The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens
Humans are responsible for a significant amount of CO2 in the atmosphere | Fact check
2023-06-26 in USA TodayThe atmosphere is roughly 0.04% CO2, but humans have contributed about one-third of that since 1850.
They pulled 63,000 pounds of trash from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, but that's just the start
2021-11-04 (or before) in USA TodayA half-mile long trash-trapping system named \
Tagged under: Oceans | Pacific Ocean
Greenland's ice sheet is melting so fast, it's raising sea levels and creating global flood risk
2021-11-04 (or before) in USA TodayThe second-largest ice sheet in the world has lost 3.5 trillion tons of ice in the past decade, and more could be in store by the end of the century.
Tagged under: Ice Melting | Sea Level
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