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Topic: Minerals

Related Articles (28)

Widespread Gold and Mineral Mining Causes Negative Impact on Tropical Rivers, Satellites Images Reveal

  2023-08-24 by in Science Times | Daily Top Science News and Features

Analysis of satellite images has revealed that the increased mining activity in rivers across the tropics has degraded the ecosystems and threatens human health. Find out more about it in this article.

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Executive summary – The Role of Critical Minerals in Clean Energy Transitions – Analysis - IEA

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The Role of Critical Minerals in Clean Energy Transitions - Analysis and key findings. A report by the International Energy Agency.

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Deep sea mining is a recipe for certain disaster

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Read more about marine conservation at Blue Planet Society.

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Massive mineral deposit discovery could meet global battery and solar panel demand ‘for next 100 years’ | The Independent

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Norge Mining hopes to open first mine in Norway within next five years

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Demand for EV mineral skyrockets, leaving miners largely overlooked - Washington Post

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South Africa is the world’s largest producer of manganese, but the EV industry has done little to protect miners from the neurological hazards of the mineral.

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More than 5,000 new species discovered in Pacific deep-sea mining hotspot

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A wealth of biodiversity has been found in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, an area earmarked for exploitation by mineral firms

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To mine EV minerals, industry turns to dangerous refinery technology - Washington Post

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Indonesia is richly endowed with nickel, but refining it for electric vehicle batteries poses a daunting environmental challenge.

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Quest for coveted EV battery metals yields misery in Guinea - Washington Post

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The soaring demand for electric vehicles is fueling dramatic changes in Guinea, home to the world’s largest bauxite reserves.

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"The Seneca Effect" Published

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A blog about collapse as caused by depletion of mineral resources and climate change

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DAYS OF ORWELL: DMRE issues ‘media monitoring’ tender, including a warning system for ‘media-launched attacks’

  2023-03-10 by in Daily Maverick - South African news, opinion and investigations

The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) has issued a questionable tender for a media monitoring service that seems oppressively Orwellian and uses the terminology of war. It will include an early-warning system to provide alerts of ‘incoming media-launched attacks on the department’ and monitoring of the ‘tone’ journalists take.

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How this country became a climate villain

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Australia doesn't make sense. It's being scorched by fires and drowned by floods. It has the sun, wind, water, land, minerals and money to clean up its econo...

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The Pilbara mining companies exploring greener ventures amid energy shift

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The Pilbara, known for its iron ore production, is set for another bumper year. But there are new players and projects emerging in Australia's resources heartland.

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For U.S. Companies, the Race for the New EV Battery Is On

  2022-12-29 (or before) in Yale E360

Spurred by federal mandates and incentives, U.S. manufacturers are pushing forward with developing new battery technologies for electric vehicles. The holy grail is a battery that is safer, costs less, provides longer driving range, and doesn’t use imported “conflict” minerals.

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Elevated CO2 levels cause mineral deficiency in plants resulting in less nutritious crops

  2022-12-02 (or before) in Science Daily

For years, scientists have seen enhanced photosynthesis as one of the only possible bright sides of increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) -- since plants use carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, it is anticipated that higher levels of the gas will lead to more productive plants. Scientists now explain why this effect may be less than expected because elevated levels of CO2 make it difficult for plants to obtain minerals necessary to grow and provide nutritious food.

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Green Energy’s Dirty Secret: Its Hunger for African Resources

  2022-07-04 (or before) by in Foreign Policy - the Global Magazine of News and Ideas

The scramble for battery metals threatens to replicate one of the most destructive dynamics in global economic history.

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Extreme weather is making mining waste a major problem

  2022-06-02 by in Climate. Justice. Solutions.

New report calls for revamped safety standards as companies race to meet demand for clean energy minerals.

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Minerals

BATTLEGROUND ANTARCTICA: ‘Gentleman’s agreement’: Despite mining ban, Russia scours Antarctica for massive fossil fuel deposits

  2022-05-17 by in Daily Maverick - South African news, opinion and investigations

The Kremlin’s mineral explorer says it has found a stunning 500 billion barrels of oil and gas below the Southern Ocean’s climate-threatened waters. Tapping these mooted reserves would not only hamper global efforts to fight the climate crisis. Known for flouting major agreements, a defiant Russia in the Antarctic could destroy the decades-long protected status of Earth’s last unmined frontier.

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The mineral supply crisis that’s rarely talked about | Prof Steve Keen on Patreon

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Scott Morrison says Australia ‘really good at digging stuff up’ while announcing clean energy summit

  2021-09-25 in The Guardian

Morrison says after Quad meeting that there is a ‘deep appreciation’ about Australia’s role ‘providing critical minerals’

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Nuclear-powered subs open opportunities for Australia

  2021-09-16 in Minerals Council of Australia

Reforming the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act is the first step in developing the skills and infrastructure to support the critical technology needed to acquire nuclear-powered submarines as announced today by the Australian, British and United States governments. This is an incredible opportunity for Australia’s economy – not only will we develop the skills and infrastructure to support this naval technology, but it connects us to the growing global nuclear power industry and its supply chains.

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Clean Energy Transition Will Increase Demand for Minerals, says new World Bank report

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Clean Energy Transition Will Increase Demand for Minerals, says new World Bank report

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The race for rare earth minerals: can Australia fuel the electric vehicle revolution?

  2021-04-16 in The Guardian

China dominates supply of the elusive metals, which are vital to modern technology, but finding new sources is becoming a global priority

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An Overview of Seabed Mining Including the Current State of Development, Environmental Impacts, and Knowledge Gaps

  2020-11-15 (or before) in Frontiers

Rising demand for minerals and metals, including for use in the technology sector, has led to a resurgence of interest in exploration of mineral resources located on the seabed. Such resources, whether seafloor massive (polymetallic) sulfides around hydrothermal vents, cobalt-rich crusts on the flanks of seamounts or fields of manganese (polymetallic) nodules on the abyssal plains, cannot be considered in isolation of the distinctive, in some cases unique, assemblages of marine species associated with the same habitats and structures. In addition to mineral deposits, there is interest in extracting methane from gas hydrates on c...

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History’s Largest Mining Operation Is About to Begin

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It’s underwater—and the consequences are unimaginable.

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How minerals and metals companies can help achieve 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

  2020-03-05 (or before) in UN Environment Programme

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U.S. Launches Tool to Stake Claim to World’s Rare Earth Minerals

  2020-03-03 (or before) in Bloomberg

In a high-tech twist on hammering pickets into the ground, the U.S. State Department has helped launch an online tool aimed at staking America’s claim to many of the world’s rare-earth minerals.

  Tagged under: Minerals

Requirements for Minerals and Metals for 100% Renewable Scenarios

  2019-10-13 (or before) in Springer Verlag

This chapter explores the magnitude of the changes in patterns of material use that will be associated with the increasing deployment of renewable energy and discusses the implications for...

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Tesla manager warns of global shortage of battery minerals in near future

  2019-05-03 in Computing - The UK's leading source for the analysis of business technology

Some minerals cannot be easily obtained, due to underinvestment in the mining sector

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