The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: The Nation


Articles from this source (14)

We Are Witnessing the First Stages of Civilization’s Collapse

  2023-08-22 in The Nation

Will our own elites perform any better than the rulers of Chaco Canyon, the Mayan heartland, and Viking Greenland?

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Collapse

The Media's Recent Turn to “Climate Optimism” Is a Cruel Fantasy

  2023-04-03 in The Nation

Beneath the upbeat messaging, the latest UN climate report makes it clear that while the means to save the planet may still be available, the political will is nowhere in sight.

  Tagged under: IPCC | Fossil Fuels

Facing Up to the Climate Reckoning Ahead

  2023-03-24 in The Nation

The IPCC’s forecast of fast-approaching climate catastrophe requires us to think, and organize, in urgent new ways.

  Tagged under: IPCC

Electric Vehicles Won’t Save Us

  2022-10-18 in The Nation

A national fleet of battery-powered cars is unlikely to prove sustainable and could have catastrophic consequences globally.

  Tagged under: Lithium | Batteries | Joe Biden | Cobalt | Electric Cars | Cars

Here in Poland, “Going Green” Means Burning Even More Coal

  2022-05-27 in The Nation

With parents and children struggling to breathe, climate activism is a matter of life and death.

  Tagged under: Coal | Fossil Fuels | Russia | Women and Children | Activism | Children

America’s Decline Started at Home

  2021-11-22 in The Nation

When will shifting geopolitics and climate change fully cripple Washington’s current world order?

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Facing Prison, Steven Donziger Refuses to Be Silenced

  2021-10-25 in The Nation

The environmentalist lawyer says Chevron has “to try and destroy what I represent.”

  Tagged under: Chevron

Should Governments Consider Engineering the Atmosphere?

  2021-04-08 in The Nation

Two writers debate whether solar geoengineering would help or harm the effort to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Geoengineering

You Can Refuse to Work for Fossil Fuel Companies—These Law Students Show How

  2020-12-22 in The Nation

“We should all disagree with a business model that condemns future generations to disaster and displacement.”

A New Justice Movement Emerges to Defend Steven Donziger

  2020-09-10 in The Nation

The lawyer who helped win a historic Amazon cleanup deal faces six months in prison, but will still not have a jury trial.

  Tagged under: Activism | Amazon Rainforest

Jonathan Safran Foer and the Limits of Liberal Climate Politics

  2019-10-29 in The Nation

Addressing climate change will take a whole lot more than changing our diets.

  Tagged under: Climate Change

‘The Silenced’: Meet the Climate Whistle-Blowers Muzzled by Trump

  2019-09-17 in The Nation

Six former government scientists describe how the Trump administration made them bury the truth about climate change—and why they won’t stay quiet.

Climate Disaster Is Upon Us

  2019-01-15 in The Nation

The question is no longer whether or not we are going to fail, but how are we going to comport ourselves in the era of failure?

Capitalism vs. the Climate

  2011-11-09 in The Nation

Denialists are dead wrong about the science. But they understand something the left still doesn’t get about the revolutionary meaning of climate change.

  Tagged under: Drought | Capitalism

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