The Elephant

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Source: MDPI - Publisher of Open Access Journals


Articles from this source (10)

Manifestation of Gas Seepage from Bottom Sediments on the Sea Surface: Theoretical Model and Experimental Observations

  2024-01-20 in MDPI - Publisher of Open Access Journals

The key area of the Arctic Ocean for atmospheric venting of CH4 is the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS). Leakage of methane through shallow ESAS waters needs to be considered in interactions between the biogeosphere and a warming Arctic climate. The development of remote sensing techniques for gas seepage detection and mapping is crucially needed for further applications in the ESAS and other areas of interest. Given the extent of the seepage areas and the magnitude of current and potential future emissions, new approaches are required to effectively, rapidly, and quantitatively survey the large seepage areas. Here, we consider...

  Tagged under: Arctic | Methane | Russia | Oceans

Beyond the IPCC for Food: An Overarching Framework for Food Systems Sustainability Assessment

  2024-01-15 (or before) in MDPI - Publisher of Open Access Journals

Food systems are responsible for a large share of anthropogenic impacts. In recent debates, the need to strengthen the link between science and policy has emerged with the proposal to establish a new global science–policy interface for a sustainable food system. While the clash between those who consider necessary and those who do not consider necessary the creation of this panel increases, this paper takes inspiration from this debate to highlight how strengthening the interactions between science and policy should be supported by increasing the informativeness of current sustainability assessments, regardless of the need...

  Tagged under: Climate Change Mitigation | Sustainability

First Calibrated Methane Bubble Wintertime Observations in the Siberian Arctic Seas: Selected Results from the Fast Ice

  2023-07-28 in MDPI - Publisher of Open Access Journals

This paper presents the results of an acoustic survey carried out from the fast ice in the shallow waters of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) using a single beam echosounder. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate an improved approach to study seafloor seepages in the Arctic coastal zone with an echosounder calibrated on site. During wintertime field observations of natural rising gas bubbles, we recorded three periods of their increased activity with a total of 63 short-term ejections of bubbles from the seabed. This study presents quantitative estimates of the methane (CH4) flux obtained in wintertime at two levels of th...

  Tagged under: Science | Data | Methane | Arctic | Russia

Subsea Methane Hydrates: Origin and Monitoring the Impacts of Global Warming

  2022-11-23 in MDPI - Publisher of Open Access Journals

The East Siberian Arctic shelf is the area where the largest natural gas reserves are concentrated. The formation of permafrost of the Arctic shelf during the Ice Age contributed to the emergence of a zone of stable existence of gas hydrates in the sedimentary layer, and subsequent flooding of the shelf led to its gradual degradation, the thawing of gas hydrates and the subsequent emissions of methane into the atmosphere. In the first part of the paper, we use mathematical modeling to study the processes of the formation of subsea permafrost on the Arctic shelf considering changes in the sea levels over the past 200 thousand yea...

  Tagged under: Sea Level | Permafrost | Methane | Arctic | Russia

MDPI - Publisher of Open Access Journals

  2022-02-04 (or before) in MDPI - Publisher of Open Access Journals

MDPI is a publisher of peer-reviewed, open access journals since its establishment in 1996.

Regional Changes in Landfalling Tropical Cyclones and Their Impacts

  2021-10-25 (or before) in MDPI - Publisher of Open Access Journals

Special Issue in journal Atmosphere: Regional Changes in Landfalling Tropical Cyclones and Their Impacts

  Tagged under: Storms. Hurricanes and Tornados

An Analysis of the Potential for the Formation of ‘Nodes of Persisting Complexity’

  2021-07-29 (or before) in MDPI - Publisher of Open Access Journals

Human civilisation has undergone a continuous trajectory of rising sociopolitical complexity since its inception; a trend which has undergone a dramatic recent acceleration. This phenomenon has resulted in increasingly severe perturbation of the Earth System, manifesting recently as global-scale effects such as climate change. These effects create an increased risk of a global ‘de-complexification’ (collapse) event in which complexity could undergo widespread reversal. ‘Nodes of persisting complexity’ are geographical locations which may experience lesser effects from ‘de-complexification’ due...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Collapse

Life Cycle of Oil and Gas Fields in the Mississippi River Delta: A Review

  2021-05-15 (or before) in MDPI - Publisher of Open Access Journals

Oil and gas (O&G) activity has been pervasive in the Mississippi River Delta (MRD). Here we review the life cycle of O&G fields in the MRD focusing on the production history and resulting environmental impacts and show how cumulative impacts affect coastal ecosystems. Individual fields can last 40–60 years and most wells are in the final stages of production. Production increased rapidly reaching a peak around 1970 and then declined. Produced water lagged O&G and was generally higher during declining O&G production, making up about 70% of total liquids. Much of the wetland loss in the delta ...

  Tagged under: TotalEnergies | Rivers | Louisiana | Wetlands

Analysis of the Effect of Climate Warming on Paludification Processes: Will Soil Conditions Limit the Adaptation of Northern Boreal Forests to Climate Change? A Synthesis

  2020-11-07 in MDPI - Publisher of Open Access Journals

Northern boreal forests are characterized by accumulation of accumulation of peat (e.g., known as paludification). The functioning of northern boreal forest species and their capacity to adapt to environmental changes appear to depend on soil conditions. Climate warming is expected to have particularly pronounced effects on paludified boreal ecosystems and can alter current forest species composition and adaptation by changing soil conditions such as moisture, temperature regimes, and soil respiration. In this paper, we review and synthesize results from various reported studies (i.e., 88 research articles cited hereafter) to as...

MDPI - Publisher of Open Access Journals

  2020-10-25 (or before) in MDPI - Publisher of Open Access Journals

MDPI is a publisher of peer-reviewed, open access journals since its establishment in 1996.

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