The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Carbon Brief


Articles from this source (93)

‘Every 0.1C’ of overshoot above 1.5C increases risk of crossing tipping points - Carbon Brief

  2024-08-01 by in Carbon Brief

New study investigates the risk of crossing four interconnected tipping points under different “policy-relevant” future emissions scenarios.

  Tagged under: Tipping Points

Analysis: What record global heat means for breaching the 1.5C warming limit - Carbon Brief

  2024-06-13 by in Carbon Brief

Carbon Brief provides an updated analysis of when the world will likely exceed the Paris 1.5C limit

Experts: What are the biggest geopolitical risks to climate action in 2024?  - Carbon Brief

  2024-05-20 by in Carbon Brief

Carbon Brief asked experts from around the world what they think the biggest geopolitical risks to climate action will be in 2024.

Guest post: Solar plus batteries ‘cheaper than new coal’ for meeting China’s rising demand - Carbon Brief

  2024-05-09 by in Carbon Brief

China’s climate and energy policies present something of a paradox: while expanding clean energy, China has also been building new coal power plants

Guest post: Ice-age analysis suggests worst-case global warming is less likely - Carbon Brief

  2024-05-01 by in Carbon Brief

New study finds that the Last Glacial Maximum provides even stronger evidence for modern-day climate sensitivity than previously thought.

State of the climate: 2024 off to a record-warm start - Carbon Brief

  2024-04-23 by in Carbon Brief

Global temperatures have been exceptionally high over the past three months – at around 1.6C above pre-industrial levels

Antarctic sea ice ‘behaving strangely’ as Arctic reaches ‘below-average’ winter peak - Carbon Brief

  2024-03-26 by in Carbon Brief

Antarctic sea ice is “behaving strangely” and might have entered a “new regime”, says director of the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre.

  Tagged under: Arctic | Antarctic

Factcheck: 18 misleading myths about heat pumps - Carbon Brief

  2024-03-21 by in Carbon Brief

Heat pumps are an alternative to gas boilers and wood stoves for indoor heating. They...

Guest post: Climate adaptation becomes less effective as the world warms - Carbon Brief

  2024-03-15 by in Carbon Brief

research suggests that existing limits and barriers to adaptation could take decades to overcome, particularly in vulnerable countries

Analysis: UK emissions in 2023 fell to lowest level since 1879 - Carbon Brief

  2024-03-11 by in Carbon Brief

The UK’s greenhouse gas emissions fell by 5.7% in 2023 to their lowest level since 1879, according to new Carbon Brief analysis.

  Tagged under: Net Zero | Greenhouse Gases | UK | Climate Data

Analysis: Trump election win could add 4bn tonnes to US emissions by 2030 - Carbon Brief

  2024-03-06 by in Carbon Brief

A victory for Donald Trump in November’s presidential election could add 4bn tonnes of US emissions by 2030 compared with Joe Biden’s plans

The Carbon Brief Interview: Chris Skidmore - Carbon Brief

  2024-01-17 by in Carbon Brief

Chris Skidmore has been both UK energy and science minister and led an independent government review into net-zero published in 2023

  Tagged under: Net Zero

Met Office: A review of the UK’s climate in 2023  - Carbon Brief

  2024-01-12 by in Carbon Brief

The Met Office reviews the UK’s climate in 2023, the events that shaped the year, and how human-caused climate change influenced them.

Analysis: Record opposition to climate action by UK’s right-leaning newspapers in 2023 - Carbon Brief

  2024-01-09 by in Carbon Brief

Last year saw a record number of UK newspaper editorials opposing climate action – almost exclusively from right-leaning titles.

COP28: Key outcomes agreed at the UN climate talks in Dubai - Carbon Brief

  2023-12-13 by in Carbon Brief

Carbon Brief provides in-depth analysis of all the key outcomes from the COP28 climate change summit in Dubai – both inside and outside the COP.

  Tagged under: COP28

Saudi Arabia is trying to block a global deal to end fossil fuels, negotiators say - Carbon Brief

  2023-12-11 (or before) in Carbon Brief

Negotiators and other officials have warned that Saudi Arabia has become “the biggest obstacle to an agreement” at COP28.

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | Saudi Arabia

Q&A: Climate tipping points have put Earth on ‘disastrous trajectory’, says new report - Carbon Brief

  2023-12-06 by in Carbon Brief

The Earth is on a “disastrous trajectory” with “no adequate global governance” to deal with climate tipping points, warns a major new report.

  Tagged under: Tipping Points

Revealed: How colonial rule radically shifts historical responsibility for climate change - Carbon Brief

  2023-11-26 by in Carbon Brief

Historical responsibility for climate change is radically shifted when colonial rule is taken into account, Carbon Brief analysis reveals.

  Tagged under: Colonialism

Q&A: Warming of 2C would trigger ‘catastrophic’ loss of world’s ice, new report says - Carbon Brief

  2023-11-16 by in Carbon Brief

Global warming of 2C would see “extensive, long-term [and] essentially irreversible” losses from the Earth’s ice sheets and glaciers, warns a new report.

  Tagged under: Global Warming

Analysis: Global CO2 emissions could peak as soon as 2023, IEA data reveals - Carbon Brief

  2023-10-26 by in Carbon Brief

Global carbon dioxide emissions from energy use and industry could peak as soon as this year, according to Carbon Brief analysis of figures from the IEA.

State of the climate: Global temperatures throughout mid-2023 shatter records - Carbon Brief

  2023-10-23 by in Carbon Brief

The first three quarters of 2023 has seen exceptional heat globally, putting 2023 on track to be the warmest year since records began in the mid-1800s.

  Tagged under: Extreme Heat | Climate Change | Climate Data

Drying of Amazon could be early warning of ‘tipping point’ for the rainforest - Carbon Brief

  2023-10-04 by in Carbon Brief

Recent drying over the Amazon could be the “first warning signal” that the rainforest is...

  Tagged under: Amazon Rainforest | Tipping Points

Guest post: How heat pumps became a Nordic success story - Carbon Brief

  2023-10-02 by in Carbon Brief

A common criticism of heat pumps is that they do not work in cold weather. But how did heat pumps became a Nordic success story?

In-depth Q&A: What do Rishi Sunak’s U-turns mean for UK climate policy? - Carbon Brief

  2023-09-22 by in Carbon Brief

In this article, Carbon Brief explains the context of the Rishi Sunak’s speech and factchecks his new announcements on UK climate policy.

  Tagged under: Rishi Sunak

Summer of 2023 the hottest ever recorded - Carbon Brief

  2023-09-07 (or before) in Carbon Brief

The northern hemisphere’s summer of 2023 has been the hottest on record, reports the Guardian.

Guest post: Gauging the success of climate change adaptation - Carbon Brief

  2023-08-21 by in Carbon Brief

As the impacts of climate change materialise around the world, the importance of good adaptation becomes all the more pressing.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Climate Change Impacts

Steel industry makes ‘pivotal’ shift towards lower-carbon production - Carbon Brief

  2023-07-19 by in Carbon Brief

The steel industry has made a ‘pivotal’ shift towards lower-carbon forms of production, a new report says, but remains short of a 1.5C-compatible pathway.

Guest post: How ‘locally led’ adaptation can help address climate change - Carbon Brief

  2023-07-18 by in Carbon Brief

How locally-led adaptation (LLA) can help to deliver on the promise to build resilience to climate impacts around the world?

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Climate Change Impacts

Guest post: Climate models underestimate food security risk from ‘compound’ extreme weather - Carbon Brief

  2023-07-05 by in Carbon Brief

New research shows that climate models tend to underestimate the risks of concurrent extreme weather events.

Analysis: How low-sulphur shipping rules are affecting global warming - Carbon Brief

  2023-07-03 by in Carbon Brief

Carbon Brief analyses the likely side-effects of regulations to reduce the sulphur content of marine fuels.

Factcheck: Why banning new North Sea oil and gas is not a ‘Just Stop Oil plan’ - Carbon Brief

  2023-06-08 by in Carbon Brief

Over recent days, a small but prominent group of Conservative politicians in the UK have...

Loss and damage: How can culture and heritage loss be measured and addressed? - Carbon Brief

  2023-04-05 by in Carbon Brief

Experts met at the University of East Anglia to discuss how unique cultures and heritage are fast disappearing because of climate change.

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Climate resilience: Is the UK ready for the impacts of global warming? - Carbon Brief

  2023-03-13 by in Carbon Brief

Every area of UK society will feel the effects of climate change and, as global emissions continue to rise, preparing for life in a warmer world is crucial.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Climate Change Impacts

Recent Alps snow cover decline ‘unprecedented’ in past 600 years - Carbon Brief

  2023-02-15 by in Carbon Brief

The duration of snow cover in the Alps is now 36 days shorter than the long-term average – an “unprecedented” decline over the past 600 years – according to recent research.

Fertiliser emissions could be cut to ‘one-fifth of current levels’ by 2050 - Carbon Brief

  2023-02-09 by in Carbon Brief

Fertiliser emissions could be reduced to approximately one-fifth of current levels by 2050 without the need for developing new technologies.

Tonga volcano eruption raises ‘imminent’ risk of temporary 1.5C breach - Carbon Brief

  2023-01-12 by in Carbon Brief

The eruption of Tonga’s underwater volcano in 2022 may cause global temperatures to rise, raising...

Analysis: How UK newspapers commented on energy and climate change in 2022 - Carbon Brief

  2023-01-11 by in Carbon Brief

Energy has frequently been at the top of the news agenda over the past year,...

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Analysis: Global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels hit record high in 2022 - Carbon Brief

  2022-11-11 by in Carbon Brief

Global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels and cement have increased by 1.0% in 2022,...

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels

Global South Climate Database - Carbon Brief

  2022-11-01 (or before) in Carbon Brief

The “Global South Climate Scientists Database” was launched to ensure that journalists can contact scientists from Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Pacific.

  Tagged under: Africa | South America

New fossil fuels 'incompatible’ with 1.5C goal, comprehensive analysis finds - Carbon Brief

  2022-10-23 by in Carbon Brief

There is a “large consensus” across all published studies that developing new oil and gas...

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels

Factcheck: Why fracking is not the answer to the UK’s energy crisis - Carbon Brief

  2022-09-09 by in Carbon Brief

The UK’s new prime minister Liz Truss has used her first major policy address to announce an end to the moratorium on fracking in England.

  Tagged under: Fracking

Global warming above 1.5C could trigger ‘multiple’ tipping points - Carbon Brief

  2022-09-08 by in Carbon Brief

There is a “significant likelihood” that multiple “tipping points” will be crossed if global temperatures exceed 1.5C above pre-industrial temperatures.

  Tagged under: Tipping Points

Factcheck: Is solar power a ‘threat’ to UK farmland? - Carbon Brief

  2022-08-25 by in Carbon Brief

The “threat” posed to UK farms by the expansion of solar power has emerged as a campaign issue for the final two in the race to become PM.

  Tagged under: Solar Energy

Mapped: How climate change affects extreme weather around the world

  2022-08-04 by in Carbon Brief

In the early 2000s, a new field of climate science research emerged that began to explore the human fingerprint on extreme weather, such as floods, heatwaves, droughts and storms.

  Tagged under: Drought | Climate Change | Heatwaves

Emissions from mining cause ‘up to £2.5tn’ in environmental damages each year - Carbon Brief

  2022-07-06 by in Carbon Brief

Greenhouse gas emissions from global mining and resource extraction result in up to £2.5tn ($3tn) in damages worldwide every year, according to a new study.

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases

Guest post: How 12 key industries can cut emissions in line with 1.5C - Carbon Brief

  2022-05-16 by in Carbon Brief

work representing 71 institutional investors with over $10.4tn in assets, shows for the first time how much carbon dioxide (CO2) each sector can emit while likely keeping warming below 1.5C.

Media reaction: South Asia’s 2022 heatwave and the role of climate change - Carbon Brief

  2022-05-04 by in Carbon Brief

A heatwave has swept across South Asia for weeks – leaving millions of people struggling with severe impacts.

  Tagged under: Heatwaves | Climate Change | Climate Change Impacts

UN land report: Five key takeaways for climate change, food systems and nature loss - Carbon Brief

  2022-04-27 in Carbon Brief

The new report from the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) urges world leaders to adopt a “crisis footing” to solve land degradation.

  Tagged under: Climate Change

‘Imminent’ tipping point threatening Europe’s permafrost peatlands - Carbon Brief

  2022-03-14 in Carbon Brief

Large swathes of northern Europe and western Siberia may become “climatically unsuitable” for carbon-rich permafrost peatlands within a few decades.

  Tagged under: Tipping Points | Russia

In-depth Q&A: The IPCC's sixth assessment on how climate change impacts the world - Carbon Brief

  2022-02-28 by in Carbon Brief

The sixth report from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says the threat that climate change poses to human well-being and the health of the planet is “unequivocal”.

  Tagged under: IPCC | Health | Climate Change Impacts

Revealed: The 11 slides that finally convinced Boris Johnson about global warming - Carbon Brief

  2022-02-01 in Carbon Brief

A scientific briefing that UK prime minister Boris Johnson says changed his mind about global warming has been made public for the first time.

Analysis: Cutting the ‘green crap’ has added £2.5bn to UK energy bills - Carbon Brief

  2022-01-20 by in Carbon Brief

Energy bills in the UK are nearly £2.5bn higher than they would have been if 'green crap' climate policies had not been scrapped over the past decade.

Analysis: Cutting the ‘green crap’ has added £2.5bn to UK energy bills - Carbon Brief

  2022-01-20 in Carbon Brief

Energy bills in the UK are nearly £2.5bn higher than they would have been if 'green crap' climate policies had not been scrapped over the past decade.

Guest post: How the Keeling Curve will need to bend to limit global warming to 1.5C - Carbon Brief

  2022-01-12 in Carbon Brief

The Keeling Curve is an iconic graph showing how levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) have been building up in the atmosphere, driving an increase in global temperatures.

  Tagged under: Global Warming

Rich nations could see ‘double climate dividend’ by switching to plant-based foods - Carbon Brief

  2022-01-10 in Carbon Brief

Adopting a more plant-based diet could give rich countries a “double climate dividend” of lower emissions and more land for capturing carbon, a new study says.

The Carbon Brief Interview: Prof Wang Yi and Prof Wang Zhongying - Carbon Brief

  2021-12-10 in Carbon Brief

At COP26, Carbon Brief’s Hongqiao Liu interviewed two of the Chinese government’s senior advisors on climate change, Prof Wang Yi and Prof Wang Zhongying.

  Tagged under: COP26 | Climate Change

Analysis: Do COP26 promises keep global warming below 2C? - Carbon Brief

  2021-11-10 by in Carbon Brief

COP26 negotiations have seen a flurry of new reports on what existing and new promises and pledges mean for the climate.

  Tagged under: The Paris Agreement | Net Zero | Climate Change Mitigation | COP26

Global CO2 emissions have been flat for a decade, new data reveals - Carbon Brief

  2021-11-04 in Carbon Brief

The new updates to global CO2 emissions in the GCP substantially revise scientists’ understanding of global emissions trajectories over the past decade.

Analysis: Nine key moments that changed China’s mind about climate change - Carbon Brief

  2021-10-25 in Carbon Brief

Over the past year, China’s president Xi Jinping has made three key commitments to tackle climate change.

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Climate change will drive rise in ‘record-shattering’ heat extremes - Carbon Brief

  2021-07-26 in Carbon Brief

“Record-shattering” climate extremes – which break weather records by large margins – will become more likely as a result of climate change, a new study finds.

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Climate Change

Guest post: Emissions should fall ‘twice as fast’ in case negative emissions fail - Carbon Brief

  2021-06-28 by in Carbon Brief

In our paper, we explore two ways that CDR could be used to substitute for mitigation, creating the potential risk of mitigation deterrence.

  Tagged under: Climate Change Mitigation

Guest post: Hundreds of planned coal mines ‘incompatible with 1.5C target’ - Carbon Brief

  2021-06-10 in Carbon Brief

Proposals to build hundreds of new coal mines could raise global output of the fossil fuel by 30%, putting the world’s climate goals or up to $91bn of investment at risk.

  Tagged under: Coal

Analysis: UK is now halfway to meeting its ‘net-zero emissions’ target - Carbon Brief

  2021-03-18 in Carbon Brief

The UK’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 were 51% below 1990 levels, according to new...

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Net Zero

Met Office: Atmospheric CO2 now hitting 50% higher than pre-industrial levels - Carbon Brief

  2021-03-16 in Carbon Brief

Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is now reaching levels 50% higher than when humanity began large-scale burning of fossil fuels during the industrial revolution.

Q&A: What does China’s 14th ‘five year plan’ mean for climate change? - Carbon Brief

  2021-03-12 in Carbon Brief

In short, the five year plan’s outline sets a 18% reduction target for “CO2 intensity” and 13.5% target for “energy intensity” from 2021 to 2025.

  Tagged under: China | Climate Change

Food systems responsible for ‘one third’ of human-caused emissions - Carbon Brief

  2021-03-08 in Carbon Brief

“Food systems” were responsible for 34% of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions in 2015, according to new research.

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases

Guest post: Why ‘rebound effects’ may cut energy savings in half - Carbon Brief

  2021-03-02 in Carbon Brief

We examine the economy-wide impact of rebound effects and find they may erode more than half of the potential energy savings from improved energy efficiency.

Analysis: Shell says new ‘Brazil-sized’ forest would be needed to meet 1.5C climate goal - Carbon Brief

  2021-02-12 in Carbon Brief

For the first time, Shell has released a “pathway” showing how the world could potentially meet the Paris Agreement’s ambitious goal of limiting global warming to 1.5C.

  Tagged under: Shell | Trees

State of the climate: 2020 ties as warmest year on record - Carbon Brief

  2021-01-14 in Carbon Brief

With all the official climate data now in, the world’s surface temperatures in 2020 have been confirmed as effectively tied with 2016 as the warmest year on record.

New climate models suggest faster melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet - Carbon Brief

  2020-12-15 in Carbon Brief

Greenland’s vast ice sheet could melt faster than previously thought over the 21st century, according to a new study.

  Tagged under: Ice Melting

In-depth Q&A: Does the world need hydrogen to solve climate change?

  2020-11-30 in Carbon Brief

For the purposes of achieving net-zero emissions, hydrogen production will need to be switched from grey to green and blue.

  Tagged under: Hydrogen | Climate Change | Net Zero

Guest post: How ‘discourses of delay’ are used to slow climate action

  2020-07-06 by in Carbon Brief

You have probably already heard a discourse of climate delay. Perhaps it came from a friend, a colleague, someone famous or someone powerful.

Guest post: A brief history of climate targets and technological promises

  2020-05-13 in Carbon Brief

Over the past three decades, the perceived wisdom for how to approach climate targets has changed several times. From initial ideas of climate stabilisation, suggested approaches have focused on percentage CO2 emissions cuts, atmospheric CO2 concentrations, carbon budgets and today’s dominant framing of temperature rise limits.

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Analysis: How ‘carbon-cycle feedbacks’ could make global warming worse - Carbon Brief

  2020-04-14 in Carbon Brief

Yet climate change also depends on an under-appreciated factor known as “carbon-cycle feedbacks”. Accounting for uncertainties in carbon-cycle feedbacks means that the world could warm much more – or a bit less – than is commonly thought.

  Tagged under: Global Warming | Climate Change

Analysis: Coronavirus set to cause largest ever annual fall in CO2 emissions - Carbon Brief

  2020-04-09 in Carbon Brief

As a result, the coronavirus crisis could trigger the largest ever annual fall in CO2 emissions in 2020, more than during any previous economic crisis or period of war.

Mapped: The world’s coal power plants in 2020

  2020-03-26 in Carbon Brief

Since 2000, the world has doubled its coal-fired power capacity to around 2,045 gigawatts (GW) after explosive growth in China and India. A further 200GW is being built and 300GW is planned.

  Tagged under: India | Coal

Analysis: UK’s CO2 emissions have fallen 29% over the past decade

  2020-03-03 in Carbon Brief

The UK’s CO2 emissions fell by 2.9% in 2019, according to Carbon Brief analysis. This brings the total reduction to 29% over the past decade since 2010, even as the economy grew by a fifth.

Explainer: Nine ‘tipping points’ that could be triggered by climate change - Carbon Brief

  2020-02-10 in Carbon Brief

Tipping points are thresholds where a tiny change could push a system into a completely new state.

  Tagged under: Tipping Points | Climate Change

UNEP: 1.5C climate target ‘slipping out of reach’ - Carbon Brief

  2019-11-26 in Carbon Brief

Unless the world begins to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions the 1.5C goal of the Paris Agreement “will slip out of reach,'' according to the latest UN Environment Programme (UNEP) emissions gap report.

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases

Home - Carbon Brief

  2019-11-15 (or before) in Carbon Brief

We cover climate science and climate & energy policy, specialising in clear, data-driven articles to improve the understanding of climate change.

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Analysis: UK renewables generate more electricity than fossil fuels for first time - Carbon Brief

  2019-10-13 in Carbon Brief

In the third quarter of 2019, the UK’s windfarms, solar panels, biomass and hydro plants generated more electricity than coal, oil and gas put together.

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | UK | Renewable Energy | Coal | Solar Energy | Wind Power | Electricity

Guest post: How heatwave images in the media can better represent climate risks

  2019-08-29 in Carbon Brief

As the northern hemisphere summer comes to an end, it seems a fitting time to reflect on how the news media has reported on this year’s summer heat and heatwaves. This has been an exceptionally hot summer: across Europe, there have been two distinct periods of very hot weather. Temperature records were broken in June across many countries, during what became the hottest June ever recorded in Europe.

  Tagged under: Heatwaves

Africa’s tropical land emitted more CO2 than the US in 2016, satellite data shows - Carbon Brief

  2019-08-13 in Carbon Brief

Africa’s tropical land released close to 6bn tonnes of CO2 in 2016, according to data taken by satellites. This means that, if Africa’s tropical regions were a country, it would be the second largest emitter of CO2 in the world – ahead of the US, which currently emits 5.3bn tonnes of CO2 a year.

  Tagged under: Africa

Factcheck: How electric vehicles help to tackle climate change

  2019-05-13 in Carbon Brief

Electric vehicles (EVs) are an important part of meeting global goals on climate change. They feature prominently in mitigation pathways that limit warming to well-below 2C or 1.5C, which would be inline with the Paris Agreement’s targets.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Electric Cars | EVs | Climate Change Mitigation

Analysis: Why children must emit eight times less CO2 than their grandparents

  2019-04-10 by in Carbon Brief

Global emissions of CO2 need to decline precipitously over the next few decades, if the world is to meet the Paris Agreement goals of limiting global warming to “well below 2C” and, ideally, below 1.5C.

  Tagged under: Women and Children

Guest post: A new way to assess ‘global warming potential’ of short-lived pollutants

  2018-06-07 by in Carbon Brief

The Paris Agreement on climate change envisages a periodic “stocktake” for countries to assess whether their emissions reduction targets, and progress towards them, are on track to meet the long-term temperature goal. Or if they fall short and need adjusting.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | The Paris Agreement

Analysis: How well have climate models projected global warming? - Carbon Brief

  2017-10-05 in Carbon Brief

Scientists have been making projections of future global warming using climate models of increasing complexity for the past four decades.

Coffee faces dual threat of farmland loss and bee decline in a warmer climate - Carbon Brief

  2017-09-11 by in Carbon Brief

Trouble could be brewing for the Latin American coffee industry, as it faces declines in suitable farmland and bee species as a result of climate change.

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change

Climate change could push risk of ‘megadrought’ to 99% in American southwest

  2016-10-05 in Carbon Brief

A megadrought spanning several decades could be almost certain to hit the American southwest this century if greenhouse gas emissions are not curbed.

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change

Editorials: Where UK newspapers stand on climate change and energy

  2016-04-28 in Carbon Brief

Carbon Brief has isolated and summarised editorials on a variety of topics related to energy and climate change from the past five years.

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Guest post: Understanding CO2 fertilisation and climate change - Carbon Brief

  2016-04-25 in Carbon Brief

Prof Richard Betts explains CO2 fertilisation and its consequences on photosynthesis.

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Interactive: The Paris Agreement on climate change - Carbon Brief

  2015-12-18 by in Carbon Brief

We've produced an interactive graphic that outlines and explains all the fundamental components of the Paris agreement climate deal.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | The Paris Agreement

Two degrees: The history of climate change's speed limit’ - Carbon Brief

  2014-12-08 by in Carbon Brief

Limiting warming to no more than two degrees has become the de facto target for...

  Tagged under: Climate Change

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