The climate change and environmental emergency: a comprehensive resource for journalists, politicians, policy makers, activists and citizens
Policymakers - Berkeley Earth
2023-01-13 (or before) in Berkeley Earth - Environmental science, data, and analysis of the highest qualityIndependent, non-governmental, and open-sourceThe world is facing unprecedented climate disruption, and the challenge facing COP26 delegates is immense; urgent collective action is needed to make meaningful progress towards meeting the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to well below 2.0°C. Berkeley Earth has curated a selection of resources below to help policymakers and other stakeholders navigate the […]
Tagged under: COP26
June 2022 Temperature Update - Berkeley Earth
2022-07-19 by in Berkeley Earth - Environmental science, data, and analysis of the highest qualityIndependent, non-governmental, and open-sourceJuly 2021 was the 3rd warmest July since record-keeping began in 1850. This year is projected to be around the 7th warmest year overall.
Environmental science, data, and analysis of the highest qualityIndependent, non-governmental, and open-source. - Berkeley Earth
2022-07-18 (or before) in Berkeley Earth - Environmental science, data, and analysis of the highest qualityIndependent, non-governmental, and open-sourceBerkeley Earth is the only source of reliable, independent, non-governmental, and unbiased scientific data and analysis of the highest quality.
Global Temperature Report for 2021 – Berkeley Earth
2022-01-15 (or before) in Berkeley Earth - Environmental science, data, and analysis of the highest qualityIndependent, non-governmental, and open-sourceFeed the Elephant - email us your links and listings
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