The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens
Sharp decline in cereal production in 2022
2023-11-08 in European CommissionIn 2022, an estimated 270.9 million tonnes of cereals were harvested across the EU. This was 26.7 million tonnes less than in 2021, the equivalent of a 9% decrease. France harvested 59.9 million tonnes of cereals in 2022; it was the largest cereal producer in the EU, contributing 22% of the EU
Tagged under: France
Scientists improving the ‘crystal ball’ for better climate predictions
2021-11-19 (or before) in European CommissionWhat will Earth be like in 50 or 100 years? To make such predictions, the closest thing we have to a crystal ball is data. ‘Climate models help make sense out of the current state of the climate,’ said Dr Debbie Rosen, a research manager at the University of Leeds. ‘They can also be used to understand how the climate changed in the past, and for projecting future change.’ With data, policymakers can enact effective policy responses.
Tagged under: Predictions | Climate Change | Innovation
CO₂ emission performance standards for cars and vans
2018-12-29 (or before) in European CommissionPassenger cars and vans ('light commercial vehicles') are respectively responsible for around 12% and 2.5% of total EU emissions of carbon...
Tagged under: Cars
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