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Topic: Vladimir Putin

Related Articles (23)

Why the US and Europe Still Buy Russian Nuclear Fuel - Bloomberg

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The US and its European allies moved fast to choke exports of Russian oil, natural gas and coal after Vladimir Putin ordered troops into Ukraine. When it comes to atomic energy, however, Kremlin-controlled Rosatom Corp. continues to be the dominant source of fuel for the world’s nuclear power stations — supplying about half of global demand for enriched uranium. Western nations are racing to reconstitute their own processing capacity, much of which withered amid a growing aversion to nuclear pow

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As the ice melts, a perilous Russian threat is emerging in the Arctic | Barry Gardiner

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Putin is weakened and fears Nato encirclement. His militarisation of Russia’s northern border is intensifying, says Labour MP Barry Gardiner

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In this reprint of his exclusive from March last year, Peter Jukes explains why the pro-Brexit establishment aided Russia's long war against democracy and how Britain was compromised

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The UK needs better insulated homes to free us from Putin and the fossil fuel giants | Helena Bennett

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Government investment should be targeted at cutting bills by cutting waste. Until then we will remain dependent, says Helena Bennett of the Green Energy Alliance

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The Guardian view on the global food crisis: this is just the beginning | Editorial

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‘Putin rubbing hands with glee’ after EU votes to class gas and nuclear as green

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A Border Adjustment Would Promote U.S. Energy Security and Weaken Russia

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UK may look to domestic oil and gas sources to reduce reliance on Russia in short term, but Prime Minister insists government will not be abandoning net zero transition

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Toxic Nostalgia, From Putin to Trump to the Trucker Convoys

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War is reshaping our world. Will we harness that urgency for climate action or succumb to a final, deadly oil and gas boom?

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A shift to clean energy would halt Russia's petro-thuggery and more

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Now imagine a world where petro-states no longer have the power to blackmail other countries or impact the international price of energy.

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Cosmonauts exhibition success leads to Pushkin Medal for Director of the Science Museum Ian Blatchford | Science Museum

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Ian Blatchford, received the Pushkin Medal from Russian President Vladimir Putin to recognise the acclaimed Cosmonauts: Birth of the Space Age exhibition.

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BP to Exit Rosneft Stake and May Take a $25 Billion Hit

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BP Plc moved to dump its shares in oil giant Rosneft PJSC, taking a financial hit of as much as $25 billion by joining the campaign to isolate Russia’s economy.

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The link between Putin and climate change

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The war in Ukraine is, like everything, tied to the climate crisis in multiple ways.

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This is how we defeat Putin and other petrostate autocrats | Bill McKibben

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After Hitler invaded the Sudetenland, America turned its industrial prowess to building tanks, bombers and destroyers. Now, we must respond with renewables

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Putin sounds methane alarm, under satellite surveillance and EU pressure

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The Russian president has raised concern about the warming impact of methane emissions, calling for research collaboration but making no policy promises

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The Hidden Author of Putinism

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Trump, Putin and the Pipelines to Nowhere | by Alex Steffen | The Nearly Now

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Russia’s Thawing Permafrost May Cost Economy $2.3 Billion a Year

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Russia plans to pay more attention to the impact climate change is having on its vast permafrost area.

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How liberal democracy can die, in our lifetimes: a summary in 30 pictures and charts – Jeremy Leggett

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How the GRU spy agency targets the west, from cyberspace to Salisbury

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