The Elephant

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Topic: South America

Related Articles (12)

El Niño forecast to drive record heat from the Amazon to Alaska in 2024

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Coastal areas facing ‘enormous and urgent climate crisis’ as event supercharges human-caused global heating, scientists say

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Forest fires in Chile cause multiple deaths and widespread destruction

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At least 46 people reported dead as dozens of fires sweep across central and southern regions, with Valparaíso worst affected

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Brazil records its hottest ever temperature

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The town of Araçuaí in the country's southeast hit a high of 44.8C (112.6F) on Sunday.

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Drought turns Amazonian capital into climate dystopia

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Forest fires leave Manaus with second worst air quality in the world, while low river levels cut off communities

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Strong influence of climate change in uncharacteristic early spring heat in South America – World Weather Attribution

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Top grain traders ‘helped scupper’ ban on soya from deforested land

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Cargill and ADM led push to weaken new protections for threatened ecosystems in South America, report says

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More than 100 dolphins dead in Amazon as water hits 102 degrees Fahrenheit | CNN

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More than a hundred dolphins have been found dead in the Brazilian Amazon amid an historic drought and record-high water temperatures that in places have exceeded 102 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Argentina’s grain harvest suffers under worst drought in 60 years | Drought News | Al Jazeera

  2023-03-09 in Al Jazeera

Already struggling under spiralling inflation, the South American country faces a decline in grain, its main export.

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What Is the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch?

  2023-01-31 (or before) in Sustainable & Eco Friendly eCommerce Packaging | SR Mailing

The Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch is considered by many to be one of humanity’s biggest crimes against the planet – and really, just the name of it gives away the horror of what it actually is, considering the size of the Pacific Ocean. We talk a lot about what can be done to save the planet here at SR Mailing, and that’s because we’re absolutely passionate about it! The fact that there is so much to be done, and that there is so much that we can all be doing in our daily lives that can help us to save planet Earth from global warming and climate change. The issue, of course, is much, much bigger than...

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Global South Climate Database - Carbon Brief

  2022-11-01 (or before) in Carbon Brief

The “Global South Climate Scientists Database” was launched to ensure that journalists can contact scientists from Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Pacific.

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Exhausted: How We Can Stop Lithium Mining from Depleting Water Resources, Draining Wetlands, and Harming Communities in South America

  2022-06-28 (or before) in Natural Resources Defense Council

Many green technologies, such as electric vehicles and renewable power plants, depend on lithium-ion batteries, which require lithium. Lithium may play a key role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but a climate-friendly future cannot come at the expense of destroying...

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How Is the Climate Crisis Impacting South America?

  2021-04-28 in The Climate Reality Project

South America is already feeling the impacts of the climate crisis, but it’s not too late to act.

  Tagged under: South America

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