The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Common Dreams


Articles from this source (23)

NY Gov. Hochul 'Must Sign' Climate Change Superfund Act | Common Dreams

  2024-06-08 in Common Dreams

"Gov. Hochul, fresh off a spineless congestion pricing reversal that scandalized New Yorkers, needs to get back to work and make this landmark legislation the law of the land," said one campaigner.

How to Build a Climate Bomb | Common Dreams

  2024-04-10 in Common Dreams

Starting and then stopping solar geoengineering would cause the warming that had been temporarily held in abeyance to show up quickly and with a vengeance.

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

'North Sea Fossil Free': Activists in 6 Countries Protest 'Unhinged' Oil and Gas Development

  2024-03-16 in Common Dreams

"Going full steam ahead with new North Sea oil and gas is a sure fire route to the worst climate scenarios," one campaigner said.

  Tagged under: Activism

Antarctic Tipping Point That Occurred 8,000 Years Ago 'Could Happen Again'

  2024-02-09 in Common Dreams

"We now have direct evidence that this ice sheet suffered rapid ice loss in the past," said a Cambridge researcher.

  Tagged under: Tipping Points | Antarctic

'This Is Terrible': Eco Emergency in Spain as Plastic Pellets Invade Coast

  2024-01-10 in Common Dreams

The countless beads of plastic, which experts fear are toxic and harmful to marine life and people, are believed to have spilled from a cargo ship.

  Tagged under: Marine Life | Pollution | Plastic | Spain

Average Liter of Bottled Water Contains 240,000 'Toxic' Plastic Particles

  2024-01-09 in Common Dreams

Scientists found that 90% of those particles were nanoplastics, particles less than a micrometer whose small size makes them potentially more dangerous than microplastics.

  Tagged under: Microplastics and Nanoplastics

Climate Researcher Threatened With Firing for Taking a Stand Against Flying

  2023-10-02 in Common Dreams

"I am prepared to pay this price, if it helps raising awareness among the public and the societal leadership on the desperate situation we are in," said Giancarlo Grimalda.

'The Next Climate Litmus Test': Sen. Merkley Joins Fight Against CP2 LNG Terminal

  2023-09-29 in Common Dreams

CP2, which the Biden administration is expected to either approve or reject in the coming months, would emit 20 times the climate pollution expected from the controversial Willow oil drilling project in Alaska.

  Tagged under: Alaska

'Historic and Wonderful': Ecuadorians Reject Oil Drilling in Precious Amazon Region

  2023-08-21 in Common Dreams

"A remarkable example for other countries in democratizing climate politics."

  Tagged under: Amazon Rainforest

Climate Lawsuits Are Becoming Key Driver of Change as Courts Tie Policy to Human Rights

  2023-07-27 in Common Dreams

A growing percentage of litigation has been filed in the Global South, with plaintiffs arguing they have a right to adequate climate policy.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Litigation

Technology Will Not Restore Our Pre-Climate Crisis Future

  2023-05-21 in Common Dreams

In coming decades, it will be essential that communities across the nation and world find a way to sustain a decent life amid ecological breakdown.

On Climate: Grieve, Cry, Don’t Give Up!

  2023-05-17 in Common Dreams

Grief calls climate activists to embrace the most difficult challenge: to fight to save as much life as possible and—hopefully—to restore some of what’s gone.

  Tagged under: Activism | Climate Anxiety and Grief

'Grim' Report Warns 40% of US Animals at Risk of Extinction

  2023-02-06 in Common Dreams

"We are currently experiencing and causing the Sixth Extinction—the mass extinction of species across the planet," said the head of NatureServe, which also found a third of plants nationwide are under threat.

  Tagged under: Extinction

With 10-Point Declaration, Global Coalition of Top Energy Experts Says: '100% Renewables Is Possible'

  2021-02-10 (or before) in Common Dreams

The solutions will not only save consumers money, but also create jobs and provide energy and more international security, while substantially reducing air pollution and climate damage from energy.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Coal

Climate Action Nonprofit Launches 'Clean Creatives' Campaign Aimed at Pressuring PR and Ad Firms to Cut Ties With Fossil Fuel Clients

  2020-11-24 (or before) in Common Dreams

PR and ad agencies pollute the airwaves so that fossil fuel companies can pollute the atmosphere.

'This Is Truly Terrifying': Scientists Studying Underwater Permafrost Thaw Find Area of the Arctic Ocean 'Boiling With Methane Bubbles'

  2020-10-14 (or before) in Common Dreams

this is the most powerful

  Tagged under: Oceans | Arctic | Methane

New Study Finds Planet Heading Toward Temperature Threshold Not Seen in 34 Million Years

  2020-09-23 (or before) in Common Dreams

Researchers behind the comprehensive study of Earth's atmospheric record over tens of million of years say "immediate and stringent action" could prevent most dire outcomes.

Opinion | The Plan Is to Save Capital and Let the People Die

  2020-04-28 (or before) in Common Dreams

Whether Americans know it or not, their government is not working for them. Their government is working on behalf of capital. Humans are now a mere second-order, instrumental factor to be considered based on how it affects capital.

  Tagged under: Capitalism

'Amazing News': Climate Activists Celebrate Victory After Forcing Company to Abandon Proposed Tar Sands Project

  2020-02-24 (or before) in Common Dreams

continue to fight because our planet and future is at stake.

  Tagged under: Activism

Citing 'Moral Duty to Take Radical Action,' Over 700 Scientists Endorse Mass Civil Disobedience to Fight Climate Crisis

  2019-10-19 (or before) in Common Dreams

We believe that the continued governmental inaction over the climate and ecological crisis now justifies peaceful and nonviolent protest and direct action, even if this goes beyond the bounds of the current law.

  Tagged under: Activism

In Just One Decade, Corporations Destroyed 50 Million Hectares of Forest—An Area the Size of Spain

  2019-06-11 (or before) in Common Dreams

"These companies are destroying our children's future by driving us towards climate and ecological collapse."

  Tagged under: Collapse | Women and Children | Trees

'In a Just World, It Would Be Treated as Crime Against Humanity': New Report Exposes Big Oil's Real Agenda

  2019-04-20 (or before) in Common Dreams

"InfluenceMap's research confirms a widely held suspicion that Big Oil's glossy sustainability reports and shiny climate statements are all rhetoric and no action."

  Tagged under: Sustainability

Researchers Warn Arctic Has Entered 'Unprecedented State' That Threatens Global Climate Stability

  2019-04-08 in Common Dreams

"Never have so many Arctic indicators been brought together in a single paper." And the findings spell trouble for the entire planet.

  Tagged under: Arctic

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