The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Forbes


Articles from this source (36)

House On Fire: Why The U.S. Has Most To Lose In A Warming World

  2024-07-22 by in Forbes

Home insurance is set to rise across the U.S. as hazards intensify. The firms that insure the insurers are in no doubt about the root cause of the problem.

  Tagged under: Insurance

It’s Time To Get A Bathing Suit: The Tide Is Going Out On Sustainable Investing

  2024-07-03 by in Forbes

Now that the Supreme Court overruled the Chevron Deference, what will happen to responsible investing at pensions and private foundations?

Hot Streak: Why February 2024 Was The 9th Consecutive Hottest Month On Record

  2024-03-07 by in Forbes

Earth just experienced the hottest February since records began—and researchers warn it's all part of a pattern caused by human activity.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Extreme Heat | El Niño

AI Is Accelerating the Loss of Our Scarcest Natural Resource: Water

  2024-02-25 by in Forbes

With the rise of generative AI, companies have significantly raised their water usage, sparking concerns about the sustainability of such practices.

‘We Are Afraid’: Scientists Issue New Warning As World Enters ‘Uncharted Climate Territory’

  2023-10-24 by in Forbes

Scientists today warned that human activity is pushing Earth into a situation "no one has ever witnessed firsthand in the history of humanity."

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | Wildfires

Trillions In G20 Fossil Fuel Subsidies Fuel Profits And Climate Change

  2023-10-08 (or before) by in Forbes

This governmental largesse for the fossil fuel industry is a primary source of its profits, and a primary cause of continued greenhouse gas emissions.

Oil And Gas Giants Spend Millions Lobbying To Block Climate Change Policies [Infographic]

  2023-09-14 (or before) by in Forbes

A recent report from InfluenceMap claims that the world's biggest oil and gas companies spend $200 million every year to weaken and oppose legislation aimed at fighting global warming.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Legislation

Taiwan’s Gogoro Revs Up Overseas Expansion Plans For Its Battery Swapping Electric Two-Wheelers

  2023-08-13 (or before) by in Forbes

For nearly a decade, Gogoro has steadily built a network of more than 2,500 battery-swapping stations across the island that help power 90% of the domestic two-wheelers. Now, Gogoro aims to replicate its domestic success abroad.

  Tagged under: India

Shell Joins Fellow Majors In Refocus On Core Oil And Gas Business

  2023-06-15 by in Forbes

The major integrated oil companies are refocusing their budgets on the core business of oil and gas this year. What it means for the future is unclear.

  Tagged under: ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance | Shell | BP | Exxon

The Case For Fossil Fuel Divestment

  2023-03-28 (or before) by in Forbes

In the face of the climate crisis, calls for divestment from fossil fuels have grown louder. What does divestment mean? Does it work? Understand the financial and social impacts of the divestment movement in reducing carbon emissions.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Fossil Fuels | Climate Change Impacts | Finance

The Case For Fossil Fuel Engagement

  2023-03-28 (or before) by in Forbes

Although fossil fuels may have no future in a decarbonized world, fossil fuel firms may still have a role to play in the decades of climate transition ahead. Can responsible financial engagement with these companies support current energy needs and climate goals?

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | Net Zero | ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance | Finance

Rainfall Records Shattered In Auckland, New Zealand - It Wasn’t Even Close

  2023-01-29 (or before) by in Forbes

Here's why extreme rainfall in Auckland, New Zealand has scientists saying "Wow" and you should be too.

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Extreme Rainfall | Climate Change

Scorching Heatwave In India Reaches 115°F

  2022-05-02 (or before) by in Forbes

South Asia (India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh) is in the midst of an unrelenting heatwave.

  Tagged under: Wildfires | Heatwaves | Climate Change | Famine and Food Insecurity | India

Dark Side To Solar? More Reports Tie Panel Production To Toxic Pollution

  2022-02-02 (or before) by in Forbes

A major new study of the economics of solar, published in Harvard Business Review, finds that the waste produced by solar panels will make electricity from solar four times more expensive than the world’s leading energy analysts thought.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Shell | Solar Energy | Climate Change | Economics | Electricity

New Findings Warn Earth Could Break Key Warming Barrier In 2033

  2022-01-15 (or before) by in Forbes

New analysis of temperatures around the world in 2021 indicate that the planet is on track to pass an all-important warming threshold much earlier than scientists had hoped.

  Tagged under: Global Warming | Extreme Weather | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change

What’s Happening? Global Emissions Are Still Rising

  2021-12-29 (or before) by in Forbes

Global electricity demand will increase almost 10% by 2022, and half of this will be fossil fuel, particularly new coal in the developing world. Nuclear will grow by only 2%, and is one important reason emissions will grow so much during this period.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Nuclear Power | Coal | Climate Change | Electricity

COP26: Why The UN Climate Conference Matters Like Never Before

  2021-10-23 (or before) by in Forbes

Delegates from almost every nation are gathering in Scotland for a critical UN climate summit. David Vetter speaks to four of the world's top climate experts to find out what needs to get done at COP26.

  Tagged under: COP26 | Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | The Paris Agreement

Politics Is Now The Battleground For Climate Change Says Leading U.K. Scientist

  2021-06-26 (or before) by in Forbes

Leading climate experts have launched an international advisory group with a program aimed at mitigating the consequences of climate change through emissions reduction, greenhouse gas removal, and climate repair.

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Finance

Developer Of Aluminum-Ion Battery Claims It Charges 60 Times Faster Than Lithium-Ion, Offering EV Range Breakthrough

  2021-05-14 (or before) by in Forbes

The graphene aluminum-ion battery cells from the Brisbane-based Graphene Manufacturing Group (GMG) are claimed to charge up to 60 times faster than the best lithium-ion cells and hold more energy.

  Tagged under: Lithium | Batteries | Innovation

With America Back In The Paris Agreement, We Must Be ‘All In’ On Climate

  2021-03-05 (or before) by in Forbes

The only way we will get to net zero by mid century is to implement science-based interim targets based on concrete strategies for moving our economy, society and financial system away from fossil fuels.

  Tagged under: Economics | Joe Biden | Fossil Fuels | Net Zero | The Paris Agreement

A 5 Trillion Dollar Subsidy: How We All Pay For Fossil Fuels

  2021-02-06 (or before) by in Forbes

Each year, fossil fuel producers receive trillions of dollars in subsidies. This reflects an epic market failure. Our atmosphere is a vital shared resource, and current policies allow producers to treat it like a garbage dump. Climate action is key to protect our health and the health of the planet.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Climate Change | Economics | Fossil Fuels | Health

Here's The Real Reason Why GMOs Are Bad, And Why They May Save Humanity

  2020-11-28 (or before) by in Forbes

GMO crops are causing ecological damage in the US. They may be our best hope for feeding the world in 2050.

Now Is Not The Time To Pump The Brakes On Fleet Electrification

  2020-06-24 (or before) by in Forbes

In order to meet their long-term climate commitments as well as near-term policy requirements, fleet operators are continuing to accelerate their investments in electrification, even now.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Electric Cars | EVs

Greenland And Antarctica Are Melting Six Times Faster Than In The 1990s

  2020-03-31 (or before) by in Forbes

This month, a comprehensive assessment of the changing ice sheets published in the journal Nature, found that in the 2010s, the rate of ice loss has risen by a factor six.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Antarctic | Ice Melting | Sea Level

The Current Global Warming Trend Is Directly Related To Human Emissions Of Greenhouse Gases

  2020-03-06 (or before) by in Forbes

Atmospheric CO2 concentrations have reached 414 ppm because humans are emitting 36.6 gigatons of CO2 a year.

  Tagged under: Greenhouse Gases | Climate Change | Fossil Fuels

Former UN Climate Chief Calls For Civil Disobedience

  2020-02-24 (or before) by in Forbes

The woman who led the negotiations for the Paris Agreement has called in a new book for political engagement on climate change that goes well beyond the voting booth.

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | Activism | Climate Change | Extinction Rebellion

Fires May Have Killed Up To 1,000 Koalas, Fueling Concerns Over The Future Of The Species

  2019-11-24 (or before) by in Forbes

As Australia experiences record-breaking drought and bushfires, koala populations are being threatened.

  Tagged under: Bushfires | Drought

Does Greta Thunberg’s Lifestyle Equal Climate Denial? One Climate Scientist Seems To Suggest So.

  2019-11-15 (or before) by in Forbes

The climate debate has taken an interesting turn. It is no longer a shouting match between climate affirmers and climate deniers. Now the debate is taking place among climate affirmers on the subject of personal responsibility for combating climate change.

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | IPCC | Climate Change

Oil And Gas Giants Spend Millions Lobbying To Block Climate Change Policies [Infographic]

  2019-11-05 (or before) by in Forbes

A recent report from InfluenceMap claims that the world's biggest oil and gas companies spend $200 million every year to weaken and oppose legislation aimed at fighting global warming.

  Tagged under: Global Warming | Climate Change | Legislation

No One Seemed To Notice Greta Thunberg’s Critique Of The Green New Deal

  2019-09-23 (or before) by in Forbes

"We cannot make 'deals' with physics," the Swedish teen activist said.

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | Activism

With $32 Trillion In Assets, Investors Demand Immediate Action On Climate Change

  2019-09-09 (or before) by in Forbes

A global group of 415 investors managing $32 trillion in assets just released a combined statement urging governments to accelerate their actions to mitigate climate change.

  Tagged under: Climate Change

So You Think We're Reducing Fossil Fuel Use? Think Again.

  2019-07-21 (or before) by in Forbes

If you think we’re doing a good job of curbing fossil fuel use, you're mistaken. Oil production is exploding in America. Growth in coal in the developing world shows no sign of slowing, and gas has kicked into high gear most everywhere. Renewables are increasing slower. Nuclear and hydro are flat.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Coal | Nuclear Power

We Have Five Years To Save Ourselves From Climate Change, Harvard Scientist Says

  2019-04-30 (or before) by in Forbes

The level of carbon now in the atmosphere hasn't been seen in 12 million years, a Harvard scientist said in Chicago Thursday, and this pollution is rapidly pushing the climate back to its state in the Eocene Epoch, more than 33 million years ago, when there was no ice on either pole.

  Tagged under: Climate Change

Two-Thirds Of The World's Seafood Is Over-Fished -- Here's How You Can Help

  2019-03-30 (or before) by in Forbes

  Tagged under: Fish | Sustainability

Climate Activists Must Come To Grips With The Role Natural Gas Will Have

  2019-03-23 (or before) by in Forbes

The International Energy Agency has released its World Energy Outlook, noting that the role of renewables will escalate to 40% of all global power generation by 2040. But it also means an increased role for natural gas to back up those green fuels, all to combat climate change.

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Activism | Climate Change

Your Web Use Leaves A Carbon Footprint, Here's How You Can Reduce It

  2018-12-14 (or before) by in Forbes

Browsing the web causes more harm than you think, but you can do something about it. Find out what you can do.

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