The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Extinction Rebellion UK


Articles from this source (8)

Extinction Rebellion Strategy 2023-2024: Here comes everyone - Extinction Rebellion UK

  2023-05-28 by in Extinction Rebellion UK

Extinction Rebellion has successfully shifted public opinion on the climate and ecological emergency in the last four years, but we know that transforming the political system, social culture, and economy is necessary for a sustainable and equitable future. The Big One was the start of this strategy, but as we move into the summer and […]

  Tagged under: Public Opinion | Extinction Rebellion

BREAKING: Barclays 7 given 2 years unconditional suspended sentence for breaking glass during an emergency - Extinction Rebellion UK

  2023-01-27 by in Extinction Rebellion UK

At 4.30pm this afternoon, seven women attended sentencing at Southwark Crown Court in London for carefully cracking windows at Barclays HQ in Canary Wharf, to draw attention to Barclays’ financing of fossil fuels and to call on the bank to stop accelerating the climate emergency. All seven women were given two years unconditional suspended sentences. 

  Tagged under: Extinction Rebellion | Fossil Fuels | Women and Children

Open Letter to Liz Truss on 'Anti Growth' - XR co-founder, Gail Bradbrook - Extinction Rebellion UK

  2022-10-13 by in Extinction Rebellion UK

In your recent speech at the Conservative party conference you mentioned growth 29 times; said "I will not allow the anti-growth coalition to hold us back” and named Extinction Rebellion as part of this coalition. Thank you for opening up this critical conversation. We appreciate the opportunity to share our understanding and we hope many others will join us for a grown up conversation in these urgent times.

  Tagged under: Extinction Rebellion | Coal

Emergency on Planet Earth - Extinction Rebellion UK

  2022-10-08 (or before) in Extinction Rebellion UK

Explore the table of contents below and click to read more. See the Google Doc version of this guide to read offline or print. See also a selection of key facts from this guide.

  Tagged under: Extinction Rebellion

XR UK Strategy 2022 - Extinction Rebellion UK

  2022-01-23 in Extinction Rebellion UK

Today we launch XRUK's 2022 strategy, which will reignite our original Theory of Change - mass mobilising towards 3.5% of the population.

  Tagged under: Extinction Rebellion

Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill - Extinction Rebellion UK

  2022-01-23 (or before) in Extinction Rebellion UK

About the CEE Bill See below for more on parliamentary procedure, the contents of the CEE Bill and what you can do to help get the campaign moving! Find out more Essential Resources *** Updated April 2021 *** The Campaign Guide is both an introduction to the Bill and a CEE Bill campaigning recipe book. […]

  Tagged under: Extinction Rebellion | Climate Change

Extinction Rebellion UK position on COP26 - Extinction Rebellion UK

  2021-09-27 in Extinction Rebellion UK

PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER – NOT ‘WORLD LEADERS’ What an incredible few months it’s been. We rolled up our sleeves, put our bodies on the line, and made the Impossible Rebellion defy all expectations. We led with our hearts and danced on pink tables, making the climate and ecological emergency impossible to ignore. It was […]

  Tagged under: Extinction Rebellion | COP26

Money Rebellion - Extinction Rebellion UK

  2020-11-24 (or before) in Extinction Rebellion UK

Why Money Rebellion? Our economic system determines the course of our lives Its rules govern everything that matters to us – but this system is willing to sacrifice our health, climate and natural world to favour the fortunes of the few. The system is killing us It cannot protect us from the crises to come, […]

  Tagged under: Economics | Extinction Rebellion | Health

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