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Topic: Committee on Climate Change UK

Related Articles (66)

'A matter of urgency': CCC slams past policy failures as it calls for bold action to hit climate goals

  2024-07-18 in Business Green

Climate Change Committee's annual progress report criticises dearth of climate leadership over past year, as it urges new government to redouble decarbonisation efforts

  Tagged under: Committee on Climate Change UK

‘Disappointing and surprising’: Why isn’t this a climate election in the UK?

  2024-06-10 in The Guardian

More than 400 scientists write to political parties urging ambitious action or risk making Britain and the world ‘more dangerous and insecure’

  Tagged under: Committee on Climate Change UK

UK is failing to put climate crisis at centre of national security measures, MPs told

  2024-05-14 in The Guardian

Experts say changing climate is ‘threat multiplier’ and that US and Germany already include it in planning

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'UK less ambitious on climate than before' says watchdog

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Chris Stark, head of the Climate Change Committee (CCC), told the BBC the prime minister had not prioritised the issue.

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Economists urge Bank of England to 'step up, not back' on climate change

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Letter to Governor of the Bank of England Andrew Bailey calls for Bank to push forward with urgent work to tackle escalating climate risks

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UK plans to adapt to climate crisis ‘fall far short’ of what is required

  2024-03-13 in The Guardian

Government has no credible plan for effects of extreme weather, says Committee on Climate Change

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New gas power plants needed to bolster energy supply, PM says

  2024-03-12 in The BBC

Critics say a commitment to build new, gas-fired power stations would threaten climate pledges.

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Climate chiefs admitted net zero plan based on insufficient data, lea…

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Climate chief told staff to 'kill' negative net zero story with 'tech…

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Climate chief told staff to ‘kill’ negative net zero story

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Chris Stark accused of obfuscation after being asked for clarity over claims of a mistake made by the Climate Change Committee

  Tagged under: UK Politics | Committee on Climate Change UK

Ministers could use loophole to water down carbon reduction commitments

  2024-02-28 in The Guardian

Climate committee urges government not to relax future targets after UK overachieved in 2018-22, in part thanks to lockdowns

  Tagged under: Carbon Offsetting | Committee on Climate Change UK

Climate Change Committee advises against 'carry-over' of Third Carbon Budget emissions savings

  2024-02-28 in Business Green

Government will be putting climate goals at risk if it decides to loosen future carbon budgets, climate advisors warn

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'A damning indictment': Lord Deben intervenes in High Court legal challenge against government climate plans

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Conservative peer and former chair of the Climate Change Committee submits witness statement in support of legal action accusing government of breaching Climate Change Act

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The UK’s electric vehicle strategy needs a rapid recharge says Lords Committee - Committees - UK Parliament

  2024-02-14 (or before) in UK Parliament Committees

The Environment and Climate Change Committee has published its report 'EV strategy: rapid recharge needed'.

  Tagged under: Committee on Climate Change UK

Electric cars: Lords urge action on 'misinformation' in press

  2024-02-06 in The BBC

The Lords Climate Change Committee called on the government to push back against mistruths on range and cost.

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Delivering a reliable decarbonised power system - Climate Change Committee

  2024-01-27 (or before) in Climate Change Committee

This report illustrates what a reliable, resilient, decarbonised electricity supply system could look like in 2035, and the steps required to achieve it.

  Tagged under: Electricity | Committee on Climate Change UK

Jeremy Hunt’s net zero target claims criticised by climate advisers

  2024-01-07 in The Guardian

Climate Change Committee tells chancellor issuing new oil and gas licenses is ‘inconsistent’ with government’s temperature goals

  Tagged under: Legislation | UK Politics | UK | Oil Industry | Fossil Fuels | Net Zero | Committee on Climate Change UK

UK likely to miss Paris climate targets by wide margin, analysis shows

  2023-12-05 in The Guardian

Exclusive: Under current policies, Britain could fall short of internationally agreed goal of 68% cut in emissions by 2030

  Tagged under: Finance | Committee on Climate Change UK

Claimants take UK government to court over inadequate climate adaptation

  2023-11-01 in The Guardian

Kevin Jordan, whose home is 5 metres from the cliff edge in Norfolk, says government’s shortcomings breach his human rights

  Tagged under: Committee on Climate Change UK

Government shirks request from MPs to disclose carbon impact of net-zero policy rollbacks

  2023-10-26 by in Edie Awards

The Environmental Audit Committee has expressed disappointment with the government's lack of clarity on meeting carbon reduction targets, particularly regarding the rollback of existing policies. The committee hoped for further detail in the government's response to the Climate Change Committee's report but this has not been forthcoming.

  Tagged under: Net Zero | Committee on Climate Change UK

Committee on Climate Change 2023 progress report: government response

  2023-10-26 (or before) in GOV.UK

Government response to the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) 2023 progress report to Parliament.

  Tagged under: Committee on Climate Change UK

'We have to be realistic': Government dismisses CCC's concerns over UK's net zero progress

  2023-10-26 in Business Green

Government insists UK can meet all its climate targets, but rejects recommendations 'that force families to make costly and burdensome changes to their lifestyles'

  Tagged under: Net Zero | COP28 | Committee on Climate Change UK

'We need to get on with it': Government urged to boost UK infrastructure investment to deliver net zero

  2023-10-18 in Business Green

National Infrastructure Commission warns annual public and private infrastructure investment needs to rise by tens of billions of pounds to deliver on net zero and levelling up ambitions, saving households thousands of pounds a year in the process

  Tagged under: UK Politics | Net Zero | Electricity Grid | Committee on Climate Change UK

CCC assessment of recent announcements and developments on Net Zero - Climate Change Committee

  2023-10-12 by in Climate Change Committee

This is the CCC's independent assessment of recent announcements and developments on Net Zero.

  Tagged under: Net Zero | Committee on Climate Change UK

Ministers ‘misrepresented’ UK climate advisory body, say scientists

  2023-10-06 in The Guardian

Government challenged to explain claim that UK will need 25% of energy to come from fossil fuels in 2050

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | Committee on Climate Change UK

Housing and climate: UK homes need urgent adaptation to protect our health

  2023-10-05 (or before) in The BMJ: British Medical Journal

We must ensure that health is once again central to all housing policy, say Isobel Braithwaite and colleagues The climate emergency is already affecting our homes,1 and it will drive a range of key health risks in the coming decades.2 Many of these are closely connected to our housing system, including overheating and increased flood risks. This situation is further exacerbated in the UK by its wider housing crisis, with high levels of unaffordability—particularly in the private rental sector—as well as low tenure security, rising rates of homelessness and use of temporary accommodation, and an ageing and poor qua...

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Tories took £291,000 from airports lobbying for expansion

  2023-09-18 (or before) in openDemocracy

Donations raise eyebrows with Rishi Sunak expected to reject Climate Change Committee advice on banning expansions

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Rishi Sunak | Committee on Climate Change UK

Defence and Climate Change - Committees - UK Parliament

  2023-09-12 (or before) in UK Parliament Committees

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Committee on Climate Change UK

The UK has lost its net zero leadership – so why are we still stalling on proven technologies like onshore wind?

  2023-07-31 (or before) in

Following a recent report from the Climate Change Committee, we give our thoughts on the state of the energy transition in the UK, including the government’s consultation into ‘community engagement’ around onshore wind.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Climate Change | Net Zero | Wind Power | Committee on Climate Change UK

Labour urged to work with Tories to counter ‘ignorant’ climate policy attacks

  2023-07-25 in The Guardian

Tory former minister and chair of Climate Change Committee condemns ‘absolutely unacceptable’ attacks on Labour stance

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Committee on Climate Change UK

UK should quit ‘climate-wrecking’ energy treaty, say official advisers

  2023-07-10 in The Guardian

Climate Change Committee recommends leaving energy charter treaty, which critics say is ‘weaponised’ by fossil fuel firms

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Fossil Fuels | Committee on Climate Change UK

UK airports say they can reach net zero and still expand. Is it just pie in the sky?

  2023-07-01 in The Guardian

Despite the Climate Change Committee’s warnings to stop growing capacity, Gatwick is gearing up for another try at a second runway

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Net Zero | Committee on Climate Change UK

2023 Progress Report to Parliament - Climate Change Committee

  2023-06-28 (or before) in Climate Change Committee

This year saw the release of new detail on the Government’s plans for Net Zero with the publication…

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Net Zero | Committee on Climate Change UK

Climate Change Committee warns UK has 'lost' its global net zero leadership position

  2023-06-28 in Business Green

Annual progress report warns government's official advisors have 'markedly less' confidence in the UK's ability to meet its decarbonisation targets from 2030 onwards

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Net Zero | Decarbonisation | Committee on Climate Change UK

Climate Change Committee says UK no longer a world leader - BBC News

  2023-06-28 (or before) in The BBC

The UK's statutory climate body criticises the government for backing new oil and gas projects.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Committee on Climate Change UK

Better transparency is no substitute for real delivery - Climate Change Committee

  2023-06-27 by in Climate Change Committee

Following last year’s High Court ruling, the UK Government has published the Carbon Budget Delivery Plan (CBDP), providing much greater transparency on its Net Zero plans. However, despite over 3,000 pages of new detail, the Climate Change Committee’s confidence in the UK meeting its goals from 2030 onwards is now markedly less than it was in our previous assessment a year ago.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Net Zero | Committee on Climate Change UK

'Pretty depressing weekend': Key net zero policies face fresh wave of criticism

  2023-06-05 in Business Green

From oil and gas licenses to heat pumps and recycling to active travel, crucial planks of the government’s climate policy framework are coming under attack from all sides

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Net Zero | US Politics | Committee on Climate Change UK

Does the UK really need to drill for more North Sea oil and gas?

  2023-05-01 in The Guardian

Ministers are weighing up a new gasfield but is more UK fossil fuel production necessary or desirable given its climate commitments?

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Fossil Fuels | Committee on Climate Change UK

Progress in adapting to climate change - 2023 Report to Parliament - Climate Change Committee

  2023-03-29 (or before) in Climate Change Committee

This report provides the Committee’s biennial report of progress in preparing for climate change as required under the…

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Committee on Climate Change UK

UK ‘strikingly unprepared’ for impacts of climate crisis

  2023-03-28 in The Guardian

Government’s official advisers point to ‘lost decade’ in efforts to protect lives and livelihoods

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Climate Change Impacts | Committee on Climate Change UK

Budget does little to meet UK’s net zero carbon goals, say campaigners

  2023-03-15 in The Guardian

Chancellor silent on home insulation, oil and gas windfall tax, and onshore windfarms – but freezes fuel duty

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power | Climate Change | Wind Power | Insulation | Fossil Fuels | Net Zero | Committee on Climate Change UK

Revealed: cabinet ministers warned of legal action over UK’s failure to tackle climate crisis

  2023-03-04 in The Guardian

Senior civil servants have issued the warnings as government is way behind on net zero pledges, according leaked documents

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Net Zero | Committee on Climate Change UK

Zero Hour's Ambition Gap report - Zero Hour

  2022-08-10 by in Zero Hour - Join the campaign for the Climate & Ecology Bill

The Climate Change Committee is doing a great job highlighting the delivery gap, but we need to talk about the ambition gap whilst there’s still time to do something about it. For details of the Parliamentary launch event for MPs and Lords on Tues 18th Oct with Caroline Lucas MP, click here. Are you an MP looking for […]

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Committee on Climate Change UK

It’s democracy v plutocracy – this is the endgame for our planet | George Monbiot

  2022-07-06 in The Guardian

The US supreme court is helping to destroy our climate. But it was a much smaller decision, closer to home, that was the final straw for me, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Rivers | Wildlife | US Politics | Committee on Climate Change UK

2022 Progress Report to Parliament - Climate Change Committee

  2022-07-04 (or before) in Climate Change Committee

This statutory report provides a comprehensive overview of the UK Government’s progress to date in reducing emissions. It…

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Committee on Climate Change UK

Sixth Carbon Budget - Climate Change Committee

  2022-05-22 (or before) in Climate Change Committee

The Sixth Carbon Budget, provides ministers with advice on the volume of greenhouse gases the UK can emit during the period 2033-2037.

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Committee on Climate Change UK

10 Recommendations for Direct Air Carbon Deployment Policy in Europe - Sussex Energy Group at SPRU

  2022-01-27 in University of Sussex

These ten recommendations were submitted as Supplemental Testimony to the Technological Innovations and Climate Change: Negative Emissions Technologies Inquiry held by the UK Parliament’s Environment Audit Committee in January 2022. Follow the Bellona Principles Principle 1 is to emphasize collection…Read more ›

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Innovation | Committee on Climate Change UK

CCC welcomes Government report assessing UK climate risk - Climate Change Committee

  2022-01-17 in Climate Change Committee

The Climate Change Committee (CCC) today welcomes the publication of the UK Government’s assessment of the risks and opportunities facing the UK from climate change.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Committee on Climate Change UK

Cleanup cost of Heathrow third runway doubles to £100bn, MPs told

  2021-12-22 in The Guardian

Price to offset runway’s carbon emissions has increased from £50bn since expansion approval in 2018

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Committee on Climate Change UK

New trade deals ‘are unfair on farmers and won’t help emissions’

  2021-10-23 in The Guardian

Chair of the UK’s Climate Change Committee condemns New Zealand and Australia agreements as unworkable

  Tagged under: Farming | COP26 | Climate Change | Committee on Climate Change UK

Climate advisers warn Cambo oil field yet to be justified

  2021-09-02 (or before) in Herald Scotland

INDEPENDENT advisers have warned there must be a “very, very, very strong” justification for approving new oil and gas projects as the…

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Committee on Climate Change UK

UK failing to protect against climate dangers, advisers warn

  2021-06-16 in The Guardian

It is ‘absolutely illogical’ not to tackle the risks of heatwaves and power blackouts, says Climate Change Committee

  Tagged under: Heatwaves | Trees | Committee on Climate Change UK

UK Climate Risk

  2020-07-31 (or before) in UK Climate Risk

UK Climate Risk hosts outputs from the Committee on Climate Change’s independent climate change risk assessment evidence report, which informs the UK Government’s third CCRA

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Committee on Climate Change UK

COVID-19 can be an historic turning point in tackling the global climate crisis - Climate Change Committee

  2020-06-24 in Climate Change Committee

Ministers must seize the opportunity to turn the COVID-19 crisis into a defining moment in the fight against climate change, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) says today. In its annual report to Parliament, the Committee provides comprehensive new advice to the Government on delivering an economic recovery that accelerates the transition to a cleaner, net-zero emissions economy and strengthens the country’s resilience to the impacts of climate change.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Net Zero | Climate Change Impacts | Committee on Climate Change UK

Letter: Building a resilient recovery from the COVID-19 crisis to Prime Minister Boris Johnson - Climate Change Committee

  2020-05-06 (or before) in Climate Change Committee

This is a letter from Lord Deben, Chairman of the Committee on Climate Change, and Baroness Brown, Chair of the CCC’s Adaptation Committee, to Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP Prime Minister of the UK. As the Government considers its approach to rebuilding after the COVID-19 crisis we are writing to advise on how climate policy can play a core part.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Committee on Climate Change UK

Climate change is getting worse but it is no worse than we predicted - Climate Change Committee

  2020-05-04 in Climate Change Committee

Worsening climate change should not be mistaken for individual events that are worse than expected. Recent extremes give a clear picture of the impacts and risks that come with a human-driven warming climate. Extreme events also emphasise the urgency of action to achieve Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change, write Professor Piers Forster and Professor Corinne Le Quéré.

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Greenhouse Gases | Predictions | Climate Change | Net Zero | Climate Change Impacts | Committee on Climate Change UK

The stark truth about UK government climate action: there is no one in charge

  2020-03-12 (or before) by in The Conversation

The Committee on Climate Change criticises slow progress, but has little to say about how to reconfigure government to make climate action a priority.

  Tagged under: Committee on Climate Change UK | UK Politics | UK | Climate Change

Let's abandon climate targets, and do something completely different | George Monbiot

  2020-01-29 in The Guardian

Setting targets for climate action sounds sensible, but is actually impeding progress, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Committee on Climate Change UK

Climate Change Committee

  2020-01-28 (or before) in Climate Change Committee

The UK's independent adviser on tackling climate change

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Committee on Climate Change UK

Behaviour change, public engagement and Net Zero (Imperial College London) - Climate Change Committee

  2019-10-14 (or before) in Climate Change Committee

The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) appointed Dr. Richard Carmichael from Imperial College London to work with us on understanding the potential for people to make choices that can contribute to reducing emissions, and what this means for policy.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Net Zero | Committee on Climate Change UK

Climate change: what faith groups can do

  2019-10-03 in Bath Quakers - Local meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

Christine Goodgame-Nobes sends an article from Marigold Bentley of the Quaker Committee for Christian & Interfaith Relations (QCCIR), under the heading Quakers, churches and sustainability in Q…

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Religion | Sustainability | Committee on Climate Change UK

Introduce frequent flyer levy to fight emissions, government told - BBC News

  2019-09-27 (or before) in The BBC

The Committee on Climate Change says the extra tax would help curb the growing demand for air travel.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Air Travel | Committee on Climate Change UK

Theresa May’s net-zero emissions target is a lot less impressive than it looks | Caroline Lucas

  2019-06-12 in The Guardian

The government’s pledges on climate change are too little, too late, says Green party MP Caroline Lucas

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Net Zero | Committee on Climate Change UK

‘This report will change your life’: what zero emissions means for UK

  2019-05-01 in The Guardian

Committee on Climate Change sets out how UK can reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Fossil Fuels | Net Zero | Committee on Climate Change UK

Climate change is exacerbating world conflicts, says Red Cross president

  2018-10-21 in The Guardian

‘It’s obvious some of the violence we are observing … is directly linked to climate change,’ says Peter Maurer

  Tagged under: Conflict | Climate Change | Africa | Committee on Climate Change UK

UK poorly prepared for climate change impacts, government advisers warn

  2016-07-12 in The Guardian

A 2,000 page report by Committee on Climate Change predicts global warming will hit UK with deadly heatwaves, more flooding and water shortages

  Tagged under: Farming | Climate Change Impacts | Heatwaves | Committee on Climate Change UK

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