The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens
Looking for Climate Connections (and Berries) Through Traditional Indigenous Knowledge
2023-10-31 (or before) in Natural Resources Defense CouncilWhen trying to protect lands from the onslaught of climate change, start by asking the people who know those places and their wild inhabitants the best.
Clearing the Air: The Benefits of the Clean Air Act
2022-07-11 (or before) in Natural Resources Defense CouncilDespite the enormous success of the CAA in protecting public health, the law currently faces attacks on many fronts under the Trump Administration.
Tagged under: Health
Lithium Mining Is Leaving Chile’s Indigenous Communities High and Dry (Literally)
2022-06-28 (or before) in Natural Resources Defense CouncilAs the metal fuels the clean tech boom, companies race to mine the Atacama Region. At stake: fragile ecosystems, scarce water resources, and ancient ways of life.
Tagged under: Lithium | Chile | Water Resources
Exhausted: How We Can Stop Lithium Mining from Depleting Water Resources, Draining Wetlands, and Harming Communities in South America
2022-06-28 (or before) in Natural Resources Defense CouncilMany green technologies, such as electric vehicles and renewable power plants, depend on lithium-ion batteries, which require lithium. Lithium may play a key role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but a climate-friendly future cannot come at the expense of destroying...
Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Lithium | Batteries | Greenhouse Gases | Wetlands | South America | Water Resources
Climate Misinformation on Social Media Is Undermining Climate Action
2022-05-09 (or before) in Natural Resources Defense CouncilAt their worst, social platforms are ideological echo chambers where falsehoods can’t be set straight. To fossil fuel interests, that sounds perfect.
Tagged under: Disinformation and Misinformation
Columbia Sportswear Eliminate PFAS Campaign Launched Today
2022-05-09 (or before) in Natural Resources Defense CouncilThe Natural Resources Defense Council works to safeguard the earth - its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends.
Tagged under: PFAS aka Forever Chemicals
2022-05-09 (or before) in Natural Resources Defense CouncilBuilding a better future
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