The Elephant

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Source: New Atlas


Articles from this source (5)

Magnetite pollution is damaging our brains and causing Alzheimer's

  2024-03-07 in New Atlas

Air pollution in urban environments has long been associated with poor health. Breast cancer, immune dysfunction, osteoporosis, heart problems and dementia have all been linked to air pollution, however, understanding exactly how poor air quality is explicitly causing disease has been a challenge…

Advanced geothermal drilling is 70% faster and 50% cheaper than 2022

  2024-02-14 in New Atlas

Geothermal development company Fervo Energy has announced impressive strides being made at its Cape Station facility in southern Utah. The results could lead to a quicker and more widespread uptake of this super-clean energy production process.

  Tagged under: Geothermal Energy

Toroidal propellers: A noise-killing game changer in air and water

  2023-01-27 in New Atlas

These strangely-shaped twisted-toroid propellers look like a revolutionary (sorry) advance for the aviation and marine sectors. Radically quieter than traditional propellers in both air and water, they're also showing some huge efficiency gains.

Powdered sodium battery design promises a 15% leap in energy density

  2022-08-03 in New Atlas

With real uncertainty clouding the world's supply of lithium, alternative battery chemistries will be crucial as we continue our uptake of electric vehicles and mobile devices. One exciting candidate in this space is sodium-ion, and a research team in Russia has developed a novel battery of this…

  Tagged under: Renewable Energy | Lithium | Batteries | Russia

Fusion breakthrough as China's "artificial sun" reaches 100 million degrees

  2018-11-15 in New Atlas

The day of clean, limitless energy from nuclear fusion has taken another step closer after China's Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) reached a core plasma temperature of over 100 million degrees Celsius (180 million degrees Fahrenheit).

  Tagged under: Nuclear Power | China | Nuclear Fusion | Innovation

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