The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Labour Outlook


Articles from this source (3)

Nuclear power – climate solution or dangerous distraction?

  2024-05-06 in Labour Outlook

Sam Mason writes on why you should join the Labour CND webinar on 13 May on how to fight the dangerous push to nuclear power.

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power

By reversing the fracking ban, Liz Truss turns the clock back on climate policy – Olivia Blake PM

  2022-09-21 in Labour Outlook

"Reversing the fracking ban will not even lower our energy bills or increase our energy security, as Truss and her cheerleaders in the Net Zero Scrutiny group suggest."

  Tagged under: Fracking | Net Zero

The broken financial system & economy created the crisis in our climate & our living standards – Rebecca Long Bailey exclusive on the autumn #budget & #cop26 - Labour Outlook

  2021-10-22 in Labour Outlook

“As a movement we need to be clear that now is absolutely not the time for tinkering around the edges – we need a game changing, systemic rewrite.”

  Tagged under: Economics | COP26

Related Topics

COP26 | Economics | Fracking | Net Zero | Nuclear Power

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