The Elephant

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Source: Watts Up With That?


Articles from this source (3)

“Slow Disaster Playing Out” As Germany Moves To Shut Down 8.5 GW Of Baseload Nuclear Capacity

  2021-11-29 in Watts Up With That?

In just over a month, Germany will close 3 of its newest and best nuclear power plants and more than 4050 MW of electricity will disappear from northern Europe’s power grid. 4050 MW is equivalent t…

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power | Germany | Electricity | Electricity Grid

Climate Fury: “They don’t need the ravings of some pure, enlightened and woke capital city greenies” | Watts Up With That?

  2019-11-13 in Watts Up With That?

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Australia's Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack MP, who represents the rural seat of Riverina, is fed up with ignorant inner city greens trying to exploit Australia's ongoing bushfire catastrophe for political gain. Deputy PM slams people raising climate change in relation to NSW bushfiresBy David CroweNovember 11, 2019 — 8.33amDeputy Prime

  Tagged under: Bushfires | Climate Change | Rivers

Global Warming Energy Restrictions Threaten U.S. National Security | Watts Up With That?

  2019-03-20 in Watts Up With That?

March 5, 2019 By James Taylor Download the PDF A review of all risk factors reveals that imposing carbon dioxide restrictions on the U.S. economy would diminish, rather than enhance, American military preparedness. Global warming activists claim climate change poses a threat to America’s military and national security. Their primary assertion is that alleged negative

  Tagged under: Economics | Climate Change | Activism

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