The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Topic: Rainforests

Related Articles (78)

Allegations of Rights Abuses in WWF-managed Ntokou Pikounda National Park - Rainforest Foundation UK

  2023-03-28 by in Rainforest Foundation UK

Worrying reports of forced displacement and human rights abuses have emerged from the Republic of Congo’s youngest national park.   Rainforest Foundation UK’s local partner Centre d’Actions pour le Développement (CAD) just published an investigation around Ntokou Pikounda National Park, finding that neighbouring indigenous and local communities have suffered and continue to suffer serious harm ... Read more

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Congo

Biggest carbon credit certifier to replace its rainforest offsets scheme

  2023-03-10 in The Guardian

Verra will phase out programme by mid-2025 after Guardian investigation found it was flawed

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Rainforests | Greenhouse Gases | Trees | Carbon Offsetting

Rainforests pump water round the tropics – but the pulse of this heart is weakening

  2023-03-10 in Geography Directions - Geographical expertise applied to the issues that matter most

By Callum Smith, University of Leeds; Dominick Spracklen, University of Leeds, and Jess Baker, University of Leeds This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license…

  Tagged under: Rainforests

Scientists prove clear link between deforestation and local drop in rainfall

  2023-03-01 in The Guardian

Study adds to fears Amazon is approaching tipping point after which it will not be able to generate its own rainfall

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How livestock grazing is preventing the return of rainforests to the UK and Ireland

  2023-02-13 in The Week

Most of the UK and Ireland’s grass-fed cows and sheep are on land that might otherwise be temperate rainforest

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Biden-Lula meeting: The time is right for U.S. and Brazil to work together for Amazonia (commentary)

  2023-02-10 in Mongabay

The Amazon rainforest and its people have gone through tough times recently. For the last four years, under Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, the region has experienced increasing deforestation and the dismantling of agencies intended to protect the environment and support indigenous communities. With the recent election of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, or “Lula,” Brazilians […]

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Teleconnections among tipping elements in the Earth system - Nature Climate Change

  2023-01-26 (or before) in Nature

Teleconnections between tipping elements in the Earth system are unclear. Here the authors use a climate network approach to link the Amazon Rainforest Area and the Tibetan Plateau, and show that current snow cover loss on the Tibetan Plateau is an early warning signal for an approaching tipping point.

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Climate Change | Tipping Points

Human Activities Are Drying Out the Amazon

  2023-01-22 (or before) in NASA Earth Observatory

The atmosphere above the rainforest has become drier, increasing the demand for water and leaving ecosystems vulnerable to fires and drought.

  Tagged under: Drought | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest

94% of Forest-Based Carbon Offsets Certified By Leading Global Provider Are ‘Phantom Credits,’ Major Investigation Finds - EcoWatch

  2023-01-22 (or before) in EcoWatch - For a Healthier Planet and Life

A new investigation from The Guardian, Die Zeit and SourceMaterial leads heavily towards the latter conclusion. The report, published Wednesday, found that more than 90 percent of the rainforest offset credits offered by top carbon standard Verra are actually what The Guardian called “phandom credits” that don’t actually remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Trees

Revealed: more than 90% of rainforest carbon offsets by biggest certifier are worthless, analysis shows

  2023-01-18 in The Guardian

Investigation into Verra carbon standard finds most are ‘phantom credits’ and may worsen global heating

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Shell | Rainforests | Greenhouse Gases | Trees | Carbon Offsetting

Elevated CO2 levels cause mineral deficiency in plants resulting in less nutritious crops

  2022-12-02 (or before) in Science Daily

For years, scientists have seen enhanced photosynthesis as one of the only possible bright sides of increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) -- since plants use carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, it is anticipated that higher levels of the gas will lead to more productive plants. Scientists now explain why this effect may be less than expected because elevated levels of CO2 make it difficult for plants to obtain minerals necessary to grow and provide nutritious food.

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Minerals

How dash for African oil and gas could wipe out Congo basin tropical forests

  2022-11-10 in The Guardian

Third of Congo basin’s tropical forests are under threat from fossil fuel investments, undermining climate action, report warns

  Tagged under: COP27 | Congo | Rainforests | Africa | Fossil Fuels | Trees

Global deforestation pledge will be missed without urgent action, say researchers

  2022-10-24 in The Guardian

Destruction of forests slowed in 2021 but not enough to meet 2030 commitment made by 145 countries

  Tagged under: Deforestation | COP26 | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Trees

The Amazon rainforest is being destroyed on an industrial scale - and the Brazilian election could decide its future

  2022-10-23 (or before) in Sky News

The Amazon rainforest is being destroyed on an industrial scale - and the Brazilian election could decide its future

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil

The Amazon — and our future — is being burned for profit - Greenpeace International

  2022-09-09 (or before) in Greenpeace

The Amazon rainforest is shrinking. The fires in the Amazon are growing. And the impacts of this destruction are a risk to the entire planet.

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Greenpeace

Large parts of Amazon may never recover, major study says

  2022-09-05 in

Swathes of rainforest have reached tipping point, research by scientists and Indigenous organisations concludes

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Trees | Tipping Points

Exclusive-Lula pushes Brazil-Indonesia-Congo COP forest alliance if elected

  2022-09-02 (or before) by in

By Lisandra Paraguassu BRASILIA (Reuters) - Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's aides are reaching out to Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of Congo to form a united front of countries with the most tropical rainforest at thi...

  Tagged under: Congo | Rainforests | Brazil | Trees | Indonesia

Amazon rainforest growth limited by lack of phosphorus

  2022-08-21 (or before) in - News and Articles on Science and Technology

Growth of the Amazon rainforest in our increasingly carbon-rich atmosphere could be limited by a lack of phosphorus in the soil, new research shows.

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest

Amazon Rainforest: Highest deforestation rate in six years - BBC News

  2022-07-10 (or before) in The BBC

Nearly 4,000 square kilometres of land have been cleared this year, Brazil's space agency reports.

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil

‘Relentless’ destruction of rainforest continuing despite Cop26 pledge

  2022-04-28 in The Guardian

Tropics lost 11.1m hectares of tree cover in 2021, including forest critical to limiting global heating and biodiversity loss

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Congo | COP26 | Rainforests | Brazil | Africa | Wildlife | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Trees | Indonesia | Biodiversity Loss

Climate crisis: Amazon rainforest tipping point is looming, data shows

  2022-03-07 in The Guardian

Analysis of satellite observations show forest is losing stability with ‘profound’ global implications

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Tipping Points | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Trees

To Save the Rainforests, Provide Healthcare, Education and Services for Those Who Protect Them — THE TROUBLE.

  2022-01-19 (or before) in THE TROUBLE.

The $20 billion dollar Glasgow pledge for tropical forests and Indigenous people falls dangerously short.

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Health | Trees

The Amazon is turning into savannah – we have 5 years to save it

  2021-12-13 (or before) by in New Scientist

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Climate Change

How Your 401(k) Is Helping Destroy the Amazon Rainforest

  2021-11-25 (or before) in The Intercept

The growing financialization of Brazilian agribusiness is enabling foreign investment in the industry most responsible for deforestation.

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil

Readings | System Dynamics Self Study | Sloan School of Management | MIT OpenCourseWare

  2021-11-18 in The Guardian

This section contains information about readings for the course. Includes information on the courses textbooks, road maps, and other readings.

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Amazon Rainforest | Rainforests | Greenhouse Gases | Russia | Trees

Indigenous Women in Peru Seek to Turn the Tables on Big Oil, Asserting ‘Rights of Nature’ to Fight Epic Spills - Inside Climate News

  2021-11-05 in Inside Climate News

In Peru’s northern Amazon rainforest, across a million acres known as Lot 1AB, a parade of foreign oil companies have for over 50 years drilled, spilled crude and dumped billions of gallons of toxic “production water” on the once pristine land. Throughout that time, the firms have largely evaded responsibility for cleaning up the mess […]

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Women and Children

A message for Cop26 – from deep within the Amazon rainforest | The Independent

  2021-10-28 (or before) in The Independent

In the run up to Glasgow summit, Nemonte Nenquimo – the female leader of the indigenous Waorani people – demands we respect Mother Nature, writes Donnachadh McCarthy

  Tagged under: COP26 | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Climate Change

Shell 'Drive Carbon Neutral' claims in doubt after forest scrutiny

  2021-10-25 (or before) in SourceMaterial Ð Climate. Corruption. Democracy.

With Unearthed and Bloomberg News. Untouched rainforest decorates the billboards of Shell’s ‘Drive Carbon Neutral’ campaign, which promises customers that by paying to protect it t

  Tagged under: Shell | Rainforests | Trees

Mexico: demand justice for murdered environmentalist!

  2021-09-15 (or before) in Rainforest Rescue - Working together for the rainforest

Environmental and human rights campaigners in Mexico face extreme danger in their day-to-day work. On July 5, activist Simón Pedro Pérez López was the victim of a drive-by shooting, murdered in front of his son in the middle of the Simojovel market in Chiapas. Please support our petition demanding justice for Simón Pedro.

  Tagged under: Activism | Rainforests | Mexico

Critical measures of global heating reaching tipping point, study finds

  2021-07-28 in The Guardian

Carbon emissions, ocean acidification, Amazon clearing all hurtling toward new records

  Tagged under: Oceans | Tipping Points | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Ocean Acidification

Korindo: Korean palm oil giant stripped of sustainability status - BBC News

  2021-07-16 (or before) in The BBC

A BBC investigation found Korindo had been buying and burning swathes of Asia's largest rainforests.

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Sustainability

Amazon rainforest now emitting more CO2 than it absorbs

  2021-07-14 in The Guardian

Cutting emissions more urgent than ever, say scientists, with forest producing more than a billion tonnes of carbon dioxide a year

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Greenhouse Gases | Trees

Amazon rainforest ‘will collapse if Bolsonaro remains president’

  2021-07-14 in The Guardian

Brazilian academics and activists issue warning amid fresh assault on environmental protections

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Bolsonaro | Amazon Rainforest | Activism | Rainforests | Brazil | Collapse

Interacting tipping elements increase risk of climate domino effects under global warming

  2021-06-04 (or before) in ESD

<p><strong class="journal-contentHeaderColor">Abstract.</strong> With progressing global warming, there is an increased risk that one or several tipping elements in the climate system might cross a critical threshold, resulting in severe consequences for the global climate, ecosystems and human societies. While the underlying processes are fairly well-understood, it is unclear how their interactions might impact the overall stability of the Earth's climate system. As of yet, this cannot be fully analysed with state-of-the-art Earth system models due to computational constraints as well as some missing and uncer...

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Antarctic | Tipping Points

‘Catastrophic’: Sierra Leone sells rainforest for Chinese harbour

  2021-05-17 in The Guardian

Controversial deal with China would be disastrous for fishing and protected rainforest, say opponents

  Tagged under: China | Rainforests | Africa | Fish

Joe Biden’s billions won’t stop Bolsonaro destroying the Amazon rainforest | Marina Silva and Rubens Ricupero

  2021-04-22 in The Guardian

Money alone will not persuade Brazil’s government to stop deforestation, say former Brazilian environment ministers Marina Silva and Rubens Ricupero

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Bolsonaro | Joe Biden | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Trees

Billions of extra trees may give us 20 years to tackle climate change

  2021-04-18 (or before) by in New Scientist

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Climate Change | Trees | Carbon Capture and Storage

First study of all Amazon greenhouse gases suggests the damaged forest is now worsening climate change

  2021-03-12 (or before) in National Geographic

The first broad look at all of the gases that affect how the Amazon works—not just CO2—reveals a system on the brink.

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Trees

Two-thirds of tropical rainforest destroyed or degraded globally, NGO says

  2021-03-08 (or before) in Yahoo

Humans have degraded or destroyed roughly two-thirds of the world's original tropical rainforest cover, new data reveals – raising alarm that a key natural buffer against climate change is quickly vanishing. The forest loss is also a major contributor of climate-warming emissions, with the dense tropical forest vegetation representing the largest living reservoir of carbon. Logging and land conversion, mainly for agriculture, have wiped out 34% of the world's original old-growth tropical rainforests, and degraded another 30%, leaving them more vulnerable to fire and future destruction, according to an analysis by the non...

  Tagged under: Global Warming | Rainforests | Climate Change | Trees

Amazon rainforest plots sold via Facebook Marketplace ads - BBC News

  2021-02-26 (or before) in The BBC

Protected land reserved for Brazil's indigenous communities is being traded on the social network.

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil

Walmart selling beef from firm linked to Amazon deforestation

  2021-02-13 in The Guardian

Exclusive: US chains Walmart, Costco and Kroger selling Brazilian beef produced by JBS linked to destruction of Brazilian rainforest

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Trees

The Terrifying Warning Lurking in the Earth’s Ancient Rock Record

  2021-02-06 (or before) by in The Atlantic

Our climate models could be missing something big.

  Tagged under: Oceans | Extreme Weather | Rainforests | Arctic | Climate Change | Antarctic | Sea Level

A wet Amazon may be more resilient to a drying climate than thought: Study

  2021-02-03 in Mongabay

In some of the wettest parts of the Amazon rainforest, dry air may increase plant photosynthesis rates — a response that contradicts the assumptions of many climate models, according to a recent study published in Science Advances. When conditions are dry, plants attempt to retain water by closing the tiny pores on their leaves called […]

  Tagged under: Amazon Rainforest | Rainforests

Farms, cities eat up 148 million hectares of biodiversity hotspots in 24 years: Study

  2020-10-31 (or before) in Down To Earth | Environment & science issues | India, South Asia

The largest losses, mostly in forests, occurred in the Sundaland, Indo-Burma and Mesoamerica hotspots, all in developing countries

  Tagged under: Farming | Rainforests | Trees | Biodiversity Loss

Rainforest at Biosphere 2 Offers Glimpse into Future of the Amazon

  2020-10-12 in University of Arizona News

Tropical forests may be more resilient to climate change than previously thought, according to a new study. The results could help make climate prediction models more accurate.

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Predictions | Climate Change | Trees

This is my message to the western world – your civilisation is killing life on Earth | Nemonte Nenquimo

  2020-10-12 in The Guardian

We Indigenous people are fighting to save the Amazon, but the whole planet is in trouble because you do not respect it, says Indigenous campaigner Nemonte Nenquimo

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Trees

'Total destruction': why fires are tearing across South America

  2020-10-09 in The Guardian

Wildfires, mostly caused by land clearing for cattle grazing and soya production, have set four nations ablaze

  Tagged under: Argentina | Deforestation | Wildfires | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Forest Fires | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Trees

Amazon near tipping point of switching from rainforest to savannah – study

  2020-10-05 in The Guardian

Climate crisis and logging is leading to shift from canopy rainforest to open grassland

  Tagged under: Tipping Points | Bolsonaro | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Trees

Brazil's Amazon rainforest suffers worst fires in a decade

  2020-10-01 in The Guardian

Satellites record 61% rise in hotspots over September 2019 as scientist warns: ‘It could get worse if the drought continues’

  Tagged under: Wildfires | Drought | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil

Amazon fires: Are they worse this year than before? - BBC News

  2020-08-29 (or before) in The BBC

Blazes are continuing to rage in the Amazon rainforest, despite the Brazilian president's fire ban.

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil

Tesco urged to ditch meat company over alleged links to Amazon deforestation

  2020-08-05 in The Guardian

Responding to Greenpeace campaign to cut links to Brazilian meat giant JBS, supermarket calls on government to ensure all UK food is deforestation-free

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Bolsonaro | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Greenpeace | Activism

Revealed: new evidence links Brazil meat giant JBS to Amazon deforestation

  2020-07-27 in The Guardian

Photographs by employee appear to show company trucks being used to transport cattle from allegedly prohibited cattle farm

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Trees

Dry tropical forests may be more at risk than wet rainforests, study says

  2020-07-03 in The Guardian

Areas with a drier climate have seen greater loss of biodiversity from global warming

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Africa | Trees | Biodiversity Loss

'Promiscuous treatment of nature' will lead to more pandemics – scientists

  2020-05-07 in The Guardian

Habitat destruction forces wildlife into human environments, where new diseases flourish

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Wildlife | Greenpeace | Trees

Brazil using coronavirus to cover up assaults on Amazon, warn activists

  2020-05-06 in The Guardian

Fears Jair Bolsonaro’s ‘land grabbers decree’ may be pushed forwards after new rule allows land-grabbing on indigenous reserves

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Activism | Bolsonaro | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil

Nobel laureates condemn 'judicial harassment' of environmental lawyer

  2020-04-18 in The Guardian

Chevron’s treatment of Steven Donziger branded ‘an exceptionally bad case of intimidation’

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Chevron

Tropical forests losing their ability to absorb carbon, study finds

  2020-03-04 in The Guardian

Amazon could turn into source of CO2 in atmosphere by next decade, research suggests

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Trees

Rainforest Action Network - Fighting for People and Planet

  2020-01-10 (or before) in Rainforest Action Network

Rainforest Action Network preserves forests, protects the climate and upholds human rights by challenging corporate power and systemic injustice through frontline partnerships and strategic campaigns.

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Trees

Revealed: 'monumental' NSW bushfires have burnt 20% of Blue Mountains world heritage area

  2019-12-03 in The Guardian

More than 10% of forest in NSW national parks destroyed by fire this season, with the damage to Gondwana rainforest a ‘global tragedy’

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Bushfires | Extreme Weather | Wildfires | Rainforests | Trees

Brazil’s president claims DiCaprio paid for Amazon fires

  2019-11-29 in The Guardian

Jair Bolsonaro falsely accuses actor of funding deliberate destruction of rainforest

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Bolsonaro | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Forest Fires | Trees

Climate emergency: world 'may have crossed tipping points’

  2019-11-27 in The Guardian

Warning of ‘existential threat to civilisation’ as impacts lead to cascade of unstoppable events

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Tipping Points | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Trees

Police raid office of Brazil NGO linked to brigade that helped battle Amazon fires

  2019-11-26 in The Guardian

Raid and arrests were a politically-motivated attack on dedicated firefighters and a respected NGO, indigenous associations and campaigners say

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Wildfires | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil

Meat: A Threat to Our Planet? review – guaranteed to put you off your chicken nuggets

  2019-11-25 in The Guardian

Liz Bonnin’s investigation of the environmental mayhem caused by mass carnivory was meaty, disquieting viewing

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Texas | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Trees | Activism

Global Carbon Project (GCP)

  2019-11-07 (or before) in Global Carbon Project

State of the carbon cycle: An annual update of the global carbon budget.

  Tagged under: Rainforests

Glacial rivers absorb carbon faster than rainforests, scientists find

  2019-10-25 in The Guardian

‘Total surprise’ discovery overturns conventional understanding of rivers

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Greenhouse Gases | Rivers

Amazon rainforest 'close to irreversible tipping point'

  2019-10-23 in The Guardian

Forecast suggests rainforest could stop producing enough rain to sustain itself by 2021

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Tipping Points | Bolsonaro | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Trees

If Carbon Offsets Require Forests to Stay Standing, What Happens When the Amazon Is on Fire?

  2019-10-22 (or before) by in Pro Publica

The emergency threatening part of the world’s largest rainforest is proof that offsets are too risky to count on to cancel out corporate pollution, and that the Amazon needs help without strings attached.

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Trees

Greta Thunberg: ‘We are ignoring natural climate solutions’

  2019-09-19 in The Guardian

Film by Swedish activist and Guardian journalist George Monbiot says nature must be used to repair broken climate

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Greta Thunberg | Activism | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Greenhouse Gases | Fossil Fuels | Trees

Amazon fires 'extraordinarily concerning', warns UN biodiversity chief

  2019-08-30 in The Guardian

Biodiversity chief calls for countries to unite to halt rapid degradation of nature

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Forest Fires | Trees

Trump Moves to Open 16.7 Million Acre Alaskan Rainforest to Corporate Exploitation - EcoWatch

  2019-08-28 in EcoWatch - For a Healthier Planet and Life

Trump has reportedly ordered the U.S. Department of Agriculture to open Alaska's 16.7 million-acre Tongass National Forest — the planet's largest intact temperate rainforest — to logging and other corporate development projects, a move that comes as thousands of fires are ripping through the Amazon rainforest and putting the "lungs of the world"

  Tagged under: Donald Trump | Wildfires | Rainforests | Forest Fires | Alaska | Trees

Jair Bolsonaro claims NGOs behind Amazon forest fire surge – but provides no evidence

  2019-08-21 in The Guardian

Brazilian president claims green groups behind blazes, which have increased 84% over same period last year

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Bolsonaro | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Trees

Amazon deforestation accelerating towards unrecoverable 'tipping point'

  2019-07-25 in The Guardian

Data confirms fears that Jair Bolsonaro’s policy encourages illegal logging in Brazil

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Tipping Points | Bolsonaro | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil

Brazil: huge rise in Amazon destruction under Bolsonaro, figures show

  2019-07-03 in The Guardian

Preliminary data reveals 88.4% deforestation increase compared with a year ago as critics say rightwing president has emboldened loggers and ranchers

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Bolsonaro | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Trees

Revealed: rampant deforestation of Amazon driven by global greed for meat

  2019-07-02 in The Guardian

Investigation exposes how Brazil’s huge beef sector continues to threaten health of world’s largest rainforest

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Farming | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Cattle and Dairy Farming | Health | Trees

'Exterminator of the future': Brazil's Bolsonaro denounced for environmental assault

  2019-05-09 in The Guardian

Activist and politician Marina Silva warns Brazil’s rainforest protections being destroyed but vows ‘we can’t let that happen’

  Tagged under: Activism | Bolsonaro | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil

‘Death by a thousand cuts’: vast expanse of rainforest lost in 2018

  2019-04-25 in The Guardian

Pristine forests are vital for climate and wildlife but trend of losses is rising, data shows

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Congo | Rainforests | Brazil | Africa | Wildlife | Trees | Indonesia | Biodiversity Loss

Insect collapse: ‘We are destroying our life support systems’ | Insects | The Guardian

  2019-01-15 (or before) in The Guardian

Scientist Brad Lister returned to Puerto Rican rainforest after 35 years to find 98% of ground insects had vanished

  Tagged under: Rainforests | Insects | Collapse

Brazil reveals highest deforestation figures in a decade as activists warn Bolsonaro will make issue worse | The Independent | The Independent

  2019-01-01 (or before) in The Independent

Illegal logging and agriculture creeping into jungle land blamed for devastating rise

  Tagged under: Deforestation | Bolsonaro | Rainforests | Amazon Rainforest | Brazil | Activism

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