The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists


Articles from this source (17)

Project 2025: The right-wing conspiracy to torpedo global climate action

  2024-08-16 by in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

The GOP threatens to weaponize a potential second Trump term against any and all domestic climate action. But what happens in the United States doesn’t stay in the United States.

  Tagged under: Project 2025 | US Politics | Donald Trump

The University of Chicago’s new climate initiative: brave research program or potentially dangerous foray into solar geoengineering?

  2024-06-20 by in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

The University of Chicago is attempting to position itself as the place for serious scientific consideration of the logistics and implications of Earth system interventions aimed at reversing or counteracting climate change.

  Tagged under: Geoengineering

How an obscure atmospheric phenomenon causes catastrophic flooding in California

  2024-04-25 by in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Incorporating the Madden Julian Oscillation into weather forecasting could give communities more time to prepare for extreme precipitation.

Spent nuclear fuel mismanagement poses a major threat to the United States. Here's how.

  2024-04-02 by in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

A widespread collapse of the US power grid system—triggered by solar storms, physical attacks, or cyberattacks—could threaten nuclear facilities, including overloaded spent fuel pools.

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power | Collapse

Congress torpedoes a Biden nominee and casts doubt on nuclear safety

  2024-02-06 by in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Biden’s decision to drop Jeff Baran's nomination for another term with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission is a blow to the independence of the agency—and the safety and security of the country.

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power | US Politics

Current Time - 2024 - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

  2024-01-25 (or before) in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

It is 90 seconds to midnight.

Nuclear expert Mycle Schneider on the COP28 pledge to triple nuclear energy production: ‘Trumpism enters energy policy’

  2023-12-18 by in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

A nuclear expert explains why it's impossible to triple nuclear energy capacity by 2050.

  Tagged under: COP28 | Nuclear Power

Betting against worst-case climate scenarios is risky business

  2023-09-04 by in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

How much change can human systems tolerate before society collapses?

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Collapse

Faster than forecast, climate impacts trigger tipping points in the Earth system

  2023-04-19 by in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Recent research has shown that tipping points and cascades are already occurring, not at 1.5 or 2 degrees Celsius of warming, but right now.

  Tagged under: Tipping Points

Carbon capture has a long history. Of failure

  2022-09-01 by in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

A new study reviews the capacity and performance of 13 flagship carbon capture projects and finds that 10 of the 13 failed or underperformed.

This gas would have stayed in the ground if it wasn't for bitcoin

  2022-05-17 by in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Bitcoin miners are finding ever-more efficient ways to burn fossil fuels to manufacture cryptocurrency.

  Tagged under: Fossil Fuels

"Harrowing" intelligence report still downplays threat of climate change to national security

  2021-11-11 by in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

A first-of-its-kind report by 18 US intelligence agencies explains how the climate crisis could increase geopolitical tensions around the globe—but will government heed the warning?

  Tagged under: Climate Change

1978: Is mankind warming the Earth?

  2021-07-01 (or before) in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

This report is based on a monograph the author prepared for the World Meteorological Organization in Geneva, Switzerland.

Arctic warming, as seen by Alaska’s Native Inupiat - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

  2020-07-08 in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

We’re taking on all the risks of these global and environmental changes, said one Native Inupiat whaling captain. “The train wreck is here... we’re just looking at it and trying to figure out: What do we do now? Who’s responsible? Now we have to deal with it.”

  Tagged under: Arctic | Alaska

How to explain climate change? With comic books - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

  2020-04-22 in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Climate change seems to be a problem almost designed to defy our understanding. We are not good at dealing with intangible entities, and in climate change both causes and effects remain mostly invisible in our daily lives. But comics can make the invisible visible, and tell human stories.

  Tagged under: Climate Change

A Cold War lesson for the climate change era: Why we need a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

  2020-02-04 in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

From non-proliferation to disarmament to peaceful use, there are many things we could learn from the model of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, when it comes to dealing with climate change.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Nuclear Power

Revisiting the climate collapse: The view from Nuuk in the year 2070

  2019-10-31 by in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

How poorly-mitigated fossil fuel use over the next 50 years would cause massive disruption of human societies.

  Tagged under: Collapse

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