The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Phenomenal World


Articles from this source (7)

The Logic of Austerity | Dillon Wamsley

  2024-01-04 by in Phenomenal World

On Clara Mattei’s “The Capital Order”

  Tagged under: Capitalism

The Doom Loop | Advait Arun

  2023-11-22 by in Phenomenal World

Insurance markets and climate risk

  Tagged under: Climate Change Impacts | Insurance

Grievance and Reform | The Polycrisis

  2023-08-31 by in Phenomenal World

Will the BRICS bargaining chip bear fruit for smaller and lower-income countries?

Hockey Sticks & Crosses | Anthea Roberts and Nicolas Lamp

  2023-08-17 by in Phenomenal World

Images that define the globalization debate

Global Boiling | The Polycrisis

  2023-08-03 by in Phenomenal World

Stocks and flows, action and inaction in the planetary impasse

Stranded Assets and Stranded Countries | The Polycrisis

  2023-03-23 by in Phenomenal World

Outsourcing the energy transition to the Gulf. By Kate Mackenzie and Tim Sahay.

Facts on the Ground | Alex Turnbull

  2022-12-22 by in Phenomenal World

Mapping uncertainty and information in the global energy system

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