The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Business Green


Articles from this source (145)

'Adverse weather': Insurance industry reports record level of payouts as climate impacts bite

  2024-08-14 in Business Green

Association of British Insurers confirmed industry paid out £1.4bn during the second quarter, with weather impacts fuelling record level of claims

  Tagged under: Insurance

'Nature-based solutions are now nature-based necessities': How climate impacts threaten the UK's protected green spaces

  2024-08-14 in Business Green

The Wildlife Trusts has published a series of recommendations for how the new Labour government can boost the climate resilience of the UK's nature reserves

'Solar breakthrough': Oxford University researchers hail flexible solar cells that can be 'applied to any surface'

  2024-08-09 in Business Green

Scientists at Oxford University have created a new ultra-thin, flexible new solar cell which could be installed on cars, buildings, and even backpacks or mobiles

  Tagged under: Innovation | Solar Energy

Are Sustainable Aviation Fuels really 'sustainable'? The ASA has its say

  2024-08-07 in Business Green

Advertising Standards Authority rules that Virgin Atlantic radio advert promoting '100 per cent sustainable aviation fuel' gave misleading impression it emitted zero emissions

How unpriced environmental costs exceed profits at a quarter of top corporates

  2024-08-06 in Business Green

New S&P report attempts to put a price on the environmental externalities that continue to fuel market failures around the world - and reaches some sobering conclusions

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

Study: Street full of heat pumps makes 'almost no difference' to neighbourhood noise levels

  2024-07-30 in Business Green

Having more than one heat pump running in a street will not noticeably increase noise levels, Nesta study finds

Can the new government get the UK's carbon capture plans back on track?

  2024-07-23 in Business Green

NAO warns repeated delays and market uncertainties have pushed the government's CCUS roll out behind schedule

'A matter of urgency': CCC slams past policy failures as it calls for bold action to hit climate goals

  2024-07-18 in Business Green

Climate Change Committee's annual progress report criticises dearth of climate leadership over past year, as it urges new government to redouble decarbonisation efforts

  Tagged under: Committee on Climate Change UK

London Stock Exchange: $7.2tr green economy outpaced only by tech sector over past decade

  2024-07-10 in Business Green

Green economy is the second best-performing industry globally over the last 10 years, new London Stock Exchange Group report claims

  Tagged under: Economics

CBI boss declares 'you can't be pro-growth without being pro-green'

  2024-07-01 in Business Green

Rain Newton-Smith urges main parties to end 'deafening silence' on climate action and deliver bold reforms to turbocharge green investment

Swiss Re warns of 'cascading' climate risks to supply chains and society

  2024-06-14 in Business Green

Insurance giant highlights raft of interconnected emerging risks linked to climate change that threaten to trigger business losses and economic slowdown

  Tagged under: Insurance

Scania launches EV charging firm to power up electric truck rollout

  2024-06-11 in Business Green

Newly launched Erinion venture aims to install at least 40,000 new charging points at customer depot and destination locations across Europe this decade

Glastonbury's Worthy Farm to bring 'carbon negative' hydrogen technology to festival site

  2024-06-10 in Business Green

New technology aims to take methane captured from cow slurry via an anaerobic digester and turn it into clean graphene and carbon negative hydrogen

  Tagged under: Methane

'Spreading misinformation': Green groups slam Sunak over attacks on climate policies

  2024-06-05 in Business Green

The Prime Minister used the first TV debate to stoke fears over the cost of the net zero transition, sparking an angry response from environmental campaigners

  Tagged under: Disinformation and Misinformation

'A good deal': UK climate goals can be delivered at 'minimal cost', study finds

  2024-05-24 in Business Green

University of Oxford research concludes four out of five low-carbon investments are cost reducing compared to their fossil fuel equivalents

'Winter washout': Extreme rainfall expected to knock nearly £1bn off arable farm revenues

  2024-05-22 in Business Green

Analysis claims autumn and winter rainfall was made 15 per cent heavier by climate change, leading to reduced revenue from key arable crops

'No country is immune to disaster displacement': Natural disasters trigger 26.4 million displacements in 2023

  2024-05-14 in Business Green

New research confirms third highest number of people on record were displaced by floods, storms, wildfires and earthquakes last year

Vapes and e-waste blamed for surge in battery fires at waste sites

  2024-05-10 in Business Green

New figures reveal there have been over 1,200 battery fires in bin lorries and at waste sites in the UK over the past 12 months

'Drivers and sufferers': How top fossil fuel producers are among those with 'most to lose' from climate change

  2024-05-09 in Business Green

Major new analysis from Verisk Maplecroft highlights how many of the world's leading fossil fuel exporters are exposed to potentially disastrous climate risks

Wind and solar are closing in on a fossil fuel tipping point

  2024-05-08 in Business Green

2024 could mark a historic moment in the world's energy history, with fossil fuel electricity likely to peak, writes Ember's Richard Black

  Tagged under: Tipping Points

'A good day': Local elections reveal surge in support for bolder green policies

  2024-05-07 in Business Green

Mayors and Parties that put climate action at the heart of their campaigns dominated last week’s local election results, but will the message from voters be heeded?

IEA: Investment in key clean energy technologies topped $200bn in 2023

  2024-05-07 in Business Green

Investment in manufacturing capacity for solar PV, wind turbines, batteries, electrolysers, and heat pumps surged by 70 per cent last year, according to the International Energy Agency

Unlawful: High Court rules UK's climate plan is in breach of Climate Change Act

  2024-05-03 in Business Green

Court rules in favour of campaigners, who argued plan relied too much on risky technologies and did not adequately consider risks of missing targets

'Climate Damages Tax': Fossil fuel levy could raise $720bn to tackle climate crisis

  2024-04-29 in Business Green

Campaign groups propose tax on fossil fuel extraction to help bridge climate funding gap through to the end of the decade

Clean Creatives: Over 1,000 advertising and PR firms promise to reject fossil fuel clients

  2024-04-22 in Business Green

High profile campaign reaches fresh milestone, as pressure not to work with polluting clients intensifies

MPs urge government to boost resilience to extreme weather events

  2024-04-19 in Business Green

Public Accounts Committee warns government efforts to enhance climate resilience lack leadership and urgency

What could go wrong? How $38tr in climate damages could knock a fifth off global income

  2024-04-17 in Business Green

Major new analysis from the Potsdam Institute warns climate impacts through to 2050 could do significantly more economic damage than previously expected

  Tagged under: Economics

Climate groups hail 'monumental' victory in European human rights legal ruling

  2024-04-09 in Business Green

European Court of Human Rights rules against Swiss government in landmark climate case brought by group of 2,000 women

  Tagged under: Women and Children

Are leading corporates still relying too heavily on carbon credits to meet 2030 climate goals?

  2024-04-09 in Business Green

Study claims vast majority of 2030 climate targets set by 51 major global companies fall far short of what is needed to cap global warming at 1.5C

Study: Just three per cent of land could boost UK renewables generation 13-fold

  2024-04-09 in Business Green

Analysis from Friends of the Earth details how onshore renewables could slash emissions and curb energy costs without impacting food production

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy

Halfway to net zero heaven

  2024-03-29 in Business Green

UK emissions are down 52 per cent since 1990 and fossil fuels last year provided just a third of UK power - change is happening

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy

UK emissions fall over five per cent in 2023 on back of reduced gas demand

  2024-03-28 in Business Green

Latest provisional statistics show UK greenhouse emissions are now 52.7 per cent below 1990 levels

Study: Renewables provide more UK power than gas plants over last winter

  2024-03-22 in Business Green

ECIU estimates wind, solar, and hydro provided 40 per cent of UK electricity over winter months, while gas fired power plants provided around a third

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy

Economists urge Bank of England to 'step up, not back' on climate change

  2024-03-18 in Business Green

Letter to Governor of the Bank of England Andrew Bailey calls for Bank to push forward with urgent work to tackle escalating climate risks

  Tagged under: Committee on Climate Change UK

RWE starts construction of first wave of UK solar farms

  2024-03-15 in Business Green

Energy giant confirms work has started on seven UK solar farms, as it beefs up Europe-wide green investment plans

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy

Mersey Tidal Power: Plans for multibillion-pound barrage connecting Liverpool and Wirral unveiled

  2024-03-11 in Business Green

Tidal barrage connecting Liverpool and Wirral announced as the preferred option to harness renewable energy from the River Mersey

  Tagged under: UK | Tidal Energy | Rivers | Renewable Energy

Public supports 'greater and greener' development, poll reveals

  2024-03-09 in Business Green

Bright Blue urges government to 'get building' after survey reveals high levels of support for green housing and clean energy development

  Tagged under: UK | Public Opinion

Global Briefing: Spain advances plans for short haul flight ban

  2024-03-08 in Business Green

Spain to follow France in banning flights where rail offers viable alternative, Italy confirms coal phase out date, and Azerbaijan joins global methane pledge

  Tagged under: Coal | Legislation | Methane | Italy | Spain | Aviation | Trains | France

Government confirms £1bn budget for clean power auction, but fears grow over offshore wind target

  2024-03-06 in Business Green

Experts warn next auction round likely to leave the UK badly off track to meet its target of 50GW of new offshore wind capacity by 2030

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Energy | UK Politics | Wind Power

'Game-changing': Kensa launches ultra-efficient compact ground source heat pump

  2024-02-29 in Business Green

New model debuted, as latest government figures confirm surge in demand for heat pump grant scheme

Study: Community wind farms could slash household heating bills by a quarter

  2024-02-28 in Business Green

Research outlines myriad benefits of pairing community energy projects with a local roll out of heat pump technologies

  Tagged under: Wind Power

Climate Change Committee advises against 'carry-over' of Third Carbon Budget emissions savings

  2024-02-28 in Business Green

Government will be putting climate goals at risk if it decides to loosen future carbon budgets, climate advisors warn

  Tagged under: Net Zero | Committee on Climate Change UK

The solar panel theory of socioeconomic unfairness

  2024-02-22 in Business Green

Terry Pratchett's famous economic theory tells us a lot about the urgent need for a net zero transition where the costs and benefits are fairly distributed right across the income scale

  Tagged under: Economics | Solar Energy | Net Zero

'The ball is in the court of the policymakers': Is the UK's net zero transition at risk of stalling?

  2024-02-22 in Business Green

Report from DNV argues ambitious policies could enable transition that delivers on climate goals and slashes domestic energy bills by 40 per cent by 2050

  Tagged under: Net Zero

'A damning indictment': Lord Deben intervenes in High Court legal challenge against government climate plans

  2024-02-21 in Business Green

Conservative peer and former chair of the Climate Change Committee submits witness statement in support of legal action accusing government of breaching Climate Change Act

  Tagged under: Litigation | UK Politics | Net Zero | Committee on Climate Change UK

'Government needs to lead': Green finance experts unveil blueprint for mobilising net zero investment

  2024-02-20 in Business Green

Green Finance Institute and IPPR call for deeper collaboration between private and public sectors and sector-specific transition pathways to boost much needed green investment

  Tagged under: Net Zero | Finance

Labour's ditching of its £28bn green investment plan is a blow to business

  2024-02-08 in Business Green

The UK economy is crying out for investment, and public spending has a critical catalysing role to play - if even Labour won't accept that fact, a slow recovery awaits

Can 2030 emissions targets still be met? 10 worrying questions posed by the latest Hinkley Point C delays

  2024-01-24 in Business Green

The fallout from the latest delays to the flagship Hinkley Point nuclear project are wide-ranging - and they present significant challenges for both the government and the opposition

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power

Study: Ships retrofitted for ammonia fuel could cost less to run than fossil fuelled vessels

  2024-01-18 in Business Green

Ships that are purpose built, fully or partially retrofitted to run on ammonia could operate at lower fuel costs than fossil fuel vessels and cut carbon by up to 77 per cent, new analysis claims

'Large gaps still need to be bridged': UN chief returns to COP28 as climate talks remain on knife edge

  2023-12-11 in Business Green

With crunch climate talks' scheduled close less than 24 hours away, negotiators are still wrangling over the future of fossil fuels, finance pledges, and climate adaptation goals

  Tagged under: COP28 | Fossil Fuels | Finance

The climate theory of everything

  2023-11-30 in Business Green

A personal essay on how the climate crisis is reshaping everything and why COP28 matters much more than you think

  Tagged under: Climate Change | COP28

The world's 280 million electric bikes and mopeds are cutting demand for oil far more than electric cars

  2023-11-20 in Business Green

The UK's leading source of information for the green economy, delivering the latest news and in-depth analysis on green business and environmental issues.

  Tagged under: Electric Cars | Cars

'Insufficient ambition and not enough action': UN warns world is on track for 3C of warming

  2023-11-20 in Business Green

UN's latest Emissions Gap Report warns that even if governments' decarbonisation goals are met the world is still facing around 2.5C of warming this century

  Tagged under: Global Warming | United Nations | COP28 | Decarbonisation

If it keeps on raining the levee's gonna break

  2023-11-16 in Business Green

The UK's climate resilience spending is running to stand still, providing further evidence that attempts to 'just adapt' to climate change will come at huge cost

Global Briefing: Flagship US small modular reactor project shelved

  2023-11-10 in Business Green

Plus: EU landmark nature restoration deal, USA's first DAC plant, and electric air taxis plan for take-off in India, in our round up of the top green business news from around the world this week

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power | India

Small nuclear reactors are a bad bet for the British government

  2023-11-09 in Business Green

Claims that SMRs are cheaper, easier to build, safer and less wasteful are unproven and misleading, argues University of Greenwich professor Stephen Thomas

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power

BP revs up $100m order for US Tesla chargers

  2023-10-27 in Business Green

Deal forms latest part of oil giant's plans to invest up to $1bn in EV charging across the US by 2030

  Tagged under: BP | Tesla

'We have to be realistic': Government dismisses CCC's concerns over UK's net zero progress

  2023-10-26 in Business Green

Government insists UK can meet all its climate targets, but rejects recommendations 'that force families to make costly and burdensome changes to their lifestyles'

  Tagged under: Net Zero | COP28 | Committee on Climate Change UK

'We need to get on with it': Government urged to boost UK infrastructure investment to deliver net zero

  2023-10-18 in Business Green

National Infrastructure Commission warns annual public and private infrastructure investment needs to rise by tens of billions of pounds to deliver on net zero and levelling up ambitions, saving households thousands of pounds a year in the process

  Tagged under: UK Politics | Net Zero | Electricity Grid | Committee on Climate Change UK

Climate risk: Lloyd's of London warns extreme weather could incur $5tr of economic losses over five years

  2023-10-13 in Business Green

Fresh modelling highlights huge financial risks of failing to tackle escalating climate risks

'Short haul flights should be a last resort': Football clubs urged to sign up to Sustainable Travel Charter

  2023-10-12 in Business Green

Millwall, Bristol City, Bristol Rovers, Forest Green Rovers, Mansfield Town and Swindon Town become first clubs to promise to tackle transport-related emissions

  Tagged under: Trees

Dogger Bank: World's largest offshore wind farm starts exporting power

  2023-10-10 in Business Green

Giant North Sea offshore wind farm reaches major milestone on path to delivering clean power for six million homes a year

  Tagged under: Rishi Sunak | Wind Power

OVO to offer heat pumps at lower cost than gas boilers

  2023-10-03 in Business Green

Energy supplier touts new offer promising heat pumps at cheaper price tag and running costs than conventional gas boilers

Prime Minister accused of 'evoking conspiracy theories' with plan to restrict traffic calming measures

  2023-09-29 in Business Green

Reports suggest Rishi Sunak's conference speech will centre on a new 'plan for motorists' and cite concerns over '15-minute cities'

  Tagged under: Rishi Sunak | Net Zero

'Misguided': Jupiter and Robeco join £1.5trn investor group urging Sunak to stop green delay

  2023-09-29 in Business Green

Dozens of firms sign letter to Prime Minister warning that watering down decarbonisation policies will hurt inward investment into UK

  Tagged under: Rishi Sunak | Climate Change | Decarbonisation

'A question of ambition': Wind and solar could meet Britain's energy demand in 2050, study finds

  2023-09-26 in Business Green

Britain's wind and solar resources are more than sufficient to meet all its energy needs, accroding to policy briefing prepared by researchers at the University of Oxford

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Wind Power

Nature Action 100: Global investors call on corporates to tackle biodiversity impacts

  2023-09-26 in Business Green

New group unveils list of 100 companies in key sectors that investors will push to improve their nature-related policies

  Tagged under: Finance | Biodiversity Loss

'The strongest possible validation': Airbus and ZeroAvia ink hydrogen aviation partnership

  2023-09-18 in Business Green

Airbus joins latest ZeroAvia investment round and agrees to work with green aviation pioneer on hydrogen power system certification

  Tagged under: Hydrogen

'Queue for climate and nature': Business leaders convene in central London to call for bolder climate action from government

  2023-09-15 in Business Green

Executives from Toast Ale, Aviva Investors, and Bupa among business leaders to take part in peaceful climate protest

  Tagged under: Activism

Government confirms first wave of 21 North Sea carbon storage licenses

  2023-09-15 in Business Green

North Sea Transition Authority reveals that 14 companies have accepted licenses awarded through the UK’s first-ever carbon storage licensing round

  Tagged under: Carbon Capture and Storage

'Heat pumps for everyone': Octopus launches 'free' heat pump package

  2023-09-14 in Business Green

Energy giant says new 'Cosy Octopus' package will come at no cost for some households who can access government clean heating grant

'Complacency and incompetence': Government slammed as clean energy auction results in no new offshore wind farms

  2023-09-08 in Business Green

CfD auction delivers just 3.7GW of new capacity as offshore wind developers refuse to bid, sparking warnings UK is now badly off track to meet its clean energy goals

  Tagged under: Wind Power | Net Zero

'Extremely disappointing': Few, if any, offshore wind bids expected in latest clean power contracts auction

  2023-09-07 in Business Green

Fifth round of the government's Contracts for Difference scheme looks set to have attracted minimal interest from offshore wind developers, as industry continues to wrestle with soaring inflation

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Wind Power

'Not fit for purpose': Green groups secure High Court hearing over government's net zero plans

  2023-09-01 in Business Green

High Court orders three day 'rolled up' hearing for legal challenges brought by Friends of the Earth, ClientEarth, and Good Law Project

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Net Zero

'Sign of the times': Fossil fuels hit record low, accounting for just a third of EU power mix

  2023-08-30 in Business Green

New analysis reveals how fossil fuel power generation across the EU fell 17 per cent during the first half of the year

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels

CDP: Extreme heat is worst climate hazard for world's cities

  2023-08-24 in Business Green

Non-profit reveals extreme heat it the most widely reported climate hazard among global cities

  Tagged under: Africa | Extreme Heat

Wind-powered shipping technology sets sail for Cargill trial

  2023-08-21 in Business Green

Collaboration between Cargill, BAR Technologies, Mitsubishi Corporation, and Yara Marine Technologies promises to slash fuel use by cargo vessels

  Tagged under: Wind Power

'Wake-up call': How 'vicious' Mediterranean weather events threaten a quarter of UK food imports

  2023-08-14 in Business Green

Region 'ravaged' by heatwaves, wildfires and drought this summer provided just over £16bn worth of UK food imports last year, prompting growing concerns for food security

  Tagged under: Drought | Heatwaves | Wildfires

'High time to invest in more climate adaption': Natural catastrophes cost insurers $50bn in first half of 2023

  2023-08-10 in Business Green

Severe thunderstorms account for up to 70 per cent of $50bn in natural catastrophe losses in first half of 2023, Swiss Re Institute estimates

  Tagged under: Insurance

'Power-ups': Octopus and UKPN to offer free electricity during spikes in renewables generation

  2023-08-10 in Business Green

Octopus Energy and UK Power Networks to provide free green electricity to local grids at times of high wind and solar generation

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Wind Power | Electricity | Electricity Grid

It's time for this country's hard-working, not-so-silent politicians to stop misleading the public about the green agenda

  2023-08-07 in Business Green

Priti Patel's latest attack on green policies makes little sense and offers no alternative vision for the future - it deserves to be rejected, line-by-line

  Tagged under: Net Zero

Community Energy Together: Local solar collective unveils initial 36MW pipeline

  2023-07-31 in Business Green

New community energy collective aims to generate £20m in local benefits across England and Wales while growing the community solar sector by a fifth

  Tagged under: Solar Energy

OBR: Costs of continued gas reliance more than double that of reaching net zero

  2023-07-14 in Business Green

Remaining heavily reliant on fossil gas for power and heating poses huge fiscal and economic risk to the UK, warns the Office for Budget Responsibility

  Tagged under: Net Zero

'Exponential deployment is now unstoppable': How the clean tech revolution is happening faster than you think

  2023-07-13 in Business Green

Today's analysis from RMI suggesting the global power system is on track for net zero emissions is hugely optimistic, but the assumptions underpinning it are surprisingly feasible

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Net Zero

UN warns climate change is pushing millions of people into hunger

  2023-07-12 in Business Green

New research from UN shows around 735 million people are currently facing hunger, compared to 613 million in 2019

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change | Famine and Food Insecurity

Climate Change Committee warns UK has 'lost' its global net zero leadership position

  2023-06-28 in Business Green

Annual progress report warns government's official advisors have 'markedly less' confidence in the UK's ability to meet its decarbonisation targets from 2030 onwards

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Net Zero | Decarbonisation | Committee on Climate Change UK

Climate Majority: Leading campaigners back new grassroots green movement

  2023-06-21 in Business Green

Initiative aims to become 'irresistible political force', as polls show majority of Britons support the UK's net zero emissions goal

  Tagged under: Activism | Net Zero | Extinction Rebellion | Extinction

'Growth doom loop': Report warns under-investment will see UK lag behind in global race to net zero

  2023-06-20 in Business Green

Think tank IPPR warns UK is suffering from 'investment-phobia' and must move quickly to reap the economic benefits of the green transition

  Tagged under: Economics | Net Zero | Economic Growth

'We're going to throw everything at this': Labour to unveil Green Prosperity Plan

  2023-06-19 in Business Green

Labour Leader to deliver major speech providing more detail on Opposition's sweeping decarbonisation plans, including proposals for state owned GB Energy

  Tagged under: Net Zero | Decarbonisation

'A natural solution to many of our most pressing problems': Aviva announces £21m saltmarsh restoration drive

  2023-06-13 in Business Green

Insurance giant announces latest tranche of nature funding, as trial of technology designed to boost investment in peatland projects via carbon markets gets underway in northern England

  Tagged under: Wetlands | Insurance

'Glastonbury's biggest fan': Octopus Energy debuts 'try before you buy' wind turbine

  2023-06-13 in Business Green

Twenty-eight metre tall turbine erected at Festival site to provide clean power to food vendors and demonstrate speed with which onshore renewables can be deployed

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Wind Power

Net Zero Tracker: More than third of world's biggest firms still have no climate goals in place

  2023-06-11 in Business Green

National and corporate momentum behind setting net zero goals continues to build, but concerns remain over integrity and oversight of targets

  Tagged under: Net Zero

Study: Solar farms can be 'wildlife havens'

  2023-06-07 in Business Green

New report by Solar Energy UK reveals how well managed solar farms have potential to boost ecology and tackle biodiversity loss in the UK

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Wildlife | Biodiversity Loss

'Pretty depressing weekend': Key net zero policies face fresh wave of criticism

  2023-06-05 in Business Green

From oil and gas licenses to heat pumps and recycling to active travel, crucial planks of the government’s climate policy framework are coming under attack from all sides

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Net Zero | US Politics | Committee on Climate Change UK

Study: Direct Air Capture costs must fall by 75 per cent to drive widespread adoption

  2023-06-05 in Business Green

Nascent technology will need to scale at twice the speed seen in the solar sector, consultancy giant BCG warns

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Carbon Capture and Storage

'A different kind of representation': New BCC Council promises to 'speak up' on net zero

  2023-06-05 in Business Green

British Chamber of Commerce announces new group that aims to 'shape national debate' on key business issues, including the net zero transition

  Tagged under: Net Zero

Energy Minister: 'We will never license oil and gas development in the UK that isn't compatible with net zero'

  2023-05-25 in Business Green

Graham Stuart insists new oil and gas licenses are compatible with UK climate goals, as he argues UK can continue to attract green investment without engaging in 'subsidy race'

  Tagged under: Net Zero

IEA: How global clean energy investment is 'significantly' outpacing fossil fuel spending

  2023-05-25 in Business Green

The clean energy transition is moving 'faster than many people realise' according to IEA - yet is still off the pace for meeting 1.5C goal

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels

Meatable hails cultivated meat breakthrough

  2023-05-23 in Business Green

Cultivated meat producer announces it has developed process to create cultivated pork in just eight days ahead of planned mass market retail launch in 2025

  Tagged under: Innovation

From fossil gas to clean tech supply chains: Five key green takeaways from Japan's G7 Summit

  2023-05-23 in Business Green

The G7 economies remained steadfast in their support for Ukraine, clean energy, and global climate goals, but delivery plans remain somewhat less clear

  Tagged under: Japan

Carlton Power and Schroders Greencoat join forces to fuel £200m green hydrogen pipeline

  2023-05-23 in Business Green

New joint venture platform GHECO aims to deliver 500MW of green hydrogen projects across the UK using development expertise from Carlton and financing from Schroders Greencoat

  Tagged under: Hydrogen | Net Zero

Study: Two billion people face 'dangerous' temperatures this century without climate policy shift

  2023-05-22 in Business Green

Current climate policies to expose more than a fifth of humanity to 'dangerously hot' temperatures by 2100, as UK heatwave declared 'no fluke'

'Record order': Volvo Trucks and Holcim ink deal to deploy 1,000 electric HGVs

  2023-05-22 in Business Green

Letter of intent to see auto manufacturer provide European building giant with up to 1,000 zero emission trucks by 2030

  Tagged under: EVs | Electric Cars

On temperatures, tides, seaweed, and supermarkets

  2023-05-18 in Business Green

The WMO's warning that the 1.5C warming threshold is set to be breached - at least temporarily - hits hard, but the lessons it contains should be obvious by now

  Tagged under: Net Zero

Trust is a finite resource

  2023-05-12 in Business Green

The government will try and argue its bonfire of regulations will not weaken environmental protections, just as it is trying to convince people it is serious about onshore wind development - but such gaslighting will be met with a weary scepticism

  Tagged under: Rishi Sunak

Retained EU Law Bill: Government places hundreds of UK green laws on the chopping board

  2023-05-11 in Business Green

Laws, regulations, treaties and decisions related to habitats, air quality, climate change, renewable energy, farming and fishing proposed for scrapheap under government plans

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Farming | Climate Change | Fish

Listed companies to burn through remaining 1.5C carbon budget in 3.5 years, MSCI warns

  2023-05-11 in Business Green

Latest analysis of climate commitments from mid- and large-cap firms notes corporate greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise despite surge in new climate targets

  Tagged under: Net Zero

'Shambles': Government rows back plans to ditch thousands of EU-derived laws

  2023-05-10 in Business Green

But more than 1,000 EU-derived laws are still set for the chop this year and it remains unclear how many have climate and environmental policy implications

Grid flexibility trials cut Britain's winter electricity use by 3.3GWh

  2023-05-10 in Business Green

National Grid ESO data shows 1.6 million homes and businesses took part in its inaugural Demand Flexibility Services over the winter period

  Tagged under: Electricity | Electricity Grid

LinkedIn calls for green upskilling, as demand for sustainability roles grows

  2023-04-30 in Business Green

New data reveals demand in the green labour market is accelerating faster than supply, fuelling fears of a sustainability skills bottleneck

  Tagged under: Sustainability

Electric fleets: Biffa revs up plans for electric bin lorries

  2023-04-28 in Business Green

Announcement comes as IKEA advances plans for zero emission fleet and official sales figures for EVs continue to soar

  Tagged under: Electric Cars | EVs

European Council green lights moves to reform and extend carbon market

  2023-04-26 in Business Green

Sweeping reforms expected to push up price of carbon, extend market to cover shipping, buildings, and road transport, and pave way for carbon border adjustment tariffs

Government eyes reforms to crucial clean power auctions

  2023-04-17 in Business Green

Government says potential reforms to flagship Contracts for Difference scheme would 'improve energy security and drive investment', but industry fears upcoming auction faces severe cost challenges

'Accelerate the phase out': How the G7 cooled on fossil fuels as the answer to the energy crisis

  2023-04-17 in Business Green

G7 Energy and Environment Ministers acknowledge energy crisis requires reduction in global gas demand and reiterate support for clean tech, but stop short of setting out roadmap for phasing out fossil fuel power

  Tagged under: COP28 | Fossil Fuels

'Unfair costs': Hydrogen heating would push up gas bills, government warned

  2023-04-12 in Business Green

Octopus Energy, E3G, and Green Alliance write to government warning against plans to blend hydrogen into gas network

  Tagged under: Hydrogen

'Green Day': Boulevard of Deferred Dreams

  2023-03-31 in Business Green

Yesterday's 'Green Day' package offered the good, the bad, and the ugly of the UK's climate policy programme

  Tagged under: Net Zero

'Green Day'? Fears grow government is to prioritise fossil fuel projects in upgraded climate strategy

  2023-03-27 in Business Green

Reports suggest Number 10 wants to rebadge much-anticipated 'Green Day' package of decarbonisation policies as 'Energy Security Day' and ensure a lead role for new gas projects

  Tagged under: Rishi Sunak | Net Zero | Decarbonisation

Small modular reactors are a high-risk and expensive pursuit

  2023-03-24 in Business Green

Next-generation nuclear technologies will divert resources away from cheaper options that can more quickly contribute to energy security and climate goals, argues Andrew Warren

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power

NatWest confirms it is to stop lending to oil and gas projects

  2023-02-10 in Business Green

Banking giant sets out flurry of fresh green financing commitments as it gears up to release its first Climate Transition Plan next week, but campaigners argue it could pull forward new pledges

UN chief: Fossil fuel firms without credible net zero plans 'should not be in business'

  2023-02-06 in Business Green

UN Secretary General António Guterres calls on governments, businesses, and investors to urgently step up action to deliver on climate and biodiversity goals

  Tagged under: COP28 | Net Zero

Report: Paying farmers to sequester CO2 far cheaper than carbon capture tech

  2023-01-20 in Business Green

Supporting farmers to manage land to expand carbon sinks offers a far cheaper route to net zero than scaling up bioenergy with carbon capture technologies, Green Alliance study argues

  Tagged under: Farming | Land Use | Net Zero | Carbon Capture and Storage

'Economic and environmental wrecking ball': Study tots up £83bn cost of Retained EU Law Bill

  2023-01-18 in Business Green

Environmental and business groups urge government to ditch plans for bonfire of retained EU law ahead of Commons debate today

  Tagged under: Wildlife

Government confirms expanded ban on single use plastics

  2023-01-14 in Business Green

New ban on single-use plastic plates, trays, bowls, cutlery, balloon sticks, and some types of polystyrene cups and food containers to come into effect from October 

Good Energy snaps up heat pump installer Igloo Works

  2022-12-05 in Business Green

Green energy company looks to secure a leading position in the rapidly-growing clean heating market

Report: UK carbon regulator needed to combat 'inconsistent' industrial CO2 reporting

  2022-10-31 in Business Green

Heavy industry requires simplified and consistent carbon measuring methodologies if UK is to reach net zero, warns Energy Systems Catapult

  Tagged under: Net Zero | Sustainability

Is the government about to 'blow a hole' in the UK's net zero strategy?

  2022-10-11 in Business Green

The government's 'attack on nature' and its opposition to new solar farms could have serious consequences for the UK's long-term net zero strategy

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Farming | Net Zero

'Our fields shouldn't be full of solar panels': Truss vows to crackdown on renewables development

  2022-08-02 in Business Green

Latest Tory leadership race hustings sees favourite double down on support for domestic fossil fuel extraction

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy

Report: Local authorities 'unprepared' for EV transition

  2022-07-15 in Business Green

A lack of local investment and awareness means local authorities could struggle to adequately support the switch to EVs and the target to end the sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030

  Tagged under: Electric Cars | EVs | Cars

The cost of not zero

  2022-07-11 in Business Green

The Conservative Party leadership race is fuelling fears the government could dilute its decarbonisation efforts - such a move would amount to a catastrophic economic and strategic error

  Tagged under: Net Zero | Decarbonisation

Not so moral money?

  2022-05-20 in Business Green

Stuart Kirk's insistence investors do not need to worry about climate risk fundamentally misunderstands both climate change and risk

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Teesside net zero cluster earmarked for £150m 'carbon-free' liquid gas production plant

  2022-05-18 in Business Green

Joint venture Circular Fuels aiming to have 'world-first' renewable LPG production plant operating in Teesside by 2024 capable of turning waste into 'net zero' fuel

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Net Zero | Innovation

'This will encourage the world to go for green solutions': Boris Johnson touts plan for fresh UK energy supply strategy

  2022-03-07 in Business Green

UK may look to domestic oil and gas sources to reduce reliance on Russia in short term, but Prime Minister insists government will not be abandoning net zero transition

  Tagged under: Net Zero | Vladimir Putin | Russia

'We are our own worst enemy': Could mindfulness and compassion help accelerate climate action?

  2022-03-07 in Business Green

A growing body of evidence argues personal mental health is deeply connected to wider policy failures – could embedding mindfulness teaching into society improve our responses?

  Tagged under: Health

How to fight an economic war

  2022-03-03 in Business Green

The scale of the changes required to end European reliance on Russian fossil fuels are unprecedented and far bigger than many realise - what is needed is an economic war effort

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | Net Zero | Russia

Heat pumps are suitable for all types of housing, government-backed study concludes

  2021-12-17 in Business Green

Findings deliver blow to claims that heat pumps will only be able to decarbonise certain types of homes

  Tagged under: Housing

Government preps autumn green bond and pension push, but tensions over net zero plans remain

  2021-09-06 in Business Green

Debate over how to fund raft of net zero programmes looks set to dominate the coming months

  Tagged under: COP26 | Rishi Sunak | Net Zero | Finance

'A pathway to a brighter future': IEA unveils landmark net zero global energy roadmap

  2021-05-18 in Business Green

Delivering net zero energy is achievable but 'perhaps the greatest challenge humankind has ever faced', says IEA

  Tagged under: COP26 | Net Zero | Finance

In defence of net zero

  2021-04-30 in Business Green

Concerns about the efficacy of net zero targets are justified, but could condemnation of the concept from Greta Thunberg and others inadvertently serve to undermine efforts to decarbonise?

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | COP26 | Net Zero

Business Green

  2020-09-22 (or before) in Business Green

The UK's leading source of information for the green economy, delivering the latest news and in-depth analysis on green business and environmental issues.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Sustainability

Emissions goals impossible without plastic reduction, think tank warns

  2020-09-21 in Business Green

Overseas Development Institute warns fossil fuel emissions from plastic will rise three-fold by 2050 unless current trends are addressed

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels

BP confirms job cuts, reasserts clean energy pledge

  2020-06-09 in Business Green

Oil major announces it is to cut around 10,000 jobs globally, as CEO predicts coronavirus crisis will accelerate company's transition towards cleaner energy sources

  Tagged under: BP | Predictions

NortH2: Shell unveils plans for 'Europe's largest green hydrogen project'

  2020-02-28 in Business Green

Shell, Gasunie, and Groningen Seaports launch ambitious plans to build green hydrogen hub for northern Europe

  Tagged under: Shell | Hydrogen

£30bn pension partnership promises to align holdings with Paris Agreement goals

  2020-01-27 in Business Green

Brunel Pension Partnership also promises to ditch asset managers who fail to act on climate

  Tagged under: Pensions | The Paris Agreement | Disinvestment

We're falling short on SDG7, but we can fix it

  2019-06-05 in Business Green

Jeremy Leggett surveys global progress against SDG7, and considers what must happen to deliver on the targets by 2030

  Tagged under: Solar Energy

Persimmon admits lobbying government to axe zero carbon homes goal

  2019-03-13 in Business Green

Giving evidence to BEIS committee, major housebuilder admits it was in favour of scrapping zero carbon policy as part of push to unlock construction of more new homes

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