The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens
The Polluter Elite Database
2019-06-16 in Why Green Economy?Dario Kenner, June 2019 We are currently at a moment of extreme and rising inequality in many countries around the world. Rarely are the links made between the extremely wealthy and the personal li…
The inequality of overconsumption: The ecological footprint of the richest
2015-11-24 in Why Green Economy?Extreme inequality and the wealth concentrated in the hands of the richest 1% is gaining increasing attention. However, these debates often do not include discussion of unsustainable levels of cons…
2012-10-28 in Why Green Economy?How do we deal with the world’s urgent interconnected economic and environmental crises? Different people are talking about the green economy as the solution – but not everyone agrees on what…
Tagged under: Economics | Renewable Energy
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