The Elephant

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Articles from this source (2)

Windermere: Bathing Water shambles

  2024-03-25 (or before) in

Petition update · This could be bad news... ·

  2023-03-20 (or before) in

In 2015, Fish Legal won a landmark case that secured the public’s right to obtain environmental information from privatised water companies under the EIR 2004. If the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill is enacted these regulations will be repealed.  If this route disappears water companies will be able to withhold data on sewage spills. This is incredibly important for everyone who is campaigning to clean up our freshwater hence why I ask you take two minutes to sign here  United Utilities constantly refuse to provide data which makes it incredibly difficult to scrutinise what's going on. If this h...

  Tagged under: Water Resources | Fish

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