The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Recharge | Latest renewable energy news


Articles from this source (9)

'Turn wasted wind power into green hydrogen and save UK billions': study

  2024-01-16 in Recharge | Latest renewable energy news

Government must incentivise generators to use excess energy for ‘positive purposes’ rather than collecting curtailment payments, says report

  Tagged under: Hydrogen | Wind Power

UK and Denmark turn on 'world’s longest land and subsea interconnector'

  2023-12-29 in Recharge | Latest renewable energy news

Viking Link aims to connect wind producers to bigger markets

  Tagged under: Electricity Grid | Wind Power

'Myths around floating wind power don't help anyone – it's time to debunk them'

  2023-06-09 in Recharge | Latest renewable energy news

Misconceptions around pivotal technology include competition with bottom-fixed and standardisation, writes Andy Strowbridge

  Tagged under: Wind Power

'Call us crazy, but we’re betting on a big future for small renewable energy players – even in offshore wind'

  2023-04-05 in Recharge | Latest renewable energy news

OPINION | Nimble early movers still have a crucial role to play in project development and should get the rewards they deserve, writes Jérôme Guillet

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Wind Power

UK needs 'onshore wind and solar revolution': MP Skidmore's net zero study

  2023-01-13 in Recharge | Latest renewable energy news

Nation needs to set goals and roadmap for key onshore renewables like those seen in offshore sector, says former energy minister

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Solar Energy | Net Zero | Wind Power

Revealed | How Biden's $3/kg green hydrogen tax credit could break open US production

  2022-08-17 in Recharge | Latest renewable energy news

Market price for subsidised green H2 produced on US Gulf Coast can undercut grey hydrogen immediately and continue to cut costs from there, S&P calculates

  Tagged under: Hydrogen | Joe Biden

'The amount of energy required by direct air carbon capture proves it is an exercise in futility'

  2021-09-14 in Recharge | Latest renewable energy news

Removing CO2 directly from the air requires almost as many joules as those produced by burning the fossil fuel in the first place, writes Leigh Collins

  Tagged under: Carbon Capture and Storage

World's cheapest energy storage will be an iron-air battery, says Jeff Bezos-backed start-up | Recharge

  2021-07-23 in Recharge | Latest renewable energy news

Secretive US start-up Form Energy finally reveals the chemistry of its revolutionary long-duration battery — which it says will store energy at one tenth the co

  Tagged under: Batteries

Green hydrogen to overtake blue in energy transition cost race 'by 2030': IHS Markit

  2020-07-15 in Recharge | Latest renewable energy news

Ever-cheaper renewables-powered production points to it being lower-price than natural gas version by end of decade, says analyst

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Hydrogen

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