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Topic: Insulation

Related Articles (18)

Rishi Sunak facing renewed pressure over plans to ‘max out’ North Sea oil

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Billions spent on unproven carbon capture could instead save households £9,000 each

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Analysis has found that putting CCS money towards home insulation would save around 30 per cent more carbon emissions

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Heat pumps will save more energy than insulation says top Energy Efficiency Expert - 100% Renewable UK

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Professor Nick Eyre, speaking at the 100%renewableuk seminar on April 22nd (see recording HERE), has said that pro-insulation protestors should think of campaigning for heat pumps rather than insulation. Eyre heads the Centre for Research into Energy Demand Solutions (CREDS). He talked about how electrification through electric vehicles and heat pumps ushers in a new … Continue reading "Heat pumps will save more energy than insulation says top Energy Efficiency Expert"

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UK insulation scheme would take 300 years to meet government targets, say critics

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Exclusive: National Energy Action says progress on energy efficiency in the UK is too slow and not well targeted at fuel-poor households

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Budget does little to meet UK’s net zero carbon goals, say campaigners

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Chancellor silent on home insulation, oil and gas windfall tax, and onshore windfarms – but freezes fuel duty

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Climate activist jailed for 'telling the truth in court' - Ekklesia

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When the trial began Judge Silas Reid said the defendants could not refer to their motivations for blocking the motorway by referring to the climate crisis, insulation or fuel poverty.

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Insulation only provides short-term reduction in household gas consumption

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First study to look at long-term effect of home insulation in England and Wales finds fall in gas consumption per household was small and only lasts a few

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Draughty homes see ‘a third of energy bills go straight out the window’

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SOME families are seeing up to 30 per cent of their energy bill “go straight out of the window” because of a lack of insulation, Citizens Advice…

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How much could insulating Britain save the average home?

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With gas prices rising again in October, insulation has become an urgent issue

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Architects call for mass insulation of England’s interwar suburbs

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RIBA says scheme targeting efficiency and heating of older 20th-century housing could cut emissions by 4%

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Green energy measures saving households £1,000 a year – analysis

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Savings come largely from efficient electrical appliances and boilers but insulation could halve future bills

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Boost insulation funding to tackle energy bill crisis say charities

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Audit office blames UK government for botched £1.5bn green homes scheme

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Spending watchdog says home insulation drive was fatally rushed and missed chance to cut heating bills and create jobs

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Building insulation: Is hydrogen our get out of jail free card?

  2021-05-07 by in Energy Monitor

Energy experts that advocate heating homes with hydrogen rather than turning to deep renovation and building insulation as their first port of call, will make the energy transition more expensive for everyone, says Jan Rosenow from the Regulatory Assistance Project.

  Tagged under: Insulation

Climate change: Don't raid home insulation scheme, MPs urge ministers - BBC News

  2021-02-17 (or before) in BBC

The government hopes to claw back money from a £1.5bn fund to promote home insulation.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Insulation

Green and Cool Roofs @ProjectDrawdown #ClimateSolutions

  2020-02-06 in Project Drawdown

Green roofs use soil and vegetation as living insulation. Cool roofs reflect solar energy. Both reduce building energy use for heating and/or cooling.

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Labour unveils plans for carbon-neutral energy system by 2030s

  2019-10-23 in The Guardian

Strategy includes 30 recommendations including insulation upgrades for every home in UK

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UK energy-saving efforts collapse after government subsidy cuts

  2019-07-18 in The Guardian

Only 10,000 upgrades such as loft insulation happen each month compared with 65,000 in 2014, report shows

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