The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Medium


Articles from this source (51)

A (Friendly) Critique of the Degrowth Movement | by tedtrainertsw | Post Growth Perspectives | Mar, 2024 | Medium

  2024-03-20 in Medium

Sufficient degrowth cannot be achieved without enormous and radical transition to some kind of Simpler Way.

CAP AND WAIT. CLIMATE FOES GET THEIR DELAYS IN WA | by Mary Liz Thomson | Mar, 2024 | Medium

  2024-03-11 in Medium

Do climate programs like Washington’s cap and investment law automatically raise the price of gas? No, but mainstream media usually frames the story that way. Why do we have to accept this logic? We shouldn’t, it’s not even true. But this thinking is on track to take down Washington State’s newest carbon tax. After ten years of wrangling the Climate Commitment Act (CCA) was passed as a market-based program to reduce carbon pollution and achieve the greenhouse gas limits agreed to in state law. The program held it’s first auction last spring in 2023.

Right on cue after the industry had to pay ...

  Tagged under: Oil Industry | Fossil Fuels | Net Zero | Legislation | Regulation | Washington State

What Do I Do With Collapse Awareness? | by Climate Survivor | Nov, 2023 | Medium

  2023-11-25 (or before) in Medium

Collapse awareness is “great”, but what do I actually do with that awareness?

  Tagged under: Collapse

Scientists Say: Humanity Could Descend into Cannibalism by 2060 | by Homeless Romantic | Sep, 2023 | Medium

  2023-09-22 (or before) in Medium

Cannibalism in late stage climate change: Why and how it might happen, and how to prevent it

  Tagged under: Climate Change

The Profound Loneliness of Being Collapse Aware | by Alan Urban | Medium

  2023-09-07 (or before) by in Medium

Knowing that civilization is going to collapse can be a profoundly lonely experience. Let’s find one other and enjoy the time we have left.

  Tagged under: Collapse

FASTER THAN EXPECTED. …why most climate scientists can’t tell… | by Jackson Damian - the psychology of climate change | Medium

  2023-05-02 (or before) in Medium

…why most climate scientists can’t tell the truth (in public)

  Tagged under: Climate Change

SHEEP IN WOLVES CLOTHING — THE IPCC’S (LATEST) FINAL WARNING | by Jackson Damian - the psychology of climate change | Medium

  2023-05-02 (or before) in Medium

How they hide the truth and what scientists can do about it

  Tagged under: IPCC | Climate Change

Beyond the Weather Report: The Terrifying Reality of Climate Change You Need to Know About | by Sacha | Thoughts | Medium

  2023-04-13 (or before) in Medium

World leaders have gathered repeatedly to address the urgent issue of climate change now. They set a target to limit global average…

  Tagged under: Climate Change

“You Must Revise Your Life” to Solve Climate Change | by Anthony Signorelli | ILLUMINATION-Curated | Medium

  2023-04-13 (or before) in Medium

William Stafford’s words ring true now

  Tagged under: Climate Change

How to save Fuel and cool the World | by Thomas Reis | Medium

  2023-04-04 (or before) in Medium

The Oceans are heating up very fast, because most of our Waste Heat goes into the Oceans. It is time to think about, because there is not a…

  Tagged under: Oceans

Public Nuisance. Can you recall a moment when you… | by BumblebeeUnbarred | Jan, 2023 | Medium

  2023-03-08 (or before) in Medium

Can you recall a moment when you suddenly saw something new and surprising in a picture which you have stared at many times? I had that…

Nothing to be afraid of: an introduction | by Emily Johnston | Medium

  2022-11-24 (or before) by in Medium

About a dozen years ago, I became friends with a couple who lived in central Washington’s Methow Valley — a wide open landscape nestled…

  Tagged under: Washington State

Scientific model supported by UK Government Taskforce flags risk of civilisation’s collapse by 2040 | by Nafeez Ahmed | INSURGE intelligence | Medium

  2022-11-20 (or before) in Medium

by Nafeez Ahmed

  Tagged under: Collapse

Storing energy using CO2. Harnessing the cause of global warming… | by Kit Fitton | Medium

  2022-11-10 (or before) in Medium

Harnessing the cause of global warming to help prevent it

Storing renewable electricity on the grid of the future | by Kit Fitton | Medium

  2022-11-10 (or before) in Medium

Batteries are going to need some help

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Batteries | Electricity | Electricity Grid

Australia’s Lithium Extractivism is costing the earth | by Claire Burgess | Medium

  2022-06-11 (or before) in Medium

This work is dedicated to the frontlines and to non-human kin seeking to thrive against the odds.

  Tagged under: Lithium

Why It Doesn’t Matter if you Give in to Climate Despair | by Jed Bickman | The Spouter Magazine | Medium

  2022-02-03 (or before) in Medium

Part 1 of Hydrocarbon Corpse Juice: an Essay about Seeing Beyond Ourselves

The Mainstream Climate Narrative is a Lie | Climate Conscious

  2022-01-23 (or before) in Medium

There’s no solution to climate change without the truth

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Our climate won't survive without science. | The Sustainability X® Magazine

  2021-12-19 (or before) in Medium

How ethically bankrupt politicians are paving the way towards ecocide

  Tagged under: Sustainability

Climate change: why it made me quit my job | by Andrew Medhurst | Age of Awareness | Medium

  2021-10-22 (or before) in Medium

On 1 February, I tweeted an extract of a farewell email I sent to my work colleagues on my last day. It received 100 times more interest…

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Why COP26 Will Fail to Protect Our Climate | by Brad Zarnett | Climate Conscious

  2021-09-25 (or before) in Medium

Agreements, promises, and targets, but no real change.

  Tagged under: COP26 | Climate Change

Time to unleash climate anger. This next student strike for climate… | by Gary Belkin | Medium

  2021-09-25 (or before) in Medium

This next student strike for climate action should be proudly, effectively, undeniably, angry

Greenwashing in the legal industry- how to spot it and why it matters | by Liam Sharkey | Medium

  2021-08-07 (or before) in Medium

A new generation of engaged, climate-conscious lawyers are challenging the legal industry to adopt new standards of sustainability.

  Tagged under: Sustainability

Who Decides What Is True?. How Does Science Proceed from… | by mtobis | Medium

  2021-07-04 (or before) in Medium

How Does Science Proceed from Hypothesis to Fact to Common Knowledge?

A major test for Shell’s massive multi-purpose greenwashing juggernaut | by Ketan Joshi | LobbyWatch | Medium

  2021-05-18 (or before) in Medium

Recently, I wrote at LobbyWatch about how the gargantuan global oil and gas company Shell has been pivoting into an exhausting new way of…

  Tagged under: Shell

Even running 100% on renewables, Bitcoin would still be a disaster. | Crypto Lucid

  2021-04-22 (or before) in Medium

Inefficient systems can never be eco-friendly.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy

Innovations on Concentrated Solar Thermal Power | by Roberto Baldizon | Luszol | Medium

  2021-04-06 (or before) in Medium

Solar Thermal World’s published article on CSP innovations and companies in which the DOE is investing portrays an unusually positive and…

  Tagged under: Solar Energy | Innovation

Stand by Greta Thunberg and they will threaten you | by We Don’t Have Time | We Don't Have Time | Medium

  2021-02-23 (or before) in Medium

A lonesome fifteen-year-old girl carrying the world on her shoulders outside the Swedish parliament. I was there on the first day of “the…

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg

Andreas Malm’s General Formula of Fossil Capital | by ANDREW | Medium

  2020-10-18 (or before) by in Medium

Andreas Malm’s book Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming (Verso 2016) is a history of the steam…

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Greening energy use in a 1922 rural cottage in Yorkshire | by Prof Nick Cowern | Medium

  2020-10-12 (or before) by in Medium

A few years ago I moved to a small cottage tucked into a south-facing slope of the North York Moors. The house had solid walls, single…

Sucking Up to Business Leads Directly to Ecological Collapse | The Sustainability X® Magazine

  2020-10-10 (or before) in Medium

Playtime is over — either we’re fighting for the climate in a meaningful way or we’re not.

  Tagged under: Collapse | Sustainability

The EU is cheating with numbers — and stealing our future | by Greta Thunberg | Medium

  2020-10-04 (or before) in Medium

”We know we’re not in line with the Paris Agreement, we never said we were. But we have to bring the public along slowly”.

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | The Paris Agreement

How a big polluter transformed into the greenest energy company in the world | by We Don’t Have Time | We Don't Have Time | Medium

  2020-06-20 (or before) in Medium

Ten years ago Ørsted was one the most fossil fuel intense energy companies in Europe. Today, Ørsted has cut its emissions by 86 per cent…

To fix Climate Change, stop being a techie and start being a human | by Paul Johnston | Medium

  2020-05-05 (or before) in Medium

I have many conversations with people in tech who want to know how to get involved in the Climate Change fight. This is my response

  Tagged under: Climate Change

A truly exceptional weather event is happening right now in the Southern Hemisphere | by Iceberg | Medium

  2020-04-30 (or before) in Medium

by Martin Jucker

Stop Wall Street From Financing the Climate Crisis | by Team Warren | Medium

  2020-03-08 (or before) in Medium

By Elizabeth Warren

Post Davos: Elite's Climate Strategy is Flawed | Age of Awareness

  2020-02-13 (or before) in Medium

When solving climate change, we don’t have the choice of option A or B when one of those choices almost certainly leads to a climate…

  Tagged under: Climate Change

The solution to the global crisis of capitalism is simplicity itself | by tedtrainertsw | INSURGE intelligence | Medium

  2019-12-09 (or before) in Medium

Toward the post-capitalist revolution

  Tagged under: Capitalism

Pathways to the Post-Carbon Economy – INSURGE intelligence – Medium

  2019-12-09 (or before) in Medium

In this exclusive online symposium, INSURGE curates a range of experts, thinkers, and practitioners to explore their very different perspectives on civilization’s transition to a post-carbon economy. We are crowdfunding adversarial investigations into power, to empower people and save the planet. Join us via

  Tagged under: Economics

War, empire and racism in the Anthropocene | by Nafeez Ahmed | INSURGE intelligence | Medium

  2019-11-08 (or before) in Medium

The biophysical-economics and military-logics of industrial hyperreality

  Tagged under: Economics

The flawed social science behind Extinction Rebellion’s change strategy

  2019-10-30 (or before) in Medium

  Tagged under: Extinction Rebellion | Activism

Climate is missing the point. We have an ecosystem emergency. | by Will Marshall | Medium

  2019-10-27 (or before) in Medium

— Why I support the principles and approach of Extinction Rebellion —

  Tagged under: Extinction Rebellion | Extinction

There is Nothing Naïve About Moral Clarity | by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson | Medium

  2019-09-28 (or before) in Medium

We should approach the climate crisis with the moral clarity of children. Some things are simply right and some things are simply wrong.

  Tagged under: Women and Children

A Postmortem for Survival: on science, failure and action on climate change | by Julia Steinberger | Age of Awareness | Medium

  2019-09-25 (or before) in Medium

Failing to learn from past mistakes is the only truly unforgivable mistake in science. And on climate change, the scientific community (by…

  Tagged under: Climate Change

But the Greatest of These is Love | by Mary Annaïse Heglar | Medium

  2019-07-17 (or before) in Medium

To face climate change, hope won’t be enough. Fear won’t be enough. And neither will anger. What we really need is love. Hear me out.

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Don’t Just Be the Change: Mass-Produce It. | by Alex Steffen | Medium

  2019-06-11 (or before) in Medium

I got an email recently which asked the question, “If our world is really looking down the barrel of environmental catastrophe, how do I…

Can Greta’s Movement Bring Moral and Financial Responsibility Into the Climate Conversation? | by Brad Zarnett | The Startup | Medium

  2019-06-05 (or before) in Medium

Like a snake shedding it’s skin, we need to shake ourselves loose from governments that are beholden to corporate interests and the elite.

The Transformative Power of Climate Truth | by Margaret Klein Salamon, PhD | Medium

  2019-04-20 (or before) in Medium

A Collective Awakening In the Age of Trump

Responses to the Youth Strike For Climate | by Alex Morrison | Medium

  2019-02-18 (or before) in Medium

Lessons we can learn from responses to yesterday’s Youth Strike for Climate

An Audacious Toolkit: Actions Against Climate Breakdown (Part 1: A is for Advocacy)

  2019-01-27 (or before) by Julia Steinberger in Medium

What can we do when confronted with planetary catastrophe? The answer is EVERYTHING. Wait, wait. This is not an overly optimistic “Change is easy and painless! We just all need to do X Y Z!” column…

  Tagged under: Activism | Climate Change

Grieving the Planet - Reflections on the Extinction Rebellion Movement | by Lynne Davis | Medium

  2018-11-26 (or before) in Medium

Reflections on the Extinction Rebellion Movement

  Tagged under: Extinction Rebellion

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