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Topic: Litigation

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US air force avoids PFAS water cleanup, citing supreme court’s Chevron ruling

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EPA says Tucson’s drinking water is contaminated but air force claims agency lacks authority to order cleanup

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Congress should follow science and reject Bayer push to block lawsuits

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By Nathan Donley Millions of American users of glyphosate-based Roundup have likely assumed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would never have approved the pesticide unless it was safe. But the science-based truth has never been as cut and dried as the EPA and Bayer, which bought Roundup maker Monsanto in 2018, have made it sound. In a series of trials across the country, juries – and the public – have learned that despite the safety claims by Bayer and the EPA, hundreds of studies by independent scientists link glyphosate herbicides to serious health harms, including cancer. Even though Bayer maintains th...

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Clifford Chance | Energy in transition – The role of decommissioning

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Decommissioning is an integral part of the energy transition. The move by oil & gas companies to decarbonise their operations often leads to a transfer of their ageing assets to new, and often under-resourced, players. This can create opportunities but is also fraught with complexities and challenges for both outgoing and incoming operators.In this extract from a recent webinar, our experts discuss the risks arising in decommissioning operations, offer suggestions on how to mitigate and manage those risks, and identify key factors for any robust decommissioning strategy.

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Global trends in climate change litigation: 2023 snapshot - Grantham Research Institute on climate change and the environment

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This report, the fifth in our annual series, reviews key global developments in climate change litigation with a focus on the period May 2022 to May 2023.

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Modelling Climate Litigation Risk for (Re)Insurers

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In response to the growing threat of climate change, the insurance industry has made significant investments in modelling and quantifying physical climate risks. However, the emerging risk of climate litigation has proven particularly difficult to model. In 2015 Mark Carney, then-Governor of the Bank of England and Chairman of the Financial Stability Board, warned that climate litigation poses “long-tail risks” for insurers that may be “significant, uncertain and non-linear.” Since that warning, the number of climate-related cases has more than doubled, and the scope and financial significance of climate ...

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Remarks by Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions Graham Steele at Event Hosted by the Brookings Institution's Assessing Insurance Regulation and Supervision of Climate-Related Financial Risk

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As Prepared for Delivery Introduction Thank you, Carlos.  It is my pleasure to be with you all today, both those in the room and watching virtually. As the Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions, my portfolio includes developing the Department’s policy views on banks, credit unions, consumer protection, access to capital, and financial sector cybersecurity matters.  My remarks will focus on the work that Treasury, through the Federal Insurance office (FIO), is doing to understand and help address the financial risks that our changing climate poses in the insurance sector. Work on climate-related financial...

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Montana’s landmark climate ruling: three key takeaways

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A judge last week ruled the young plaintiffs have the right to a clean environment – and experts say this changed the climate litigation landscape

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Climate Lawsuits Are Becoming Key Driver of Change as Courts Tie Policy to Human Rights

  2023-07-27 in Common Dreams

A growing percentage of litigation has been filed in the Global South, with plaintiffs arguing they have a right to adequate climate policy.

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Oregon County Sues Fossil Fuel Entities and Enablers for Contributing to Deadly 2021 Heatwave

  2023-06-22 by in DeSmog

Major fossil fuel entities and trade associations including Koch Industries, the American Petroleum Institute, and the Western States Petroleum Association, as well as consulting behemoth McKinsey & Company, were slapped with the latest climate liability lawsuit today with the filing of a complaint in the Oregon Circuit Court in Multnomah County, Oregon. The northwestern Oregon […]

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Global trends in climate change litigation: 2022 snapshot - Grantham Research Institute on climate change and the environment

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This latest edition of our annual report on global trends in climate change litigation takes stock of developments over the period May 2021 to May 2022, and draws on a number of recent case studies from around the world. It also identifies areas where climate litigation cases are likely to increase in the future.

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U.S. Climate Change Litigation - Climate Change Litigation

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Cases in the U.S. database are organized by type of claim and may be filtered by the principal laws they address, their filing years, and their jurisdictions. The database is also searchable by keyword. In many cases, the database includes links to decisions, complaints, motions, and other administrative and litigation documents. To browse by claim […]

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Climate and Environmental Justice | Doughty Street Chambers

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Doughty Street’s Climate and Environmental Justice team brings together barristers from across a range of Chambers’ core practice areas, pooling existing specialisms to respond comprehensively to a crisis which is global, multifaceted and complex. The climate and ecological emergency is profoundly influencing the application and understanding of existing legal norms, and Doughty Street’s CEJ team is well placed to advise and act in climate litigation domestically and abroad.

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Impacts of climate litigation on firm value - Grantham Research Institute on climate change and the environment

  2023-05-23 (or before) in London School of Economics

This working paper finds that climate litigation is a relevant financial risk, presenting evidence that litigation reduces firm value.

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Big polluters’ share prices fall after climate lawsuits, study finds

  2023-05-22 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Fossil fuel companies register drop in value after litigation or unfavourable judgments

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The UCS Science Hub for Climate Litigation

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We're connecting scientific experts, legal scholars, and practitioners working at the intersection of science and climate litigation.

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‘Like a dam breaking’: experts hail decision to let US climate lawsuits advance

  2023-04-25 in The Guardian

Cities bringing climate litigation against oil majors welcome US supreme court’s decision to rebuff appeal to move cases to federal courts

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Do-Hyun Kim et al. v. South Korea - Climate Change Litigation

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The Supreme Court Declares War On The Environment | Climate Town

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Is the plan to buy more air? Patreon: FoR mOrE ViDeOs:

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Legal eagles: how climate litigation is shaping ambitious cases for nature

  2022-03-16 in The Guardian

Environmental lawsuits are nothing new but now lawyers are turning their attention to cases that address the loss of biodiversity

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Climate change litigation cases spreading around the world - Grantham Research Institute on climate change and the environment

  2021-11-26 (or before) in London School of Economics

Climate change litigation cases have been increasing markedly over the past six years, and pose a risk to an expanding range of companies and policymakers, according to a new report published today (Friday 2 July 2021) by the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at the London School of Economics and Political Science.

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Global trends in climate litigation: 2021 snapshot - Grantham Research Institute on climate change and the environment

  2021-11-26 (or before) in London School of Economics

This is the third report in the Grantham Research Institute's 'Global trends in climate litigation' series, focusing on cases filed or concluded between May 2020 and May 2021. It provides an update of known case numbers, metrics and categorisations, and considers some of the most relevant trends in the arguments and strategies employed by litigants.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Litigation

Court Blocks a Vast Alaskan Drilling Project, Citing Climate Dangers

  2021-08-19 in The New York Times

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Filling the evidentiary gap in climate litigation - Nature Climate Change

  2021-07-01 (or before) in Nature

Legal cases to force governments to reduce emissions or to pursue compensation for climate change-related losses are increasing. The scientific evidence used in such cases is found to be lagging behind state-of-the-art climate science; using up-to-date methodologies could improve causation claims.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Litigation

New climate science could cause wave of litigation against businesses – study

  2021-06-28 in The Guardian

Experts say scientific advances are making it easier to attribute the damages of climate breakdown to companies’ activities

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Wyoming stands up for coal with threat to sue states that refuse to buy it

  2021-05-07 in The Guardian

Republican governor says measure sends message that Wyoming is ‘prepared to bring litigation to protect her interests’

  Tagged under: Coal | Fossil Fuels | Litigation

Assessing the impact of climate litigation - Alliance magazine

  2021-03-03 in Alliance magazine - The only philanthropy magazine with a global focus

1,587 climate litigation cases were brought between 1986 and 2020 according to LSE’s Grantham Institute and the recent UNEP Global Climate Litigation Report: 2020 Status Review found that climate cases have nearly doubled over the …

  Tagged under: Litigation

Australia students launch class action to prevent coal mine approval | Reuters

  2021-03-02 (or before) in Reuters

Eight young Australian students have brought a class action in the country's federal court seeking an injunction to prevent government approval of a coal project, lawyers representing the claimants said on Wednesday.

  Tagged under: Coal | Climate Change | Litigation | Climate Justice | India

Exxon Turns to Academia to Try to Discredit Harvard Research - Inside Climate News

  2020-10-20 in Inside Climate News

ExxonMobil is not known for its acquiescence—tenacious litigation and well-funded advertising are the oil giant’s favored methods for trying to swat away opponents. And in the latest flare-up in an ongoing battle between the company and two Harvard researchers, Exxon has now turned to the pages of an academic journal to continue its relentless self-defense. […]

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Tessa Khan: ‘Litigation is a powerful tool in the environmental crisis’

  2020-08-16 in The Guardian

When a court in the Netherlands ruled its government’s actions unlawful, it inspired others to hold big polluters to account

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Court Quashes Youth Climate Change Case Against Government (Published 2020)

  2020-01-17 in The New York Times

Two of three judges on the panel said that climate change was an issue for lawmakers, not the courts.

  Tagged under: Activism | USA | Litigation | Climate Change

Court Quashes Youth Climate Change Case Against Government (Published 2020)

  2020-01-17 in The New York Times

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Litigation

Federal judge blocks North Carolina's voter ID law, citing its discriminatory intent

  2020-01-01 by Sam Levine in The Guardian

The decision could have a big impact in a state that is key to the 2020 presidential election

  Tagged under: Democracy | Litigation | US Politics

Big Oil on Trial: Where the Climate Lawsuits Currently Stand

  2019-12-09 (or before) in Greentech Media | Clean Tech & Renewable Energy News

  Tagged under: Oil Industry | Litigation

Greta Thunberg, 15 kids file UN complaint to force nations to fight climate change

  2019-09-23 in Climate Liability News

print By Karen Savage Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg and 15 other young people from around the world have filed a human rights complaint against  five countries for continuing to promote fossil fuels and failing to reduce carbon emissions. The group has asked the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) to …

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Rhode Island Judge Ignores 'Huge Benefits' of Fossil Fuels - EID Climate – A Project of IPAA

  2019-07-26 in EID Climate Ð A Project of IPAA

Compared to his peers who have judged similar climate litigation cases across the country, Judge Smith’s ruling was uncommon.   

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | Litigation

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