The Elephant

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Articles from this source (2)

Deficient monsoon rainfall hits paddy farmers in parts of north India

  2024-08-16 by in

Sherpuri Goswami owns slightly more than a hectare of land and is a ‘small’ farmer. The landholding is not enough to meet the needs of his family of eighteen, and the 53-year-old farmer from Nadiyali village in Haryana has taken eight hectares on lease on which he has planted paddy, the most important kharif (monsoon) […]

  Tagged under: Drought | India | Farming

Climate action, pollution control needed to keep sulphur dioxide in check

  2022-09-14 by in

While the concentration of sulphur dioxide (SO2), an atmospheric pollutant with health and climate impacts, shows a decreasing trend in India in the recent decade (2010-2020), compared to previous decades, due to environmental regulations and control technologies in place, its concentration is still high and is of concern, a trend analysis has said. “Even if […]

  Tagged under: Health | India

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Drought | Farming | Health | India

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