The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Topic: India

Featured Articles:

More than 70% of farmers have already seen large impacts of climate change on their farm, new global research across 8 countries reveals | Headlines

  2023-09-22 in

To conduct the Farmer Voice, life science company Bayer commissioned an agency to independently interview 800 farmers globally, representing farms large and small from Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, India, Kenya, Ukraine, and the United States in equal numbers.Farmers expect the repercussions of climate change to continue.

  Tagged under: Climate Change Impacts | Collapse | Agriculture | India

Related Articles (156)

Deficient monsoon rainfall hits paddy farmers in parts of north India

  2024-08-16 by in

Sherpuri Goswami owns slightly more than a hectare of land and is a ‘small’ farmer. The landholding is not enough to meet the needs of his family of eighteen, and the 53-year-old farmer from Nadiyali village in Haryana has taken eight hectares on lease on which he has planted paddy, the most important kharif (monsoon) […]

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How India’s vulture apocalypse led to the deaths of half a million people

  2024-07-31 in The Telegraph

The carrion-eating birds of prey provide a vital service for the environment – cleaning

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Climate Crisis: Old King Coal Remains Omnipotent and Omnipresent - Bloomberg

  2024-07-25 in Bloomberg

The dirtiest fossil fuel still powers the world. Talk of its demise is greatly exaggerated.

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India heat: Inside Delhi's first emergency room to tackle crisis

  2024-06-19 in BBC

Doctors are fighting to save people from heat strokes in a first-of-its-kind clinic in India's capital.

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India summer: Eight more die as country faces 'longest' heatwave

  2024-06-11 in The BBC

Official figures suggest 60 people died of heat-related illnesses between March and May across India.

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Tomato At Rs 1,512 Per Quintal: Vegetable Prices Skyrocket Across India Due to Heatwave, Short Supply


Tomato At Rs 1,512 Per Quintal: Vegetable Prices Skyrocket Across India | Cehck Here

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Summer heat hits Asia early, killing dozens as one expert calls it the "most extreme event" in climate history - CBS News

  2024-05-02 in CBS News

by far the most extreme event in world climatic history.

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Wave of exceptionally hot weather scorches south and south-east Asia

  2024-04-26 in The Guardian

Warnings of dangerous temperatures across parts of Philippines, Thailand, Bangladesh and India as hottest months of the year are made worse by El Niño

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Climate change is stunting our economic growth

  2024-04-23 in

The amount of planetary heating already in the pipeline as a result of a century of pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere will make global income 19% lower by 2049 than it would have been without global warming, suggests a new study from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

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Most of India Will Witness Above Normal Temperatures Till June, IMD Warns

  2024-04-18 (or before) in

Most of India will witness temperatures above normal from April till June; the warning comes after several reports have cautioned that 2024 will likely witness worse heat waves than 2023 did.

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India’s Supreme Court expands right to life to include ‘adverse effects of climate change’ in landmark ruling | The Independent

  2024-04-08 in The Independent

Supreme Court says right to life and equality can’t be fully realised without clean environment

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Extreme heat at work can double stillbirth risk, India study finds

  2024-03-21 in The BBC

Women in India are found to be twice as likely to lose babies if they are working in hot conditions.

  Tagged under: Women and Children | India

Increasing frequency and lengthening season of western disturbances are linked to increasing strength and delayed northward migration of the subtropical jet

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Abstract. Western disturbances (WDs) are cyclonic storms that travel along the subtropical jet, bringing the majority of seasonal and extreme precipitation to the Hindu Kush, Karakoram, and western Himalaya in the winter months. They are a vital component of the region's water security. Although typically most common in the winter, WDs can also interact with the summer monsoon, leading to catastrophic consequences. These seem to be happening more frequently, and along with increasingly harsh winter seasons, questions are now being asked about how climate change is affecting WD frequency and intensity in both summer and...

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Big four: global momentum

  2024-03-13 (or before) in Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit

How the ‘Big Four’ emitters – China, US, India and the EU – could play their part in bending the global emissions curve to point downwards.

  Tagged under: Climate Change Mitigation | European Union | India | USA | China

India's water problems set to get worse as the world warms

  2024-03-11 in - News and Articles on Science and Technology

Winter storms that provide crucial snow and rainfall to northern India are arriving significantly later in the year compared to 70 years ago, a new study has found, exacerbating the risk of catastrophic flooding while also reducing vital water supplies for millions of residents of India.

  Tagged under: Climate Change Impacts | Climate Change | Water Resources | Flooding | Himalayas | India

Billionaires’ Survivalist Bunkers Go Absolutely Bonkers With Fiery Moats and Water Cannons

  2024-02-12 by in The Hollywood Reporter - Movie news, TV news, awards news, lifestyle news, business news and more from The Hollywood Reporter.

Amid 'World War III' fears, apocalypse-fearing moguls are investing millions in survival strategies including rotating fireplaces out of 'Indiana Jones' and heightened tactical systems.

  Tagged under: Survivalism | Climate Change Adaption | Collapse | Prepping | India

Revealed: the 1,200 big methane leaks from waste dumps trashing the planet

  2024-02-12 in The Guardian

The huge leaks of the potent greenhouse gas will doom climate targets, experts say, but stemming them would rapidly reduce global heating

  Tagged under: Argentina | Methane | India

22: Religious groups as environmental activists

  2024-02-12 (or before) in Elgaronline from Edward Elgar Publishing

We first recall counterexamples where religion is used to exclude poor people from access to nature, e.g. high-caste Hindus consider rivers as sacred and simultaneously exclude Dalits from water use. We also recall the strong links between European Christianity and coloniality. Moreover, religion does not always mean organised religions with scriptures and clergy. In human societies, the difference between natural entities and anthropomorphic or zoomorphic religious beings is not clear cut. Snowed mountain tops are worshipped as Apus in the Andes. In India many Indigenous villages conserve sacred groves. In this thematic chapter...

  Tagged under: Rivers | Mexico | Religion | Indonesia | Africa | Activism | India

Indian forest act faces challenge in Supreme Court

  2024-01-30 in Nature

Ecologists, bureaucrats and conservationists say India’s amended Forest Conservation Act will reduce biodiversity and harm livelihoods. Ecologists, bureaucrats and conservationists say India’s amended Forest Conservation Act will reduce biodiversity and harm livelihoods.

  Tagged under: Trees | India

Celebrities urge satellite firm to ‘stop enabling harmful fishing’

  2024-01-29 by in The Times & The Sunday Times

Chris Packham and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall join campaign as Iridium accused over collapse of yellowfin tuna in industrial-scale harvest from Indian Ocean

  Tagged under: Fishing | Collapse | India | Fish | Oceans

‘Hypocrisy’: Tata builds vast India furnace despite Port Talbot emissions claims

  2024-01-24 in The Guardian

Owner says shutting Welsh blast furnaces will cut emissions, but it is opening a new one in India

  Tagged under: India

What is ITER?

  2024-01-24 (or before) in ITER - the way to new energy

ITER ("The Way" in Latin) is one of the most ambitious energy projects in the world today. In southern France, 35 nations* are collaborating to build the world's largest tokamak, a magnetic fusion device that has been designed to prove the feasibility of fusion as a large-scale and carbon-free source of energy based on the same principle that powers our Sun and stars. The experimental campaign that will be carried out at ITER is crucial to advancing fusion science and preparing the way for the fusion power plants of tomorrow. The primary objective of ITER is the investigation and demonstration of burning plasmas—plasm...

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power | Nuclear Fusion | France | India

‘Cheaper to save the world than destroy it’: why capitalism is going green

  2024-01-15 in The Guardian

Akshat Rathi argues that around the world economies are switching to clean technology as prices drop

  Tagged under: Economics | Electric Cars | Capitalism | Cars | India

Cookies and candy are latest victims of climate crisis as sugar prices surge

  2024-01-05 in The Guardian

Cost of sugar surges to highest level since 2011 after dry spell in India and drought in Thailand, and price hike has already filtered down to desserts

  Tagged under: Drought | El Niño | Brazil | India

Rice Hits Fresh 15-Year High as Food Security Fears Fuel Demand - Bloomberg

  2023-12-27 in Bloomberg

Rice prices surged to a fresh 15-year high, fueled by strong demand and lingering supply concerns.

  Tagged under: Africa | India

We need to talk about water

  2023-12-13 in Nature

Water needs to be central to India’s efforts to tackle floods, pollution and urbanization. Water needs to be central to India’s efforts to tackle floods, pollution and urbanization.

  Tagged under: Climate Change Adaption | Water Resources | India

The climate disaster strikes: what the data say

  2023-12-13 in Nature

A series of impact assessments highlight India’s vulnerability to extreme weather events and the risks they pose to human health. A series of impact assessments highlight India’s vulnerability to extreme weather events and the risks they pose to human health.

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Climate Change Impacts | India | Health

Compounding natural hazards and high vulnerability led to severe impacts from Horn of Africa flooding exacerbated by climate change and Indian Ocean Dipole – World Weather Attribution

  2023-12-07 (or before) in World Weather Attribution

  Tagged under: Oceans | Climate Change Impacts | Africa | India

Greenhouse gas emissions soar – with China, US and India most at fault

  2023-12-03 in The Guardian

Satellite tracking data shows many countries and firms do not provide accurate figures

  Tagged under: COP28 | India

Cyclones slow down the economic growth of a country by 10 years

  2023-11-25 in Interesting Engineering

Researchers have calculated the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) of tropical cyclones for the major economies of India, US, China, Taiwan, and Japan and found that it is so extreme that it stops economic development for more than 10 years.

  Tagged under: Economic Growth | Japan | India

Global Briefing: Flagship US small modular reactor project shelved

  2023-11-10 in Business Green

Plus: EU landmark nature restoration deal, USA's first DAC plant, and electric air taxis plan for take-off in India, in our round up of the top green business news from around the world this week

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power | India

‘Insanity’: petrostates planning huge expansion of fossil fuels, says UN report

  2023-11-08 in The Guardian

Plans by nations including Saudi Arabia, the US and UAE would blow climate targets and ‘throw humanity’s future into question’

  Tagged under: COP28 | Fossil Fuels | Russia | Saudi Arabia | India

Earth’s Axis Has Shifted and Other Climate Science You Missed - Bloomberg

  2023-10-30 in Bloomberg

We read peer-reviewed science journals — so you don't have to.

  Tagged under: India

Indian energy and emissions data

  2023-10-23 (or before) in

  Tagged under: India

India to push developed nations to become 'carbon negative' before 2050, sources say | Reuters

  2023-10-14 in Reuters

India wants to push developed nations to become carbon negative rather than carbon neutral by 2050, arguing that would allow emerging market economies more time to use fossil fuels for development needs, two Indian government sources said.

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | Sustainability | India

Indonesia fire haze pushes Singapore air quality into unhealthy range - Times of India

  2023-10-07 (or before) in Times of India

Environment News: Air quality in parts of Singapore hit unhealthy levels on Saturday as winds brought haze from Indonesian forest fires to the city-state, its environme

  Tagged under: Trees | Indonesia | India

Deaths rise to 47 after an icy flood swept through India's Himalayan northeast

  2023-10-07 in Associated Press News

Rescuers in India have found more bodies as they dug through slushy debris and ice-cold water in a hunt for survivors after a glacial lake burst through a dam.

  Tagged under: India

Icy flood that killed at least 41 in India's northeast was feared for years

  2023-10-06 in Associated Press News

Hundreds of rescuers dug through slushy debris and fast-flowing, icy water Friday in a search for survivors after a glacial lake burst through a dam in India’s Himalayan northeast, a disaster that many had warned was possible for years.

  Tagged under: Himalayas | India

More than 70% of farmers have already seen large impacts of climate change on their farm, new global research across 8 countries reveals | Headlines

  2023-09-22 in

To conduct the Farmer Voice, life science company Bayer commissioned an agency to independently interview 800 farmers globally, representing farms large and small from Australia, Brazil, China, Germany, India, Kenya, Ukraine, and the United States in equal numbers.Farmers expect the repercussions of climate change to continue.

  Tagged under: Climate Change Impacts | Collapse | Agriculture | India

Hottest April in 122 years for northwest, central India; states grapple with power shortage | India News - Times of India

  2023-09-14 (or before) in Times of India

India News: Northwest and central India experienced their hottest April in 122 years with average maximum temperatures reaching 35.9 and 37.8 degrees Celsius resp

  Tagged under: India

How hole in ozone layer affected summer rainfall in Tibet

  2023-09-07 in The Guardian

Study shows increase and decrease in rain linked to changes in ozone levels in upper atmosphere

  Tagged under: Climate Change | India

‘Major disruptor’: El Niño threatens the world’s rice supplies

  2023-09-07 in The Guardian

After India imposed an export ban on rice following destructive rains, prices have soared – now rising temperatures put crops across south-east Asia at risk

  Tagged under: Pacific Ocean | El Niño | India

Air pollution shortens lives of Delhi residents by around 11.9 years | The Independent

  2023-09-02 (or before) in The Independent

Report finds 67.4 per cent of Indians live in areas that exceed country’s own national air quality standard

  Tagged under: Climate Change | India

Rivers in the Sky: How Deforestation Is Affecting Global Water Cycles

  2023-08-27 (or before) in Yale E360

A growing body of evidence indicates that the continuing destruction of tropical forests is disrupting the movement of water in the atmosphere, causing major shifts in precipitation that could lead to drought in key agricultural areas in China, India, and the U.S. Midwest.  

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Drought | Climate Change | Rivers | Trees | India

In the battle to save the world’s forests, women are leading the resistance | Elif Shafak

  2023-08-26 in The Guardian

From the Akbelen forest in Turkey to northern India to Brazil, rural women are standing up against the corporate chainsaw, says novelist Elif Shafak

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Brazil | Women and Children | Trees | India

Taiwan’s Gogoro Revs Up Overseas Expansion Plans For Its Battery Swapping Electric Two-Wheelers

  2023-08-13 (or before) by in Forbes

For nearly a decade, Gogoro has steadily built a network of more than 2,500 battery-swapping stations across the island that help power 90% of the domestic two-wheelers. Now, Gogoro aims to replicate its domestic success abroad.

  Tagged under: India

In pictures: How climate change is causing loss and damage around the world by UNDP Climate on Exposure

  2023-08-06 (or before) in

Here are the many faces of loss and damage caused by climate change around the world –and what it can look like for those on the frontlines.

  Tagged under: Drought | Climate Change | Chile | Wildfires | Madagascar | Biodiversity Loss | India

View: India’s food security is being choked by climate change

  2023-07-25 in Business News Today: Read Latest Business news, India Business News Live, Share Market & Economy News | The Economic Times

India's vulnerable food security is under threat due to climate change as the country experiences volatile cycles of droughts and flooding. Although the country is experiencing only slightly above-average rainfall, the fluctuation of precipitation varies drastically across different regions and is destabilising crops. Recently, heavy rainfall damaged newly planted crops meaning that India suspended non-basmati varieties of rice exports, causing rice prices to rise.

  Tagged under: India | Drought

Factbox: Why Indian rice export ban is so important to global trade | Reuters

  2023-07-21 (or before) in Reuters

India has prohibited the export of non-basmati white rice with immediate effect, according to a government notice on Thursday, after a late start to seasonal monsoon rains hurt the crop and raised fears of a production shortfall.

  Tagged under: India

Climate graphic of the week: Global warming is supercharging weather events, say scientists | Financial Times

  2023-07-16 (or before) in Financial Times

Flooding in US, South Korea, India and Japan and extreme heat in Europe raises concerns about pace of change

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Flooding | Japan | India

North India Deluge 2023: Ladakh, a cold desert, received over 10,000% of its normal rain on July 8-9

  2023-07-12 (or before) in Down To Earth | Environment & science issues | India, South Asia

Heavy rains are now a reality for Ladakh due to global warming; Ladakhis may now have to unlearn their former ways of living 

  Tagged under: Climate Change | India

Tomato crisis hits India as rain ravages crops and prices rise 400%

  2023-07-10 in The Guardian

Consumers, farmers and even McDonald’s struggle in shortage blamed on irregular weather

  Tagged under: Farming | India

Weekly Climate News Headlines

  2023-07-03 (or before) in YouTube

Weekly climate news headlines from around the world. #bangladesh #India #USA #Canada #wildfires #mexico #pakistan #heatwaves #Spain #Romania #Chile

  Tagged under: Spain | Wildfires | Flooding | Canada | India | Chile | Mexico | Heatwaves

Climate crisis linked to rising domestic violence in south Asia, study finds

  2023-06-28 in The Guardian

Increase of 1C in average annual temperature connected to more than 6% rise in physical and sexual domestic violence

  Tagged under: Women and Children | India

Sea Surface Temperatures - Pacific and Indian Oceans

  2023-06-20 (or before) in Bureau of Meteorology, Australia

Australian climate is influenced by sea surface temperature patterns in the Pacific and Indian oceans. This page provides information on Pacific and Indian ocean outlooks for the coming six months based on a survey of international climate models.

  Tagged under: Pacific Ocean | Climate Data | Oceans | Australia | India

We’ve pumped so much groundwater that we’ve nudged the Earth's spin

  2023-06-17 (or before) in Advancing Earth and Space Sciences

  AGU press contact: Rebecca Dzombak, (UTC-4 hours) Contact information for the researchers: Ki-Weon Seo, Seoul National University, (UTC+9 hours) WASHINGTON — By pumping water out of the ground and moving it elsewhere, humans have shifted such a large mass of water that the Earth tilted nearly 80 centimeters (31.5 inches) east between 1993 and 2010 alone, according to a new study published in Geophysical Research Letters, AGU’s journal for short-format, high-impact research with implications spanning the Earth and space sciences. Based on climate models, scientists previously es...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Texas | Net Zero | Sea Level | India

Aerosol demasking enhances climate warming over South Asia - npj Climate and Atmospheric Science

  2023-06-01 (or before) in Nature

Anthropogenic aerosols mask the climate warming caused by greenhouse gases (GHGs). In the absence of observational constraints, large uncertainties plague the estimates of this masking effect. Here we used the abrupt reduction in anthropogenic emissions observed during the COVID-19 societal slow-down to characterize the aerosol masking effect over South Asia. During this period, the aerosol loading decreased substantially and our observations reveal that the magnitude of this aerosol demasking corresponds to nearly three-fourths of the CO2-induced radiative forcing over South Asia. Concurrent measurements over the northern India...

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Oceans | India

Toxic Waste from 10,000 Sites Could Spill Into the Melting Arctic Permafrost! |

  2023-05-23 (or before) in The Weather Channel and

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Arctic | India

El Nino on the way, could wipe out $3 trillion of world economy

  2023-05-23 (or before) in Business News - Read Latest Startup, Tech, Markets, Finance, Science News - Business Insider India

  Tagged under: Economics | Oceans | El Niño | India

Air Pollution - Mumbai

  2023-05-10 (or before) in YouTube

Mumbai has the most polluted air out of all coastal cities in India as per a recent stud. Its particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) levels, which indicates the conc...

  Tagged under: Air Pollution | India

Amitav Ghosh on ‘The Great Derangement’ - Live at #ISF2019

  2023-05-09 (or before) in YouTube

Are we deranged? Acclaimed Indian novelist Amitav Ghosh argues that future generations may well think so, given our imaginative failure in the face of global...

  Tagged under: India

Exclusive: India amends power policy draft to halt new coal-fired capacity | Reuters

  2023-05-05 (or before) in Reuters

India plans to stop building new coal-fired power plants, apart from those already in the pipeline, by removing a key clause from the final draft of its National Electricity Policy (NEP), in a major boost to fight climate change, sources said.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Electricity | India

Monster Heat Hits 1/3rd of World Population

  2023-04-24 by in Counter Punch

Global warming is hitting full stride as SE Asia, inclusive of parts of China and India literally roast. It’s a bad omen for the rest of the world as the entire planet is threatened by an emerging El Niño event starting this year. El Niño is the warm phase of the El Niño-Southern oscillation that originates in the equatorial Pacific every few years, bringing on more heat throughout the planet. According to, El Niño is forecast to return in 2023 and could set new temperature records.

  Tagged under: El Niño | India

Deadly heat threatens the lives and livelihoods of 1 billion people in India

  2023-04-24 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

Increasingly extreme heat waves will imperil India's development goals and slow economic growth, new research shows

  Tagged under: Economic Growth | India

Maharashtra Heat Stroke: 11 deaths, over 600 suffer heatstroke in Bhushan Award Ceremony | Navi Mumbai News - Times of India

  2023-04-20 (or before) by in Times of India

At least 11 people died and over 600 suffered heatstroke at the Kharghar venue for the Maharashtra Bhushan Award ceremony on Sunday afternoon, as lakh

  Tagged under: Health | India

2022 India=E2=80=93Pakistan heat wave - Wikipedia

  2023-04-20 (or before) in Wikipedia

  Tagged under: India

Severe heatwave engulfs Asia causing deaths and forcing schools to close

  2023-04-19 in The Guardian

Extreme temperatures described as ‘worst April heatwave in Asian history’ as records threatened in India, China, Thailand and Laos

  Tagged under: India

Toxic fire from US recycling plant could burn for days

  2023-04-18 (or before) in The BBC

An inferno in Richmond, Indiana, has raised health concerns and sparked evacuation orders.

  Tagged under: Health | India

Concerns mount over plans to dump radioactive wastewater into Hudson River

  2023-04-08 in Hudson Valley One

Strange turns of phrase begin to crop up when the operator of a decommissioned nuclear power plant looks to dump hundreds of thousands of gallons of radioactive wastewater into a river that changes directions four times a day and provides drinking water to numerous communities up and down the river.

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power | Rivers | India

Despite successful pilot, MPCB ditches low-cost air quality monitors in city

  2023-03-27 in News: TodayÕs News Headlines, Breaking News India, World News and Cricket News | Hindustan Times

Between November 2020 and May 2021, as many as 40 SAAQMs produced by four Indian companies were installed alongside existing CAAQMS. This was part of the pilot project called ‘Technical Assessment of Low-Cost Sensor based PM2.5 and PM10 Monitoring Network in Maharashtra.

  Tagged under: India

India to get heat waves this year after hottest February on record

  2023-02-28 in Reuters

India is likely to experience heat waves between March and May, especially in the key wheat producing central and northern states, the weather office said on Tuesday, as the country recorded its highest ever maximum temperature in February.

  Tagged under: Heatwaves | Health | India

Educating for the Anthropocene: Schooling and Activism in the Face of Slow Violence

  2023-02-16 (or before) in MIT

The work of environmental educators and activists in India and South Africa offers new models for schooling and environmental activism. Education has never play

  Tagged under: Activism | South Africa | Africa | India

COP28 Chief’s Global Tour Begins With a Defense of Fossil Fuels

  2023-02-09 (or before) in Bloomberg

Oil and gas will have a key role to play even as the world shifts to cleaner energy and climate talks should reflect the challenges of energy poverty, according to the president of this year’s COP summit.

  Tagged under: COP28 | Fossil Fuels | Saudi Arabia | India

What Is the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch?

  2023-01-31 (or before) in Sustainable & Eco Friendly eCommerce Packaging | SR Mailing

The Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch is considered by many to be one of humanity’s biggest crimes against the planet – and really, just the name of it gives away the horror of what it actually is, considering the size of the Pacific Ocean. We talk a lot about what can be done to save the planet here at SR Mailing, and that’s because we’re absolutely passionate about it! The fact that there is so much to be done, and that there is so much that we can all be doing in our daily lives that can help us to save planet Earth from global warming and climate change. The issue, of course, is much, much bigger than...

  Tagged under: Microplastics and Nanoplastics | Oceans | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Pacific Ocean | Methane | Fish | Rivers | Whales and Dolphins | Wildlife | Economic Growth | Great Barrier Reef | Coral Reefs | California | South America | BP | Sea Level | Indonesia | Activism | India

Adani Group: How The World’s 3rd Richest Man Is Pulling The Largest Con In Corporate History

  2023-01-25 in Hindenburg Research - Investigative Research & Reporting

Today we reveal the findings of our 2-year investigation, presenting evidence that the INR 17.8 trillion (U.S. $218 billion) Indian conglomerate Adani Group has engaged in a brazen stock manipulati…

  Tagged under: India

Shrinking glaciers threaten Chinese and Indian energy transitions

  2023-01-16 (or before) in The Third Pole - Understanding Water, Climate and Nature in Asia

The worsening condition of the Parlung No. 4 glacier is causing concern over water supply, flood risk and the viability of hydropower

  Tagged under: China | India

How Britain stole $45 trillion from India

  2022-12-11 (or before) in Al Jazeera

And lied about it.

  Tagged under: India

'Like a hostage negotiation': Indiana bill on renewable energy standards dies after pushback

  2022-11-23 (or before) in

An Indiana bill that would have established statewide standards for wind and solar projects died on the Senate floor over concerns about local control

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | US Politics | Wind Power | India

The colonial roots of the present crisis: Interview with Amitav Ghosh - Brave New Europe

  2022-10-19 by in Brave New Europe

A fascinating interview with an Indian writer of fiction and non-fiction about colonialism, climate change and much more Cross-posted from the Green European Journal This August, Pakistan was hit with floods that left 50 million [...]

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Colonialism | India

‘Reckless’ coal firms plan climate-busting expansion, study finds

  2022-10-06 in The Guardian

Coal is the most polluting of all fossil fuels and investors must stop funding it, say campaigners

  Tagged under: COP27 | Greenhouse Gases | Coal | Climate Change | Africa | Fossil Fuels | Russia | India

Climate action, pollution control needed to keep sulphur dioxide in check

  2022-09-14 by in

While the concentration of sulphur dioxide (SO2), an atmospheric pollutant with health and climate impacts, shows a decreasing trend in India in the recent decade (2010-2020), compared to previous decades, due to environmental regulations and control technologies in place, its concentration is still high and is of concern, a trend analysis has said. “Even if […]

  Tagged under: Health | India

A global comparison of the life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of combustion engine and electric passenger cars - International Council on Clean Transportation

  2022-08-28 (or before) in Countercurrents

Life-cycle assessment of the greenhouse gas emissions of passenger cars in China, Europe, India, and the United States, which together account for about 70% of new passenger car sales worldwide.

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Electric Cars | Cars | India

Solar power opens the door to banking for rural Indians

  2022-08-05 (or before) by in - Asia Pacific's Sustainable Business Community

In remote areas suffering frequent power cuts, solar panel systems help keep banks running as they curb climate-warming emissions.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | India

Negative IOD declared

  2022-08-02 (or before) in Weather Zone Australia

A wet spring could be on the cards for large parts of Australia with a negative Indian Ocean Dipole now officially underway in the Indian Ocean. A negative Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) refers to a pattern of sea surface temperatures in the tropical Indian Ocean that causes more moisture-laden air to flow towards Australia. These negative IOD events, which occur on average once every five years, typically enhance northwest cloudbands over Australia and produce above-average rain over large areas of country's south and southeast during winter and spring. The Bureau of Meteorology has today declared that a negative IOD ev...

  Tagged under: Oceans | Extreme Weather | Extreme Rainfall | Predictions | India

Myth buster: China and India’s carbon emissions | Friends of the Earth

  2022-07-18 (or before) in Friends of the Earth

We’ve heard it before, “have you seen the emission figures? Look at China and India, it’s all their fault!”. This is a myth that we’ll debunk by addressing some popular beliefs surrounding global emissions.

  Tagged under: China | India

India takes tough stand at climate talks as Delhi endures brutal heatwave

  2022-06-14 in The Guardian

As capital swelters, India urges rich countries to provide funds to help deal with effects of climate crisis

  Tagged under: COP27 | Extreme Weather | Heatwaves | India

“We’re staring down the gun barrel”: singer Feargal Sharkey on Britain’s polluted rivers

  2022-06-02 by in New Statesman Magazine

The Undertones frontman sees echoes of Northern Ireland’s Troubles in today’s environmental struggles.

  Tagged under: Rivers | India

Climate change swells odds of record India, Pakistan heatwaves - BBC News

  2022-05-18 (or before) in The BBC

A UK study says record-breaking temperatures in NW India and Pakistan are now 100 times more likely.

  Tagged under: Heatwaves | Climate Change | India

South Asia’s Heatwave Is Only the Beginning

  2022-05-16 (or before) in Tribune

The record heatwave hitting India and Pakistan has dehydrated birds falling from the sky. If there was ever a sign that we need urgent action to reverse the catastrophic course of climate change, it's that.

  Tagged under: Heatwaves | Climate Change | India

Amid Persistent Heatwaves, Buzz Picks Up Around Wet-Bulb Temperature! Learn What It Is, and Why Is It Important | The Weather Channel

  2022-05-15 (or before) in The Weather Channel and

  Tagged under: Heatwaves | Wet Bulb Temperature | Health | India

India bans all wheat exports over food security risk

  2022-05-14 in The Guardian

Move imposed with immediate effect in attempt to control prices after heatwave damages crops

  Tagged under: Farming | Heatwaves | India

Belly Of The Beast: How Climate Change Is Affecting India’s Farmers

  2022-05-13 in

Farmers are waking up to the threat of extreme heatwaves across India. Are our policymakers listening?

  Tagged under: Farming | Extreme Weather | Heatwaves | Climate Change | India

South Africa’s April floods made twice as likely by climate crisis, scientists say

  2022-05-13 in The Guardian

Brutal heatwave in India and Pakistan also certain to have been exacerbated by global heating, scientists say

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Heatwaves | South Africa | Africa | India

Parts of Pakistan and north-west India to endure +50C temperatures

  2022-05-12 in Official blog of the Met Office news team

A brutal heatwave that has enveloped parts of southern Asia since the end of April looks set to intensify, says the latest forecast from the Met Office. Nick Silkstone is a meteorologist with the Met Office’s Global Guidance Unit. He said: “Temperatures are expected to peak on Saturday, when maximum values could reach around 49-50°C…

  Tagged under: Heatwaves | India

India’s Heatwaves Are Testing the Limits of Human Survival

  2022-05-05 (or before) in Bloomberg

Each summer in India is a fresh roll of the dice on whether a freak event will occur that leads to a vast number of deaths.

  Tagged under: Heatwaves | India

Heat waves likely to last ‘25 times longer’ in India by another 2-4 decades, says climate report

  2022-05-02 (or before) in Down To Earth | Environment & science issues | India, South Asia

 The heatwaves will last over five times longer if global temperature rise is constrained to about 2°C, says report launched ahead of G20 summit

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Heatwaves | Greenhouse Gases | IPCC | Climate Change | India

The South Asia heat wave is the “emergency” phase of climate change

  2022-05-02 by in

A weeks-long “infinite” heat wave is “near uninhabitable levels” in India and Pakistan — and it’s still getting worse.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | India

‘We are living in hell’: Pakistan and India suffer extreme spring heatwaves

  2022-05-02 in The Guardian

April temperatures at unprecedented levels have led to critical water and electricity shortages

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Heatwaves | Electricity | India

Those Who Face Record Heat Wave in India and Pakistan Did Not Create the Crisis

  2022-05-02 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Historical emitters must step up as region reaches limits of adaptation to worsening heat waves, climate scientist says.

  Tagged under: India

Scorching Heatwave In India Reaches 115°F

  2022-05-02 (or before) by in Forbes

South Asia (India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh) is in the midst of an unrelenting heatwave.

  Tagged under: Wildfires | Heatwaves | Climate Change | Famine and Food Insecurity | India

The role of tropical volcanic eruptions in exacerbating Indian droughts - Scientific Reports

  2022-05-02 (or before) in Nature

The Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR) is vital for the livelihood of millions of people in the Indian region; droughts caused by monsoon failures often resulted in famines. Large volcanic eruptions have been linked with reductions in ISMR, but the responsible mechanisms remain unclear. Here, using 145-year (1871–2016) records of volcanic eruptions and ISMR, we show that ISMR deficits prevail for two years after moderate and large (VEI > 3) tropical volcanic eruptions; this is not the case for extra-tropical eruptions. Moreover, tropical volcanic eruptions strengthen El Niño and weaken La Ni&...

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Extreme Rainfall | Drought | Famine and Food Insecurity | El Niño | India

In 3 days, over 7,800 forest fire hotspots spotted in India | Pune News - Times of India

  2022-05-01 (or before) in Times of India

Blistering and unprecedented day temperatures in several parts of India could be sparking off forest fires in Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, Madh

  Tagged under: India | Forest Fires | Trees

Record-breaking heat wave scorches India’s wheat crop and hinders export plans

  2022-04-30 in France 24

An unusually early, record-shattering heat wave in India has reduced wheat yields, raising questions about how the country will balance its domestic needs with ambitions to increase exports and make…

  Tagged under: Climate Change | India

India heatwave: Severe temperatures will bake a billion people and damage crops | New Scientist

  2022-04-30 (or before) in New Scientist

Wheat production is at risk from extreme temperatures across much of India, but better early warning systems appear to be limiting how deadly the heatwaves are

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Heatwaves | India

Arctic oil exploration: Potential riches and problems - BBC News

  2022-04-29 (or before) in The BBC

With current oil reserves coping with increased pressure from emerging markets in China and India, the Arctic and its seas are seen as being of crucial importance.

  Tagged under: Arctic | India

What does India’s heatwave mean for global food supplies?

  2022-04-28 (or before) in Euronews

The severe heatwave has come unusually early in spring, and will put more than 1 billion people in India and Pakistan at risk.

  Tagged under: India | Heatwaves

Deadly heat waves could hit South Asia this century

  2022-03-17 (or before) in MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

In South Asia, new MIT research suggests that by the end of this century climate change could lead to summer heat waves with levels of heat and humidity that exceed what humans can survive without protection.

  Tagged under: Global Warming | India | Heatwaves | Climate Change | Wet Bulb Temperature

The Great Climate Backslide: How Governments Are Regressing Worldwide

  2022-02-14 (or before) in Bloomberg

From the U.S. to China, harsh economic realities mean the political will for painful choices is evaporating fast.

  Tagged under: Joe Biden | India

The recent normalization of historical marine heat extremes

  2022-02-01 (or before) in PLOS - Open Science

Climate change exposes marine ecosystems to extreme conditions with increasing frequency. Capitalizing on the global reconstruction of sea surface temperature (SST) records from 1870-present, we present a centennial-scale index of extreme marine heat within a coherent and comparable statistical framework. A spatially (1° × 1°) and temporally (monthly) resolved index of the normalized historical extreme marine heat events was expressed as a fraction of a year that exceeds a locally determined, monthly varying 98th percentile of SST gradients derived from the first 50 years of climatological records (1870–1919)...

  Tagged under: Oceans | Extreme Weather | Climate Change | India

Another Record: Ocean Warming Continues through 2021 despite La Niña Conditions - Advances in Atmospheric Sciences

  2022-01-11 (or before) in Springer Verlag

The increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere from human activities traps heat within the climate system and increases ocean heat content (OHC). Here, we provide the first analysis of recent OHC changes through 2021 from two international groups. The world ocean, in 2021, was the hottest ever recorded by humans, and the 2021 annual OHC value is even higher than last year’s record value by 14 ± 11 ZJ (1 zetta J = 1021 J) using the IAP/CAS dataset and by 16 ± 10 ZJ using NCEI/NOAA dataset. The long-term ocean warming is larger in the Atlantic and Southern Oceans than in other regions and is ...

  Tagged under: Oceans | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Pacific Ocean | El Niño | Climate Change Mitigation | India

Project Findings

  2021-12-30 (or before) in Microfiber Pollution & the apparel industry

Our research found that microfibers are prevalent in both aquatic and terrestrial habitats, from the bottom of the Indian Ocean to farmland in the United States. Our experimental results found that...

  Tagged under: Oceans | Farming | India

Plan on table to halt new coal-fired power plants

  2021-12-25 (or before) in Business News Today: Read Latest Business news, India Business News Live, Share Market & Economy News | The Economic Times

At the UN climate change summit COP26 in Glasgow last month, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced India's aim to achieve net-zero emissions by 2070 and also pledged to attain 500 GW of installed electricity capacity from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030.

  Tagged under: India | COP26 | Coal | Climate Change | Net Zero | Electricity

Fossil Fuels in the COP Decision Text: Why the U.S., not India, is the problem - ActionAid USA News

  2021-11-14 (or before) in ActionAid USA

The United States government is poised to get what it wanted out of COP26: namely, no new obligations on climate finance or loss & damage, two of the

  Tagged under: USA | COP26 | Fossil Fuels | Finance | India

India Energy Outlook 2021 – Analysis - IEA

  2021-11-02 (or before) in IEA ÐÊInternational Energy Agency

India Energy Outlook 2021 - Analysis and key findings. A report by the International Energy Agency.

  Tagged under: India

World leaders announce plan to make green tech cheaper than alternatives

  2021-11-02 in The Guardian

UK, US and China among countries representing two-thirds of global economy to agree to push green energy and cars

  Tagged under: Economics | COP26 | Greenhouse Gases | Electric Cars | Fossil Fuels | Cars | India

COP26 news live: Emotional Alok Sharma 'deeply sorry' – as Glasgow pact receives mixed reactions

  2021-10-28 (or before) in Sky News

Latest COP26 news as: 200 countries reach agreement after 15 days of talks; COP president "deeply sorry" as India's request leads to watered down language on coal.

  Tagged under: COP26 | Coal | India

India's vulnerability to coal shocks exposed amid surging energy demand and prices

  2021-10-05 in Climate Home News

The country's looming energy crisis raises serious questions over India's coal expansion plan as private investors move away from the sector, analysts say

  Tagged under: India | Coal

Climate change triggering intense drought in Iraq, Syria: Over 12 mn people to lose access to water, food

  2021-09-06 (or before) in IndiaToday

The region has been witnessing a major spike in temperatures amid record low levels of rainfall, and drought due to climate change.

  Tagged under: Global Warming | Extreme Rainfall | Drought | Climate Change | India

Climate crisis: Over 200 health journals urge world leaders to tackle “catastrophic harm”

  2021-09-06 (or before) in The BMJ: British Medical Journal

More than 200 health journals have called on governments to take emergency action to tackle the “catastrophic harm to health” from climate change. A joint editorial says that while recent targets to reduce emissions and conserve biodiversity are welcome, they are not enough and need to be matched with credible short and longer term plans.1 The editorial was published simultaneously on 6 September in 233 international titles including The BMJ , the Lancet , the New England Journal of Medicine , the East African Medical Journal , the Chinese Science Bulletin , the National Medical Journal of India , and the Medical J...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | Health | India

India monsoon: Rescuers search for survivors after heavy rains - BBC News

  2021-07-25 (or before) in BBC

Heavy rains have battered India's western coast, leaving dozens dead and prompting mass evacuations.

  Tagged under: India

ALERT Wildfire

  2021-07-25 (or before) in

  Tagged under: Wildfires | India

Global Ocean Heat Content CDR

  2021-07-12 in National Centers for Environmental Information

The Ocean Heat Content Climate Data Record (CDR) is a set of ocean heat content anomaly (OHCA) time-series for 1955–present on 3-monthly, yearly, and pentadal (five-yearly) scales. This CDR quantifies ocean heat content change over time, which is an essential metric for understanding climate change and the Earth’s energy budget. It provides time-series for multiple depth ranges in the global ocean and each of the major basins (Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian) divided by hemisphere (Northern, Southern). 

  Tagged under: Oceans | Climate Change | India

‘Keystone XL is dead!’

  2021-07-11 (or before) by in

  Tagged under: India

India’s solar industry makes a huge bet on beating China

  2021-07-01 (or before) in Quartz | Make business better

At the Reliance AGM, the Indian conglomerate announced it will produce solar panels, batteries, and hydrogen—but remains a major consumer of oil.

  Tagged under: India | Hydrogen | Solar Energy

Tornado season in overdrive: What's behind the extreme weather hitting Oklahoma, Midwest areas like Kansas City, Ohio, Indiana - CBS News

  2021-07-01 (or before) in CBS News

For the year so far, we are closing in on 1,000 tornado reports across the nation

  Tagged under: India

India’s push for climate justice

  2021-04-09 in GZERO Media

net zero

  Tagged under: Net Zero | Climate Justice | India

Inflection Point: Before net-zero, comes the peak

  2021-03-25 (or before) in Business News: Business News India, Business News Today, Latest Finance News, Business News Live | The Financial Express

In developed countries, emissions have already peaked. Their decision is only about the path to net-zero. Emerging economies like India, instead, will go through a high-growth phase with rising energy demand and emissions. So, before a net-zero year can be targeted, India must discuss options for its peaking year

  Tagged under: Economics | Greenhouse Gases | Net Zero | India

World's top emitters a long way from aligning with climate goals | Reuters

  2021-03-23 (or before) in Reuters

The world's biggest carbon-emitting companies are far from aligning with the Paris Climate Agreement, a report by the leading climate-focused investor group showed on Monday.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance | Japan | Food Production and Consumption | Finance | India

Retailers join calls for ‘urgent’ action to restrict harmful tuna fishing methods

  2021-03-09 in The Guardian

‘Fish aggregating devices’ have been linked to depletion of yellowfin populations and increased bycatch in the Indian Ocean

  Tagged under: Oceans | Fish | Wildlife | India

Australia students launch class action to prevent coal mine approval | Reuters

  2021-03-02 (or before) in Reuters

Eight young Australian students have brought a class action in the country's federal court seeking an injunction to prevent government approval of a coal project, lawyers representing the claimants said on Wednesday.

  Tagged under: Coal | Climate Change | Litigation | Climate Justice | India

India Targets Climate Activists With the Help of Big Tech

  2021-02-27 (or before) in The Intercept

Tech giants like Google and Facebook appear to be aiding and abetting a vicious government campaign against Indian climate activists.

  Tagged under: Activism | India

Revolution and American Indians: “Marxism is as Alien to My Culture as Capitalism”

  2020-10-11 (or before) by in Films for Action

The following speech was given by Russell Means in July 1980, before several thousand people who had assembled from all over the world for the Black Hills International Survival Gathering, in the...

  Tagged under: Capitalism | India

People, not carbon emissions, should be at the heart of the west's climate action | Aruna Chandrasekhar

  2020-10-09 in The Guardian

In focusing on targets, activists from rich countries risk putting metrics above the lives of vulnerable people, says Aruna Chandrasekhar, an independent journalist from India

  Tagged under: Extinction Rebellion | Activism | Greenhouse Gases | Extinction | India

A Climate Change Skeptic, Mike Pence Brought to the Vice Presidency Deep Ties to the Koch Brothers - Inside Climate News

  2020-08-31 in Inside Climate News

Find profiles of all the presidential election candidates here. Vice President Mike Pence’s fight to block climate action began long before he became President Donald Trump’s stalwart second-in-command. The former Indiana governor came into Trump’s orbit with a reputation as a culture warrior who sought to restrict gay marriage and reproductive rights, and he has described […]

  Tagged under: Donald Trump | Climate Change | India

UN secretary general urges India to swiftly turn away from coal

  2020-08-28 in The Guardian

António Guterres tells country to stop building coal-fired power stations for sake of climate

  Tagged under: India | Coal | Fossil Fuels

Air pollution is much worse than we thought

  2020-08-12 by David Roberts in Vox

Ditching fossil fuels would pay for itself through clean air alone.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Fossil Fuels | India

India plans to fell ancient forest to create 40 new coalfields

  2020-08-08 in The Guardian

Narendra Modi’s dream of a ‘self-reliant India’ comes at a terrible price for its indigenous population

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Coal | Wildlife | Fossil Fuels | Trees | India

'A critical situation': Bangladesh in crisis as monsoon floods follow super-cyclone

  2020-07-24 in The Guardian

Despite flood planning efforts hundreds have been killed and millions hit as third of land is submerged by non-stop rain

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | India

Fairly sharing 1.5: national fair shares of a 1.5 °C-compliant global mitigation effort - International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics

  2020-06-10 (or before) in Springer Verlag

The problem of fairly distributing the global mitigation effort is particularly important for the 1.5 °C temperature limitation objective, due to its rapidly depleting global carbon budget. Here, we present methodology and results of the first study examining national mitigation pledges presented at the 2015 Paris climate summit, relative to equity benchmarks and 1.5 °C-compliant global mitigation. Uniquely, pertinent ethical choices were made via deliberative processes of civil society organizations, resulting in an agreed range of effort-sharing parameters. Based on this, we quantified each country’s range of fai...

  Tagged under: Brazil | Economics | International Agreements | Climate Justice | Climate Change Mitigation | India | Japan

Climate Change Might Trigger El Niño-like Pattern Over Indian Ocean by 2050: Study | The Weather Channel - Articles from The Weather Channel |

  2020-05-24 (or before) in The Weather Channel and

The new study revealed that even a small increase in the surface temperature of the Indian Ocean can lead to the formation of El Niño-like patterns in the near future. - Articles from The Weather Channel |

  Tagged under: Oceans | India | Climate Change | El Niño

Mapped: The world’s coal power plants in 2020

  2020-03-26 in Carbon Brief

Since 2000, the world has doubled its coal-fired power capacity to around 2,045 gigawatts (GW) after explosive growth in China and India. A further 200GW is being built and 300GW is planned.

  Tagged under: India | Coal

History’s Largest Mining Operation Is About to Begin

  2020-03-09 (or before) by in The Atlantic

It’s underwater—and the consequences are unimaginable.

  Tagged under: Oceans | Minerals | Papua New Guinea | Fossil Fuels | Namibia | Water Resources | India

Globalizing the War on Indigenous People: Bolsonaro and Modi

  2020-01-24 in Counter Punch

A man who has repeatedly romanticized dictatorship and advocated the use of torture seems like an odd choice for guest of honor at the annual celebration

  Tagged under: Indigenous People | India | Bolsonaro

Study finds shock rise in levels of potent greenhouse gas

  2020-01-21 in The Guardian

Scientists had expected fall in levels of HFC-23 after India and China said they had halted emissions

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | India

'Modi is afraid': women take lead in India's citizenship protests

  2020-01-21 in The Guardian

Housewives, grandmothers and students in Delhi at centre of resistance to new citizenship laws

  Tagged under: Women and Children | Activism | India

Water-related violence rises globally in past decade

  2019-12-31 in The Guardian

Water shortages and extreme weather contribute to tension in Middle East and India

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Middle East | India

After climate change apocalypse, kindness will be most important survival skill | Lexington Herald Leader

  2019-12-03 (or before) in Lexington Herald Ledger Kentucky

A survival skills teacher says that in order to survive in post climate-change apocalypse, we’ll need empathy, generosity, and courage to survive. Kindness and fairness will be more valuable than any survival skill.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | India

Russia's Taymyr plan: Arctic coal for India risks pollution - BBC News

  2019-11-30 (or before) in BBC

A huge wildlife haven is at risk as Russian coal ships exploit melting Arctic ice in Siberia.

  Tagged under: India | Arctic | Coal | Wildlife | Ice Melting | Russia

Delhi’s toxic politicians must be held to account for this deadly pollution | Aruna Chandrasekhar

  2019-11-08 in The Guardian

A unique political deadlock in the capital is creating a destructive inertia, says Aruna Chandrasekhar, an independent journalist from India

  Tagged under: India

Chennai water crisis: City's reservoirs run dry - BBC News

  2019-06-19 (or before) in The BBC

Chennai's severe water shortage has forced restaurants to shut and the city to scramble for solutions.

  Tagged under: India

Himalayan glacier melting doubled since 2000, spy satellites show

  2019-06-19 in The Guardian

Ice losses indicate ‘devastating’ future for region and 1 billion people who depend on it for water

  Tagged under: Ice Melting | India

Delhi temperature: Delhi records all-time high of 48 degrees Celsius in June, heatwave to continue | Delhi News - Times of India

  2019-06-11 (or before) in Times of India

Mercury in Delhi, on Monday, crossed an all time high of 48 degrees Celsius. The IMD has predicted the heatwave to continue in the national capital. D

  Tagged under: Heatwaves | Predictions | India

India heatwave kills ‘dozens’ of people as temperatures hit 50C

  2019-06-08 (or before) in The Independent

Water poured on roads to stop them melting and farmers struggle to care for animals

  Tagged under: Farming | Heatwaves | India

Universal basic income doesn’t work. Let’s boost the public realm instead | Anna Coote

  2019-05-06 in The Guardian

A study of UBI trials concludes that making cash payments to all is no solution to poverty and inequality, says author Anna Coote

  Tagged under: Africa | India

Human Activity in China and India Dominates the Greening of Earth, NASA Study Shows - NASA

  2019-02-11 in NASA

The world is literally a greener place than it was 20 years ago, and data from NASA satellites has revealed a counterintuitive source for much of this new

  Tagged under: India

Revealed: FBI kept files on peaceful climate change protesters

  2018-12-13 in The Guardian

A protest at a BP plant in Indiana landed three sixtysomething campaigners in a federal surveillance report, documents released to the Guardian under the Freedom on Information Act show

  Tagged under: BP | Climate Change | Activism | India

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Sources (86)

ActionAid USA
Advancing Earth and Space Sciences
Al Jazeera
Associated Press News
Brave New Europe
Bureau of Meteorology, Australia
Business Green
Business News - Read Latest Startup, Tech, Markets, Finance, Science News - Business Insider India
Business News Today: Read Latest Business news, India Business News Live, Share Market & Economy News | The Economic Times
Business News: Business News India, Business News Today, Latest Finance News, Business News Live | The Financial Express
Carbon Brief
CBS News
Climate Home News
Counter Punch
Down To Earth | Environment & science issues | India, South Asia - Asia Pacific's Sustainable Business Community
Elgaronline from Edward Elgar Publishing
Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit
Films for Action
Financial Times
France 24
Friends of the Earth Climate. Justice. Solutions.
Hindenburg Research - Investigative Research & Reporting
Hudson Valley One
IEA ÐÊInternational Energy Agency
Inside Climate News
Interesting Engineering
ITER - the way to new energy
Lexington Herald Ledger Kentucky
Microfiber Pollution & the apparel industry
MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
National Centers for Environmental Information
New Scientist
New Statesman Magazine
News: TodayÕs News Headlines, Breaking News India, World News and Cricket News | Hindustan Times
Official blog of the Met Office news team - News and Articles on Science and Technology
PLOS - Open Science
Quartz | Make business better
Sky News
Springer Verlag
Sustainable & Eco Friendly eCommerce Packaging | SR Mailing
The Atlantic
The BMJ: British Medical Journal
The Guardian
The Hollywood Reporter - Movie news, TV news, awards news, lifestyle news, business news and more from The Hollywood Reporter.
The Independent
The Intercept
The Telegraph
The Third Pole - Understanding Water, Climate and Nature in Asia
The Times & The Sunday Times
The Weather Channel and
Times of India
Times of India
Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism
Weather Zone Australia
World Weather Attribution
Yale E360

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