The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism


Articles from this source (49)

House GOP Defends Fossil Gas Exports as Industry Profits at Consumers’ Expense

  2024-02-15 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Fossil industry-backed House Republicans advanced a bill to undo Biden's pause on climate-warming LNG export terminals.

  Tagged under: Global Warming

House GOP Would Have Taxpayers Pay for Cleanup When Fracking Boom Goes Bust

  2023-12-06 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Lauren Boebert’s bill could saddle taxpayers with up to $17.7 billion in oil and gas cleanup costs on public lands.

  Tagged under: Fracking

Our Fixation on Green Technology Harms Our Ability to Confront Climate Crisis

  2023-10-23 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Green technology “solutions” to the climate crisis distract us from the deep structural changes that we need to make.

Inside the High-Security “Black Site” Where Leonard Peltier Is Incarcerated

  2023-09-28 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

The prison where Leonard Peltier is incarcerated has been in a near-constant state of lockdown for almost four years.

RICO Charges Attempt to Paint Stop Cop City Movement as a Criminal “Conspiracy”

  2023-09-06 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

The sweeping 109-page indictment presents acts of mutual aid and zine reading as evidence of a criminal “conspiracy.”

  Tagged under: Activism

There Is a Climate Conspiracy — But Not the One Climate Denialists Are Peddling

  2023-08-06 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Environmentalists and elites aren’t in cahoots to destroy the U.S. But fossil fuels’ damage on the world is undeniable.

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels

State-Level GOP Measures Focus on Adapting to Climate Crisis, Not Preventing It

  2023-08-05 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

This paradoxical approach is part of the GOP’s desperate commitment to a climate denialist agenda.

Fossil Fuel Exec Is Slated to Lead COP28. We Must Decolonize Climate Governance.

  2023-08-03 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Current climate governance is rooted in the same colonial mindsets that led us to this very crisis.

  Tagged under: COP28

New Details From Leonard Leo’s Trust Fund Expose the Inner Workings of the Right

  2023-06-17 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Newly obtained documents shed light on a vast and corrupt right-wing influence network.

Nearly Every Major Move by GOP-Controlled House So Far Has Had an Anti-Climate Angle

  2023-06-14 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

From the debt ceiling to their latest tax plan, the GOP has been taking pot shots at the climate movement at every turn.

  Tagged under: Finance

Colorado River Is on Life Support, and 40 Million People Depend on It for Water

  2023-05-31 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Vulnerable communities may be at risk of reduced water supply under a new Colorado River agreement.

  Tagged under: Rivers | Colorado River

Senator Whitehouse: 275 of 315 Pages of GOP Debt Limit Bill Are Big Oil Favors

  2023-05-09 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

The proposal contains the entirety of Republicans’ H.R. 1, a major pro-fossil fuel package.

  Tagged under: Finance

What Would It Take to Defeat Big Oil? A Progressive Economist Weighs In.

  2023-04-19 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

To be successful, climate mitigation policies must not exacerbate global inequality, economist Gregor Semieniuk says.

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change Mitigation

Atlanta’s “Stop Cop City” Movement Is Spreading Despite Rampant State Repression

  2023-03-26 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Police and prosecutors have used every tool in their arsenal to crush the spreading movement against Atlanta’s Cop City.

20 Years After US Invasion, Iraq Faces Cascading Climate and Water Crises

  2023-03-20 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

A defender of Iraq’s southern marshlands was recently kidnapped amid extreme drought and fierce competition for water.

  Tagged under: Drought

$340 Million Anti-Labor Consulting Industry Is Behind Contemporary Union-Busting

  2023-02-06 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Union-busting firms are teaching corporations to cynically co-opt progressive rhetoric as they crush worker organizing.

Massive Inequality Is a “Concerted Elite Class Project,” Says Heather Gautney

  2023-02-04 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

It’s no accident that inequalities have widened under entrenched corporate power, says sociologist Heather Gautney.

Billionaire’s Lawsuit Against O’Rourke May Stifle Criticism of Money in Politics

  2023-01-28 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

The lawsuit shows the oligarchic desire to wield political influence without being subject to public accountability.

Fracking Firm Agrees to Pay a Small Town’s Water Bills for 75 Years

  2022-12-01 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

A fracking company has been convicted 14 years after polluting water wells in Dimock, Pennsylvania.

  Tagged under: Fracking

Right-Wing Dark Money Flooded the Midterm, But Young Voters Beat the Red Wave

  2022-11-15 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

GOP-aligned dark money groups spent big trying to generate a “red wave” in the midterms — but they lost instead.

Europe Is Trying to Solve Its Energy Crisis With Fossil Fuel Projects in Africa

  2022-08-20 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Struggles for social justice and climate justice must be united to transform society amid government inaction.

  Tagged under: Africa | Climate Justice

Carbon Capture Won’t Work, But It Will Funnel Billions to Corporations

  2022-07-31 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Fossil fuel interests persuaded the government to waste billions on false schemes that don’t solve the climate crisis.

  Tagged under: Carbon Capture and Storage

Those Who Face Record Heat Wave in India and Pakistan Did Not Create the Crisis

  2022-05-02 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Historical emitters must step up as region reaches limits of adaptation to worsening heat waves, climate scientist says.

  Tagged under: India

Manchin Just Delivered Another Blow on Climate. He’s a Threat to Humanity.

  2022-03-16 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

The absence of Manchin's support was a death knell for Sarah Bloom Raskin's nomination. Her crime: caring about climate.

  Tagged under: Rivers | US Politics

Activists Are Using the “Climate Necessity Defense” in Court — and Winning

  2021-12-24 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

An upcoming court appeal is attempting to challenge the branding of Water and Land Protectors as eco-terrorists.

  Tagged under: Activism

How Big Oil Rigs the System to Keep Winning

  2021-12-10 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

The oil and gas industry has refined its techniques to stay a step ahead over decades and it has no plans to stop soon.

Trees and Crops Don’t Have to Compete. Climate Crisis Calls for Agroforestry.

  2021-11-27 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Agroforestry holds the technical potential to sequester a significant percentage of total global emissions.

  Tagged under: Trees

The Tragic Cycle of Bottled Water

  2021-11-14 (or before) by JP Sottile in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

The iconic image of governmental failure is the arrival of corporate-branded bottled water.

It’s Joe Manchin vs. the World, and Manchin Is Winning

  2021-10-18 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

For the time being and the foreseeable future, Manchin and his corporate sponsors hold the top cards.

  Tagged under: Rivers | US Politics

Boebert Failed to Disclose Husband’s Nearly Half-Million Energy Company Salary

  2021-08-20 (or before) by Sharon Zhang in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

The lawmaker has also spent her first months in office pushing pro-fossil fuel bills and statements.

Exxon-Influenced Senators Carved Climate Out of Infrastructure Almost Entirely

  2021-07-30 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

The latest infrastructure negotiations cut about $29 billion from the previous draft, taking most from climate funding.

  Tagged under: Exxon

Evidence of Fracking Chemicals Found in Bodies of Pennsylvania Children

  2021-03-23 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

One 9-year-old had 91 times the average level of biomarkers for toluene, a chemical that can damage livers and kidneys.

  Tagged under: Fracking | Women and Children | Children

Bitcoin Could Push Global Emissions Above 2 Degrees Celsius, Scientists Say

  2021-02-15 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Bitcoin mining may consume more than 120 terawatt-hours of electricity globally this year — more energy than Argentina.

  Tagged under: Argentina | Electricity

Plutocrats Control the US Political System, But They Can Still Be Defeated

  2020-09-03 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Until we climb out of our silos and mount a massive cross-issue campaign, we will continue to lose our democracy.

How Individualist Economics Are Causing Planetary Eco-Collapse

  2020-08-19 (or before) by Richard Smith in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

While capitalism has brought unprecedented development, this same motor of development is now driving towards ecological collapse, threatening to doom us all.

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism | Collapse

Richard Smith

  2020-08-19 (or before) by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Richard Smith is an economic historian. He wrote his UCLA history Ph.D. thesis on the transition to capitalism in China and held post-docs at the

  Tagged under: Economics | Capitalism

Green Capitalism: How Multinationals Use Climate Change to Impose an Industrial Agricultural Model

  2020-08-19 (or before) by Translated by Leslie Thatcher in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Advocates are questioning whether Big Ag's "climate-smart agriculture" will reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Capitalism

The GOP's “Southern Strategy” Shows How White Supremacy Fuels Class Exploitation

  2020-07-18 (or before) by Peter Montague in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

A deliberately created racial hierarchy makes poor whites align with the superrich against their own interests.

It’s Time to Nationalize the Fossil Fuel Industry

  2020-06-26 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

We must institute public ownership of the fossil fuel industry to avert catastrophe, says economist Robert Pollin.

  Tagged under: Economics

Georgia Primary Sends Us a Warning -- November Could Be a Voting Rights Disaster

  2020-06-12 (or before) by Sasha Abramsky in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

The U.S. witnessed a voting debacle that has been repeated throughout history, and which threatens the general election.

Four More Years of Donald Trump Could Delay Global Emissions Cuts by 10 Years

  2020-06-02 (or before) by Josh Gabbatiss in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Trump’s call to step back from international climate action endangers any prospect of hitting global emissions targets.

  Tagged under: Donald Trump

Trump Adviser Calls Workers “Human Capital Stock,” Says We Should Get Back to Work

  2020-05-26 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

To them, we are only meat for the machine, nothing more than an entirely expendable commodity.

  Tagged under: Donald Trump | Rivers | Capitalism

McConnell’s Pandemic Priority Is Appointing Conservative Judges

  2020-05-06 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

McConnell and Trump’s appointees threaten not only the COVID-19 recovery, but also federal programs for decades to come.

  Tagged under: Donald Trump

Court Requests Probe Into Whether McConnell Unethically Pressured Judge to Retire to Pave Way for His Unqualified Protégé

  2020-05-05 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

McConnell has made pushing through right-wing judicial picks his top priority even amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite COVID-19, Trump Keeps on Gutting Protections for Workers

  2020-04-26 (or before) by Mike Ludwig in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Plummeting labor standards and enforcement under Trump has made workplaces even more dangerous during the pandemic.

  Tagged under: Donald Trump

Climate Change Multiplies the Threats of Infectious Diseases

  2020-04-19 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

Global warming can lead to compromised immune systems, which in turn makes individuals more susceptible to diseases.

  Tagged under: Global Warming | Climate Change

Coronavirus Shows Us What Our Future Could Look Like During Climate Crisis

  2020-03-29 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

COVID-19, like climate, isn’t just about a singular crisis — it's about multiple crises unfolding all at once.

None of the 2020 Frontrunners Go Far Enough on Climate

  2019-06-13 (or before) by Dahr Jamail in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

We must look to the grassroots for guidance in order to ensure the survival of all life on this planet.

Killing Plants Is the Fastest Way to End the World

  2018-11-20 by in Truthout - Fearless Independent Journalism

A recent study underscores how human-caused warming could annihilate life through co-extinction of species.

  Tagged under: Extinction

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