The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Net Zero Watch - News on net zero


Articles from this source (4)

US formally exits Paris climate agreement as election hangs in balance - Net Zero Watch

  2020-11-04 (or before) in Net Zero Watch - News on net zero

But the outcome of the tight U.S. election contest will determine for how long. Trump’s Democratic rival, Joe Biden, has promised to rejoin the agreement if e

  Tagged under: Joe Biden | Donald Trump | Net Zero

Siberian Heatwaves Are Fairly Common: Hottest Summer On Record Was In 1917 - Net Zero Watch

  2020-07-17 in Net Zero Watch - News on net zero

Why do the BBC need three environmental reporters, when all they do is cut and paste the latest alarmist study without actually doing any cross checking or

  Tagged under: Heatwaves | Net Zero | Russia

Rupert Darwall: Net Zero Mania Threatens To Derail Our Lockdown Recovery - Net Zero Watch

  2020-05-05 in Net Zero Watch - News on net zero

When economies emerge from the pandemic, aggressive climate policies should be the priority, according to Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary and Boris

  Tagged under: Net Zero

Net Zero Watch - News on net zero

  2020-05-05 (or before) in Net Zero Watch - News on net zero

News and opinion on net zero - from climate change science, to energy policy, to the costs and the impact of net zero on the poor.

  Tagged under: Climate Change | Net Zero

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