The Elephant

The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens

Source: Professor Jem Bendell - Deep Adaptation to societal breakdown


Articles from this source (15)

No More Warnings Needed – an intransigent managerial class must be sidestepped

  2024-07-03 in Professor Jem Bendell - Deep Adaptation to societal breakdown

Six hundred and seventy-four scholars from 53 countries, believe that “Only if policymakers begin to discuss this threat of societal collapse might communities and nations begin to prepare and so r…

  Tagged under: Collapse

Predicting Financial Collapse (and what to do about it)

  2024-06-05 in Professor Jem Bendell - Deep Adaptation to societal breakdown

In this guest essay, the author considers the many warnings of a financial collapse, how likely it is, and how to prepare. The writer emphasizes the vulnerabilities of the financial system, the ris…

  Tagged under: Collapse

Stubborn optimism in an era of collapse

  2024-02-09 in Professor Jem Bendell - Deep Adaptation to societal breakdown

The weak but well-funded arguments for techno-optimism in the face of climate chaos have kept on coming. In response to such deluded, misleading and anti-radical ‘hopes’, I decided to l…

  Tagged under: Collapse

Clouds of suffering can have silver linings – reflections on childhood.

  2024-02-04 in Professor Jem Bendell - Deep Adaptation to societal breakdown

I know that when I’m anxious I’m not the wisest or kindest version of myself. Because that is the same for most of us, collapse-anticipators fear how people might make difficult situations a …

  Tagged under: Collapse | Children

A climate of trauma

  2023-11-26 in Professor Jem Bendell - Deep Adaptation to societal breakdown

As over 60,000 people arrive in Dubai this week, for the latest trade fair and career fest at the end of the world, I wish to offer some reflections on why such environmentally useless gatherings a…

Collapse is the word on the street (just not online)

  2023-09-14 in Professor Jem Bendell - Deep Adaptation to societal breakdown

Every 4 months or so, the Deep Adaptation Review is released as a free summary of recent and relevant information on collapse risk, readiness and response. 12,000 people receive it. In my editorial…

  Tagged under: Collapse

Why we must ALL challenge authoritarian views in green politics

  2023-06-03 in Professor Jem Bendell - Deep Adaptation to societal breakdown

Are authoritarian views worthy of consideration within environmentalism as the conditions worsen around us? Or are they wrong both in principle and tactics? An excerpt from Breaking Together.

4 better or 4 worse? As XR nears its ‘big one’

  2023-04-19 in Professor Jem Bendell - Deep Adaptation to societal breakdown

Four years ago I stood by the pink boat of truth in Oxford Circus to give the opening speech at the international rebellion against governmental crimes against humanity for inaction on the ecologic…

  Tagged under: Extinction Rebellion

I was wrong to conclude collapse is inevitable…

  2023-04-17 in Professor Jem Bendell - Deep Adaptation to societal breakdown

I was wrong to conclude collapse is inevitable… because when I was concluding that, it had already begun. That is the conclusion from 2 years of interdisciplinary analysis. An audio version o…

  Tagged under: Collapse

BREAKING TOGETHER – a freedom-loving response to collapse

  2023-04-08 in Professor Jem Bendell - Deep Adaptation to societal breakdown

I hope you are having, or had, a good Easter weekend. I’m here to tell you that my magnum opus is available for pre-order! “Breaking Together – a freedom-loving response to collapse” is out a…

  Tagged under: Collapse

Climate Honesty – are we ‘beyond catastrophe’?

  2022-11-06 in Professor Jem Bendell - Deep Adaptation to societal breakdown

This is an essay that responds critically to the widely read essay in the New York Times that appears to be calming the nerves of climate professionals here at COP27 and beyond. It is a 20-minute r…

  Tagged under: COP27

If guys with guns are talking about collapse, why can’t we?

  2020-11-11 in Professor Jem Bendell - Deep Adaptation to societal breakdown

Thanks to Hollywood, we have all seen stories of near apocalyptic futures, where people descend into violence and depravity. We have also seen sensationalist, even racist, TV news reporting on loot…

  Tagged under: Collapse

Hope in a time of climate chaos – a speech to psychotherapists

  2019-11-03 in Professor Jem Bendell - Deep Adaptation to societal breakdown

Keynote speech on eco anxiety to professional psychotherapists

  Tagged under: Climate Anxiety and Grief

The Spiritual Invitation of Climate Chaos

  2019-11-01 in Professor Jem Bendell - Deep Adaptation to societal breakdown

What is the role of religion and spirituality in helping humanity respond to the tragic situation we face with rapid climate change?

  Tagged under: Religion

Six Months of the Deep Adaptation Forum

  2019-09-09 in Professor Jem Bendell - Deep Adaptation to societal breakdown

A review of some of what the Deep Adaptation Forum is doing 6 months after launch in March 2019.

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