The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Topic: Capitalism

Featured Articles:

Unpriced Environmental Costs: The Top Externalities of the Global Market

  2024-08-07 (or before) in S&P Global S&P Global

The world’s publicly listed companies depend on natural capital for their operations yet cause trillions of dollars in environmental costs that are not accounted for each year.

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

Related Articles (140)

How Global Capital Killed Climate Science

  2024-08-29 in Tsakralides

As the planet slips further into “uncharted territory”, a phrase which now almost every meteorologist uses, it is time for climate science to stop pretending: to admit, publicly, that climate scien…

  Tagged under: Capitalism | Science

Capitalism Is Killing Us

  2024-08-23 by in Counter Punch

Neither politicians (across the continuum) nor corporate media pundits engage in meaningful public discourse on climate and the environment. They choose

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Uneven Development through Profit Repatriation: How Capitalism's Class and Geographical Antagonisms Intertwine

  2024-08-19 (or before) in Wiley Online Library

This article provides the first comprehensive empirical analysis of global profit repatriation as a mechanism of uneven development, thereby challenging the development model of Foreign Direct Invest...

  Tagged under: Capitalism

How to Force Capitalism to Stop Climate Change

  2024-08-16 by in Foreign Policy - the Global Magazine of News and Ideas

Central banks should stop pretending to be neutral about saving the planet.

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Laundering Carbon and the New Scramble for Africa | Climate & Capitalism

  2024-08-11 in Climate & Capitalism | An ecosocialist journal edited by Ian Angus

The carbon offset market is an integral part of efforts to prevent effective climate action…

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Capitalism is killing the planet – but curtailing it is the discussion nobody wants to have

  2024-08-08 in The Irish Times

If life on our one and only planet is to be pulled back from the brink, the time for voluntary ecological measures from businesses has surely passed

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Jason Hickel and Yanis Varoufakis | A VISION FOR THE FUTURE | Podcast 8

  2024-08-08 (or before) in YouTube

This podcast is released alongside the acclaimed new docuseries 'In The Eye Of The Storm — The Political Odyssey Of Yanis Varoufakis'. Watch it here: http://...

  Tagged under: Capitalism | Degrowth

Unpriced Environmental Costs: The Top Externalities of the Global Market

  2024-08-07 (or before) in S&P Global S&P Global

The world’s publicly listed companies depend on natural capital for their operations yet cause trillions of dollars in environmental costs that are not accounted for each year.

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

How unpriced environmental costs exceed profits at a quarter of top corporates

  2024-08-06 in Business Green

New S&P report attempts to put a price on the environmental externalities that continue to fuel market failures around the world - and reaches some sobering conclusions

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

Government action is needed if we are to reduce our demands on Earth’s resources and sustain life

  2024-07-31 by in Daily Maverick - South African news, opinion and investigations

We are running down our natural capital. Each year ends with the Earth having less forest, less biodiversity, less healthy soil and water, fewer fish in the sea, more pollution of our fresh water and more greenhouse gases blanketing the planet, heating it and destabilising the climate.

  Tagged under: Capitalism | Water Resources | Activism | Legislation

Sewage pollution warnings at 11 Cornwall beaches today after heavy rain - Cornwall Live

  2024-07-21 by in Cornwall Live

  Tagged under: Capitalism | Pollution | UK | Water Resources

JPMorgan, Barclays Warn of ‘Valley of Death’ for Climate Tech - Bloomberg

  2024-07-03 in Bloomberg

Green innovators too advanced for venture capital but not advanced enough for infrastructure investors are falling through the cracks — and time is running out.

  Tagged under: Innovation | Capitalism

In this satirical city builder, your goal is to convert walkable cities into parking lots and use propaganda to convince everyone it's what they want

  2024-07-03 in

In city builder Car Park Capital, why walk when you can drive… and park.

  Tagged under: Capitalism

The biggest banks are financing climate chaos | Climate & Capitalism

  2024-06-11 in Climate & Capitalism | An ecosocialist journal edited by Ian Angus

Since the Paris Agreement, megabanks have invested $6.9 trillion in fossil fuels…

  Tagged under: Capitalism | The Paris Agreement

Nonprofit connected to Leonard Leo sent millions to his firm

  2024-06-09 (or before) in Politico

The Washington attorney general has been investigating whether Leo’s network skirted nonprofit rules.

  Tagged under: Lobbying | Capitalism

'Capitalism won’t save the planet'

  2024-05-03 (or before) in The Ecologist

Review of 'The Price is Wrong: why capitalism won’t save the planet' by Brett Christophers.

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Feeling depleted? So is the planet. Here’s how to move from exhaustion to empowerment

  2024-04-08 by in The Conversation

A new book, The Exhausted Earth, outlines how capitalism leads to burnout - for people and planet. But regenerative solutions are possible if people focus on interconnectedness, not isolation.

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Private equity is predatory capitalism with a long trail of destruction

  2024-04-05 by in Left Foot Forward

There won’t be enough money to contain the tsunami caused by private equity collapse. Yet there is no move to shackle private equity.

  Tagged under: Capitalism | Collapse

Against free trade: Neoclassical and steady-state perspectives - Journal of Evolutionary Economics

  2024-04-04 (or before) in Springer Verlag

The author argues against free trade as a “default position” for international trade. He shows that arguments for free trade based on comparative advantage do not hold in reality. First, free trade makes cost-internalization for single countries difficult leading to standard-lowering competition and misallocation. Second, the international mobility of capital leads to absolute rather than comparative advantage for single countries, thus leading to maldistribution. Finally, the ecological basis seriously limits the scope for catching-up. Priority should be given alternatively to domestic production of a steady-state t...

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

Fed Blocks Tough Global Climate-Risk Rules for Wall Street Banks - Bloomberg

  2024-04-03 in Bloomberg

US regulators, led by the Federal Reserve, have thwarted a push to make climate risk a focus of global financial rules, according to people familiar with the matter.

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Why the world cannot afford the rich

  2024-03-12 in Nature

Equality is essential for sustainability. The science is clear — people in more-equal societies are more trusting and more likely to protect the environment than are those in unequal, consumer-driven ones. Equality is essential for sustainability. The science is clear — people in more-equal societies are more trusting and more likely to protect the environment than are those in unequal, consumer-driven ones.

  Tagged under: Economics | Consumption | Capitalism | Sustainability

SEC’s landmark Climate Disclosure Rule explained

  2024-03-07 by in New Private Markets

The SEC's long-awaited and controversial Climate Disclosure Rule will require registered companies to disclose material climate risks to their business strategies and operations, and GHG emissions for the largest companies.

  Tagged under: USA | Regulation | Capitalism

Capitalists Have Found a Lucrative Fix to England’s Allotment Shortage | Novara Media

  2024-01-24 in Novara Media

With council waiting lists of up to 15 years for allotment plots, a group of business-savvy millennials is buying up land and selling it back to locals at a profit. It’s a neoliberal solution to a neoliberal problem, argues Moya Lothian-McLean. 

  Tagged under: Capitalism

The Collapse of Modern Civilization | Richard Grannon

  2024-01-17 in Collapse 2050

"The Collapse of Modern Civilization" by Richard Grannon argues modern society has lost its way due to consumer capitalism and technological advancements.

  Tagged under: Collapse | Capitalism

‘Cheaper to save the world than destroy it’: why capitalism is going green

  2024-01-15 in The Guardian

Akshat Rathi argues that around the world economies are switching to clean technology as prices drop

  Tagged under: Economics | Electric Cars | Capitalism | Cars | India

Bill McKibben On Global Heating, Capitalism, Insurance, And Social Friction - CleanTechnica

  2024-01-13 by in Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News

Bill McKibben is musing about what happens to the global economy as insurance companies decline to offer coverage in some areas.

  Tagged under: Economics | Insurance | Capitalism

The Logic of Austerity | Dillon Wamsley

  2024-01-04 by in Phenomenal World

On Clara Mattei’s “The Capital Order”

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Terms List - Carbon Tracker Initiative

  2023-12-26 (or before) in Carbon Tracker Initiative

As pioneers in bridging the gap between capital markets and tackling climate change, we have developed several key terms to explain some of the concepts.

  Tagged under: Capitalism

The Private Equity Firm Tapping America’s Spring Water

  2023-12-19 in Bloomberg

BlueTriton Brands owns Poland Spring, Arrowhead and other bottled water brands. As it tries to grow, experts worry sensitive springs, creeks and groundwater supplies from Florida to California are paying the price.

  Tagged under: Capitalism | Water Resources | California

Feeding the Beast: Superintelligence, Corporate Capitalism and the End of Humanity | Proceedings of the 2021 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society

  2023-12-14 (or before) in

  Tagged under: Capitalism

What it Means When I’m Critical of Capitalism | by umair haque | Eudaimonia and Co

  2023-12-13 in Eudaimonia and Co

I get in trouble, sometimes, for being critical of…ta dum…capitalism. Eye roll. It’s painted as some kind of radical stance, Not a…

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Capitalogenic disease: social determinants in focus

  2023-12-01 in BMJ Global Health

Scholarship on the social determinants of health and disease has become firmly established over the past several decades. This school of thought has created space for academics and health professionals to consider the structural factors that may produce ill health, generate health inequalities and prevent access to healthcare or other goods and services necessary for human welfare.1 Research on social determinants has been developed through attention to ‘structural violence’,2 ‘commercial determinants’3 and the ‘causes of the causes’ of disease.4 These are useful analytical developments. But ...

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

How popular are post-growth and post-capitalist ideas? Some recent data — Jason Hickel

  2023-11-25 (or before) in Jason Hickel

  Tagged under: Degrowth | Capitalism

The Eight Deadly Sins of Analyzing the Energy Transition - RMI

  2023-10-13 by in Rocky Mountain Institute

Identifying 8 general errors of perspective that holds the clean energy transition back, wasting time and capital, and fueling pessimism.

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Who Are the Climate Activists Dressing Up as Orcas?

  2023-09-22 by in Hyperallergic

The marine mammal has emerged as a symbol of the capitalism-driven destruction of the planet, with protesters “orcanizing” for Climate Week actions.

  Tagged under: Activism | Capitalism

Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions Graham Steele at Event Hosted by the Brookings Institution's Assessing Insurance Regulation and Supervision of Climate-Related Financial Risk

  2023-08-29 (or before) in

As Prepared for Delivery Introduction Thank you, Carlos.  It is my pleasure to be with you all today, both those in the room and watching virtually. As the Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions, my portfolio includes developing the Department’s policy views on banks, credit unions, consumer protection, access to capital, and financial sector cybersecurity matters.  My remarks will focus on the work that Treasury, through the Federal Insurance office (FIO), is doing to understand and help address the financial risks that our changing climate poses in the insurance sector. Work on climate-related financial...

  Tagged under: Drought | Finance | Climate Change | Housing | Insurance | Litigation | Economic Growth | California | Climate Change Impacts | Wildfires | Florida | Climate Change Mitigation | Capitalism

Stumbling towards collapse: coming to terms with the climate crisis

  2023-08-25 (or before) in Taylor & Francis Online: Peer-reviewed Journals

Leading sociologists have approached the climate crisis by emphasising a way forward and identifying hopeful directions. What sense is to be made of suggestions that we are instead on the brink of ...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Capitalism | Collapse

Technocrats Won’t Solve the Climate Crisis

  2023-08-20 (or before) in Jacobin

In January, the Biden administration launched an ambitious plan for a valuation of all the United States' natural resources. But the initiative, which aims to encourage environmentally responsible investment, is naive and confused.

  Tagged under: Joe Biden | Capitalism

Neoextractivism and Territorial Disputes in Latin America: Social-ecological Conflict and Resistance on the Front Lines

  2023-08-18 (or before) in

This book reflects on the continuing expansion of extractive forms of capitalist development into new territories in Latin America, and the resistance movements that are trying to combat the ecological and social destruction that follows. Latin American development models continue to prioritise extractivism: the intensive exploitation and exportation of nature in its primary commodity form. This constant expansion of the extractive frontier into new territories leads to forms of place-based res

  Tagged under: Conflict | Capitalism

Why was there no water to fight the fire in Maui? | Naomi Klein and Kapuaʻala Sproat

  2023-08-17 in The Guardian

Big corporations, golf courses and hotels have been taking water from locals for years. Now the fire may result in even more devastating water theft

  Tagged under: Capitalism | Wildfires

The Future Is the Termination Shock: On the Antinomies and Psychopathologies of Geoengineering. Part One

  2023-06-29 (or before) in Brill

Abstract As capitalist society remains incapable of addressing climate breakdown, one measure is waiting in the wings: solar geoengineering. No other technology can cut global temperatures immediately. It would alleviate the symptoms of the crisis, not its causes. But might it be combined with radical emissions cuts? This essay, the first instalment of two, scrutinises the rationalist-optimist case for geoengineering: the idea that soot planes in the sky can shield the Earth from the worst heat while society rids itself of fossil fuels. A more likely outcome is that they encourage business-as-usual to continue, while negative si...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Fossil Fuels | Geoengineering | Capitalism

Industrial farming has killed billions of birds | Climate & Capitalism

  2023-06-06 in Climate & Capitalism | An ecosocialist journal edited by Ian Angus

Scientists: Saving birds requires rapid transformative change…

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change | Capitalism

Coverup: Industry hid dangers of ‘forever chemicals’ | Climate & Capitalism

  2023-06-01 in Climate & Capitalism | An ecosocialist journal edited by Ian Angus

Secret documents show 3M and Dupont suppressed knowledge of PFAS toxicity…

  Tagged under: PFAS aka Forever Chemicals | Capitalism

Feeding the Beast: Superintelligence, Corporate Capitalism and the End of Humanity

  2023-05-27 (or before) in SlidesLive · Professional Conference Recording

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Capital’s long war to dispossess the poor | Climate & Capitalism

  2023-05-11 in Climate & Capitalism | An ecosocialist journal edited by Ian Angus

Capitalism's wealth and power rests on centuries of expropriation…

  Tagged under: Capitalism

XR activists bring HSBC's annual meeting to a halt in protest against its ‘shameful climate policies’

  2023-05-05 in Morning Star

  Tagged under: Capitalism | Activism | Extinction Rebellion

Inside Origin Energy’s $18.7b private capital job

  2023-04-05 in Financial Review - Business, Finance and Investment News |

Former Bank of England governor Mark Carney explains why he wants to own Australia’s biggest electricity retailer, and what he plans to do with it.

  Tagged under: Electricity | Capitalism

UK natural capital - Office for National Statistics

  2023-03-31 (or before) in

Natural capital accounts for peatlands measures the ecosystem services which nature provides from this dramatic landscape, including water, carbon sequestration, food and recreation.

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

Clean energy investment tops $US1 trillion, sits neck and neck with fossil fuels

  2023-01-30 in Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy

Bloomberg New energy Finance says investment in low carbon energy has hit a new high – and for the first time reached parity with capital invested in fossil fuels.

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | Finance | Capitalism

Degrowth is Anti-Capitalist • Protean Magazine

  2023-01-15 by in Protean Magazine

Energy researcher Nishikant Sheorey provides this primer on the field of degrowth: what it is, what it is not, and what its critics on the left get wrong. Far from being analogous to “austerity,” degrowth is instead deeply aligned with anti-capitalist values.

  Tagged under: Degrowth | Capitalism

Investments' role in ecosystem degradation

  2022-12-07 (or before) in Science | AAAS

In their Review “Pervasive human-driven decline of life on Earth points to the need for transformative change” (13 December 2019, p. eaax3100), Díaz et al. discuss the results of the first integrated global-scale assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services. The authors identify extraction of resources to provide food, feed, and industrial feedstocks as the main direct driver of the observed changes in the ecosystems on which humans depend. Socioeconomic and institutional factors represent the indirect drivers. Although Díaz et al. mention that tax havens channel funds to support illegal fis...

  Tagged under: Fish | Capitalism

Going backwards the retreat from environmental commitments

  2022-10-12 (or before) in Dieter Helm

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Capitalism and extreme poverty: A global analysis of real wages, human height, and mortality since the long 16th century

  2022-09-20 (or before) in

This paper assesses claims that, prior to the 19th century, around 90% of the human population lived in extreme poverty (defined as the inability to a…

  Tagged under: Capitalism

‘A new way of life’: the Marxist, post-capitalist, green manifesto captivating Japan

  2022-09-09 in The Guardian

Kohei Saito’s book Capital in the Anthropocene has become an unlikely hit among young people and is about to be translated into English

  Tagged under: Japan | Capitalism

Oil and gas firms’ green investments fail to match promise of publicity – study

  2022-09-08 in The Guardian

BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell and TotalEnergies spend $750m a year burnishing climate credentials but only 12% of capital on low-carbon development

  Tagged under: BP | Shell | Exxon | Chevron | TotalEnergies | Fossil Fuels | Capitalism

‘Cucumber capital’ growers selling up as Brexit and energy crisis hits Britain’s vegetable industry

  2022-09-06 in The Guardian

A flawed government plan for workers adds to problems as growers apply to pull down 60 hectares of greenhouses

  Tagged under: Farming | Capitalism

Lotka's wheel and the long arm of history: how does the distant past determine today's global rate of energy consumption?

  2022-09-03 (or before) in ESD

Abstract. Global economic production – the world gross domestic product (GDP) – has been rising steadily relative to global primary energy demands, lending hope that technological advances can drive a gradual decoupling of society from its resource needs and associated environmental pollution. Here we present a contrasting argument: in each of the 50 years following 1970 for which reliable data are available, 1 exajoule of world energy was required to sustain each 5.50±0.21 trillion year 2019 US dollars of a global wealth quantity defined as the cumulative inflation-adjusted ...

  Tagged under: Economics | Economic Growth | Climate Change Mitigation | Capitalism

Ask Prof Wolff: The Case for Degrowth

  2022-08-02 (or before) in YouTube

A Patron of Economic Update asks: "I would love to hear you talk about degrowth. It's something I've been reading a little about for a few years. I probably ...

  Tagged under: Degrowth | Economics | Capitalism

Big Fossil’s Disaster Capitalist Response to Russia-Ukraine

  2022-07-31 (or before) in The Intercept

The industry moved quickly to capture the narrative, going from disinformation blitz to policy wins within a matter of weeks.

  Tagged under: Disinformation and Misinformation | Capitalism | Fossil Fuels | Russia

Republican Group of State Financial Officers Takes on Woke Capitalism - EXPOSEDbyCMD

  2022-05-29 (or before) by in

Republican treasurers, auditors, and staff from 16 states are huddling together with corporate lobbyists and an array of right-wing groups for the State Financial Officers Foundation's Annual Meeting in New Orleans this week to discuss strategies to combat "woke" policies, fake news, and China.

  Tagged under: Capitalism | Louisiana

Over 130 companies implement sustainability reporting metrics

  2022-05-25 (or before) in The World Economic Forum

A coalition of leading firms have co-created a comprehensive corporate system to highlight the need for an aligned and consistent ESG reporting system.

  Tagged under: Coal | Capitalism | ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance | Sustainability

Book Review: A History of Monsanto and Its Toxic Legacy – The Wire Science

  2021-12-31 (or before) in The Wire Science - The Wire Science

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Sustainable Investing Is Mostly About Sustaining Corporations

  2021-12-12 (or before) in Bloomberg

Wall Street uses ESG ratings to boost “sustainable” labels on stock and bond funds—but what do these ratings really measure?

  Tagged under: Capitalism | ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance | Finance

Cancel the Apocalypse: Here Are 30 Documentaries to Help Unlock the Good Ending

  2021-12-09 (or before) in Films for Action

Our present moment is saturated in dystopian, apocalyptic fantasies of the future. As the late Mark Fisher said, "It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.” We can...

  Tagged under: Fish | Capitalism

Capitalism Reimagined: Seven dimensions of a better economic system - ImpactAlpha

  2021-11-23 by in ImpactAlpha

ImpactAlpha, Nov. 23 – In the not-too-distant future, a powerful and diverse movement has succeeded in redesigning the rules, practices, narratives and power relationships ...

  Tagged under: Capitalism | Economics

Ethex - make money do good

  2021-11-19 (or before) in

Make ethical investments that fund extraordinary organisations. Make your money a powerful tool for change and get a fair return. Capital at risk.

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Jason Hickel - Degrowth: The Path to Progress

  2021-11-14 (or before) in YouTube

We have been taught to see progress as the result of capital accumulation, but if you look historically, progress has always been won through progressive soc...

  Tagged under: Degrowth | Capitalism

Natural Capital Report - 2021 — Bunloit

  2021-11-12 (or before) in

A source of carbon emissions and lichen communities of international importance, our first natural capital report has uncovered some interesting and unexpected conclusions.

  Tagged under: Capitalism

The battle over a vast New York park: is this climate resilience or capitalism?

  2021-10-31 in The Guardian

The city’s plan to rebuild Manhattan’s East River Park on higher ground has incited a dispute over ‘green gentrification’

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Rivers | Capitalism

Capitalism is killing the planet – it’s time to stop buying into our own destruction | George Monbiot

  2021-10-30 in The Guardian

Instead of focusing on ‘micro consumerist bollocks’ like ditching our plastic coffee cups, we must challenge the pursuit of wealth and level down, not up

  Tagged under: Oceans | Brazil | Capitalism

Trashing the planet and hiding the money isn’t a perversion of capitalism. It is capitalism | George Monbiot

  2021-10-06 in The Guardian

Exploiting people, exploiting land, and keeping its ugly side secret. Its historical effects are all too recognisable in the Pandora papers now, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Industrial Policy’s Comeback? - Prime

  2021-09-15 in Prime - Policy Research in Macroeconomics

The answer cannot lie in the sound creation of an “industrial policy,” however ambitious. The globalized, financialized, monopoly capitalism of our day instead requires wholesale structural reform

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Is Capitalism Compatible with Environmentalism? | Science Museum

  2021-09-01 (or before) in Science Museum

Journalist and broadcaster Jon Snow will chair a panel of experts in economics, policy and climate science to explore how to reconcile boosting profits with stewardship of our planet.

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

How Capitalism Torched the Planet by Imploding Into Fascism | by umair haque | Eudaimonia and Co

  2021-08-21 (or before) in Eudaimonia and Co

Why Catastrophic Climate Change Is Not A Problem For Fascists — It Is A Solution

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Capitalism

The debate on World Dynamics: A response to Nordhaus - Policy Sciences

  2021-07-25 (or before) in Springer Verlag

In a recent paper published in the Economic Journal, Professor William D. Nordhaus of Yale University reviewed World Dynamics by Jay W. Forrester. In his criticism, Nordhaus signals three “serious problems” and several additional “questionable assumptions” of sufficient importance to undermine the usefulness of Forrester's book. However, a careful examination of his analysis shows that each point made by Nordhaus rests on a misunderstanding of World Dynamics, a misuse of empirical data, or an inability to analyze properly the dynamic behavior of the model by static equilibrium methods.The three “ser...

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

Excerpt | To End Fossil Fuels, End Settler Colonialism

  2021-07-11 (or before) in YES! Magazine

Much environmental framing misses the point about capitalism and Indigenous sovereignty.

  Tagged under: Colonialism | Capitalism | Fossil Fuels

‘Capitalism must die to protect the sacred’

  2021-07-11 (or before) in Canadian Dimension

Indigenous people are putting their bodies on the line for the benefit of all. They deserve more than empty gestures—they deserve our unconditional and active support. Any reduction in the power of the state to oppress them reduces its power to oppress anyone else. As The Red Deal emphasizes, none of us will be safe until all of us are safe. This book deserves to be widely read, discussed, and built upon.

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Global Land Outlook (GLO) | Knowledge Hub

  2021-06-04 (or before) in Knowledge Hub | Knowledge Hub

The premise of the Global Land Outlook (GLO) is that land, and its associated resources such as soil, water, and biodiversity, comprise a relatively fixed stock of natural capital. The increasing demand for land-based goods and services, and the way they are today produced is adversely impacting human health and the future sustainability of the planet.

  Tagged under: Health | Water Resources | Sustainability | Capitalism

There's a simple answer to climate change. But will capitalism allow it? - Prospect Magazine

  2021-05-24 in Prospect Magazine

In discussions of climate emergency, degrowth has always been the elephant in the room; acknowledged from time to time, but rarely spoken about. But it may be the only solution

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Degrowth | Capitalism | Geoengineering

Put Brake on Capitalism, Says Popular Marxist Book Author

  2021-05-11 in

Osaka, May 11 (Jiji Press)--Kohei Saito, author of a Marxist book popular in Japan, has called for applying a…

  Tagged under: Capitalism | Japan

Overselling Sustainability Reporting

  2021-05-01 in Harvard Business Review

For two decades progressive thinkers have argued that a more sustainable form of capitalism would arise if companies regularly measured and reported on their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. But although such reporting has become widespread, and some firms are deriving benefits from it, environmental damage and social inequality are still growing. This article, by Timberland’s former COO, outlines the problems with both sustainability reporting and sustainable investing. The author discusses nonstandard metrics, insufficient auditing, unreliable ESG ratings, and more. But real progress, he says, req...

  Tagged under: Capitalism | ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance | Sustainability

Experts Lay Out Their Case Against Carbon Pricing | naked capitalism

  2021-04-14 in Naked Capitalism

Climate change policy advocates have turned against market approcaches like carbon offsets, which have clearly failed. But what next?

  Tagged under: Carbon Pricing | Capitalism

Home - Planet Tracker

  2021-04-06 (or before) in Planet Tracker

Aligning financial markets with a sustainable future Contact us what we do Planet Tracker is an award-winning non-profit financial think tank aligning capital markets with planetary boundaries. Planet Tracker provides insightful, applicable information to financial professionals to assist investment decision-making through data-driven and financially- grounded research which assesses transition pathways for global industry sectors and […]

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Home - Planet Tracker

  2021-04-06 (or before) in Planet Tracker

Aligning financial markets with a sustainable future Contact us what we do Planet Tracker is an award-winning non-profit financial think tank aligning capital markets with planetary boundaries. Planet Tracker provides insightful, applicable information to financial professionals to assist investment decision-making through data-driven and financially- grounded research which assesses transition pathways for global industry sectors and […]

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Mark Carney Walks Back Brookfield Net-Zero Claim After Criticism

  2021-03-05 (or before) in Bloomberg

By describing Brookfield’s $600 billion portfolio as carbon neutral, a key climate-finance leader provoked a backlash by questioning what ‘net zero’ really means

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Net Zero | Finance | Capitalism

The Big Sustainability Illusion - how a whole crowd of incrementalist ESG progress proponents wants to make us think they support "Sustainability"​

  2021-03-01 (or before) in LinkedIn

Reform of corporate disclosure on sustainability is highly discussed at this moment; triggered by the illusion that stakeholder capitalism is the new horse to bet on (should that not have happened 20 years ago?), pledges made by several networks advocating for further convergence in the last couple

  Tagged under: Capitalism | ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance | Sustainability

Anne Boyer: "The Heavy Air"

  2021-02-13 (or before) in

A meditation by Anne Boyer on capitalism and the air we breathe

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Capitalism Is Struggling With the Language of Climate Change

  2021-02-10 (or before) in Bloomberg

The technical terminology of science can sometimes be muddled in powerful climate messages from finance and political leaders.

  Tagged under: Joe Biden | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Capitalism | Finance

Alberta Inquiry Paid $28K for a Report Smearing Hundreds of Climate Journalists

  2021-01-26 (or before) in VICE

The report, paid for by the Alberta government, suggests climate reporters are part of a coordinated ploy by George Soros and other progressive elites to quash capitalism and distribute climate change propaganda.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Capitalism

Biodiversity Risk, Natural Capital and actuarial practice | Blog by Aled Jones et al

  2020-12-03 in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

A new cross-sector work programme has been launched by CUSP researcher Aled Jones together with the Institute and Faculty of the Actuaries, to take forward a series of activities including think pieces, webinars and external engagement to ensure the proactive engagement of the actuary profession with the importance, perils and impacts of global biodiversity risks. This blog is outlining the agenda.

  Tagged under: Finance | Capitalism

Climate Bonds Initiative

  2020-11-27 (or before) in Climate Bonds Initiative | Mobilizing debt capital markets for climate change solutions

Mobilizing debt capital markets for climate change solutions

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Finance | Capitalism

Eight steps to turn the world around - Grantham Research Institute on climate change and the environment

  2020-11-27 (or before) in London School of Economics

Sean Kidney sets out eight steps to drive change in global capital and channel trillions towards investment in the green, resilient and inclusive economy of the future.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Capitalism

Andreas Malm’s General Formula of Fossil Capital | by ANDREW | Medium

  2020-10-18 (or before) by in Medium

Andreas Malm’s book Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming (Verso 2016) is a history of the steam…

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Revolution and American Indians: “Marxism is as Alien to My Culture as Capitalism”

  2020-10-11 (or before) by in Films for Action

The following speech was given by Russell Means in July 1980, before several thousand people who had assembled from all over the world for the Black Hills International Survival Gathering, in the...

  Tagged under: Capitalism | India

Debating Nature's Value | SpringerLink

  2020-10-11 (or before) in Palgrave

This edited collection comprehensively discusses the issues raised by the concept of 'Natural Capital', with chapter authors presenting not only arguments for and against the widespread adoption of the idea, but also viewpoints arguing for nuanced, pragmatic and middle-ground positions.

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Exxon’s Plan for Surging Carbon Emissions Revealed in Leaked Documents

  2020-10-05 (or before) in Bloomberg

Internal projections from one of world’s largest oil producers show an increase in its enormous contribution to global warming

  Tagged under: Exxon | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Capitalism

Creaming off commodity profits: Europe’s re-export boom and Africa’s earnings crisis in the coffee and cocoa sectors

  2020-10-01 in Taylor & Francis Online: Peer-reviewed Journals

This briefing uses historical export data and a combination of institutional sources to track how mark-ups on African coffee and cocoa exports have changed relative to European coffee and cocoa re-...

  Tagged under: Europe | Capitalism | Africa | Colonialism

Schools in England told not to use material from anti-capitalist groups

  2020-09-27 in The Guardian

Idea categorised as ‘extreme political stance’ equivalent to endorsing illegal activity

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Capitalism is Killing the Earth – An Anarchist Guide to Ecology

  2020-09-22 (or before) in Anarchist Federation

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Anthropocene, Emissions Budget, and the Structural Crisis of the Capitalist World-System

  2020-08-29 (or before) in

  Tagged under: Capitalism

How Individualist Economics Are Causing Planetary Eco-Collapse

  2020-08-19 (or before) by Richard Smith in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

While capitalism has brought unprecedented development, this same motor of development is now driving towards ecological collapse, threatening to doom us all.

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism | Collapse

Richard Smith

  2020-08-19 (or before) by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Richard Smith is an economic historian. He wrote his UCLA history Ph.D. thesis on the transition to capitalism in China and held post-docs at the

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

Green Capitalism: How Multinationals Use Climate Change to Impose an Industrial Agricultural Model

  2020-08-19 (or before) by Translated by Leslie Thatcher in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Advocates are questioning whether Big Ag's "climate-smart agriculture" will reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Capitalism

New Report on Unrecorded Capital Flight Finds Developing Countries are Net-Creditors to the Rest of the World

  2020-08-18 (or before) in Global Financial Integrity

Global Financial Integrity (GFI), the Centre for Applied Research at the Norwegian School of Economics and a team of global experts have released a study showing that since 1980 developing countries lost US$16.3 trillion dollars through broad leakages in the balance of payments, trade misinvoicing, and recorded financial transfers.

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

Tech-enabled 'terror capitalism' is spreading worldwide. The surveillance regimes must be stopped

  2020-07-24 in The Guardian

Terror capitalism uses tools such as facial recognition to extract profits from marginalized people. Big tech and governments are collaborating

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Money Capital vs Life Capital: the War of Values We Live or Die By

  2020-07-16 in Counter Punch

Under the name of ‘growth’, self-multiplying private money sequences turn all that exists into ever more of their own demand with no life necessity regulating them. We now know a few billionaires own more than the majority of the world. What is not tracked is how they exponentially increase their fortunes by massive pollution and depletion of all that supports life to auto-maximize their profits - from the air and the water to the ice-caps and the biomes of our soil and guts. This is shamefully called ‘the free market’, and ‘overpopulation’ of the poor is still blamed for the results.

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Agribusiness drives severe decline of essential insects | Climate & Capitalism

  2020-06-10 in Climate & Capitalism | An ecosocialist journal edited by Ian Angus

Four million tonnes of poison a year, most produced by four agribusiness giants, are killing essential insects everywhere. One-third of species face extinction.

  Tagged under: Capitalism | Insects | Extinction

The Actual Problem With Saying “Human Capital Stock”

  2020-05-28 by in Slate Magazine

A White House adviser wasn’t invoking slavery—but the phrase has other issues.

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

Trump Adviser Calls Workers “Human Capital Stock,” Says We Should Get Back to Work

  2020-05-26 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

To them, we are only meat for the machine, nothing more than an entirely expendable commodity.

  Tagged under: Donald Trump | Rivers | Capitalism

Disobedience, Protest, and the Pandemic: Climate Change and Citizen Action under Conditions of Social Distancing | Blog by Graeme Hayes

  2020-05-05 in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

Civil disobedience is not just a checklist of components, but a tradition of morally purposeful action and an expression of citizenship, CUSP Fellow Graeme Hayes writes. As the pandemic ushers in new social norms, and political and economic interests may seek to capitalise on the crisis to further deepen social inequality, how social movements rethink their tactics may have profound consequences for the effectiveness of future protests.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics | Capitalism | Activism

Opinion | The Plan Is to Save Capital and Let the People Die

  2020-04-28 (or before) in Common Dreams

Whether Americans know it or not, their government is not working for them. Their government is working on behalf of capital. Humans are now a mere second-order, instrumental factor to be considered based on how it affects capital.

  Tagged under: Capitalism

The New Moral Case for Fossil Fuels by Alex Epstein

  2020-01-24 (or before) in YouTube

For the last five years, Alex Epstein's 2014 New York Times bestseller, The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, has been one of the most important books in the worl...

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | Climate Change | Capitalism | Fossil Fuels

Larry Fink's Annual 2022 Letter to CEOs | BlackRock

  2020-01-20 (or before) in Investment Management & Financial Services | BlackRock

In his annual 2022 letter to CEO's, BlackRock's Larry Fink discusses how effective stakeholder capitalism creates and sustains value for shareholders. Read more.

  Tagged under: Capitalism Radicals Behind the “Stop the Money Pipeline” Campaign

  2020-01-16 (or before) in Capital Research Center

“Stop the Money Pipeline,” a radical new campaign targeting companies that lend to the oil and gas industry, is a front for the uncompromising leftists at

  Tagged under: Capitalism

A Lesson in How Not to Mitigate Climate Change

  2020-01-10 (or before) in Verso Books

Capitalist climate governance has always relied on pseudo-reforms that leave the richest free to accumulate capital, while dumping taxes on working people to nudge them in the 'right direction'. But as the protests of the gilets jaunes show, many working people no longer accept the moralising terms of capitalist approaches to climate change. In this article, Andreas Malm argues that if we really want to save this Planet, we must pursue a different kind of climate politics, one that could learn a great deal from the methods and tactics of the gilets jaunes.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Capitalism | Activism

The solution to the global crisis of capitalism is simplicity itself | by tedtrainertsw | INSURGE intelligence | Medium

  2019-12-09 (or before) in Medium

Toward the post-capitalist revolution

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Tackling the political economy of transformative change | Blog by Daniel Hausknost

  2019-11-21 in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

For Joseph Schumpeter, ‘creative destruction’ was an inherent feature of Capitalist development; what if we apply its logic to transformative political change instead? We have plenty of solutions at hand, Daniel Hausknost argues; it's time for decisions.

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

Exxon’s Credit Rating Outlook Lowered by Moody’s on Cash Burn

  2019-11-20 (or before) in Bloomberg

Exxon Mobil Corp. had the outlook on its top-notch debt rating lowered by Moody’s Investors Service Inc. to negative due to a “substantial” cash burn to fund growth.

  Tagged under: Exxon | Finance | Capitalism

Meet catabolic capitalism: globalization’s gruesome twin – Uneven Earth

  2019-11-11 (or before) in Uneven Earth - Where the ecological meets the political

  Tagged under: Capitalism

The US city preparing itself for the collapse of capitalism

  2019-10-31 in The Guardian

From a festival that helps artists trade work for healthcare to a regional micro-currency, Kingston is trying to build an inclusive and self-sufficient local ecosystem

  Tagged under: Capitalism | Health | Collapse

It’s time to add global justice to XR’s demands

  2019-10-24 (or before) in Red Pepper

Extinction Rebellion must recognise the impacts of colonialism and capitalism, and demand a just transition for all, argues Aranyo Aarjan

  Tagged under: Extinction Rebellion | Colonialism | Capitalism

Join us at ENDGAMES

  2019-10-17 by in rs21 | revolutionary socialism in the 21st century

On 26 October, rs21 is hosting Endgames? Capitalism and the Climate Emergency.

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Bank of England boss says global finance is funding 4C temperature rise

  2019-10-15 in The Guardian

Mark Carney says capital markets are financing projects likely to fuel a catastrophic rise in global heating

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Economics | Finance | Capitalism

Why the fight against climate change will never be won with capitalism

  2019-08-24 (or before) by in - Asia Pacific's Sustainable Business Community

Our current socio-economic system relies on the exploitation of both people and planet. In saving a world on the brink of ecological and social disaster, calls for a greener, more efficient...

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Capitalism


  2019-07-15 (or before) in Verso Books

Verso Books is the largest independent, radical publishing house in the English-speaking world.

  Tagged under: Capitalism

U.N. Climate Report Merely a Blueprint for Destroying the World Economy

  2019-06-03 (or before) by in The Heritage Foundation

What will it take to keep the planet habitable? According to some eco-warriors, all that’s necessary is to end capitalism — the one economic system that has lifted billions from poverty and suffering. The latest United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report led Eric Holthaus, a Grist writer, to tweet enthusiastically, “The world’s top scientists just gave rigorous backing to systematically dismantle capitalism as a key requirement to maintaining civilization and a habitable planet.”

  Tagged under: IPCC | Climate Change | Economics | Capitalism

Banks are financing climate chaos

  2019-06-02 (or before) in Fossil Banks No Thanks!

The Fossil Banks No Thanks platform brings together organisations and campaigns from all over the world pressuring banks to stop financing the fossil fuel industry.

  Tagged under: Disinvestment | Fossil Capitalism | Fossil Fuels | Banking | Capitalism

Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard: ‘Denying climate change is evil’

  2019-05-10 in The Guardian

The octogenarian entrepreneur, who prefers gardening to meetings, says capitalism is destroying earth

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Capitalism

Dare to declare capitalism dead – before it takes us all down with it | George Monbiot

  2019-04-25 in The Guardian

The economic system is incompatible with the survival of life on Earth. It is time to design a new one, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism | US Politics

Capitalism is destroying the Earth. We need a new human right for future generations | George Monbiot

  2019-03-15 in The Guardian

The children on climate strike are right: their lives should not be sacrificed to satisfy our greed, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot

  Tagged under: Capitalism | Women and Children | Children | Activism

Home - Carbon Tracker Initiative

  2019-03-01 (or before) in Carbon Tracker Initiative

Aligning capital market actions with climate reality Carbon Tracker is an independent financial think tank that...

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Capitalism is killing the world’s wildlife populations, not ‘humanity’

  2018-11-01 by in The Conversation

The WWF’s report avoids the C-word – here’s why that matters.

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Capitalism

Which financial architecture can protect environmental commons? | Article by Nick Molho and Tim Jackson

  2018-10-20 in CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

The discourse around ‘natural capital’ potentially offers a way to integrate decisions about the commons effectively into economic decisions. Investing in the commons is key to protecting the flow of services provided to society by natural capital. Recent exploration of the potential for investing in natural infrastructure has highlighted numerous mechanisms, which could help turn this proposition into a reality.

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

The UK government wants to put a price on nature – but that will destroy it | George Monbiot

  2018-05-15 in The Guardian

Defining Earth’s resources as ‘natural capital’ is morally wrong, intellectually vacuous, and most of all counter-productive, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot

  Tagged under: Wildlife | Capitalism

Failing to put a value on nature condemns it

  2015-11-23 in The Guardian

Placing an economic value on ‘natural capital’ forces companies to conserve nature rather than destroy it

  Tagged under: Economics | Renewable Energy | Wildlife | Capitalism

How ecologism is the true heir of both socialism and conservatism

  2013-07-22 in LSE Blogs | Expert analysis & debate from LSE

Rupert Read argues that being concerned about the environment is consistent with both socialism and conservatism. True conservatism is not adherent to capitalism and associated with the wealthy eli…

  Tagged under: Capitalism

#ACCELERATE MANIFESTO for an Accelerationist Politics

  2013-05-14 in Critical Legal Thinking

By Alex Williams and Nick Srnicek - The Left must accelerate towards global post-capitalism or risk planetary catastrophe.

  Tagged under: Capitalism

None of the world's top industries would be profitable if they paid for the natural capital they use

  2013-04-17 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

A sobering new study finds that the world's biggest industries burn through $7.3 trillion worth of free natural capital a year. And it's the only reason they turn a profit.

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Capitalism vs. the Climate

  2011-11-09 in The Nation

Denialists are dead wrong about the science. But they understand something the left still doesn’t get about the revolutionary meaning of climate change.

  Tagged under: Drought | Capitalism

Ecological footprints and appropriated carrying capacity: what urban economics leaves out - William E. Rees, 1992

  1992-10-01 in Sage Journals

Ecological footprints and appropriated carrying capacity: what urban economics leaves out uses the concepts of human carrying capacity and natural capital to de...

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

Sources (94)

Anarchist Federation
BMJ Global Health
Business Green
Canadian Dimension
Capital Research Center
Carbon Tracker Initiative
Cleantech News Ñ #1 In EV, Solar, Wind, Tesla News
Climate & Capitalism | An ecosocialist journal edited by Ian Angus
Climate Bonds Initiative | Mobilizing debt capital markets for climate change solutions
Collapse 2050
Common Dreams
Cornwall Live
Counter Punch
Critical Legal Thinking
CUSP | Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity
Daily Maverick - South African news, opinion and investigations
Dieter Helm - Asia Pacific's Sustainable Business Community
Eudaimonia and Co
Films for Action
Financial Review - Business, Finance and Investment News |
Foreign Policy - the Global Magazine of News and Ideas
Fossil Banks No Thanks!
Global Financial Integrity Climate. Justice. Solutions.
Harvard Business Review
Investment Management & Financial Services | BlackRock
Jason Hickel
Knowledge Hub | Knowledge Hub
Left Foot Forward
London School of Economics
LSE Blogs | Expert analysis & debate from LSE
Morning Star
Naked Capitalism
New Private Markets
Novara Media
Phenomenal World
Planet Tracker
Prime - Policy Research in Macroeconomics
Prospect Magazine
Protean Magazine
Red Pepper
Renew Economy | News and analysis for the clean energy economy
Rocky Mountain Institute
rs21 | revolutionary socialism in the 21st century
S&P Global S&P Global
Sage Journals
Science Museum
Science | AAAS
Slate Magazine
SlidesLive · Professional Conference Recording
Springer Verlag
Taylor & Francis Online: Peer-reviewed Journals
The Conversation
The Ecologist
The Guardian
The Heritage Foundation
The Intercept
The Irish Times
The Nation
The Wire Science - The Wire Science
The World Economic Forum
Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism
Uneven Earth - Where the ecological meets the political
Verso Books
Wiley Online Library
YES! Magazine

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