 (or before) in | IPS Journal

To mitigate the worst climate change impacts, we need to consider implementing climate solutions outside of the free economic market

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Critical Climate Justice – Dr. Farhana Sultana

  2023-06-23 in Farhana Sultana

Climate Justice, climate change

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The US can’t achieve environmental justice through one-size-fits-all climate policy | Brookings

  2023-06-17 (or before) in Brookings Institute

On the surface, the history of U.S. environmental policy is one of sweeping success through pivotal regulation. The 1970 Clean Air Act, for example, is estimated to have reduced overall air pollution by 66.9% and added 1.3 years to the life expectancy of the average American. [author-bio] But it is also a story of “one-size-fits-all” […]

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Climate and Environmental Justice | Doughty Street Chambers

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Doughty Street’s Climate and Environmental Justice team brings together barristers from across a range of Chambers’ core practice areas, pooling existing specialisms to respond comprehensively to a crisis which is global, multifaceted and complex. The climate and ecological emergency is profoundly influencing the application and understanding of existing legal norms, and Doughty Street’s CEJ team is well placed to advise and act in climate litigation domestically and abroad.

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Debt Ceiling Deal Stains Biden’s Legacy on Climate, Environmental Justice

  2023-06-02 (or before) in Center for Biological Diversity

Center for Biological Diversity: Legislation Gives Away Mountain Valley Pipeline, Environmental Law Rollbacks

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Safe and just Earth system boundaries - Nature

  2023-06-01 (or before) in Nature

We find that justice considerations constrain the integrated Earth system boundaries more than safety considerations for climate and atmospheric aerosol loading, and our assessment provides a foundation for safeguarding the global commons for all people.

  Tagged under: Climate Justice

Museums For Climate Justice - Campaigns - Museums Association

  2023-04-30 (or before) in Home - Museums Association

  Tagged under: Climate Justice

Biden to Create White House Office of Environmental Justice

  2023-04-21 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Climate Justice

On the History and Future of 100% Renewable Energy Systems Research

  2023-04-06 (or before) in

Research on 100% renewable energy systems is a relatively recent phenomenon. It was initiated in the mid-1970s, catalyzed by skyrocketing oil prices. Since the mid-2000s, it has quickly evolved into a prominent research field encompassing an expansive and growing number of research groups and organizations across the world. The main conclusion of most of these studies is that 100% renewables is feasible worldwide at low cost. Advanced concepts and methods now enable the field to chart realistic as well as cost- or resource-optimized and efficient transition pathways to a future without the use of fossil fuels. Such proposed path...

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Climate Change | Hydrogen | Wind Power | Fossil Fuels | Climate Justice | Electricity Grid

Climate justice in the Pacific

  2023-04-01 in The Monthly - Australia

The lack of global action on the climate crisis has left grassroots groups leading the fight against catastrophe in PNG

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Pacific Ocean | Papua New Guinea | Climate Justice

Climate justice in higher education: a proposed paradigm shift towards a transformative role for colleges and universities - Climatic Change

  2023-03-29 (or before) in Springer Verlag

Moving beyond technocratic approaches to climate action, climate justice articulates a paradigm shift in how organizations think about their response to the climate crisis. This paper makes a conceptual contribution by exploring the potential of this paradigm shift in higher education. Through a commitment to advancing transformative climate justice, colleges and universities around the world could realign and redefine their priorities in teaching, research, and community engagement to shape a more just, stable, and healthy future. As inequitable climate vulnerabilities increase, higher education has multiple emerging opportunit...

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Climate Change | Health | Climate Justice

The Climate Briefing: The ICJ and climate change

  2023-03-14 in Chatham House

How could an International Court of Justice (ICJ) advisory opinion on climate change accelerate climate action?

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Greenpeace to take European Commission to court over controversial gas and nuclear greenwashing - Greenpeace European Unit

  2023-02-09 (or before) in Greenpeace

Greenpeace will take the European Commission to the European Court of Justice over the inclusion of fossil gas and nuclear energy in the EU’s Taxonomy

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power | Greenpeace | Climate Justice

Greta Thunberg and IOM DG António Vitorino Call for Urgent Action to Address Climate Migration 

  2023-01-29 (or before) in

Geneva / Stockholm – The Director General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), António Vitorino, and Climate Justice Activist, Greta Thunberg, are calling for immediate action and increased solidarity to tackle the impacts of climate change on human mobility. 

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | Activism | Climate Change | Climate Change Impacts | Climate Justice

What climate justice means to journalists on the emergency’s front lines

  2023-01-15 (or before) in Columbia Journalism Review

  Tagged under: Climate Justice

10C warming locked-in

  2022-12-16 in Just Collapse

New research from eminent climate scientist Prof James Hansen and colleagues suggests a planet killing event. This is based on current CO2 levels in the atmosphere, not on future emissions. ‘Eventual global warming due to today's GHG forcing alone – after slow feedbacks operate – is about 10°C.’ Collapse is inevitable. Justice isn’t. Plan now…

  Tagged under: Collapse | Climate Justice

The people behind the bizarre non-profit trying to kill Biden's climate agenda

  2022-12-14 (or before) by in Popular Information | Judd Legum | Substack

For more than a week, a group called United for Clean Power has run an extensive online advertising campaign arguing the reconciliation package negotiated by Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Joe Manchin (D-WV), which contains historic investments in clean energy, doesn't go far enough. The ads, which have run on social networks like Facebook and at the top of prominent publications like Politico, urge progressive Democrats in Congress to "demand environmental justice

  Tagged under: US Politics | Joe Biden | Climate Justice

Fueling Resistance

  2022-12-14 (or before) in MIT

In Fueling Resistance, Kate Neville dissects the processes, and political economy framework, of resistance to two different alternative fuel projects in two distinct and disparate locations. The comparison centers on resistance to a biofuel project in Kenya and a fracking project in the Yukon territory of Canada. The unwritten premise is that these two energy projects, and the subsequent resistance to them, may not have obvious similarities given their distinct characteristics and locations but in fact have several elements in common. Neville outlines how these cases can be viewed as similar and concludes that understanding the ...

  Tagged under: Economics | Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Climate Change | Colonialism | Rivers | Fracking | Fossil Fuels | Wind Power | Health | Climate Justice | Food Production and Consumption | Finance | Biodiversity Loss

Environmental collapse is not in the future: Culture must respond

  2022-08-20 in Climate Museum UK - Experimental museum for the Earth crisis

I’m more than ever committed to work towards a groundswell of action towards a Culture that is restorative of the planet’s systems and that is justice-driven and rugged in the face of collapse. The…

  Tagged under: Collapse | Climate Justice

Europe Is Trying to Solve Its Energy Crisis With Fossil Fuel Projects in Africa

  2022-08-20 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Struggles for social justice and climate justice must be united to transform society amid government inaction.

  Tagged under: Africa | Climate Justice

COP26: Sufficiency Should be First

  2022-06-25 (or before) in

By Yamina Saheb (Lausanne University, CH) Commentaries

  Tagged under: COP26 | Climate Change | Climate Justice

The Energy Charter Treaty - a climate threat | Trade Justice Movement

  2022-06-24 (or before) in

TJM is a UK network of organisations advocating for trade that works for people and planet and offering critical perspectives on international trade policy

  Tagged under: Climate Justice

Thinktank that briefed against XR given $30k by ExxonMobil in 2017

  2022-06-15 in The Guardian

Report shows Policy Exchange, which called for criminalisation of climate group, previously received money from oil firm

  Tagged under: Extinction Rebellion | Exxon | Climate Justice | Activism

Telling people to ‘follow the science’ won’t save the planet. But they will fight for justice | Amy Westervelt

  2021-12-28 in The Guardian

The climate emergency has clear themes with heroes and villains. Describing it this way is how to build a movement, says climate journalist Amy Westervelt

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | Climate Justice

Revealed: Biden administration was not legally bound to auction gulf drilling rights

  2021-12-13 in The Guardian

Justice department admits a previous ruling did not force the detonation of what environmentalists call ‘huge carbon bomb’

  Tagged under: Joe Biden | Fossil Fuels | Climate Justice

groundWork Homepage

  2021-10-28 (or before) in Groundwork

groundWork is a non-profit environmental justice service and developmental organization working primarily in Southern Africa in the areas of Climate & Energy Justice, Coal, Environmental Health, Global Green and Healthy Hospitals, and Waste.

  Tagged under: Coal | Africa | Health | Climate Justice

Intergenerational inequities in exposure to climate extremes | Science

  2021-10-08 in Science | AAAS

Young generations are severely threatened by climate change

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Climate Justice | Women and Children | Children

We’re rising up for climate justice - GND Rising

  2021-09-17 (or before) in WeĠre rising up for climate justice - GND Rising

No more excuses. We are the generation that will win a Green New Deal. And we're not here to play - we need to make every MP feel the heat.

  Tagged under: Climate Justice

A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety

  2021-07-25 (or before) in University of California Press

Gen Z's first "existential toolkit" for combating eco-guilt and burnout while advocating for climate justice. A youth movement is reenergizing global environmental activism. The “climate generation”—late millennials and iGen, or Generation Z—is demanding that policy makers and government leaders take immediate action to address the dire outcomes predicted by climate science.

  Tagged under: Activism | Predictions | Climate Anxiety and Grief | Climate Justice

An Indigenous Group’s Objection to Geoengineering Spurs a Debate About Social Justice in Climate Science - Inside Climate News

  2021-07-07 in Inside Climate News

It was February in northern Sweden and the sun was returning after a dark winter. In the coming months the tundra would reawaken with lichens and shrubs for reindeer to forage in the permafrost encrusted Scandinavian mountain range. But the changing season also brought some unwelcome news to the Indigenous Sámi people, who live across […]

  Tagged under: Geoengineering | Climate Justice


  2021-06-26 (or before) in UPLIFT

Uplift’s mission is to support and energise the movement for a just and fossil fuel-free UK. We strategically resource, connect, and elevate ideas and voices to set in motion a just transition away from fossil fuel production that is commensurate with the scale of the climate crisis. We put equity and justice at the heart of everything we do.

  Tagged under: Climate Justice

India’s push for climate justice

  2021-04-09 in GZERO Media

net zero

  Tagged under: Net Zero | Climate Justice | India

Racism and Climate (In)Justice | Heinrich Böll Stiftung | Washington, DC Office - USA, Canada, Global Dialogue

  2021-04-06 (or before) in Heinrich Bšll Stiftung | Washington, DC Office - USA, Canada, Global Dialogue

This framing paper demonstrates that there can be no climate justice without racial justice.

  Tagged under: Climate Justice

Degrowth in Movement(s) from Zer0 Books

  2021-04-06 (or before) in John Hunt Publishing

Degrowth is an emerging social movement that overlaps with proposals for systemic change such as anti-globalization and climate justice, commons an...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Degrowth | Climate Justice

Australia students launch class action to prevent coal mine approval | Reuters

  2021-03-02 (or before) in Reuters

Eight young Australian students have brought a class action in the country's federal court seeking an injunction to prevent government approval of a coal project, lawyers representing the claimants said on Wednesday.

  Tagged under: Coal | Climate Change | Litigation | Climate Justice | India

Rural Americans are the future of the clean energy economy — policymakers must catch up

  2021-03-01 by in The Hill

It’s time to reconsider dated stereotypes regarding which communities are leading the environmental movement and start imagining what could be accomplished if our policymakers tap into the ingenuity of rural Americans surviving on the front lines of climate catastrophe.

  Tagged under: US Politics | Joe Biden | Climate Change | Climate Justice

March 19 - Fridays For Future

  2021-01-13 in Fridays For Future is an international climate movement active in most countries and our website offers information on who we are and what you can do.

We are yet again protesting to demand Climate Justice. On March 19 we return with fresh calls, new ideas and bolder actions.

  Tagged under: Climate Justice | Activism

Justice Barrett Should Join Colleague in Recusal Due to Deep Ties to Fossil Fuel Industry

  2021-01-12 (or before) in Union of Concerned Scientists

SCOTUS slated to take up procedural issue related to lawsuit brought by Baltimore seeking to hold oil and gas companies accountable for climate change harms their products caused. Justice Amy Coney Barrett recuse herself.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Climate Justice

David Lammy: Climate justice can't happen without racial justice

  2020-11-09 (or before) by in TED: Ideas Worth Spreading

Why has there been so little mention of saving Black lives from the climate emergency? For too long, racial justice efforts have been distinguished from climate justice work, says David Lammy, Member of Parliament for Tottenham, England. In a stirring talk about building a new movement to care for the planet, Lammy calls for inclusion and support of Black and minority leadership on climate issues and a global recognition that we can't solve climate change without racial, social and intergenerational justice.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Climate Justice

What is ECG

  2020-09-12 (or before) in Economy for the common good

ECG in a nutshell About ECG Vision and Values ECG contributes to a culture of good living in a peaceful and sustainable civilization. Read more Our Network ECG works together with numerous initiatives on economic justice, climate justice, equal rights and more. Read more

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Justice

Fairly sharing 1.5: national fair shares of a 1.5 °C-compliant global mitigation effort - International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics

  2020-06-10 (or before) in Springer Verlag

The problem of fairly distributing the global mitigation effort is particularly important for the 1.5 °C temperature limitation objective, due to its rapidly depleting global carbon budget. Here, we present methodology and results of the first study examining national mitigation pledges presented at the 2015 Paris climate summit, relative to equity benchmarks and 1.5 °C-compliant global mitigation. Uniquely, pertinent ethical choices were made via deliberative processes of civil society organizations, resulting in an agreed range of effort-sharing parameters. Based on this, we quantified each country’s range of fai...

  Tagged under: Brazil | Economics | International Agreements | Climate Justice | Climate Change Mitigation | India | Japan

Take Action for the Sustainable Development Goals

  2020-01-26 (or before) in United Nations

The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. Learn more and take action. Watch the global broadcast ‘Nations United” On the 75th anniversary of the United

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Climate Justice

Regenerative Farming And The Green New Deal

  2020-01-26 (or before) in Data For Progress

The Green New Deal is a broad and ambitious agenda that includes a commitment by the federal government to invest in communities, infrastructure, technology, and good jobs to help the United States meet the challenges of climate change and achieve economic and environmental justice.

  Tagged under: Economics | Farming | Climate Change | Climate Justice

Psychological Root Of Solution To Climate Crisis & Social Justice

  2019-11-03 (or before) in LinkedIn

A base psycho-pathology has driven the human race to internecine conflict over the extraction, expropriation and exploitation of natural resources. Since these natural resources belong to all of humanity in common, many people have needlessly died at the hands of oppressors and usurpers imposing vir

  Tagged under: Climate Justice

You Are Stealing Our Future: Greta Thunberg, 15, Condemns the World’s Inaction on Climate Change

  2018-12-14 (or before) in YouTube - Fifteen-year-old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg addressed the U.N. plenary last night in Katowice, Poland, condemning glo...

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | Greenhouse Gases | IPCC | Climate Change | Activism | Climate Justice

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