The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens
Kicking the Thames can down the river – the cost to the environment, to the economy and to the rest of the industry - Dieter Helm
2024-04-05 by in Dieter HelmFailure to bring in special administration now to address Thames Water's problems has wider implications for the economy and the environment.
Tagged under: Economics
Time to pull the plug on the water privatisation model - Dieter Helm
2023-05-12 by in Dieter HelmA look at what has gone wrong with the UK water privatisation model, and what needs to be done to ensure a good quality water service.
Water - a new start
2022-10-19 (or before) in Dieter HelmGoing backwards the retreat from environmental commitments
2022-10-12 (or before) in Dieter HelmTagged under: Capitalism
COP26 – so was that it? - Dieter Helm
2021-12-05 (or before) in Dieter HelmTagged under: COP26 | Climate Change
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