The Elephant

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Source: Newsweek


Articles from this source (14)

Scientists warn of "massive" release from Great Salt Lake

  2024-07-25 in Newsweek

Researcher Soren Brothers said the best way "to keep this CO2 from being released is by ensuring that Great Salt Lake remains wet."

  Tagged under: Water Resources | USA | CO2

Scientists reveal "major" new factor in bumblebee decline

  2024-05-03 in Newsweek

A study found that bumblebee nests may be getting too hot, and the species are struggling to thermoregulate these temperatures.

  Tagged under: Bees | Insects

California's insurance crisis is spiraling out of control

  2024-03-01 in Newsweek

The withdrawal of American National from the state is set to leave tens of thousands without coverage.

  Tagged under: California | Insurance

Map shows 9 states where homeowners are losing their insurance

  2024-03-01 in Newsweek

American National Group said it will pull back from offering homeowners insurance policies in nine states.

  Tagged under: Insurance

Carbon capture is key to COP28 debate over ending or extending fossil fuels

  2023-12-07 in Newsweek

Carbon capture and storage technology has emerged as a central issue among U.N. COP28 climate negotiators considering a phaseout of fossil fuels.

  Tagged under: COP28 | Fossil Fuels | Carbon Capture and Storage

The Climate Summit Is a Sick Joke. You Should Be Angry and Afraid

  2023-12-01 in Newsweek

The primary cause of global heating is fossil fuels; and global heating is what's driving all the crazy heat, fire, smoke, storms, flooding, drought, crop yield losses, and ecosystem death that is

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels | Drought | COP28

Scientists "surprised" by Antarctic glacier suddenly doubling its speed

  2023-11-28 in Newsweek

"In 2018, the glacier started accelerating its flow and retreating," researcher Benjamin Wallis told Newsweek.

  Tagged under: Antarctic

Sadly, It's Not 'Just Another Summer.' We Must End the Fossil Fuel Industry

  2023-10-04 in Newsweek

My fellow human beings, we're in the process of losing basically everything, as the latest data demonstrates.

  Tagged under: Drought | Climate Change

The Oceans Appear to Be Stabilizing. Here's Why it's Very Bad News

  2022-05-02 (or before) in Newsweek

A more stably stratified ocean potentially favors more intense, destructive hurricanes—and that's not all.

  Tagged under: Oceans | Climate Change

Michael Moore's new film turns heroes into villains and villains into heroes | Opinion

  2020-05-13 (or before) in Newsweek

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Climate Change

Don't bail out fossil fuels. Buy them out instead | Opinion

  2020-04-26 (or before) in Newsweek

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels

Record hit for most ice to melt in Antarctica in one day, data suggests: "We are in a climate emergency"

  2019-12-29 (or before) in Newsweek

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Antarctic

Greta, not Trump, is the true leader of the free world | Opinion

  2019-09-24 in Newsweek

  Tagged under: Greta Thunberg | Donald Trump | Climate Change

Trump lied to Prince Charles's face - and to the world | Opinion

  2019-06-06 (or before) in Newsweek

  Tagged under: Donald Trump | Climate Change

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