The Elephant

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Topic: Kyoto Agreement

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166. Solving the Climate Crisis by Fixing the Politics of Kyoto Protocol and Paris Accords | Gerald Kutney - The Disruptors

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Gerald Kutney (@geraldkutney) is a climate scientist, professor, journalist/speaker, author and founder/consultant of 6esm, a C-level consulting firm focused on the bio-economy, renewable energy and the politics of the Kyoto Protocol and others like it.

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Gerald Kutney picks out some of the highlights from his book, Carbon Politics and the Failure of the Kyoto Protocol, published this month by Routledge. In this final instalment, he provides an over…

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1998 American Petroleum Institute Global Climate Science Communications Team Action Plan - Climate Files

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April 1998, American Petroleum Institute’s secret plan was leaked – the Global Climate Science Communications Plan. The plan was created just months after the Kyoto Protocol was signed in December 1997. It was developed by representatives from Exxon (specifically Randy Randol), Chevron, Southern Company and representatives from conservative and libertarian organizations. The plan includes a multimillion dollar, […]

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