The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens
Climate Tipping Points: Insights for Effective Policy Action | en | OECD
2024-01-18 (or before) in OECDThis report reviews evidence that overshooting 1.5°C may push the earth over several tipping points, leading to irreversible and severe changes in the climate system. If triggered, tipping point impacts will rapidly cascade through socio-economic and...
Tagged under: Tipping Points
Climate Tipping Points: Insights for Effective Policy Action | en | OECD | OCDE
2023-12-09 (or before) in OECDThis report reviews evidence that overshooting 1.5°C may push the earth over several tipping points, leading to irreversible and severe changes in the climate system. If triggered, tipping point impacts will rapidly cascade through socio-economic and...
Tagged under: Climate Change Impacts | Tipping Points
Carbon dioxide emissions embodied in international trade - OECD
2020-01-20 (or before) in OECDFeed the Elephant - email us your links and listings
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