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Topic: Wetlands

Related Articles (22)

Climate experts sound alarm over thriving plant life at Greenland ice sheet

  2024-02-13 in The Guardian

Research shows there has been a near-quadrupling across Greenland of methane-producing wetlands

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Spanish minister hails deal to save Andalucía wetlands as a model for green transition

  2023-12-27 in The Guardian

€1.4bn deal to protect Doñana national park will diversify local economy and stop farmers using aquifers to irrigate fruit crops

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‘There won’t be anything left’: Florida teens battle city over plan to loosen wetland protections

  2023-10-05 in The Guardian

Youth environmentalists take on Republican-led city commission over proposal to hasten development in fragile wetlands

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Manatee County Commissioners move a step closer to ending wetland protections to the dismay of many residents

  2023-10-05 (or before) in FOX 13 Tampa Bay

Manatee County commissioners have voted to get rid of local protections for wetlands, and instead align with Florida's looser regulations. It's a move that's leaving many residents unhappy, but the decision is not final. The state must now approve the commissioner's choice and then it will go back to the county for a final vote. 

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Time Is Running Out: Coastal Wetlands Can’t Keep Up With Climate Change, Warns New Study

  2023-08-31 in SciTechDaily - Science, Space and Technology News 2023

The survival of marshes and other vulnerable coastal regions hinges on the ability to restrict global warming to under 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit), as outlined in the Paris Agreement. According to a recent study published in Nature, coastal marshlands and coral reef islands may not e

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The EPA removes federal protections for most of the country's wetlands

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The amended EPA rule is to comply with a Supreme Court ruling this year that narrowed the scope of the Clean Water Act and the agency's power to regulate waterways and wetlands.

  Tagged under: Wetlands

Wetland to be created at Dorset sewage works

  2023-08-26 in Bird Guides

Wessex Water plans to transform agricultural land south of its Bulbury Lane pumping station at Lytchett Matravers.

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We could be 16 years into a methane-fueled 'termination' event significant enough to end an ice age

  2023-08-16 in Live Science

Methane emissions from tropical wetlands have been soaring since 2006 and accelerating at the same breakneck speed as when Earth's climate has flipped from a glacial to an interglacial period.

  Tagged under: Methane | Wetlands

Lahaina used to be a wetland

  2023-08-14 (or before) by in HEATED | Emily Atkin | Substack

Nature didn't turn the historic Hawaiian community into a tinderbox. People did.

  Tagged under: Wetlands

On the human appropriation of wetland primary production

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Humans are changing the Earth's surface at an accelerating pace, with significant consequences for ecosystems and their biodiversity. Landscape transf…

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'A natural solution to many of our most pressing problems': Aviva announces £21m saltmarsh restoration drive

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Insurance giant announces latest tranche of nature funding, as trial of technology designed to boost investment in peatland projects via carbon markets gets underway in northern England

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‘We’ve seen oiled birds’: fears for protected wetlands after Poole harbour spill

  2023-03-28 in The Guardian

RSPB sounds alarm over Arne peninsula, one of UK’s most heavily protected natural areas

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Exhausted: How We Can Stop Lithium Mining from Depleting Water Resources, Draining Wetlands, and Harming Communities in South America

  2022-06-28 (or before) in Natural Resources Defense Council

Many green technologies, such as electric vehicles and renewable power plants, depend on lithium-ion batteries, which require lithium. Lithium may play a key role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but a climate-friendly future cannot come at the expense of destroying...

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Environment Agency faces legal battle over water removal in Norfolk Broads

  2022-06-27 in The Guardian

Tim and Geli Harris to take agency to high court over groundwater removal for farming near protected wetlands

  Tagged under: Farming | Wetlands

Legal eagles: how climate litigation is shaping ambitious cases for nature

  2022-03-16 in The Guardian

Environmental lawsuits are nothing new but now lawyers are turning their attention to cases that address the loss of biodiversity

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Litigation | Wetlands | Biodiversity Loss

Illegal strawberry farms threaten future of Spanish wetlands

  2022-02-08 in The Guardian

Opponents say proposed amnesty for illegal water tapping in Doñana national park threatens disaster for one of Europe’s green lungs

  Tagged under: Spain | Farming | Wetlands

Leaked EU anti-deforestation law omits fragile grasslands and wetlands

  2021-09-14 in The Guardian

Campaigners say draft regulation contains many loopholes, including exclusion of Cerrado and Pantanal

  Tagged under: Grasslands | Wetlands | Deforestation | European Union | Trees

Life Cycle of Oil and Gas Fields in the Mississippi River Delta: A Review

  2021-05-15 (or before) in MDPI - Publisher of Open Access Journals

Oil and gas (O&G) activity has been pervasive in the Mississippi River Delta (MRD). Here we review the life cycle of O&G fields in the MRD focusing on the production history and resulting environmental impacts and show how cumulative impacts affect coastal ecosystems. Individual fields can last 40–60 years and most wells are in the final stages of production. Production increased rapidly reaching a peak around 1970 and then declined. Produced water lagged O&G and was generally higher during declining O&G production, making up about 70% of total liquids. Much of the wetland loss in the delta ...

  Tagged under: TotalEnergies | Rivers | Louisiana | Wetlands

Set a global target for ecosystems

  2020-02-22 (or before) in Nature

The conservation community must be able to track countries’ progress in protecting wetlands, reefs, forests and more, argue James Watson and colleagues. The conservation community must be able to track countries’ progress in protecting wetlands, reefs, forests and more, argue James Watson and colleagues.

  Tagged under: Forests | Wildlife | Conservation | Coral Reefs | Wetlands | Trees

Climate warming is changing Arctic freshwater ecosystems

  2019-10-25 in The Freshwater Blog

The Delta River in Alaska. Much of the river's watershed consists of arctic tundra, which is at risk from climate warming. Image: Bureau of Land Management | Flickr Creative Commons Biodiversity in arctic lakes, rivers and wetlands is increasingly threatened by climate warming, according to a report published earlier this year. It is suggested that…

  Tagged under: Arctic | Rivers | Wetlands | Alaska

Why Aren't We Using More Nature-Based Solutions to Fight Climate Change? - Pacific Standard

  2019-03-08 (or before) by in

Forests, mangroves, and wetlands are sometimes seen as the easy option—yet using nature to tackle climate change can be surprisingly controversial.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Wetlands | Trees | Carbon Capture and Storage

Bird indicators

  2010-11-24 by in British Trust for Ornithology

The bird indicators are part of the government’s suite of biodiversity indicators and show how the fortunes of birds associated with different landscapes have fared. Bird indicators are calculated annually, with the UK and England indicators produced jointly by the BTO and RSPB for Defra, and the Scottish indicators are produced by the BTO for Scottish Natural Heritage. The indicators are based largely on data collected by volunteers contributing to national bird monitoring schemes such as the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) and the Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS).

  Tagged under: Farming | Wetlands

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