The Elephant

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Topic: Climate Data

Featured Articles:

The 2023 state of the climate report: Entering uncharted territory

  2023-10-25 (or before) in Oxford Academic

Life on planet Earth is under siege. We are now in an uncharted territory. For several decades, scientists have consistently warned of a future marked by extrem

  Tagged under: Climate Change Impacts | Climate Data | Climate Change | Science

Related Articles (24)

European summer weather linked to North Atlantic freshwater anomalies in preceding years

  2024-03-14 (or before) in

Abstract. Amplified Arctic ice loss in recent decades has been linked to the increased occurrence of extreme mid-latitude weather. The underlying mechanisms remain elusive, however. One potential link occurs through the ocean as the loss of sea ice and glacial ice leads to increased freshwater fluxes into the ocean. Thus, in this study, we examine the link between North Atlantic freshwater anomalies and European summer weather. Combining a comprehensive set of observational products, we show that stronger freshwater anomalies are associated with a sharper sea surface temperature front between the subpolar and the subtropical Nor...

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Melt rate of Greenland ice sheet can predict summer weather in Europe, scientist says

  2024-03-14 in The Guardian

Location, extent and strength of recent freshwater events suggest an unusually warm and dry summer over southern Europe this year

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Unwanted anniversary: 365 days of record-breaking ocean temperatures, Reef fading to ‘shadow state’ | Climate Council

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The Great Barrier Reef is suffering a fifth mass bleaching event in nine years, following 365 straight days of record breaking global sea surface temperatures, and igniting fears climate change is pushing tropical coral reefs past a tipping point.

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UK Climate Policy and Data Graphics

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Climate & Ecology Bill is a plan to tackle the climate & nature crisis

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Analysis: UK emissions in 2023 fell to lowest level since 1879 - Carbon Brief

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The UK’s greenhouse gas emissions fell by 5.7% in 2023 to their lowest level since 1879, according to new Carbon Brief analysis.

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Methane Forecasts | Copernicus

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More climate records fall in world's warmest February

  2024-03-07 in The BBC

It's the ninth month of global temperature records in a row, driven by climate change and El Niño.

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NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory

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The Global Monitoring Laboratory conducts research on greenhouse gas and carbon cycle feedbacks, changes in clouds, aerosols, and surface radiation, and recovery of stratospheric ozone.

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DFW - Normals, Means, and Extremes

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Global temperature evolution 1979–2010 - IOPscience

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Adjusted Global Temperature Data

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Way back in 2011 I co-authored a paper with Stefan Rahmstorf (Foster & Rahmstorf 2011, hereafter FR11) in which we adjusted global temperature in order to remove (as best we could) the influenc…

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China Suspected of Underreporting Emissions, with Japanese Satellite Finding More CO2

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DUBAI — China is suspected of underreporting carbon dioxide emissions in the country, according to an analysis by the Environment Ministry of satellite data. The ministry has compiled a report that says the annual rise in CO2 concentrations is about 1.5 to three times higher than estimates based on emission sources and other data from China. It concludes that the data from China is likely inaccurate.

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Global Carbon Budget 2023

  2023-12-05 (or before) in Earth System Science Data

Abstract. Accurate assessment of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and their redistribution among the atmosphere, ocean, and terrestrial biosphere in a changing climate is critical to better understand the global carbon cycle, support the development of climate policies, and project future climate change. Here we describe and synthesize data sets and methodology to quantify the five major components of the global carbon budget and their uncertainties. Fossil CO2 emissions (EFOS) are based on energy statistics and cement production data, while emissions from land-use change (ELUC), mainly deforestation, are based on la...

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Hottest 12 months in 125,000 years - how extreme weather broke more records in 2023

  2023-12-04 in Sky News

Severe conditions brought turmoil across the world, impacting small towns and major cities, as storms, heatwaves, floods, and droughts claimed many lives and destroyed communities.

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Earth's CO2 Home Page

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CO2.Earth connects the general public with the latest data and information for stabilizing earth's atmosphere, climate and living environments.

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The 2023 state of the climate report: Entering uncharted territory

  2023-10-25 (or before) in Oxford Academic

Life on planet Earth is under siege. We are now in an uncharted territory. For several decades, scientists have consistently warned of a future marked by extrem

  Tagged under: Climate Change Impacts | Climate Data | Climate Change | Science

State of the climate: Global temperatures throughout mid-2023 shatter records - Carbon Brief

  2023-10-23 by in Carbon Brief

The first three quarters of 2023 has seen exceptional heat globally, putting 2023 on track to be the warmest year since records began in the mid-1800s.

  Tagged under: Extreme Heat | Climate Change | Climate Data

Global Temperature rise - September 2023 and beyond

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Temperature rise - September 2023 and beyond

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Climate Indicators | Copernicus

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Global Climate Dashboard

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Met Office Climate Dashboard

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Climate dashboard

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Sea Surface Temperatures - Pacific and Indian Oceans

  2023-06-20 (or before) in Bureau of Meteorology, Australia

Australian climate is influenced by sea surface temperature patterns in the Pacific and Indian oceans. This page provides information on Pacific and Indian ocean outlooks for the coming six months based on a survey of international climate models.

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Extreme Temperatures Around the World

  2023-06-05 (or before) in

coldest hottest places on the earth,extreme heat,extreme cold,severe weather,weather alert

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State of the UK Climate 2020

  2021-07-29 (or before) in Royal Meteorological Society Publications

This report provides a summary of the UK weather and climate through the calendar year 2020, alongside the historical context for a number of essential climate variables. This is the seventh in a se...

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