The Elephant

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Source: Annual Reviews


Articles from this source (6)

Three Decades of Climate Mitigation: Why Haven't We Bent the Global Emissions Curve?

  2023-03-22 (or before) in Annual Reviews

Despite three decades of political efforts and a wealth of research on the causes and catastrophic impacts of climate change, global carbon dioxide emissions have continued to rise and are 60% higher today than they were in 1990. Exploring this rise through nine thematic lenses—covering issues of climate governance, the fossil fuel industry, geopolitics, economics, mitigation modeling, energy systems, inequity, lifestyles, and social imaginaries—draws out multifaceted reasons for our collective failure to bend the global emissions curve. However, a common thread that emerges across the reviewed literature is the cent...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics | Climate Change Impacts | Climate Change Mitigation | The Paris Agreement

Symposium: Climate Change and Health Mitigating, Adapting, and Suffering: How Much of Each?

  2023-03-08 (or before) in Annual Reviews

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Health

State of the World's Birds

  2022-05-05 (or before) in Annual Reviews

We present an overview of the global spatiotemporal distribution of avian biodiversity, changes in our knowledge of that biodiversity, and the extent to which it is imperilled. Birds are probably the most completely inventoried large taxonomic class of organisms, permitting a uniquely detailed understanding of how the Anthropocene has shaped their distributions and conservation status in space and time. We summarize the threats driving changes in bird species richness and abundance, highlighting the increasingly synergistic interactions between threats such as habitat loss, climate change, and overexploitation. Many metrics of a...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Extinction | Biodiversity Loss

Research On Degrowth

  2021-12-19 (or before) in Annual Reviews

Scholars and activists mobilize increasingly the term degrowth when producing knowledge critical of the ideology and costs of growth-based development. Degrowth signals a radical political and economic reorganization leading to reduced resource and energy use. The degrowth hypothesis posits that such a trajectory of social transformation is necessary, desirable, and possible; the conditions of its realization require additional study. Research on degrowth has reinvigorated the limits to growth debate with critical examination of the historical, cultural, social, and political forces that have made economic growth a dominant obje...

  Tagged under: Activism | Degrowth | Economics | Economic Growth | Sustainability

Three Decades of Climate Mitigation: Why Haven't We Bent the Global Emissions Curve?

  2021-10-23 (or before) in Annual Reviews

Despite three decades of political efforts and a wealth of research on the causes and catastrophic impacts of climate change, global carbon dioxide emissions have continued to rise and are 60% higher today than they were in 1990. Exploring this rise through nine thematic lenses—covering issues of climate governance, the fossil fuel industry, geopolitics, economics, mitigation modeling, energy systems, inequity, lifestyles, and social imaginaries—draws out multifaceted reasons for our collective failure to bend the global emissions curve. However, a common thread that emerges across the reviewed literature is the cent...

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Economics | Climate Change Impacts | Climate Change Mitigation

Moist Heat Stress on a Hotter Earth

  2021-07-04 (or before) in Annual Reviews

As the world overheats—potentially to conditions warmer than during the three million years over which modern humans evolved—suffering from heat stress will become widespread. Fundamental questions about humans’ thermal tolerance limits are pressing. Understanding heat stress as a process requires linking a network of disciplines, from human health and evolutionary theory to planetary atmospheres and economic modeling. The practical implications of heat stress are equally transdisciplinary, requiring technological, engineering, social, and political decisions to be made in the coming century. Yet relative to th...

  Tagged under: Extreme Weather | Predictions | Health

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