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Topic: Middle East

Related Articles (47)

Diplomats fear growing power of Iranian factions that want nuclear weapons

  2024-03-10 in The Guardian

Warnings that war in Gaza and Iran’s lack of cooperation on its nuclear programme are strengthening hand of hardliners

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Weather tracker: Flash flooding in Oman and record temperatures in Western Australia

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Four people died after heavy rain in the Middle Eastern country, which is one of the driest in the world

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‘They attacked us. They displaced us’: grieving South Sudanese confront Swedish oil giant over their days of slaughter

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A historic trial, which will call on 61 witnesses worldwide, is expected to set a precedent for global corporations in foreign jurisdictions

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US joins in other nations in swearing off coal power to clean the climate

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The United States is now committed to the idea of phasing out coal power plants, joining 56 other nations in kicking the coal habit. Saturday's announcement by U.S.

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Will the Globe Encounter the Warmest Winter after the Hottest Summer in 2023? - Advances in Atmospheric Sciences

  2023-12-01 in Springer Verlag

In the boreal summer and autumn of 2023, the globe experienced an extremely hot period across both oceans and continents. The consecutive record-breaking mean surface temperature has caused many to speculate upon how the global temperature will evolve in the coming 2023/24 boreal winter. In this report, as shown in the multi-model ensemble mean (MME) prediction released by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a medium-to-strong eastern Pacific El Niño event will reach its mature phase in the following 2–3 months, which tends to excite an anomalous anticyclone over the western Nort...

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Revealed: Saudi Arabia’s grand plan to ‘hook’ poor countries on oil

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Climate scientists say fossil fuel use needs to fall rapidly – but oil-rich kingdom is working to drive up demand

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‘The river took it all’: Somalis wait for waters to recede as floods kill dozens

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Bilan reporters describe devastation across Somalia as ‘once-in-a-century’ floods hit a country reeling from a six-year drought

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‘Tax Cheat Twelve’ Vote to Cut IRS Funding in Israel Bill

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The 12 House Democrats received a combined $8 million in campaign support from AIPAC and its affiliates last year.

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A new facility may be on the horizon for Texas-based Occidental Petroleum and a company in the United Arab Emirates.

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Japanese scientists find microplastics are present in clouds | Environment News | Al Jazeera

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Japanese scientists have found between 6.7 and 13.9 pieces of microplastic in each litre of cloud water tested.

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As World’s Problems Grow More Challenging, UN Chief Gets Bleaker

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Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ assessment, delivered in his no-nonsense style, aimed to shock

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Climate action must respond to extreme weather driving health crisis, says WHO

  2023-09-19 in The Guardian

Melting ice caps and rising sea levels are urgent but people care more about the floods, wildfires and droughts that are here now, New York summit hears

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‘Disastrous beyond comprehension’: 10,000 missing after Libya floods

  2023-09-12 in The Guardian

Neighbourhoods washed away in port city of Derna, where two dams burst, with many bodies swept out to sea

  Tagged under: Libya | Africa | Middle East

Iran shuts down for two days because of 'unprecedented heat' | Reuters

  2023-08-04 (or before) in Reuters

Iran has announced Wednesday and Thursday this week will be public holidays because of "unprecedented heat" and told the elderly and people with health conditions to stay indoors, Iranian state media reported.

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Army of fake social media accounts defend UAE presidency of climate summit

  2023-06-08 in The Guardian

Sultan Al Jaber – Cop28 president and CEO of state oil firm – is ‘ally the climate movement needs’, posts say

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Aras Amiri highlights jailed Iran environmentalists' plight - BBC News

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A former prisoner held for years in the same jail as the group tells the BBC of their plight.

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Deloitte research reveals inaction on climate change could cost the world’s economy US$178 trillion by 2070 | Deloitte Middle East | Press release

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Deloitte’s Global Turning Point Report finds that unchecked climate change could cost the global economy US$178 trillion over the next 50 years, unless global leaders unite in a systemic net-zero transition

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Net Zero | Middle East

Rapidly increasing likelihood of exceeding 50 °C in parts of the Mediterranean and the Middle East due to human influence - npj Climate and Atmospheric Science

  2023-05-30 (or before) in Nature

As the world warms, extremely hot days are becoming more frequent and intense, reaching unprecedented temperatures associated with excess mortality. Here, we assess how anthropogenic forcings affect the likelihood of maximum daily temperatures above 50 °C at 12 selected locations around the Mediterranean and the Middle East. We adopt a risk-based attribution methodology that utilises climate model simulations with and without human influence to estimate the probability of extremes. We find that at all locations, temperatures above 50 °C would have been extremely rare or impossible in the pre-industrial worl...

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‘No one saw this level of devastation coming’: climate crisis worsens in Somalia

  2023-05-19 in The Guardian

Torrential rain, coming on top of the country’s worst drought in four decades, has forced 250,000 people to leave their homes

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‘The city was underwater’: quarter of a million Somalis flee flooded homes

  2023-05-17 in The Guardian

Climate crisis a key factor in flash flooding of Beledweyne as rains end drought and Shabelle River breaks its banks

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Conflict and climate disasters combine to create record rise in displaced people

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Ukraine war and Pakistan’s ‘monsoon on steroids’ among events driving surge on ‘scale never seen before’ as 71m people displaced

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Column: Middle East starts cleaning up its power act with renewable push | Reuters

  2023-04-07 (or before) in Reuters

The Middle East has by far the lowest share of clean power in its electricity mix of all regions, but is starting to change that through hefty increases in renewable energy generation capacity.

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Revealed: UAE plans huge oil and gas expansion as it hosts UN climate summit

  2023-04-04 in The Guardian

Exclusive: UAE’s fossil fuel boss will be the president of Cop28, making a mockery of the summit, say campaigners

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As the disturbing scenes in Tunisia show, anti-migrant sentiments have gone global | Nesrine Malik

  2023-03-13 in The Guardian

President Saied is scapegoating his country’s small black migrant population to distract from political failings. Does this sound familiar, asks Guardian columnist Nesrine Malik

  Tagged under: Africa | Middle East

Aramco: Saudi state-owned oil giant sees record profit of $161bn - BBC News

  2023-03-12 (or before) in The BBC

After a year when petrol prices soared, the Saudi firm announces a best-ever set of figures.

  Tagged under: Middle East | Saudi Arabia | Aramco

Let’s face reality. Fossil fuel interests have destroyed the Cops – we need something new | Bill McGuire

  2023-01-16 in The Guardian

It beggars belief that the UN thought it a good idea to allow an authoritarian petro-state to host the already compromised summit, says Bill McGuire, professor emeritus of climate hazards

  Tagged under: COP28 | Africa | Middle East

COP28: Why has an oil boss been chosen to head climate summit? - BBC News

  2023-01-14 (or before) in The BBC

The UAE has named state oil company chief Sultan Al Jaber as president of the UN climate conference.

  Tagged under: COP28 | Middle East

‘False solutions’: scepticism over Saudi carbon capture plan

  2022-11-19 in The Guardian

Kingdom’s Cop27 announcement of new storage hub part of pattern of delaying fossil fuel transition, experts say

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‘It turns out that a sandstorm is not the same wherever it happens’

  2022-11-16 in The Guardian

Stark difference in experience of sandstorms in Cairo and Dubai raises questions as climate crisis deepens

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Cop27 host Egypt warns UK not to backtrack from climate agenda

  2022-10-03 in The Guardian

Unusual diplomatic intervention prompted by fears over Liz Truss’s commitment to net zero

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Several arrests at protest over dying Iranian lake - BBC News

  2022-07-17 (or before) in The BBC

Once the world's second largest salt lake, farming and drought have reduced Lake Urmia to a trickle.

  Tagged under: Farming | Drought | Middle East | Iran | Activism

‘Apocalyptic skies’: the dust storms devastating Gulf states and Syria

  2022-06-03 in The Guardian

Rising frequency of storms due to climate crisis is causing more loss of life and more destruction, say experts

  Tagged under: Africa | Middle East | Saudi Arabia

UN climate report: 'Atlas of human suffering' worse, bigger | AP News

  2022-02-28 (or before) in Associated Press News

Deadly with extreme weather now, climate change is about to get so much worse. It is likely going to make the world sicker, hungrier, poorer, gloomier and way more dangerous in the next 18 years with an “unavoidable” increase in risks, a new United Nations science report says.

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Africa | Climate Change | Middle East

Monitoring Soil Health in the Middle East from Space | 4 Earth Intelligence

  2022-02-08 (or before) in Applied Earth Intelligence Experts | 4 Earth Intelligence

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health | Middle East

OPEC official hits at 'misguided' efforts to pare oil and gas | Reuters

  2021-12-22 (or before) in Reuters

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | Middle East

‘Apocalypse soon’: reluctant Middle East forced to open eyes to climate crisis | Climate crisis | The Guardian

  2021-10-31 (or before) in The Guardian

  Tagged under: Middle East

Opec member urges oil producers to focus more on renewable energy

  2021-09-01 in The Guardian

Iraqi minister and International Energy Agency chief urge countries to move away from fossil fuel dependency

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Africa | Fossil Fuels | Middle East

Without help for oil-producing countries, net zero by 2050 is a distant dream | Ali Allawi and Fatih Birol

  2021-09-01 in The Guardian

To meet climate targets and avoid economic collapse, countries such as Iraq need international support in the transition to clean energy, say Iraq’s deputy PM Ali Allawi and IEA executive director Fatih Birol

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Africa | Fossil Fuels | Net Zero | Middle East | Collapse

From 1m trees to a tree graveyard: how Dubai’s conservation plans went awry

  2021-08-24 in The Guardian

Hundreds of thousands of trees have died after costly real estate projects thwarted attempts to halt desertification

  Tagged under: Africa | Middle East | Trees

Ignoring climate change will lead to unprecedented, societally disruptive heat extremes in the Middle East

  2021-03-26 (or before) in - News and Articles on Science and Technology

The Middle East and North Africa Region (MENA) is a climate change hot spot where summers warm much faster than in the rest of the world. Some parts of the region are already among the hottest locations globally. A new international study led by scientists from the Climate and Atmosphere Research Center of the Cyprus Institute and the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry predicts that ignoring the signals of climate change and continuing business as usual with increasing greenhouse gas emissions will lead to extreme, life-threatening heatwaves in the region. Such extraordinary heat events will have a severe impact on the people of...

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Climate-exodus expected in the Middle East and North Africa

  2020-06-07 (or before) in

Climate change could lead to more climate refugees from the Middle East and North Africa according to calculations by a team of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, led by J. Lelieveld.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Africa | Middle East

Locust crisis poses a danger to millions, forecasters warn

  2020-03-20 in The Guardian

Experts fear swarms like those seen in Africa will become more common as tropical storms create favourable breeding conditions

  Tagged under: Africa | Conflict | Middle East

Water-related violence rises globally in past decade

  2019-12-31 in The Guardian

Water shortages and extreme weather contribute to tension in Middle East and India

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Middle East | India

Lebanon heads for meltdown as protesters keep returning to streets

  2019-12-25 in The Guardian

Power of the street has run headlong into a system invested in entrenched graft and incompetence

  Tagged under: Africa | Middle East | Activism

Banks warned over Saudi Aramco by environmental groups

  2019-10-17 in The Guardian

Ten green groups send letter to express concern over planned market float

  Tagged under: Africa | Middle East | Saudi Arabia | Aramco

Revealed: the 20 firms behind a third of all carbon emissions

  2019-10-09 in The Guardian

New data shows how fossil fuel companies have driven climate crisis despite industry knowing dangers

  Tagged under: BP | Shell | Exxon | Greenhouse Gases | Coal | Africa | Chevron | Fossil Fuels | Middle East | Saudi Arabia | Aramco

Third of Earth's soil is acutely degraded due to agriculture

  2017-09-12 in The Guardian

Fertile soil is being lost at rate of 24bn tonnes a year through intensive farming as demand for food increases, says UN-backed study

  Tagged under: Farming | Africa | Middle East

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